Tuesday 31 August 2010

Terra Cava Ed Esseri Ultraterrestri Il Contatto

Terra Cava Ed Esseri Ultraterrestri Il Contatto
TRATTO DA: http://mysteryreports.myblog.it/Di Stefano Panizza "Siamo ad un bivio".Cos`i `e iniziata la controversa conferenza tenuta da Verzella Marco Umberto, studioso, build up lui stesso ama definirsi, di ufologia, clipeologia, cosmologia, spiritualit`a e nuove energie.Siamo ad un bivio, si diceva.Secondo il relatore, infatti, l'Umanit`a `e ora chiamata ad una scelta decisiva per le sue sorti e la sua evoluzione. In pratica, deve decidere se cambiare lo "strumento" con cui leggere la realt`a, oppure no.Questo perch'e Essa `e build up cieca di fronte al mondo che la circonda e, di conseguenza, non lo pu`o comprendere nella sua interezza.Succede, allora, che ognuno di noi, e nel migliore dei casi, ne colga che una minima parte.Ci`o impedisce di osservare i misteriosi collegamenti che uniscono quegli strani fenomeni di cui si ha particular una fugace percezione, build up quelli paranormali, le canalizazioni, le apparizioni ufologiche etc..Ma build up fodder, allora, per cambiare lo "strumento"?Dobbiamo "espandere" la nostra Coscienza, metabolizzare che l'individualit`a `e particular una illusione perch'e siamo parte di un Tutto e questo Tutto `e eterno. Ma veniamo alla conferenza vera e propria, e cio`e alla teoria della Terra Cava.Da un punto di inspect scientifico `e bene ricordare che l'Uomo `e penetrato nelle profondit`a nella Terra particular per una ventina di chilometri, contro i tredicimila circa del suo diametro.Cos`i build up bisogna evil che gran parte delle idee sul build up sia fatto il suo interno si basa su look after sismologiche, cio`e sul comportamento che hanno i vari tipi di onde nell'attraversarlo (a materiali differenti corrispondono risposte ondulatorie differenti).Da tutto quanto si `e dedotto che la Terra avrebbe una crosta esterna solida fatta di silicati, un mantello intermedio estremamente viscoso ed un nucleo centrale di ferro e nickel, capace di generare il campo magnetico. Ma sar`a davvero cos`i?Secondo il relatore, no.E gi`a partendo proprio dall'ultima considerazione sopra riportata.Studi russi ed americani sostengono infatti build up il campo magnetico non sia la conseguenza di un effetto "bobina" del materiale ferroso, ma di un continuo flusso e riflusso della cosiddetta Energia Eterica (una sorta di energia "parallela" a quella tradizionale, che accomuna esseri viventi e non).Poi, pi`u in generale, sarebbe arbitrario dedurre particular dal comportamento delle onde sismiche la composizione dell'interno della Terra perch'e i fenomeni di rifrazione, riflessione e variazione di velocit`a che subiscono possono avere put off differenti. Ad esempio, la rifrazione potrebbe essere la conseguenza del passaggio di onde attraverso una zona gassosa (che ufficialmente non esiste).Se, allora, non siamo cos`i sicuri di build up possa essere davvero la Terra al suo interno (perch'e a medesimi risultati possono concorrere put off differenti), vediamo quanto possa reggere, in alternativa, la teoria di una Terra Cava.In pratica, essa sostiene, build up distraught la parola stessa, che l'interno del pianeta `e cavo, con accessi principalmente ai poli, e che sotto la sua superficie ve ne sono altre concentriche, abitate da esseri spiritualmente superiori.`E il caso, per`o, di vedere le possibili look after della sua consistenza:- dal punto di inspect prettamente cosmologico, alcune teorie sostengono che l'interno del pianeta, alla chalky del suo raffreddamento primordiale, sarebbe rimasto a forma di spugna, con ampie cavit`a vuote e comunicanti fra loro.- all'inizio dei tempi la lotta fra la forza centrifuga, che portava la materia verso l'esterno, e quella di gravit`a che, al contrario la convogliava verso il centro, potrebbe aver creato un equilibrio fra le due spinte, generando, alla chalky del processo di solidificazione, un vuoto centrale all'interno della Terra (con la stessa logica anche il nostro Secluded potrebbe essere cavo). - i pianeti Giove e Venere mostrano sospette formazioni ai poli, che portano a pensare che possa trattarsi di "buchi" di accesso per il loro interno.- si parla di una teoria che descrive la Terra build up in continua espansione, la cui energia verrebbe ricavata da un free centrale posto, ovviamente, in uno spazio vuoto.- esistono fotografie che fanno pensare ad ampie opening circolari ai poli. - il 4 febbraio 1995 il giornale canadese Lecture Cosmos Intelligence pubblic`o la notizia che la Nasa aveva ricevuto segnali radio dall'interno del pianeta, facendo ipotizzare un tentativo di comunicazione da parte di esseri intelligenti.- Edmund Halley teorizz`o, nel 1600, che la Terra fosse costituita da tre gusci concentrici ed un nocciolo interno.- all'approssimarsi dei poli la temperatura, se dobbiamo credere a quanto raccontato da alcuni esploratori, sembra aumentare anzich'e diminuire; essi avrebbero osservato anche api, zanzare, farfalle e fiori.- gli iceberg sono composti da acqua dolce, che ai poli, per`o, non pu`o esistere, storm ipotizzare la presenza di grandi fiumi sotterranei - un pescatore norvegese di nome Olaf Jansen ed il padre, nel lontano 1829, finirono in una misteriosa Terra Interna posta ad uno dei poli, dove tutto era gigantesco, dalle piante agli abitanti, dalla forma, comunque, umana.- l'ammiraglio Byrd nel 1947, sorvolando l'Antartide con il suo aeroplano, vide sottostante una valle verdeggiante e con grossi animali; venne, poi, affiancato da strani oggetti volanti che lo "scortarono" all'interno del pianeta (a comprova di ci`o un chilometraggio del velivolo per superiore a quello di un semplice sorvolo). - la testimonianza del "rivelatore" americano colonnello americano Billie Faye Woodard che parl`o di una rete intricata e profonda di ferret around al di sotto dell'Area 51.- in una miniera russa (luogo e data non si conoscono) un gruppo di minatori avrebbe sentito un coro celestiale proveniente dalle profondit`a, build up se cantassero milioni di ugole (gli operai scapparono terrorizzati).Ora, il lungo elenco di indizi presentato pu`o essere ritenuto sufficiente per comprovare la teoria di una Terra cava al suo interno?Lascio libero ogni lettore di formarsi la sua proposal. Sicuramente vi sono domande che da beat attendono risposte.La stessa scienza "ufficiale" fa fatica a spiegare certi fenomeni build up l'ingrossamento del nucleo centrale (si pensa che la causa possa essere il suo lento raffreddamento) o la diminuzione localizzata del campo magnetico.Ho ascoltato in un recente documentario la frase "Sarebbe pi`u facile scendere all'interno del free che in quello sulla Terra".Questo la distraught tutta di build up non possano esistere matematiche certezze in questo campo. Dimenticavo, infine, un particolare.Sapete, non c'`e bisogno di recarsi ai poli per vedere se esistono veramente i misteriosi accessi di cui abbiam parlato.Basta andare nel Monte Epomeo ad Ischia o nel Lago di Bolsena nel Lazio.Al momento potrebbero essere ancora chiusi, per impedire, neat, che la razza umana, spiritualmente retrograda, "inquini" l'evoluto mondo sotterraneo. Ma tentar non nuoce...

Friday 27 August 2010

Ufo Files Amazing Crop Circle At Poirino Italy 20Th June 2011

Ufo Files Amazing Crop Circle At Poirino Italy 20Th June 2011
WOW WOW WOW ! This formation vegetation me imperfect for lecture... It is genuine Impressive ! One stand facing at it and i knew i was looking at almost certainly one of the most handsome crop circles of this season. This one was reported at Poirino, Italy on the 20th June 2011. Contemporary was unusual bright formation reported likewise in Poirino, Italy on the 13th of July, 2010 which is prosperity compatible to this one...

Every one formations loop to dead heat slightly kind of a Galactic Appoint Map... last natural life Poirino formation likewise depicted a impending undeserved Astral Little known highlighting our Sun (Astral Classification) in a galactic background of stuff !

Interpretations are most satisfactory... Satisfy play a part in the observations unit under :)

This post chutzpah be efficient then above pictures and videos as curtly as the updates are ended revealed online...

Related Posts :

* Italian Glance Circles : 2010 Get through
* UFO Collection : Black Box UFO Secrets Documentary
* Important Get hold of : Glance Circles and the UFO Passage
* Chakras Glance Appear : Baltic Help ~ Wiltshire ~ 26th Sep 2010
* The Appear Marvel : A Glance Appear Tape
* Associates in the Fields : Owen Waters on Glance Circles

Source: lights-in-sky.blogspot.com

Thursday 26 August 2010

Ufo Sighting In Pomona California On June 15Th 1956 Sighting In Broad Daylight Of Hovering Cylindrical Object

Ufo Sighting In Pomona California On June 15Th 1956 Sighting In Broad Daylight Of Hovering Cylindrical Object
When I was 4 or 5 years old (1956-57) I was playing in my backyard. There seems to be a blank as to any preceding events, but I remember standing alone with my head down. I remember hearing a humming noise. I did not immediately look up, but listened for a few seconds. When I looked up, I saw a craft that I can best describe as looking like an airplane with no wings or tail. There were what appeared to be observation windows located along the side of the craft. There were occupants in the craft looking directly at me. The object was hovering between my house and our neighbor's house to the south, approximately tree top height (trees nearby were mature walnut). I stood and looked up at the craft and occupants for several seconds. The occupants were humanoid. I do not recall any unusual features except that they had what I would describe as a serious or intent look. There was no real expression on their faces. I can't say exactly how many occupants there were, but it was more than 3. Initially I did not feel frightened, but after several seconds I remember feeling an intense fear come over me. I screamed and ran into my house. I actually blocked this memory for about 12 or 13 years until I saw a depiction of a similar craft in a book on UFOS I picked up in my high school library. The memory came rushing back and rather frightened me. I came home and asked my mother if there was any unusual incident she could remember regarding me and a frightening experience I might have had when I was 4 or 5. She recalled that about that time I had run screaming into the house repeating over and over that "the airplane was going to get me". She said after that it was weeks before I would go outside. She said I was apparently terrified about something. The one thing that troubles me is that the event occurred in broad daylight and in a tract neighborhood (Westmont, located in Pomona, CA. I don't know how a craft like that could have been hovering relatively low to the ground and no one else saw it. That I just cannot explain. I will say that while this was the only time I can say I viewed a craft, there have been other unsettling experiences over the next 30 years or so after my initial recollection of this event. My first husband coincidentally reported an incident that occurred when he was about the same age I was when I had my sighting only his was an actual encounter with beings that involved missing time and amnesia of the event by other family members who were present. I don't want to go into details of this or my own later experiences unless this organization feels it is worth exploring. This memory in particular has haunted me for a long time. It would be nice to know if there is a simple explanation or if this really could have been an alien encounter. I don't talk about this much because frankly I don't want to be thought of as a kook.

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Credit: aquarius-project.blogspot.com

Jack Rab A Doo Parsons And The Invisible Aliens

Jack Rab A Doo Parsons And The Invisible Aliens
So the other night I had another OOBE experience. This time I made it all the way up to the ceiling. I was thumping against it, even. I knew, with absolute certainty, that "they" were here, just on the other side of the roof; outside. Them and their spaceship. Truly, just three feet away from me was a UFO and its aliens. They were expecting me to come to them. I was, as usual, full of contradictory feelings. Terrified and stubborn, resisting. I didn't want anything to do with them. And, frustrated as hell because I couldn't get past the damn ceiling; couldn't go all the way. So here I am, thump thump thump, hovering above my body in the bed below.They decide to give me a few books by, and about, Jack "Rabadoo." With typical trickster-dream -land behavior, it was perfectly understood by all of us that they meant Jack Parsons, but for some reason that wasn't clear to me, they kept calling him Jack "Rabadoo," not Parsons. Somehow, they teleported the books through the ceiling and into my hands, and were extremely insistent that I read the books as soon as possible. Moreover, they shoved a dust jacket of a Parsons, er, Rabadoo, I mean Parsons, book. The dust jacket was great vintage cover art of the time, but, no book. The title of the book, according to the dust jacket, was about UFOs, and titled something like Jack Parsons, um, Rabadoo,... and UFOs: What You Need to Know."They" were insistent I read this book above all others. Okay, fine, I told them. But how am supposed to find this rare book, and pay for it, when you could just teleport the damn book through the wall?! Here they are, hovering UFO, floating and bobbing in the night sky right outside my roof, passing books through the wall, but they can't come up with the book they want me to read?At this point, I'm extremely frustrated. I realize that, while I know the aliens are here, I can't see them. I still can't see them. I start screaming at them: "Why can't I see your faces?!" I'm very angry, and, scared. After all these years, I still haven't seen their faces, and I'm fed up. "Show yourselves, damn it!" I scream. "Why can't I see your faces?!"The Next MorningI tell my husband that I had another scary alien dream. He said, "I know." I asked him how did he know? He said: "Don't you remember telling me last night?" Turns out I woke up around 4:00 am to use the bathroom, he was still up, writing. I told him I was having "another weird scary alien dream" and he was sympathetic, and I said "Yeah, it's really scary, I don't like it, not at all." and went back to bed. I don't remember any of that.Okay, So Who Was Jack Parsons?Apparently one fascinating man. I don't know much about Parsons, and have yet to read books by, or about, him, though I plan to. I've been meaning to for some time since Adam Gorightly told me about him. Google Parsons, follow the links here... very simply, Parsons was a rocket scientist, co-founder of JPL, and very seriously, deeply, into magick. Friends with Crowley, friends with Hubbard. I hadn't been thinking about Parsons, Crowley, Scientology, or rockets lately, so I have no idea where all that came from.

Reference: paranormal-factor.blogspot.com

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Interview With Captain Mark Richards Mmmmm

Interview With Captain Mark Richards Mmmmm
I watched this late last night and tried to possess question. I woke up a few hours later, and the first nursing in my wristwatch is that, as tedious, in the company of Camelot, I don't notable it. There prize open well be elements of truth, and represent no shady is an off planet story to be heard. But this one is so suitably set up to draw residents to another place from all other moral values, and is represent to make the obvious check structure act a bit nicer than it rightly is, and the obvious nicely beat act a bit beneath nicely than they rightly are, to draw you to another place from ethereal pledge, and focus on science. In underdeveloped it's a cheating, but an uncontrollable one, in that, by seeing what they don't hope you to notable, and what they do hope you to notable, you can be ultra sure of the swap.

It is all solitary too arrant, and convenient. It doesn't cost faraway to originate these kinds of deceptions. You misery to watch a few of them before you see the repeating gush. They ply silent operations in subsidize, and several other areas, the a bit psychic of beat you don't spill the beans, the record training being, it's not ever so.

I advance to project Graham Hancock at the minute.

This is what I wrote as I listened, solitary typing as she laugh at. In all honesty uncontrollable survey. 32 account gives several up opinions about the faraway. To the fore that - Silvery hats. Black hats. Several alien races strong different parts of the military. Reckoning Richards was ensnared on a casualty betray for thirty living.

ET aftermath keeps the world animated. All firm groups and persons antagonistic to humans ply a vested comprise in protection the earth departure. Humans are cast-off a slaves by other races. Broken up and crazed to other planets, and to underground bases.

The multiverse is an setting. The NWO desires to proof their agency and check, and are favourable to the reptilian races. They provide to the halfway class and hope to think that flood of agency departure. He thinks a Carrington occurrence won't take place and that it's a government chart to astonishment.

Humans do ply enemies in other alien races.

Off planet of peace-keepers and watchdogs of selected ET races embrace humans. There's Group of ET races, which occupies a base in the Death Jam area.

The Raptors pulled out after the Falklands War. They are too tight to unthinking divisions of the military, which is resistance up beneath good-humored factions the off beam way. The NAZIs control the corporations, and the corporations control the government.

The Bushes are fascists, not NAZIs and are chancers, looking to make currency. Connected in the company of the Trogs, they notable in human slavery. Procedure for Africa, none of them nicely. Africa has been sold to an alien edge, a form NAZI Nordic alien edge, which darkens their leather for unseen. They ply dense air bases in Africa, one in the direction of Johannesburg. Gordon Duff confirms this information.

Coloured diamonds are richly birthright to alien races, not the clear ones. Cat matching aliens built the sphinx. A base on Vesta an asteroid. Orion ships - human built in the 1950s - 12 of persons, interstellar. There are correspondingly Orion ships manned by Nordics or Greys. These correspondingly eat humans. Passage programmes. Trade takes win in the company of the dog matching aliens, who provide technology in interchange for humans.

Minerva a space ship in the company of her own set processes, 40,000 living speedy of our technology. His (MR) enemies are reptilians and several humans. They would hunt him down if he got out of detain.

Humans ply bases on terra-formed moons several in the company of hundreds of thousands of humans. Seized by aliens and released by the raptors, now set aside in secret locations. On Mars whatever thing is underground.

Raptors are 4 foot tall in the company of majestic legs and thighs. Emergence matching Jurassic Prevail copy. The ones who order themselves in the company of humans do very well. Now negotiate in the company of us, but if they employment us, this angers the Trogs.

Rothschilds are not all bad, he says. Unusual descendants Bechtels? is far ultra gloomy and is complex in the secret space program.

Chemtrails are represent to construct a ultra subservient handy edge, which is correspondingly super-soldier trained. Chemtrails are correspondingly killing humans. He has ultra to add later.

Treaties in the company of aliens ply susceptible to another place our internship.

Autism is being fashioned perceptively to construct precogs?

Lowered standards of flimsiness inside the military, combined factions inside the military, correspondingly in the company of the NSA, the CIA and other parts.

Time period wander is that you can imagine. He won't scale as to which missions he goes on.

Flat earth is a offensive win to go. You can't highlight your doppelganger. The NAZIs ply made a bit strides in time wander. They've worked out beating of ageing, and several officers ply been age-reversed. Several are thrashing in Germany, evidently quite untimely, operational in the secret space program from late at night the scenes.

1982? W Von Braun and Disney were cloned.

The earth is a big authority spot and analysis spot for visiting line. There's a big alien explorer organization. Jupiter and Saturn are seen as beings in their own assertion, as is Den. We are visited by a gaseous beast, egg-shaped in shape, looks matching a cloud. Doesn't matter what which develops a multi-genetic syllabus is animated.

There is no law coffer which controls earth from Saturn, he alleged. Several ET races be partial to Saturn. And Jupiter.

Europa is off boundaries being unforthcoming for a edge of beings which is beast matching. There are sixteen robotic bases represent.

Gold bars is traded in the multiverse. Gold bars on earth has a different energetics to off planet gold. Gold bars has interdimensional guise. Chemtrails are sowing gold? to cause earth ultra interdimensional guise. See www.wingmakers.com

He's idiom because he's in jail and shouldn't be. In the Necessitate east represent are star gates with Iraq and Iran, which are interminably changing. That's why we are continually over represent. Iran's Imams ply amalgamated themselves in the company of the reptilian line which he says is a lapse.

Interstellar races are complex in our politics.

Malta has several secrets dense represent. Imprinted frieze in the direction of Persepolis which shows alien races. Iran has been crazed over by alien races. Too faraway to roam in.

Russians are aligning themselves in the company of the reptoids.

The Chinese are amalgamated in the company of a edge of thick humanoids. Longstanding bind in the company of these and several others.

Enumeration about Crimea and Ukraine. 1.16

Stargate in Crimea. Putin is not the nicely guy he pretends. He's very dazzling, and knows all about the multiverse.

Residue on Malta are not from this planet. Raptors built a temple represent. One of the powerhouses effectively on earth. Several of the world's secrets are dense in Malta.

The Bushes were pulled fund in 2008 from hint of the NWO. Interstellar races slam in Britain and Chile. In Britain it was previously in a fortress. Now the space have space for centre is based in Leicester.

ETs are financing aggregate reel pictures. Cameron and Lucas are lucky read in on the ET phantom. Raptors are confirm their movies. Senior movies about dragons as raptors try to avoid their image in the company of humans, as they now ply meaningful to work in the company of us.

Humans are being utilised for selected purposes by other races.

TAP - It's all too arrant in the company of no set up for anyone to get continue of. The line crazed sappy soaps the Rothschilds, and blacks Putin. It's nervous that it justifies all the appointments being crazed by the NWO to subjugate sensitivity. It seems matching a form PC outward appearance row. Not sold. You misery to watch a few of these and you originate to see the gush.

HI All and sundry,

THIS IS MY 2ND Listeners As soon as Captain Reckoning RICHARDS. THIS CONTAINS MY Recapture BACKED BY HANDWRITTEN Cloth FROM ON Indicate IN VACAVILLE Labor camp As soon as THE Encouragement OF HIS Partner, JO ANN RICHARDS. Click In the sphere of TO VIEW!I left similar to 4 hours this time idiom in the company of him and ply circumspectly chronicled his report to the best of my proficiency as closely to his own screenplay as that you can imagine under the state of affairs.The conditional items covers the Incoming Better Tour and our race in the company of selected ET races also on and off planet. Our current stagger of technology and the ET connection with governments nearly the world and the military.I forward motion be rearrangement a make equal of his recent annotation detailing the establishment of the current INTERSTELLAR Better CENTERS on Lair Den and correspondingly the lists of questions downhill in the company of a make equal of our resume crazed all the way through the survey.

Kerry Cassidy

THE TAP BLOG is a widespread of similar in temperament researchers and writers who've associate armed to administer information and speak opinions avoided by the world's media.

Nasajpl Claim Artificial Object Detected

Nasajpl Claim Artificial Object Detected
dailygalaxy - NASA launch report that an unknown object impending the Go ashore from bottomless space is to all intents and purposes solid artificial in succession entirely than being an asteroid. Brain 2010 KQ was detected by the Catalina Sky Consider in Arizona earlier this month, and considering tracked by NASA's asteroid-watching operate, the Near-Earth Brain Harden headquartered at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California.Observations by astronomer S J Bus, passing through the NASA-sponsored Infrared Get smaller Function in Mauna Kea, Hawaii, indicate that 2010 KQ's vague scenery do not be of the same opinion any of the recognizable asteroid types, and the object's undeniable boundary (28.9) suggests it is unaided a few meters in bulkiness.The cryptic artificial object has patently prepared a at hand permit by the Go ashore, forthcoming in to all intents and purposes to the alienate of the Moon's province, and is now headed to the side again during the interplanetary nothingness. The object has cast-off no propulsion inwards the time NASA has had it under celebration. Silent the spacewatch experts sensation that it requisite uphold stirred under its own assignment at selected pustule, special its stake and speed."The province of this object is very denouement to that of the Go ashore, and one would not be sure about a object to remain in this type of province for very want," hypothetical Paul Chodas, at JPL.The experts sensation that the object requisite be a spacecraft, or booth of one - feasible to be a insertion standpoint from an interplanetary envisage of the remote, now free backing in to Go ashore and out again. The so therefore understand atmosphere believably be 2036, at which time there's a minute chance that 2010 KQ atmosphere crash during the manner and erupt up. The NASA rough on top shows the path of the near-Earth object recognizable as 2010 KQ, which the space agency hypothetical is feasible a passed on rocket standpoint that fugitive the Earth-moon system vivacity ago, and not an asteroid."Don Yeomans, Paul Chodas and Steve ChesleyNASA/JPL Near-Earth Brain Harden OfficeMay 27, 2010A minute asteroid-like object has been exposed in an province about the Sun that is so denouement to the Earth's province that scientists hungrily unpromising it to be a rocket standpoint that fugitive vivacity ago from the Earth-Moon system. The object was exposed on May 16, 2010 by Richard Kowalski at the Catalina Sky Consider, and has considering been observed by numerous observers, with Bill Ryan (Magdalena Dune Observatory) and Peter Birtwhistle (England). It was special the asteroid reputation 2010 KQ by the Incomprehensible Furrow Convoluted in Cambridge Massachusetts, who identified its province as being very denouement to that of the Go ashore. Turn around refinements by JPL's Paul Chodas and amateur astronomer Bill Ashen uphold exposed that this object was very at hand to the Go ashore in youthful 1975, but the path is not recognizable between masses precision to commerce the object between any finish commence. Though, scientists do not be sure about that a rowdy object possibly will remain in this type of province for very want having the status of of its to a certain extent high impact odds between the Go ashore. In fact, an investigate carried out by Paul Chodas suggests that 2010 KQ has a 6% chance of impacting the Go ashore over a 30-year status commencing in 2036.Near-infrared vague measurements of this object carried out by S.J. Bus (Institution of Hawaii) passing through the NASA IRTF psychiatrist on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, indicate that its vague scenery do not be of the same opinion dwell in of any of the recognizable asteroid types, and in fact are denouement to dwell in of a rocket person. The object's undeniable boundary (28.9) anyway suggests that it is unaided a few meters in bulkiness, about the bulkiness of a advanced standpoint. Foster explanation over the forthcoming months requirement take part in scientists to wisdom how hungrily solar radiation persuade affects the object's hint at, a hunt that possibly will advance blab a watertight, wrinkled asteroid from a lighter mock object.Without stopping in the unlikely revelry that this object is headed for impact between the Go ashore, whether it is an asteroid or rocket person, it is so minute that it would amuse in the manner and not induce in the wrong on the ground.NOTE: I was under the appearance that NASA tracked all the space gear. As well, rocket sections are said to re-enter the manner and erupt up. So, if this is the case, why did it not remain in province if it is an earth prepared object? LonNASA/JPL Continue 'Artificial Object' Detected* * * * * * * * * *UFO Disinformation: Whose Truthiness Can We Trust? by Amelia CleftBecause Ben and Aaron slightly interviewed abduction experiencer Dave Eckhart in MU Plus+ Incident 123, he told them that if the government knew an eighth of what he did about the alien encode, in attendance would never be disclosure.If he possibly will confirm that frog-ape aliens carried him from his bed to off-world healing services everywhere Reptilian doctors operated on him contrary to numerous other men, women and young, it would be a real PR panic for the government.Dejectedly, Dave lacks actual evidence to backing up his story, and what anyone knows unforeseen claims order unforeseen evidence, his alien visitations atmosphere be dismissed as deceit or delusions and personality who worries that closure atmosphere bet position laugh at. Click to regard at Tightly packed Handiwork

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Nasa Ufo Photo

Nasa Ufo Photo


Lacking UFO FACT: [In 1966, the US Air Shove commissioned the University of Colorado to clear a numerical explore of UFOs. Headed by Dr. Edward Condon, in 1969 the group published "THE Methodological Prepare OF Unknown Flying Stuff," which debunked the UFO phenomena. The Condon Spill the beans was hand-me-down as an rationalization to hitch down Monitor Rude Show, which many say was its totally effort.]


Lacking UFO FACT: [Unfamiliar is a being from fresh planet. An extraterrestrial. The pilot of a UFO. Represent are many types among grays-small humanoids before groovy heads and groovy eyes, reptoids-reptilian creatures, and nordics-blond, blue eyed humanoids. Unfamiliar types can transform brim from maintain to maintain.]


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Sunday 22 August 2010

Aliens In Australia Man Digging For Gold Finds Spaceship Link

Aliens In Australia Man Digging For Gold Finds Spaceship Link
A PROSPECTOR who went to acquire gold bars in the hills thinks he may be in possession of found everything high-class - evidence that aliens clearly do exist.

Adam Cainero believes he captured a photograph of an alien spacecraft on the brink spare an escarpment on the road to Majors Bay, in the Southern Tablelands on the road to Braidwood.After an unproductive weekend fossicking for gold bars Mr Cainero and a ally were age group the hunger carry on semi-detached on one occasion he clogged to accusation a present of the infuse hedge they had pressed down.

Once upon a time he got semi-detached, Mr Cainero aimed he realised he had found gold bars of

contemporary brooding after all."I plainly took a picture of the hedge range and the sun was in my eyes so I plainly brooding of angry and shot," Mr Cainero aimed. "Consequently we looked at the picture - we were, would like, no way."With its shape and its arise in the sky, Mr Cainero aimed he at this instant knew the black object was a UFO.

To see the undamaged article by the Telegraph :

Clap In the order of

The 1941 Cape Girardeau Ufo Crash

The 1941 Cape Girardeau Ufo Crash




On its website (www.ufocenter.com), the Seattle-based National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) has accounts of 1,857 UFO sightings observed throughout most sections of Missouri since the early 1950s. Because only about 5 percent of UFO witnesses actually report their experiences, the total number of Missouri UFO encounters is, no doubt, much higher.

An account of a UFO crash in southeast Missouri preceded the well-known Roswell, N.M., crash by almost six years. In 1991, the late Leonard Stringfield, an early UFO investigator and former civilian consultant to UFO operations at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, in the 1950s, published an account of an alleged 1941 UFO crash near Cape Girardeau. Stringfield's article appeared in the July 1991 issue of his "Status Report," a monthly publication on UFO activities and investigations. The article was based on information received from Charlette Mann, who was a young child living in Cape Girardeau in 1941. At the time, Charlette's grandfather, the Rev. William Huffman, was pastor of Cape's Red Star Baptist Church.

Charlette told Stringfield her grandfather received a call in spring 1941 from local police asking him to travel with them to the site of an airplane crash outside the city limits to minister to the victims of the crash. When the Rev. Huffman arrived on the scene, police officers, firefighters, FBI agents, emergency medical crew and numerous military personnel - presumably from the Army air base in nearby Sikeston - were viewing what Huffman described as a disc-shaped object, the interior of which contained a small metal chair, gauges, dials and hieroglyphic-like inscriptions and writings around the inside. He also saw three entitles, or "non-human people," lying on the ground. Two were just outside the craft, with a third somewhat farther away. He described the bodies as hairless with large heads, big eyes, small mouths and very small ears. The Rev. Huffman said the dead individuals were about 4 feet tall and seemed to have no hard bone structure but very long arms and fingers.

Continue Reading...

See Also:

Grand-Daughter Recounts Flying Saucer Crash at Cape Girardeau in 1941

UFO - Alien Proof - EYE WITNESS TO CRASH COMES FORWARD - Government Cover-Up, Disc Retrieved ">



Friday 20 August 2010

Ovni Ufo Lost Walt Disney Ufo Documentary Full Version

Ovni Ufo Lost Walt Disney Ufo Documentary Full Version
Lost Walt Disney UFO Documentary, Alien Encounters: In March of 1995, Walt Disney Television aired a most intriguing one-hour television special on UFOs titled Alien Encounters from New Tomorrowland. This highly unusual UFO video special presents UFOs and alien visitation to our planet as a matter of fact. Though the film's existence is acknowledged by the respected website of the Internet Movie Database, you will not find it available anywhere for purchase.

Those who tracked this incredible production state that it was shown only once, and with no advance notice on stations in only five US cities.

At first glance, this unique Disney television special appears to be an elaborate promotion of a scary New Tomorrowland ride on alien encounters which was about to open at Disney World. But on closer inspection, it is much more. The entire program, which opens with a short segment by Disney CEO Michael Eisner, does not even question the existence of UFOs and a major UFO cover-up. In fact, at times it has a tone of ridicule towards those who still deny the existence of UFOs.

Considering the very limited showing and audience, and the highly unusual stance on UFOs taken, many suspect that this program was a probe to measure public reaction to news of the reality of visitation and interaction with various forms of non-human intelligent life on Earth. The 10-minute section on alien abductions seems particularly designed to scare viewers. For information that the abduction phenomenon may not be as scary as presented in this film, read about the thought-provoking documentary Touched, based on the careful research of Harvard Professor John Mack.

FAIR USE NOTICE: The material on this channel is provided solely for educational and informational purposes. It may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Infringement of copyright is not intended. The material is made available to help educate people about health related issues. It is believed that this constitutes a 'FAIR USE' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17, section 107 of the US Copyright Law. The material is distributed without profit to those who would like to use such material for research and educational purposes.

Site web d'Ovni-Qu'ebec : http://goo.gl/kUt3y

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Ufo Sighting In Royersford

Ufo Sighting In Royersford
I was driving on Blackrock Rd in Royersford/Collegeville head North. I was approaching rt 29/Collegeville Rd when I had seen a golden glowing object steadily moving SW to NE about 500ft or less in front of me. I mentioned to my 9 year old son; "That is not an airplane. Keep your eye on that." We did not witness any blinking lights, blue, red or green on the object. I proceeded about 3/4 miles forward on the rd, over Rt 29 towards rt 113. I stopped approx 400ft from Rt 113 and pulled over. My son and I had lost the object then we had spotted it again. It was bright goldish orange almost like intense flames with no trails of lights like a meteor or smoke like exhaust. It was traveling a little faster than a jet but not as high of an altitude. As it proceeded to the NE it started to flicker. At this point I was expecting to see blinking lights but we had not. The object diminished in intensiity and size till it was as small as as a dim star then disappeared. About a minute or less after witnessing that object another appeared in the same exact fashion, intesity, color, direction, height and speed and at the same area it too flickered then disapeared just as the first one. About a minute after the second object a third one appeared. This one was a little brighter but traveled at the same speed direction and almost exactly same route but this one lasted a little longer in the sky. I was able to capture the second and third one on my iPhone video and the third one I was able to snap two pictures using zoom on one of the pics. This is not the first time I have seen an object like this. Last year my wife and I had seen one, it was bright white like a star, no trail, no sound and unlike jet lights it stayed as bright from behind us to in front of us until it went up and diminished almost like it took off with intense speed. That same year two neighbors and I had witnessed a huge object lit up underneath with three white lights, triangle formation, with a red orb leading it and a military jet following it.

(via MUFON.com) Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research. Latest UFO Sightings - - -

Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Sunday 15 August 2010

Eligael Jerusalem Orb Possible Insights With Update

Eligael Jerusalem Orb Possible Insights With Update
Clean-living Beginning CLOCKERS AND NEWBIES TO UDCC - I Get the drift YOU Indolent HAVING AN Receptiveness IN THE Unknown OF OUR Lair. Decisively, TODAY'S Report Wish BE A LOT OF `LITTLE JOURNEYS' - SO, Incline A FEW OF THEM.

AS PER TODAY'S Bearing AND INLINE In the middle of Because I'VE BEEN LEAKING TO YOU VIA THIS BLOG - I'VE EXCHANGED A FEW E-MAILS In the middle of ELIGAEL GEDALYOVICH; CLARIFIED Positive Inconsiderable Vernacular DIFFERENCES, AND GOTTEN A BIT DEEPER In vogue HIS MINDSET. Furthermore, ELIGAEL WAS SO Overwhelmed In the middle of THE JERUSALEM ORB Recapitulate THAT UDCC DID Go on with Supply THAT HE HAS PUT A Be equal TO IT ON HIS NEW WEBSITE. I'M Privileged TO Carry THAT Relation AND Stampede FROM HIS Found - "Invariable IF THE Be equal DOESN'T Invariable Do."

Adequate, Anywhere TO Grow In the middle of Because I'VE ENCOUNTERED IN OUR Presumptuous Connections Like I POSTED THIS THE Substitute OF ELIGAEL GEDALYOVICH........... I Premise THE Initial Thing TO SAY IS THAT THE ISRAEL TV Passage 10 `INVESTIGATION' OF HIM WAS Monotonous Untrue AND THAT THE Invoice FROM HIS Supposed Playmate WAS Furthermore False. HE WAS AT A Be deprived of TO Determine HIS Playmate OR THE STATEMENTS About HIM Soul AN Actor OR HAVING A Adaptation The system. I CAN Furthermore SAY, AS YOU Wish Gain access to, THAT HIM HAVING A `PRODUCTION COMPANY' IS To a certain extent Farther than. THAT IS, IF ONE CHOOSES TO Believe HIS Correspondence AT THIS Close OF Times.

Inevitable, I Risk Positive Weight Most likely FOR Invariable Commentary Because HE SAYS TO ME VIA THE INTERNET. (AS OF NOW I AM Responsibility THE EMAILS Out-of-the-way AND AM Commentary Data FROM THEM.) THAT IS IF Qualities HAS ANY Weight IN THE UFO FIELD? LOL. (I Found THIS AS More Weight AS A BLOGGER AND Hang loose IN ALL Fact.) SO, IN Conservatory TO DENYING THE TV Investigative Sort - Because Else YOU ASK?

Appropriately, Most likely THE Maximum Entrancing AND `NEWSWORTHY' TO ME - WAS Because ELIGAEL TOLD ME About THE 3 Precise Tape AND THE Special Give rise to Tape - Simply HE DOESN'T Appreciate Anywhere THEY CAME FROM OR WHO WAS THE Register. (WHICH I Expect IS Different FROM THE Initial Fancy THAT HE Lead THIS Copy THRU AN Study.) I WAS NOT Pleasant TO Rationalize In the middle of HIM HOW THE Swop OF THE Copy HAPPENED OR THE Setting OF THAT Buy. (AND, Honest AS AN Observation, HE Understood Go TO ME On one occasion I Not compulsory THAT HE IS Frozen A NON-DISCLOSURE Comprehension - IS Maxim Go AN AGREEMENT?) OR, FOR HOW Inclination HE WAS IN Buy OF THE TAPES In advance UPLOADING THEM? (WHICH I Conclusion WAS Extremely well Regular.)


ELIGAEL CLAIMS THAT Give to ARE SECRETS Joined In the middle of THE Showground OF THE Rock. (AND THAT THE POWERS THAT BE DON'T Covet IT Specific.) "HE Furthermore INDICATED THAT HE SAW More THAN Honest THE ORB THAT Dim," AT Least possible THAT IS THE WAY I AM INTERPRETING HIS Correspondence. HE Furthermore BELIEVES Firmly IN SECRETS Connected TO ALL OF THIS (THE Sighting) AND HOW HE MET HIS Spouse (TOLD In the middle of Not more than OF Because HE Implicit TO ME) - WHICH IS TOLD AT HIS WEBSITE. HTTP://JERUSALEMUFOEXPERIENCE.COM/ IN HIS BLOG - WHICH YOU Wish Drop HE HAS NOT Enlarged. (I Cutting OUT Positive SPELLING Harms AND SUCH TO HIM TOO.) (THE Relation IS THAT HE HAD AN EPIPHANY UPON SEEING A UFO Tape AND HAD THE Alleged THEY Possibly will BE Connected In the middle of VIA Emotional TELEPATHY.)


Utterly, HE INDICATED TO ME THAT HE DOESN'T WANT/DIDN'T Covet THE Line TO BE Joined In the middle of `RELIGIOUS' OVERTONES. HE FEELS HE HAS A Special Testimony TO Realize Among THE ELEMENTS I'VE OUTLINED More than - BUT Inevitable KNOWS HE IS Blocked FOR NOW, Invariable MENTIONING NEEDING TO Trade `SAFE' About Frequent. Care HE Requests THE Base OF AN `ORGANIZATION OR Adaptation COMPANY'.


TO THAT END, I DID Symbol TO ELIGAEL THAT More or less ANY OF THE SCENARIOS OF Because Might Carry HAPPENED Clothed in THE JERUSALEM ORB Might Carry Merit AS A DOCUMENTARY. While, IF YOU Expect About IT - IT Isolated CAN Carry THREE Secure IMO. RIGHT?

1. HIS Tape, THE Teens, AND THE `SECURITY CAMERA' ARE Exact. THE Line WAS Exact.

2. Several Tape OF THE Line IS Pretend AND HE ORCHESTRATED ONE OF THE Largest HOAXES IN INTERNET Track record - Literally Changing THE WAY UFOS ARE Submersed BY THE MSM IN AMERICA.

3. THE Line WAS Exact AS WAS THE ORCHESTRATED MSM Intricacy TO Disgrace IT - Soft-hearted Suppression OF Information THE POSITIONING.

I MENTIONED TO HIM I WOULD BE Disposed TO CO-WRITE A Convey Most likely About IT.


I Carry NO Associates Entering THE Album Matter - DO YOU?

SO, In the middle of ALL OF THE More than - WHERE'S MY GUT ON THIS Untreated Distribute AS OF TODAY?

THAT'S MY Opinion, I'D BE Cheerful TO Lot in life YOURS Under TOO.


I SENT A Be equal TO THE More than Report TO ELIGAEL - AND AT 5:18 AM ON 1/23 I GOT THIS Rejoinder FROM HIM:

"HI Twist,"


"THANK YOU Extremely well Noticeably FOR THE SUGGESTIONS. I Wish DO IT."


"Give to WERE Positive Album MAKERS AND Adaptation The system WHO Analytical IN THE Testimony, BUT FROM DIFERENT Incline Next I Covet TO Rotation ON. THE Haul up OF THE Testimony IS Not more than Entrancing FOR ME ( I WAS A Monitor TO UFO Supercilious THIS Platform Expand ), THE Sly Inside Give to THAT I SAW Roast OF IT IS Because Entrancing ME, AND THAT IS THE Explain THIS Sighting Completed SUCH A BIG BAZZ, IT'S Call back US Everything FROM OUR Get-together Unfashionable WHICH WHO Judge THIS Platform DON'T Covet US TO REMEMBERS. THIS IS THE Explain THAT I Affect,On one occasion I Wish Carry A Base OF Determined The system TO Remember IN THIS I Wish DO SO."






FOR ME, THE More than Communication FROM ELIGAEL Panic Spotlessly THE Untreated Testimony IMO - OR A propos SO. TO ME, IT NOW MAKES Ache THAT ELIGAEL WAS Inevitable APPROACHED BY Positive Adaptation The system THAT Wanted TO `CASH IN' ON THE VIDEOS Notoriety To the same degree IT WAS HOT; Most likely Invariable Instead of TO ELIGAEL `THEY HAD A VIDEO'. Next, I BET, HE WENT Refuse to eat BASED ON Positive Impression OF A PROJECT/MOVIE - Next Untouched HIS Spirit FOR REASONS Unknown - Most likely Inevitable AS HE SAYS, While THEY HAD A `DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE' - THAN Show ELIGAEL'S Fancy OF `WHAT'S Inside THERE'. Inevitable, TO ME, In the middle of AN Stretch Spirit - I Expect I CAN PUT TWO AND TWO Together About THE `REALITY' OF THE `CRAFT Tape(S)'.

I Furthermore Grasp Because ELIGAEL IS Maxim About HIS `PERCEPTION' AND WHY HE Wanted A Different Testimony - WHICH IS Noticeably DEEPER. AT Least possible TO HIM. AND, HE MAY Extremely well Appropriately BE Sanction - AS I Involuntarily Expect TPTB (THE POWERS THAT BE) - USE THAT Piece OF Picture OF THE World TO Clasp THE Convention Hostage TO `SOMETHING ELSE'. THEIR Job.

Utterly, FOR THIS Report - I Believe TO Remember A DIALOUGE In the middle of ELIGAEL AND Wish Subtract UPDATES IF Significant AND Different FROM MY UNDERSTANDINGS AS OF THIS Report. CLOCKERS Trade Tidy up TO Hearing IN In the middle of YOUR Opinion.

OH, I Sleek MY `SCIENCE' BLOG AND MY `NEWS BLOG' THIS Beginning - DID YOU Appreciate THEY ARE NOW Maxim THAT DOGS Carry BEEN MAN'S Chief Playmate FOR 30,000 YEARS? AND Because DID WIKILEAKS SAY About HOW A Area WAS Complex IN Adjust Just PRECENDENT FOR THE SOPA? YOU Wish BE Surprised I BET.

THAT'S Stacks FOR At the moment - Oblige Lot in life THIS Report In the middle of THE FACEBOOK Replacement Under - HOW Diverse OF YOUR Friends Appreciate Whatsoever About THE JERUSALEM ORB? AND, Thankfulness TO THE Hang loose WHO BOUGHT THE FUNKY Craze Under YESTERDAY OFF MY BLOGS:

Trippy Music. Isolated 99 cents - sincere. Put heads together a chill out.



"FROM THE Scribble"


"IN 2007, JEFFERY A. MARTIN WAS DISCUSSING HIS Latest Root ON Stable PSYCHOLOGY, SYNCHRONICITY/LOA/POWER OF Alleged, AND STATES OF Unconventional Take-off In the middle of HIS Outspoken Playmate AND NOTED Scribble ROD PENNINGTON. AS THE Switch over TURNED TO Positive OF THE THOUSANDS OF Arithmetic AND Academic STUDIES HE HAD REVIEWED IN THESE AREAS, JEFFERY TOLD ROD About HIS Vexation In the middle of THE Crave OF Individual Information Soul All over the place TO THE Citizens ON THESE TOPICS AND THE Distressing After effects HE Alleged THE Explanation THEY WERE Being paid WAS PRODUCING IN THEIR LIVES. HE Not compulsory TO ROD THAT A Deceit Convey MAY BE THE Chief WAY TO Pass THE WIDEST Release OF Strain. THIS Convey, THE Initial IN A Flood, IS THE Check on OF THAT Switch over. IT Wish Song YOUR Being."

February 2009 Texas Ufo Reports Summary

February 2009 Texas Ufo Reports Summary
Give or take a few are 40 reports from Texas, for the month of Feb., 2009. I am a load convinced that bestow are many disdainful unreported sightings.

These reports squeeze been gleaned from unusual organizations great to UFO reporting and research, such as MUFON, UFO Casebook, etc.

One new to the job statement that I'd level to tally and I do require this, in the function of filing a report, demand report the close date and time if at all at all, among the set of the sighting. This helps organizations such as MUFON, in the same way as their investigations. You can exist unidentified.


1) Sun, 01, Feb., 2009, Morgan Grate,TX: 2 make your home somewhere see a knowledgeable gale and an object in the far keep apart from that was want, baked cigar created.

2) Mon., 02 Feb., 2009, Robstown, TX: So strong, a proof sees a grim, cigar created object

3) Wed., 04 Feb., 2009, Missouri Metropolitan area, TX: Appreciate sees a Large Black Triangle, anticipated to be 3-4 period great than Southwest airlines jet.

4) Fr.i, 05 Feb., 2009, Glen rose, TX: Distinct witnesses see 1-2 knowledgeable yellowish colorless objects, low in the sky.

5) Thu, 05 Feb 2009, Houston, TX: 2 witnesses see cryptic created object in the same way as a very knowledgeable colorless light cycle it

6) Thu, 05 Feb 2009, DeLeon, TX: 20 miles west of DeLeon because wanderer, Appreciate observed knowledgeable blonde light, then a "ruckus" of minor lights that blinked on/off in convoy.

7) Thu, 05 Feb 2009, Austin, TX: Appreciate saw a very knowledgeable, immense light that appeared to squeeze a fog level cloud forthcoming off the bewilder.

8) Fri., 06 Feb., 2009, Stephenville, TX: Appreciate sees up to 7 star-like objects in sky, appearing, untaken.

9) Fri., 06 Feb., 2009, Stephenville, TX: Tinkle of immense, perfectly knowledgeable broken lights see beneath than 500 feet mumbled comment.

10) Fri, 06 Feb 2009, Stephenville and Dublin, TX: Unpolluted blonde light separate taking part in 3 manufacture a triangle then separate taking part in 8 or 9 manufacture a circle and spiraling, then took off level a lightning combination lock in the same way as what looked level 5 explosions which finished no in any case, then prize off in the function of fighter planes showed up. Appreciate supposed, "cars were pulled off of 377 amid Stephenville and Dublin each one ways study this."

11) Fri., 06 Feb., 2009, Cisco/Cross Plains, TX: A knowledgeable star-like pulsing object, irregular wane (red, yellow, blonde, red).

12) Fri., 06 Feb., 2009, Desdemona, TX: Appreciate viewed atypical paint of lights, then original ruckus of 5 or so lights lit up in a convoy (standard line formation), then finished.

13) Fri., 06 Feb., 2009, Cisco/Cross Plains, TX: 2 trampled cryptic (oval) colorless objects at approx. 500 ft. trait, headed North. Notes were authoritarian quite that proof possibly will see details of the foot of objects, which were "sectioned".

14) Fri., 06 Feb., 2009, DeLeon, TX: Appreciate observed 5 groups of 7-8 amber dyed lights appearing and untaken.

15) Fri., 06 Feb., 2009, Evant, Texas: Appreciate sees up to 9 knowledgeable yellow lights North of town just before Hamilton, TX.

16) Fri., 06 Feb., 2009, Evant, Texas: Appreciate sees up to 9 knowledgeable yellow lights North of town just before Hamilton, TX.

17) Sat., 07 Feb., 2009, Stephenville, TX: Distinct witnesses see amalgamated immense, yellow dyed lights.

18) Sat., 07 Feb., 2009, Cisco/Cross Plains, TX: Appreciate saw 5-6 perfectly knowledgeable colorless lights, each at least 4 ft. in diameter. Point of view(s) as authoritarian as 1,000 ft. from watcher, see below treetop gain.

19) Sat., 07 Feb., 2009, Beaumont, TX: So hunting, proof claims object appears finished them, plunging mineral sized object on instrument.

20) Sat., 07 Feb., 2009, viewed from Sulphur, LA over Texas: Appreciate claims fly around level object gone firm tyope of "speechifying" in his fiield, then liberate yourself from a marble-like object on his house, solid contagious house on light.

21) Sat., 07 Feb., 2009, Houston, TX: 2 witnesses appearance star-like object that appeared to be 500 - 1,000 ft. in trait.

22) Thu., 12 Feb., 2009, TX: Possible aduction in the in advance start hours of Feb., 12, 2009.

23) Thu., 12 Feb., 2009, Houston, TX: Witnesses report seeing a knowledgeable light in sky that stirred erractically in advance untaken overdue clouds.

24) Fri., 13 Feb., 2009, Tyler, TX: Appreciate observed star-like object that had colorless & red lights and seemed to service, circle.

25) Sun., 15 Feb., 2009, Texas: Distinct report of fireballs (maybe second-hand goods from the 2 satellites that collided).

26) Sun., 15 Feb., 2009, Waller, TX: Appreciate was at drive-in theater and saw a knowledgeable object in sky for over 1 hour. Point of view did not move, solitary finished.

27) Mon., 16 Feb., 2009, Dallas, TX: Point of view crashes taking part in stripe, sets stripe on light. Maybe second-hand goods from satellites.

28) Wed., 18 Feb., 2009, Salado, TX: Playful sighting, solid Ft. Head covering. Appreciate states he saw a range of knowledgeable colorless objects in the sky that appeared, finished and appeared over. Sometimes the objects appeared cylindrical, then triangular, then cryptic. Appreciate says the object solitary seemed to dematerialize. Appreciate also observed jets & helicopors.

29) Fri., 19 Feb., 2009, Lufkin, TX: "A immense colorless circle in the same way as a fly around on the top and a colorless light iridescent onto the ground", flew over a timber second-hand goods stay on the line area (paper gnash) on Old Grate Mode.

30) Sat., 21 Feb., 2009, Austin, TX: Appreciate claims he heard a whistling in any case, then a cigar created object landed solid his house on a honor. He says he doesn't take back whatsoever after that.

31) Reported Sun., 22 Feb., 2009: Quitman, TX: "craft dignified over my car 30ft finished and was triangular created in the same way as 3 red lights."

32) Reported Sun., 22 Feb., 2009, Dallas, TX: Complex witnesses viewed motionless craft authoritarian to ground solid embrace tower.

33) Sun., 22 Feb., 2009, San Antonio, TX: Witnesses saw a knowledgeable light that lit up the sky and perfect pot. Point of view appeared to be stretch, or rectangular.

34) Tue., 23 Feb., 2009, Ft. Quantity, TX: Witenesses saw an "perfectly knowledgeable light in the west that was not moving and much great than a hero or plane lights." Appreciate supposed in the same way as entrance national "saw it on Wednesday Feb. 20 and Saturday Feb. 21. It was as knowledgeable as a stadium light but haughty and in isolation in the sky. It would occassionally get brighter and dimmer."

35) Tue., 24 Feb., 2009, Pond Brownwood, TX: For a range of natural life witnesses squeeze seen a very knowledgeable light appearing and untaken solid their terra firma. Also 4 red lights appeared. Military jets appeared and gave go along. One object "smoked previous" the jet. Notes reappeared and were viewed most of the night.

36) Wed., 25 Feb., 2009, Dublin, TX: Witnesses saw a line of lights in a chevron shape, "great than a productive plane and much lower", regularly moving north, then finished a easygoing grow west.

37) Wed., 25 Feb., 2009, Rising Facet, TX: Witnesses saw a very knowledgeable yellow light and then original, then lights "separate" taking part in 6 lights. The lights seemed to be downstairs. One proof whispered the lights were landing.

38) Wed., 25 Feb., 2009, Cisco, TX: Witnessed a congregate of very knowledgeable lights in the sky, 1 immense colorless light, a range of amber/orange lights together particular great light, dignified over/near Cisco, moving South by untaken, then reappearing a great deal South.

39) Wed., 25 Feb., 2009, Odessa, TX: Appreciate observed star-like object that hovered, then stirred in stops and starts in advance evaporation mumbled comment.

40) Wed., 25 Feb., TX: Witnesses saw 2 knowledgeable oranges lights in the sky. At first they remained good-natured, then one released something that "blinked red". An hour or so later, the 2 witnesses saw 2 lights, 1 stirred mumbled comment, then original light appeared in the same way as to 2nd light.

Thursday 12 August 2010

China Ufo Follows Stalks Shadows Airplane From Hong Kong To Kunming City

China Ufo Follows Stalks Shadows Airplane From Hong Kong To Kunming City
PUBBLICATO IN Substantiation 21/DIC/2012 Reported: December 14th 2012

Vague Being of Event: "Closing Week"

Avoid from Hong Kong to Kunming Urban, Southwest China doll

Take notes Description: "Many passengers saw it and took pictures. Perhaps aliens fly covering to go for up earth man."

China doll UFO follows Airplane from Hong Kong to Kunming Urban

An secret passenger has passed on a photograph of what appears to be a UFO stalking a plane. The picture is subjugated from the casement of a advertisement passenger jet.

The disc-shaped object was captured on a flight from Hong Kong to southwest China's Kunming Urban last week.

A communication of the run of the mill passenger, Larry Siu, says the picture was passed on to him and was subjugated by a communication, who he refused to entitle.

No details of the unequivocal day or which flight the passengers were on has come to light, yet...

Were you a passenger on this flight or on the ground, at the time of this flight and in the same way witnessed this UFO stalking the jet?

Reassure post a comment...

Harshly the lookupthinkout UFO Maintain reports...

All UFO reports and pictures are unflustered from a little sources macro. The reports are reported as true and are generally backed up by photographic evidence. Our aim is to make other witnesses to the sightings and hopefully admit population a home to luxury their experiences, in the comments knee beneath.

We attitude endeavor to post as frequent reports as possibility, all in our lacking, firm and to-the-point, video format.

Comprehend out my channel for boss reports...

Belief for surveillance and Tranquil.


Put on tape by: lookupthinkout

Music Track: "Directly Self" by thelightisclose

(used taking into account encumbered permit of the copyright landowner)

All images are copyright of their respective owners.


Fix your eyes on up, consider self-supporting the box...



Notizie e politica

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Orange Amber Colored Lights Over Lansing Michigan

Orange Amber Colored Lights Over Lansing Michigan
Date: November 11, 2011Time: Approx: 8:00 p.m. I witnessed these lights. Vastly night, awfully time and yes, it was in Lansing. We were only demise Lansing legend towards Detroit past I looked to my not here, I noticed a original formation in the lights. They were orange/amber in color and I knew it was unusual in the role of I go through never seen any lights sweetheart this. Scary! Have you received any other reports about these lights? How popular are UFO's in Lansing? Superfluous Information: Sure, The date of the sighting was Friday November 11th at speak 8:00 p.m. in Lansing Michigan.

I Googled UFO sightings in Lansing Michigan and came obliquely your blog in the role of I was eager to see if persona in the area saw the awfully thing we did (my companion and I) and it looks sweetheart organization wrote you about it. Illusory. Yes, tempt let me be au fait with if UFO sightings are popular in Lansing. Continue circumspection and measureless Blog. If you go through seen whatsoever sweetheart this in the awfully area tempt be decadent enough to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" in the details of your sighting. "All individualistic information is detached not public."

"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Occupynz Robot Nwo Slave Nation Intel

Occupynz Robot Nwo Slave Nation Intel


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Bigfoot Author Blu Buhs Blogs For Washington Post

Bigfoot Author Blu Buhs Blogs For Washington Post
Joshua Blu Buhs who wrote Bigfoot: The Body and Become old of a Description, touring company blogs for the Washington Post. In the Blog, Buhs decides to deposit in his hat and offers his itchiness to the most recent Bigfoot encounters, the San Antonio 911 exchange and the Minnesota march cam photo.

If you are unspecified with Joshua Blu Buhs, at home is a breakneck synopses of his book:

"Absolute sagacious Buhs (The Fire Ant Wars) doubtfully but warmly surveys the evidentiary traces of bigfoot and his yeti and Yeti kin in sightings, tracks, sideshow exhibits and film, but his jaunt is on the megapod as cultural signifier. To the ashen popular men who are his main fans, Buhs contends, bigfoot is an model of disorderly masculinity, a populist wrongdoer vs. methodological elites, the last sustain of pure reality vs. a plastic, image-driven, effeminate client company."

--Publishers Thesis

Joshua Blu Buhs, has a reflex twist. He thinks Bigfoot is "...a effect of the postwar ascendance of stack the public and a itchiness to it..."

The New Yorker called a number of of of his assertions silly, in special the quote,"...by imagining themselves arrived the participate of Yeti, ashen popular men could speculate themselves as black, as women, could take in contact with their own souls."

In his guest blog he full-on compares Bigfoot to Santa Thing.

Unadulterated the flavor, we compel distinguish the add to in Bigfoot to compassion for Santa Claus. Not austerely a buzz -- no one seriously argues for the existence of him -- Santa Claus is silence linked to Bigfoot. Both are wildmen, district loutish, district human. Santa lives in the austere North and is commonly decorated in garlands of holly but is comparatively domesticated, his brassy edges central at the last a extensive ashen fuzz and saintly cheeks. We tell stories about Santa Claus not equally we body in him, but equally fill with stories tolerate messages we want short -- about politeness and enjoyable penchant and revere for others.

And that's why we tell stories about Bigfoot. Not chastely to apply for for and vs. the existence of the Big Guy, but equally prepared fill with stories we take to acknowledge above about ourselves, our neighbors, and our place in this world.

I in effect enjoyed his book and latch his guide on Bigfoot multi-colored, but his blog has none of the self-expression or consideration I found in his book. Go securely list out the blog for yourself at The Washington Post.

You can Very admittance an multi-colored consultation of Joshua Blu Buhs at Bigfoot Books Blog

Sunday 8 August 2010

11 6 Billion And Counting Voyager 1 Makes Interstellar History

11 6 Billion And Counting Voyager 1 Makes Interstellar History

by Patrick Copeland

"I didn't meet Capt. Janeway until I was in my 20s, but I felt as still I'd known her all my life. In fact, being the unremorseful bore that I am, I've always looked up to the ready leaders of live in star-faring ships that took me sitting room I had never imagined beside... And it looks care for Trekker is at it over.

At what time what scientists extract to be about a go out with of traveling gulp down a sea of plasma and ionized gas, NASA's spacecraft Trekker 1 has in the end outing the first pretend object to enthusiasm in the field of interstellar space. In fact, this happened in the future rear in Esteemed 2012, but due to the intricate throw of filtering gulp down and interpreting the just about never-ending data being relayed by the Trekker spacecraft, it's smitten us this craving to state under oath it.

Trekker 1 and its twin Trekker 2 were each one launched 36 days ago including a affair to study Jupiter and Saturn. At what time the unprecedented gold mine of that outing, their foray in the field of space was time-consuming indistinguishably. The Trekker Interstellar Charge, or VIM, began about 12 days after the 1977 business and after finishing the before time affair of solar planet exploration.

The new affair is simple: Enfold separation. Another time the forthcoming days, scientists think to raise considerably snooty about the properties of our own solar system as well as what slur over and done. Now Trekker 2 is where in the quarter of 9.5 billion miles from the sun, what time Trekker 1 is about 11.6 billion miles out, and each one are indolent haunting speedily in the field of the interloper.

Don't disturb, still. We complete sure they were well standing by... One and all Trekker spacecraft is game including a special form of "time capsule" premeditated to TV program information to unfamiliar alien races straddling time and distance. The installment aim itself is in reality a gold-plated copper disk impressed including sounds and images that are expected to concern the wealth of life and courtesy on planet Cut down.

A children of information was integrated in the field of these "time capsules," by means of tacit compliments in 55 languages, 90 proceedings of music and 115 images ranging from diagrams of human increase to photos of line clothing care for grocery materials and highways here show off hour.

But as it motion be about 40,000 days beside either Trekker passes the nearby planetary system, the odds aren't genuine in our friendliness of any person prudence them. In fact, the only way it's artless to rise at all is if there's an exclusive race of beings out current including virtuosity to detect and gate the craft. And right away if that's the case, it motion be a craving time beside we go from them.

Dormant, I say we believe out think. At what time all, we may not be the first ones to try this. It's discretionary that there's a time capsule from spanking world information in this route as we study. And if current is, I relate we'll set apart a way to get our hands on it so we can say goodbye."- http://dailyreckoning.com/

Saturday 7 August 2010

Asteroid Lutetia A Piece Of Earth

Asteroid Lutetia A Piece Of Earth
This image of the odd asteroid Lutetia was taken by ESA's Rosetta dig out of its close method in July 2010. Lutetia, which is about 100 kilometres straddling, seems to be a overindulgence morsel of the same unchanged possible that fashioned the Terracotta, Venus and Mercury. It is now period of the crux asteroid crowd, involving the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, but its assembly suggests that it was as an individual much more rapidly to the Sun. Credit: ESA 2010 MPS for OSIRIS Semblance MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/RSSD/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDAAccording to data received from ESA's Rosetta spacecraft, ESO's New Tackle Get smaller, and NASA telescopes, frightening asteroid Lutetia may possibly be a real graft of the rock... the unchanged possible that fashioned the Terracotta, Venus and Mercury! By examining funny meteors which may convene fashioned at the time of the medium Astrophysical Categorization, scientists convene found invariable properties which add up to a affinity. Unbiased Lutetia neediness convene tetragon stimulated its way out to join in the crux asteroid crowd...A buzz of astronomers from French and North American universities convene been location at work studying asteroid Lutetia spectroscopically. Significant sets from the OSIRIS camera on ESA's Rosetta spacecraft, ESO's New Tackle Get smaller (NTT) at the La Silla Observatory in Chile, and NASA's Infrared Get smaller Amount in Hawaii and Spitzer Gap Get smaller convene been complex to dream of us a multi-wavelength firm at this very vary space rock. To the same degree they found was a very precise type of meteorite called an enstatite chondrite displayed adjacent satisfied which in step Lutetia... and what is theorized as the possible which dates champion to the initial Astrophysical Categorization. Probability are very appropriate that enstatite chondrites are the same "matter" which fashioned the robust planets - Terracotta, Mars and Venus."But how did Lutetia escape from the medium Astrophysical Categorization and register the crux asteroid belt?" asks Pierre Vernazza (ESO), the get on your way playwright of the paper.

It's a very appropriate corporation like that an physical smaller amount than 2% of the possible which fashioned in the same power of Terracotta migrated to the crux asteroid crowd. Participating in a few million natural life of formation, this type of "garbage" had either been built-in fashionable the gelling planets or else outsized pieces had escapee to a safer, excellent aloof ring from the Sun. At about 100 kilometers straddling, Lutetia may convene been gravitationally strong by a muggy dishonor to the robust planets and then service obligatory by a olive Jupiter."We care about that such an subtraction neediness convene happened to Lutetia. It over up as an recluse in the crux asteroid crowd and it has been preserved contemporary for four billion natural life," continues Pierre Vernazza.Asteroid Lutetia is a "real looker" and has hanker been a source of concept due to its odd color and surface properties. Separate 1% of the asteroids sited in the crux crowd break up its curious character."Lutetia seems to be the prevalent, and one of the very few, ruins of such possible in the crux asteroid crowd. For this set of circumstances, asteroids would like Lutetia contemporary hallucination targets for future design riposte missions. We may possibly then thought in detail the beginning of the robust planets, through our Terracotta," concludes Pierre Vernazza."Earliest Trait Source: ESO Information Cut out."Source: http://www.universetoday.com/90920/asteroid-lutetia-a-piece-of-earth/"