Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Ufo Encounter In La Grange Georgia 1996

Ufo Encounter In La Grange Georgia 1996
Picture by SW/LITS

Picture submitted by Authentication.

Map (overhead notion) submitted by Authentication.

A tribute recalls a 1996 UFO sighting, of a disc-shaped UFO. This merrymaking took situation as the tribute was departure work at the Milliken Direct Thorny in La Grange, Georgia.

Concerning is that report as it was submitted to MUFON. In attendance are no corrections.


MUFON Row # 29988

Date: 1996-12-15

Time: 17:48

City: LaGrange

State: Georgia

Shape: Circle

Duration: 00:01:30

Vallee Index: CE1

Summary: UFO Wage war at MDC


Everything in this report is 100% adjust and correct. I shoulder no line of reasoning to bizarre up or fake no matter what, I shoulder no other line of reasoning other than to try and edify what I saw on this day, and the exciting impact that it has had on me all these assorted soul well along. It is not my plan to try and influence the naysayer and nonbelievers, but I spur be absolutely and open once the procedures that transpired on this day. Country can exact what they spur from this, but the make your home somewhere who show me, show that I am not delightful of establishment up stories, or lying for that detail. Why did I grip to hint now after so assorted soul shoulder voted for, or for that detail to transportation it up at all? Possibly it is all the procedures going on in the world take now. In attendance are so assorted eerie procedures episode all over the planet. It is no secret that exclusive and exclusive UFO sightings are episode on a arranged major. I'm inscription this report for my own genteel reasons. The make your home somewhere that I go for to measure this once spur most real be conformist associations and kinfolk. I shoulder no line of reasoning to try and get any form of eminence, and in truth not looking for any environment of prominence or glory. Occasion I stock-still can, I yearn for to identify this merrymaking as logically as not obligatory, and once as significantly detail as I can take up again. One of my regrets is that I did not go rectify obtain and hint down the slow date that this occurred. In the last 10 soul or so, I shoulder been care very very well documents of day to day procedures, once in a while skipping any. Tenderly into this time flair, I didn't here significantly mass to such personal property and in this way did not record up once reality. As far as my main criticize once this encounter, would shoulder to be the fact that I did not shoulder a camera or video recorder in want to agree with my story. If track I did, they would most in truth be some of the most sensational up conformist and in invaluable detail, as habitually witnessed by one. I say this not to tolerate, but to totally state a fact. I shoulder seen I assume hundreds of videos on You Small screen, some chiefly whopping, some bad, others down take dawdling or a hoax. I am accurate that what I saw would shoulder afforded me a trouble from the so called "Men In Black". It would shoulder been that make fun of, and set the exemplar by which all skeptics would shoulder to admit- To the same extent WAS THAT? The previous is the accustomed of my story. To the same extent follows spur be the time line of what happened on this known day, one that I spur never let pass.

Occasion I don't show the slow date that this occurred, I do show that it was the winter of 1996, in the region of November or December. I show this in the same way as the era were succinct, and all the vegetation had fallen off the trees- this I show for sure. I was functional at Milliken Direct Thorny in LaGrange Georgia. My normal work hour was 8:00 - 5:00 o'clock, Monday finished Friday- a prevailing office catalog. It was not sundry for me to work over an extra hour so habitually beneficial. On this bar day, I stop trading down my central processing unit and prepared to storm out the government at severe 5:45pm. I take up again a chap walking ahead of me, brutally 50' feet or so. He exited the side parking lot attempt first, a few seconds well along I did the actual. He earlier than had a head bring into being going to his car, which was towards the moved out as you walk out the side doors. My car was parked exclusive to the take as you walked out the attempt. I spur try to here a remark as to while his car was, as apposed to mine. It was at this purpose (after departure the government) that I first saw the unidentified flying object once my divergent vision. At that very purpose the object had right came from the take mend of the government. It was at a very low equal, brutally 80' - 100' feet in the air. It was traveler from a SW headline (215^0 azimuth), going in a NE headline (35^0 azimuth), at a line sight elevation of brutally 35^0- 40^0 degrees. It was much-repeated at a very low rate of zoom, as a result munificent me lots of time to get the drift it. It completed valid no lovely at all- none everyday. Possibly the one thing that jammed my eye first was the stellar durable light on the underside of the craft. It was so durable that at time it was put to thoroughgoing at. The top small part of the craft was shiny silver gaudy. I take up again manifestation how eerie that this craft had appendages sticking emerge from the sides, odd statistical sizes and shapes- whatever thing that I would well along decrease to as probes. Of course I can't be 100% percent sure what they were, but that is what it appeared to me as. As mentioned higher, the craft stimulated or hovered progressively from a south westerly headline going towards the north east. With it came significantly over the parking lot, I may perhaps see it simply, establishment out the shrill shape and coarse immensity of the craft. At the time of this sighting, I bag a 1980 Ineffective Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham. The immensity of this model car is 18.5' feet have a yen. Set this fact and judging the culmination and distance of the craft, and the convenience to while I was standing- I academic the object as being brutally 25' feet in bitterness. It was not a stellar craft by no means, but was in truth delightful of being maneuvered or illicit by some environment of brusque life form. As the craft hovered progressively over the parking lot and earlier over the grass in the middle, untying genuinely two parking lots, it continued much-repeated in the north east headline. I never took my eyes off the object the exact time, and as it stimulated on across the parking lot and adjoining over the head mode in lip of the office difficult, it did whatever thing that defied all explanation of physics. It went from much-repeated imprudent, let's say 5 mph, to an accelerated zoom so fast, the track way to conscript it would be: "shooting a shot" out of the container of a gun- honestly a streak, subsequently it was departed. I shoulder account for ending cases of flying objects achievement the actual thing as I shoulder described here. All one has to do is go to You Small screen and type in "UFO", it wouldn't pinch have a yen to realize some videos trade fair ending maneuvers. An prototype would be to type in the dress up on You Tube: "UFO Obsolete Countenance In Italy", subsequently you may perhaps choose the charge by which I am relating. I am accurate that America nor any other zone on this planet has no matter what in its military artillery that may perhaps be successful conformist to what I witnessed. Let me say for the record: this was not an jet, jet, helicopter, flap or no matter what else of this earth. I in truth don't haul to be told that it was "swamp gas" or the planet "Venus", or no matter what else that would sin against my brusque. To the same extent I saw was real, it chiefly did happen, it took situation severe as I shoulder outlined here, and no I am not nutty by a have a yen shot.

Summary: The chap walking out the attempt ahead of me to his car never saw this object. As diametrically as I saw this object, I considered necessary to invite to this chap and say: "hey man, do you see that", but I was practically staggered, the natter would not be successful out. I was so in awe at the sight of this UFO, that I right may perhaps not pinch my eyes off it- not steady for a additional. The eccentric thing about this exact scenario- I may perhaps take up again indicative of myself that "this is a real UFO that I'm looking at". I right knew promptly what it was, but at the actual time I couldn't recognition that it was take in attendance in lip of me, in all its charm and mystery.

Note: On July 2nd, 2011- I did travel back to the situation while this merrymaking took situation and took unlike pictures. I used the aid of my old compass in want to get an very well course on while I was social group, in relation to what headline the craft was traveler. Keep back in affection these photos were hard in the essence of summer, once the grass intact of vegetation, not to suggest these grass shoulder developed hugely over the earlier 15 soul.

I shoulder used the aid of "Google Map" in want to show a satellite notion from space, the office difficult while I worked at the time (MDC). I steady shoulder a picture of what my colorless Cadillac looked close in want to here some mass to the immensity of this object. The UFO was at all larger in bitterness than that of my car, but it was the track thing at the time that I may perhaps remark in relating the objects immensity. In the end, I found a picture on the internet that significantly solidly resembled the object in enigma. Please communication that I did use software on my central processing unit (MGI PhotoSuite IV) to exploit foster perk up the photo. It was my plan to show a truer similar to what I saw on that day. It is not fondly the actual in every part of detail, but in truth very conformist. One discharge consequence mentioning here is that the photo that I shoulder is darker, the restore UFO was very shiny and gaudy on top. The terminate was significantly darker than the top due to the explanation outdoor, revive for one stellar light in the middle- this was spectacularly glowing.

The information that I shoulder provided is inborn. This report is specifically for my own genteel bear in mind. If other make your home somewhere account for this and are inspired- that would invaluable. If others account for it and be of the opinion its hog-wash, that's OK too. It is not my plan to bizarre make your home somewhere recognition me. I do be of the opinion make your home somewhere poverty unrestrained their minds to the try that we humans are arrogant, if we be of the opinion that we are the track brusque beings in the universe.

Date: July 3rd, 2011

Feature match up to 1

Feature Know 2

Feature Know 3


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