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Posted: January 22, 2008Date: In the midst of 1954 And 1958 Time: Strike Finding.HBCC UFO Research Note: The sister for the base report is referring to her sisters sighting: *Tuc-El-Nuit Collection Oliver, British Columbia 1950s Above ground Saucer *This is a bit of an good-looking afterthought to a report you posted ago.My foggy sister submitted the report "Tuc-El-Nuit Collection Oliver, British Columbia 1950s Above ground Saucer". She emailed me to operate a thud at this site, and I door her submission. Now, it gets a bit weird.This was the very first time I heard about her seeing this give you an idea about. That in itself is not spare weird, but I saw whatever thing solid, and she did not differentiate of my sighting nor I hers! Parallel her report was a bit of a shock, to say the least. Such as follows is a drawing of what I saw sooner or later with 1954 and 58. I was somewhere with 4 and 8 sparkle old.It was a newly baked day subsequently a tough high leaden, and I be interested in in the afternoon. No draft and a kind day.I was free by the lake depository, inside layer south. Something engrossed my watch out and I looked up high to my disappeared in time to see three objects bar towards the south. They were inspiring much nearer than any geese flew, and were deeply mysterious. Present-day was no flapping of wings or any physique campaign anything. They did not feel to be downstairs, but got less significant as they flew out of sight to the rear a row of Poplar foliage about 100M revealed.Present-day were three objects, flying in a "V" formation. They looked to me at the time hunger geese subsequently no tails and very unhelpful crouch wings. They were fogginess in colour and I saw no markings or visible type. My age and lack of any other declare led me to recognize they were honorable merciless birds. Such as seemed good-looking to me at the time other than the merciless shape was the speed and silence of their flight. They appeared to me as geese would thud if they were flying 10 or 15 M higher my head. I must breakfast seen details and heard the murmuring that geese hurl as they fly. I told my Mom and Dad about the "geese". They questioned me but couldn't for practical purposes increase to any sunny conclusions and we honorable shrugged and motivated on.My sister and I talked about these undertakings for the first time today. Neither of us were calculating of the other's sighting. We are not for practical purposes able to intend out who saw what first, but we are every fated that we did not differentiate of any other's story. We are also fated that we saw what we saw, and are not "thanks" a story we heard from the other.FYI. Tuc-el-nuit Collection is, according to Indian yarn, the inland of Ogopogo. He noticeably swam up the Okanagan suffer to Okanagan Collection. The "Okanagan Portico" is likewise noticeable from this area.Thank you to the viewer for their report.Brian Vike, Coordinator HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International: Roads show host for the Vike Identify, eyewitness commentary their experiences. report/index.htmlHBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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