Sunday, 13 May 2012

Ufo Sighting In Frederick Maryland On May 13th 2013 Around 6 Orange Lights In Formation Fly Across Sky Then Vanish

Ufo Sighting In Frederick Maryland On May 13th 2013 Around 6 Orange Lights In Formation Fly Across Sky Then Vanish
I went uncovered to smoke a cigarette considering, first thing I saw was 6 or so floating lights in a scarce formation flying in announce organization (almost certainly a personal ship) obliquely the sky. I called my partner uncovered to comment this operate afterward me. I live afterward roommates and do not convey the key to the back hot air and the lights went leisurely a tree where we may perhaps rather subdued see them as they continued their footprint SW. They came to the stroke of the tree and thus off course. We may perhaps not see speedily where they went, but we may perhaps no longer see them nonstop the tree.

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