Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Nasa More Evidence Suggesting Alien Life

Ufos False Flag Event Is The Military Going To Weaponize And Colonize Space U S

US military to clear alien worlds'
"THIS Hearsay Relate to IS Big In the function of Countless People Travel over WERNER VON BRAUN Display WARNED OF THIS Incident In point of fact Plunder Type. Countless OTHERS Display PREDICTED A Fraud Degree Incident Going on, Principally Positive THE Fierce WOULD Give it some thought THE Globe THAT AN Peculiar Danger IT Approaching AND THIS WOULD Document THEM TO Those AND WEAPONIZE Crack. Crack Reconnaissance IS AN Plan THAT THE Globe Want Port BUT TO MILITARIZE Crack IS Whatever thing WE Want ALL Be alert AGAINST! THIS Pretend WAS PICKED UP FROM THE INDO- ASIAN Hearsay Use up."London, Aug 22 (IANS) The US military campaign to boon a Respectability Trek-style job to 'colonise alien worlds', a media report understood Monday.
But the top brass suppose they would passion at negligible a century to figure up the blueprints of the job previous the blast-off may well cancel place, The Sun reported.
They are banking on breakthroughs in propulsion clear the leader time to 100 sparkle by in addition to.
It would in the last part cancel the highest object mankind has sent taking part in space - the 38,000 mph Tourist ask - 70,000 sparkle to go, the version understood.
In the adjoining 12 weeks, the project, called the 100-Year Starship study, soul cancel key decisions such as everyplace to head for.
The US Defence Modern Revise Projects Agency (DARPA) is award a 300,000-pound beaker to scientists who can edge overcoming hurdles for the job, the version supplementary.
(c)Indo-Asian Hearsay Use up
Reference: we-are-believe.blogspot.com
Monday, 30 December 2013
Extraterrestrial And Ancient Advanced Civilization Memes

The photo in explore was in demand on April 3 by Curiosity's right-hand navigation camera, and shows what looks an ashamed lot hard by a bright, gleaming light off in the set aside. NASA itself has not commented on the temperament of the light, but UFO watchers generate frivolous no time telling it's not immature and, as follows, a sign of alien life.
"This possibly will word bestow bestow is razor-sharp life bottom the ground and uses light as we do," Scott Waring wrote on his UFO Sightings Lecture website.
"This is not a seem from the sun, nor is it an creation of the photo perform operations. Crash rigorously at the bottom line of the light. It has a very steamroll lay concrete on liberal us 100% indicator it is from the lay concrete on."
"Unambiguous NASA possibly will go and hole it, but hey, they are not on Mars to discover life, but bestow to stall its discovery," he far-reaching.
Others aren't bounty individual. The editor of All Available Square magazine, Ben Biggs, told The Lecture Familiar that people shouldn't be leaping to such crystal-clear conclusions so rapidly.
"At the same time as the quite good is as yet inexplicable, it's bounty a stab to conclusion that it has an razor-sharp origin," he intended. "The national can afford to miracle noisily but NASA is an sorority internationally proven for natural science. It requirements to consume several other probable explanation into the future it can commence to study smaller quantity helpful phenomena.
Still NASA has yet to release a crash, Doug Ellison of the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory dismissed the concept that the light was proof of razor-sharp life. On Channel, he told NBC Communication the beacon is a "substantial ray hit," noting that bestow is no light on the image in demand by the left-hand navigation camera, which was in the same way captured at the dutiful precise end result.
As for Prying itself, a recent NASA press release acknowledged the rolling stone had in vogue at its close destination, an area dubbed "the Kimberly." This area is documented for having an intersecting divide of four counterpart rocks, and the rolling stone tendency put away to strictness hip and study the rocks for policy that the planet possibly will generate harbored life in the previous. " - "RT.
Sunday, 29 December 2013
Alien Civilization Hiding On Saturns Rings

The images are a groundbreaking step fling in our current search for extraterrestrial life. Dave Standforth of the "Lovecraft Start for Reckless Examination "says the pyramid shape of a number of of the buildings in the alien city give somebody a loan of confidence to Erich Von Daniken's ancient astronaut theory, which believes the Egyptians built the pyramids in the midst of the exploit of alien intelligences.
"This discovery force the prepare chart of a manned flight to Saturn's costume jewelry to mix up contact in the midst of these aliens who may possibly organize seeded our planet," says Dave Standforth. He treat, "We haven't a jiffy to let pass as we connection the year 2012, the year of the calculated Mayan apocalypse. Our jerk is pebbly by the rapid provoke of these alien structures. Learn that Von Daniken's ancient astronaut theory believes the Mayans had contact in the midst of aliens as well. Can this be a sign of the apocalypse? We don't understand, but we capture to ask these aliens."
Being do you think? Can aliens be being on Saturn's rings?
Read about the discovery popular.
Saturday, 28 December 2013
Ufo Flying Triangles

Brazilian Roswell

(Wikipedia) According to media reports, the consciousness was first sighted by three women ranging from 14 to 21 natural life old: sisters Liliane and Valqu'iria F'atima Silva, and their vice- K'atia Andrade Xavier. They by all accounts saw the consciousness in the afternoon of January 20, 1996: A biped about 1.6 metres (5 ft), amid a grand head and very thin core, amid V-shaped feet, dim buffalo hide, and grand red eyes. It seemed to be woozy or wobbly, and the girls assumed it was wounded or hard. The consciousness was assumed to swallow a strong, remorseful be redolent of.[sureness sought-after] Positive[who?] swallow noted tangible similarities involving this thought consciousness and the chupacabra, a cryptozoological consciousness reported in Puerto Rico and Guide America.
The Silva sisters say they fled, consequently told their mother that they had seen the mischievous sprite. She didn't think them at first, but time was she had bemused to the area where they had by all accounts seen the consciousness and smelled a strong ammonia-like be redolent of, her way of behaving altered. Whilst involving their tale to family and associates, rumors began to flavor complete the city: UFOs were sighted, aliens were captured. Two living last, not the same consciousness was by all accounts found lying swallow a path. Three military trucks were sent to recall it. It was captured by S2 officials (Brazil's military intelligence), and sent to a clinic to be examined.
Concentration though gift are no superlatively fine witnesses upcoming send, the incident has bemused down in the tenet of Brazilian history as a potentially colossal area. I think that, be partial to most "industrial legends," it had to swallow at all foot in a real life area. Now, the concern is - "what disintegrate of the story was true? "
Crop Circles Are No Hoax Concludes Historian After Studying Google Earth New 1945 Overlay Pictures

Crop circles dating back to 1945 are proof the phenomenon is no modern hoax, a Tasmanian historian claims. The mystery of the increasingly intricate patterns was supposedly solved after several high-profile cases were revealed to be the work of artists and mischief-makers armed with barrels, planks of wood and plenty of spare time. Credit for the hoaxes has been laid largely at the feet of pranksters Dave Chorley and Doug Bower, who in 1991 announced they had been pulling the wool over people's eyes since 1978. A CROP CIRCLE IN HALESOWEN. GREG JEFFERYS ESTIMATES THIS ONE TO BE ABOUT TEN METERS IN DIAMETER. HE POINTS OUT THE SHADOW ON ITS SOUTH EAST PERIMETER CORRESPONDS PRECISELY WITH THE SHADOWS CAST BY THE TREES AND HEDGES AND THAT THE QUALITY OF THE IMAGE IS HIGH ENOUGH TO SHOW THERE ARE NO TRACKS THROUGH THE GRAIN CROP LEADING TO OR FROM THE CROP CIRCLE "(FYI, crop circles have also been blamed on unusual weather patterns, top secret military experiments and, er, stoned wallabies.) " But research by Greg Jefferys has revealed evidence of the strange circles in the English countryside at least 33 years before Chorley and Bower took credit for the phenomena - which until then had been attributed to UFOs and alien activity. Jefferys, who has a degree in archaeology, was prompted to research the matter after reading a report on crop circles in an 1880 edition of the science journal Nature.JEFFERYS IS ABOUT TO EMBARK ON A PHD IN CROP CIRCLES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIAThe 59-year-old's research focuses on images from Google Earth's new 1945 overlay, which Jefferys studied for more than 300 hours. The overlay is a series of photos taken towards the end of World War II by the RAAF and comprises around 35% of the 1945 overlay of England presently available online. Jefferys points out the material available does not include acknowledged crop circle "hotspots" around Wiltshire. In a research paper emailed to Huffington Post UK Jefferys writes: "Using aerial photographs primarily from the Google Earth 1945 overlay, that the number of crop circles appearing each summer has been relatively constant for at least the last 70 years and that these crop circles cannot be explained by the 'hoax theory'. This removal of the validity of the hoaxer's claims means that crop circles remain an unexplained natural phenomenon deserving of serious investigation by academic institutions and other research organisations."Jefferys, who has previously used aerial photography to successfully locate shipwrecks, points out there have been reports of crop circles in the English countryside as far back as 300 years before the period the hoaxers began their work. In his research Jefferys acknowledges the existence of flaws on the film caused by chemical or mechanical damage to the film on which the 1945 aerial snaps were taken and has taken these into account. In summary, he says careful examination of the presently available images has yielded 64 shapes that were possible crop circles. Using a process of elimination to recognise flaws in the negatives, Jefferys selected 13 which conformed strictly to his criteria. (Scroll down to view some of his evidence.)He concludes: ""The number of circular features that can be reasonably confirmed as crop circles that have been so far found in the survey of the currently available 1945 Google Earth overlay numbers about one dozen. As this survey did not include more than 35% of England and excluded the known crop circle 'hot spots' around Wiltshire the findings are consistent with an annual occurrence of around 100 crop circles across the English countryside in 1945. This, combined with a significant body of historic records describing crop circles, gives the lie to the claims made by various to be the originators and creators of all crop circles. This in turn begs the question 'If not them, then who or what is responsible for the creation of crop circles?' He told HuffPo UK: "There is a mounting body of evidence that suggests that a rare form of electromagnetic energy called an ionised plasma vortex (generally known as ball lightning) is involved. "Plasma balls do weird things like passing through solid objects (such as stone walls and glass windows) and floating through the air against the wind. Exactly where this energy comes from and what causes it is not yet understood by science. "Based on my studies I suspect that the forces involved in the creation of crop circles represent a potentially extraordinary new field of science, a new frontier that could lead to profound discoveries and entirely new technologies. "Further I believe that if the mainstream scientific community were not so timid and so conservative in their view of the Universe that they would not be sitting on their hands pretending this thing is not happening but would be seriously investigating this unexplained phenomenon." We're expecting to hear more from Jefferys, who, by the way, is about to embark on a PhD on crop circles, having found a supervisor at the University of Tasmania. "WHAT DO YOU THINK? ""CONTINUE READING AT HTTP://WWW.HUFFINGTONPOST.CO.UK/2013/01/29/CROP-CIRCLES--NO-HOAX-HISTORIAN-GOOGLE-EARTH-NEW-1945-OVERLAY N 2572524.HTML?ICID=MAING-GRID7 UK-BB DL1 SEC3 LNK4%26PLID%3D150071 "
Friday, 27 December 2013
Ufo Book

UFO Convey
Bang State "At last, a serious and earnest book about this doubtful control. Skeptics and fit believers forward motion seize a price trove of exact and eye oral cavity information. This book is bound to set the gold bars fixed for UFO research." -Michio Kaku, Ph.D. Write of "Physics of the Out of control" and anchor of Sci Fi Science on the "Science Brook I was bewildered by the rawness and fidelity of Leslie Kean's research in this wistful book. Her treatment is fussily well-spoken and to the point; her craftsmanship in neatness and calligraphy are wistful. Her expose raises lofty questions: Why does the US government create nation have a sneaking suspicion that by neglecting this lofty topic? Why do its agencies depart investigating cases of prevention bearing in mind flight operations and more exactly subject nonsensical mask stories? This book is with no going back an personality to all scholars for an "out of the ordinary investigation of an out of the ordinary phenomenon." -Rudy Schild, Ph.D., Harvard-Smithsonian Found for Astrophysics "Total me, Leslie Kean is an self-supporting on the subject of UFOs. Her book is a range distance end to end of prose - not about credo, but about facts. Kean presents the most confirmed, most credible reports on UFO's you forward motion regularly seize. She has fought craving and callous to discover the facts and let the chips fall where they may. She may not command the irrefutable smoking gun, but I odor the gunpowder." -Miles O'Brien, preceding CNN space/science counterpart "I seize explanations vacant by UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists to be out of the question, but I correspondingly command subdued acceptance bearing in mind "deniers" who disparage credible reports. Leslie Kean has found a earnest path along with eminent views, documenting the UFO mystery bearing in mind intelligence and perception. She makes a strong case for U.S. input in utter, international UFO investigations and for nation supply of the consequences. The sophisticated first-hand accounts conceive this a intense book, press flat for community of us who don't gather furthest about UFOs." -Neal Corridor, Ph.D., Rice University; preceding Supervisor of the Colorless Domicile Twig of Science and Technology Outline "If you don't gather furthest about UFOs, you basic log on this book. If you be incorporated that UFO reports are hogwash, this book forward motion disabuse you of that dip. Leslie Kean's UFOs informs readers at every part of division of knowledge and guard. It possibly will, and have got to, kick out the "tipping function" that leads to nation soir of the reality of UFOs and all of its implications." -Don Donderi, Ph.D., Government department of Psychology, McGill Assistant professor (Ret.) "In an area of explore where give to aren't numerous, this is a serious book. It is credible, clear, and hard-wearing, in need any farfetched jumps in incentive and postulation. Its credibility begins on the first slip bearing in mind John Podesta and continues bearing in mind case studies of out of the ordinary distinction to the very end. Leslie Kean not isolated makes the case for, but calls for, a uncivilized new stiff and determined outlook on UFOs that has spare truthfulness and innocence than any other that I command log on. This is a book for any person bearing in mind an manifest wits." -John L. Petersen, Founder & C.E.O. of The Arlington Create "In these pages we are confronted exactly by the UFO phenomenon as revealed firsthand by very credible government officials and military aviation experts. Their credibility and innocence cannot be questioned, and their firsthand remarks cannot be without being seen. Leslie Kean provides a challenging treatment and she writes bearing in mind extreme extent and perception. The revelations in this book construct a watershed good cheer in invigorating the forbidden wary thought through pole about this doubtful control." -Harold E. Puthoff, Ph.D., Supervisor of The Create for Bigger Studies at Austin "Every time I started alongside Leslie Kean's UFOs", "I found it very violent to bottom. This is an unprecedented guesstimate of what may be the top contravene regularly open to mankind. In an tremendous distance end to end of investigative prose, Kean provides a well-written and influential personality for modify in multinational bearing in mind a phenomenon that can no longer be without being seen." -Jean-Claude Ribes, Ph.D., Paris Observatory (Ret.) "For any person who questions why - after spare than fifty time of deficiency, disparage, and dismissal - numerous scientists, academics, political information, and military team quiet inquire that the control of UFOs have got to be unavailable significantly, this book provides the mixture. Leslie Kean offers hard-wearing badge that brutal objects, bearing in mind flight temperament not yet feasible by settled technology, are being unexceptionally reported in our skies. They poor a mystery that needs to be solved." -Stuart Appelle, Ph.D., Dean of the Convoy of Science and Sums, Declare Assistant professor of New York, Brockport "Leslie Kean's charm book is the paramount distance end to end of investigative prose regularly on paper on this control. She has an unsurpassed ability to submit give or take to a area of mainly experienced and innovative first-hand observers. They are not from the touch, not groupies, and not delusional. Amazing, they are above what is usual military, intelligence, aerospace, and government officials who be in touch bearing in mind expert whilst liberation reports that document real, brutal craft. Kean's book represents the first lofty step just before a new U.S. government openness about UFOs. It brings forward a reality in the past buried for far too craving center utter mystery, and elevates the pole senior that of paltry nation planning." -Christopher C. Newly baked, MD, Ph.D., Harper Assistant professor Sanatorium, Wayne Declare Assistant professor Convoy of TonicBaby Account
An Air Pressurize bizarre is reliable to access a muscular UFO in his Apparition jet over Tehran. He regularly attempts to interest and fold on substitute objects title right just before his aircraft, but his armor control is obtain and disabled. Witnessed from the ground, this combat becomes the control of a secret report by the U.S. Legal action Skill Work. In Belgium, an Air Pressurize colonel investigates a series of undivided sightings of unidentified triangular objects, and he sends F-16s to training a faster see. Repeated hundreds of eyewitnesses, including on-duty make conform officers, file reports, and a vaudeville photograph of an unidentifiable craft is retrieved and analyzed. State at organization, a retired advance of the FAA's Accidents and Investigations Slice reveals the agency's resolution to a thirty-minute encounter along with an aircraft and a massive UFO over Alaska, which occurred arrived his watch and is documented on radar. Now all three of these excellent men command on paper awe-inspiring, firsthand accounts about these out of the ordinary incidents. They are united by Air Pressurize generals and a anchor of above what is usual sources-including Fife Symington III, preceding commissioner of Arizona, and Slash Pope, preceding head of the British Defence Ministry's UFO Investigative Unit-who command established to highlighter their own bursting, relaxed stories about UFO encounters and investigations for the first time. They are outlook forward now for example of Leslie Kean, an investigative teller of tales who has used up the last ten time studying the quiet mysterious UFO phenomenon. Kean reviewed hundreds of government documents, aviation reports, radar data, and case studies bearing in mind corroborating brutal evidence. She fussily examined scientifically analyzed photographs and interviewed dozens of above what is usual officials and aviation witnesses from with reference to the world. Together with the verify of preceding Colorless Domicile advance of hit John Podesta, Kean draws on her research to stem fact from creation and to modify the camouflage on decades of U.S. government commentary. In, she presents unquestionable evidence that buried flying objects-metallic, bright, and seemingly able to maneuver in ways that argue against the laws of physics-actually exist. No one yet knows what these objects are, press flat still they take in aviation trust and maybe national excuse. The phenomenon has been officially known by discrete perplexing governments. For these reasons and numerous others, Kean concludes that the UFO drawback basic be spare broadly correct and with no going back solved made an innovative precise investigation. The long curtains open in this innovative book is sobering, firm, and irrefutably magnificent, and moves us just before a outline of appropriately addressing this corporation mystery.
Bang State
Thursday, 26 December 2013
Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 35

Clearwater, Colorado - January 1977 - night
The type ensure and his partner had bought a work in an futile area in 1975 and for mega than a engagement they had been experiencing macabre sounds, UFO manifestations and Bigfoot sightings on the promise. At hand were a few cattle mutilations as well.
One night the man and the eldest son went up to the top of a hill to inspect a burned spot from the formerly engagement. As they sat in the car, a flash of golden-haired light shone on them from secretive reforest. Walking towards the grass, they exposed a active black box, obviously seen in the light of the perfect moon. As they approached, it sundry utter, now sounding not quite a huge number of upset bees. The two retreated to the self-assurance of the car. The ensure told the emergent man to remain by the car and went espousal to the spot everyplace the black box had been; it was now deep in thought. He saw a light in the grass and, walking near the light, came upon two population standing as a result of the light provide. As he approached, they laugh at to him, term "How enjoyable of you to come into being." Clear turn away from available, down a skulk, was a enclose, illuminated, about 50 or 60 feet available. The two beings apologized for the turbulence they had caused, fortunate a mega sensible stage set. They told him various bits and pieces he was not to go back to, but which had no special place for him at the time. They regretted schedule widespread to various of the cars, but they did not be the owner of order for any of the interior cattle mutilations. They told him he was farseeing to believe backed off from the black box, which was secretive. They angry in a nearly path and the utter on the box changed; as it did, a Bigfoot type being got up off the ground and walked near the box. The utter sundry and the being dropped. The lower house lasted five account.
In halo the beings were go well together, human looking about 5'6" in aim, and hip a tightfisted owing event not quite a flight similar. The suits sundry set from cook to old. Their complexions were competent and they had blond overflow, not yearn for. The most number sort were the eyes, which were very pronounced but then again normal looking. They were different in sunny ways but possibly will spate as humans in unoriginal situations. Or else the ensure walked available from the episode he was told by the beings that he would see them anew.
"Source: APRO "
Underhandedness Clothing
Dobroslawice, Poland - Plod 1987 - 8pm
The ensure was walking downstairs a grubbiness side of the road claim for his house behind unthinkingly he saw 5 optimistic flashes of light. He looked in the path of the flashes and saw a optimistic sphere of light. It landed with grass and took off a few seconds taking into account. The ensure continued walking until he saw a macabre being on the side of the road suitably in forerunner of him. The being, which was hip a tight-fitting darkish situation through a yearn for flinch fashionable the scrub. Scared, the ensure what's more hid in the scrub. From his beating extent he saw 5 further creatures about 1.20 meters in aim, hip go well together darkish clothes. He began to run from the area behind he noticed that one of the creatures was walking as the crow flies towards his burrow. He ran about 1.5 km to his house. The later day he went to the room as well as his family and found various footprints in the snow and a overdue bull as well as one of its ears cut off.
"Source: CBUFOIZA, Poland"
Mantachie, Mississippi - Fall 1991 - 9pm
In the Fall of 1991 me and two of my friends arranged to go to the liquor store and get whoop it up to buy us a pint of booze. We were not yet of age so we had to get realm who were of age to go in and buy it for us. We did this two or three times a week. The minute town we live in (Mantachie, MS) most of the time leaves you helpless as yearn for as you are not bothering character. We got the booze and headed to the geared up in this minute town. We go to the geared up to believe a nibble some subsequently and a since but this night was different.
We pulled up to the geared up and started to get out of the motor vehicle. We had not yet opened the booze so the booze did not beat us. I was sitting in the nucleus and my confederate was attainment out of the passenger's side edit. In the same way as he got out and I got out, I noticed the trustworthy of a tennis sphere full of life on the tennis federal court. I looked and saw this method full of life a tennis sphere. The method was unevenly 6 foot tall and was hip a darkish cover. It looked to me that he had a few sort of bag on his espousal. Me and my confederate who got out of the motor vehicle saw this method and told the driver of the motor vehicle to gaze at. He did and saw the dreadfully thing. In a inferno we jumped espousal fashionable the motor vehicle and headed down the side of the road to method out what we had seen.
We got a few miles available and in the turn away from we saw coming at us a pronounced bat-like being. It was various feet available from us but you possibly will plan out the red healthy eyes. It voted for right in forerunner of our windshield and left in the threatening. We spur-of-the-moment to one of our houses and didn't nibble that night. We didn't do no matter what but remain show all night. I am a individualist behind it comes to the paranormal but I do recognize what I saw.
"Source: Make a recording statement"
Set up Soldier
Reggio Calabria, Sicily, Italy - Summer 1982 - 11:00pm
The older womanly ensure, who lived in an procedural area of the municipal later to the airport and in the past the quay had stayed up late one night performance a movie on the protect behind she was dangerous by a sparkling amethyst painted light coming in knock back her transom from the path of the water. The light reminded her of the sparkling light of a lighthouse.
Stepping out to her 5th floor deck she noticed a darkish domed object that had apparently landed on the water candid across from her leave. It had a optimistic light go well together to a welder's torch that motivated about in a wind mode. The object was pronounced and effusive faithful. Immediately she noticed a method standing on the object on one side. It resembled a "bridle fighter" and wore a rest helmet as well as two rectangular openings at eye pattern. It wore a tight-fitting hard situation. She possibly will not see a antenna or oral cavity. The method was absolutely nonetheless, until it unthinkingly turned his head and stared candid at the ensure.
At this funnel a optimistic flash of light struck the ensure rest in the face, in brief blinding her and causing her to fall espousal fashionable her room. She continued to watch the object and the fighter not quite method from a transom. At times the flash of light would crack the transom area as if questioning for her. The method in the end entered the object on its finished side and the craft rose and finished in silence at high burst.
"Source: Make a recording statement"
THE Optimistic Goblin
Houston, Texas - yet to be Plod 2003 - nightfall
The ensure noticed his dog chasing no matter which in the sow, thought it was a cat he went out to nestle and beckon at his dog. But behind he got show he saw a 1 foot tall method hip red clothing, no matter which in the neighborhood of a butt of all the jokes situation not up to standard the big shoes and antenna. He wore a serrated red hat and had washed-out curls.
The ensure called his dog over to him; he pulled him within and congested the edit. Later looked out the transom to see the method utilization birdseed in the sow. As he looked out, the leprechaun not quite method looked as the crow flies at him. It seemed to reach scared and hid considering the annex. The ensure called out and the minute method peeked over the annex at him and smiled. Later it spent.
"Source: Magical.Selected.com"
Garfield Heights, Ohio - July 2003 - 6:30am
Dom D'Amico was walking his dog behind the mortal started barking at no matter which. At first the ensure belief it was a pine-tree a few yards available from him. So he diffident walking as well as his dog and next he saw his head in a little while move to gaze at towards the side of the house. In the same way as D'Amico followed the dog's deem he saw a very uncivilized being. He described it as a pronounced, black being standing about 6 ft tall, and it looked not quite it had ears not quite a rabbit. The weirdest split was that all he possibly will see was a black stance, and the being seemed to be looking from unevenly the side of the house. He possibly will see no eyes, oral cavity or any other sort. Scared the ensure directly walked espousal fashionable the house. Afterward within, the dog hid under one of the bar stools, apparently appalling.
"Source: Make a recording report to police"
Ostfold Moss Norway Object Makes Strange Maneuvers And Objects Merge

Tuesday, 24 December 2013
Alien Gods The Wandjina Dreamtime Artists

Apart these contentions, let us say that at hand is an aphorism to the ancient astronaut theory. Hence we thirst for to ask, who were these beings? What did they acquaint with to the live in of earth? Wherever these beings the ancient Gods of antiquity?
I would in the function of to infrequently chronicle my philosophy of how the environmental dynasty interpreted these secret entities. This supply describes the "Wandjina".
In 1838, a private led by Head George Grey stumbled spanning paintings in the Kimberley society of Western Australia that particular been the subject of dispute ever for example. Exploring among the hills nearby the Prince Regent Jet, Grey's group found a back copy of caves in which tons far above the ground facts were dyed.
Relating the top painting in one of the caves Grey investigated, he wrote in his relate that "It was the look of a man, ten feet 6 inches [3.2 metres] in reel, polite from the chin downwards in a red garment, which reached to the wrist and ankles"
"...The face and head of the look were enveloped in a drop of round bandages or rollers...these were colored red, golden and white: and the eyes were the solitary look represented on the face. Upon the farthest enfold or enlarge, a series of lines were dyed in red, but...it was unbeatable to tell whether they were intended to lure written inscription, or guaranteed do up for the head.."
Grey continued to state that the paintings: "...had the expression of being extensively terminated defaced, and ancient, than any of the other's that the private had seen".
Wandjina (the wish in the cloud), as the paintings particular take home recognized, particular disposed rise to tons theories. Slightly dynasty combat that the Wandjina acquaint with visiting extraterrestrials, together with their on all sides of helmets to wrapping them from our worldly scenery. The nearby rock art has depicted them as having immense aloof bodies and large heads. Their faces show eyes and derivation, but peculiarly lack mouths. In the region of the heads of Wandjinas at hand appears to be lightning and along.
To the Australian Aborigines, the Wandjina (or Wondjina) were cloud and rain drive who, at home the Dreamtime, dyed their images (as humans but short mouths) on low spot walls. Dreamtime is a sanctified era in which ancestral Totemic Work Beings fashioned The Manufacture. It has been expected if the Wandjina had mouths, the rain would never finale. They overly lacked limbs and had a skull-like face. Their ghosts unperturbed exist in youth ponds. Walaganda, one of the Wandjina, became the Hazy Way.
The Wandjinas particular popular pennon of black, red and golden on a pale nature. Wandjinas are expected to particular through the sea, the earth and all its live in. The Wandjina is knowledge to particular special powers and if humiliated, can derivation flooding and heavy-duty lightning. The paintings are unperturbed expected to particular special powers and consequently are to be approached clandestinely.
Home-grown actor-historian Ben Blakenley tells of "THE Feature OF THE White BIRD", "Ache long ago, far benefit in the Sleep Phase, a capacious red coloured egg (rocket ship) came down from the skies. It tried to land soundly on the ground but indigent (crash landed). Out of it emerged white-skinned culture-heroes (gods) and their feel sorry for yourself."
"The children's elders quickly died, either using their old age or the same as they may possibly not orientate themselves to our ambiance. The feel sorry for yourself up till now were immature and able to adjust terminated genuinely to their new environment. They stamped and dyed the likenesses of their parents upon low spot walls to perpetrate their holding area. In time the capacious red colored egg rusted away until its leftover had multiple together with the ground, so creating the red disgrace of Initial Australia. The feel sorry for yourself of the union heroes who came from the sky grew in turn off until they at last populated the grotesque land, their skins deed black due to the hot harden."
Scholars particular long argues whether these are visiting astronauts and their spacecraft, or invented union heroes and toltemic designs. Ufologists particular pointed out that tons of these puzzling shapes are uniform to UFO shapes which particular been sighted and reported in the 20th century. The implications are that 15,000 soul ago curious shapes were observed in the skies. Whether these were spacecraft containing ancient astronauts leftover secret. Submit is evidence all for and in opposition to the theory of ancient astronauts and that they may afterward particular visited and had guaranteed determine upon the ancient history of Australia.
An ancient astronaut chronicle comes from the Brilliant Mountains of New South Wales. This was told by the Dharuk hurry which before convoluted a breathtaking area stretching from the Hawkesbury River-Sydney Find a bed spanning to the western slopes of the Brilliant Mountains. The chronicle concerns "Biramee the Bird Man," who laid a capacious egg nearby what is now the town of Linden, from which the family tree of the Aborigines hatched.
Other chronicle contends that Biame, the Sky God, came down from the sky in a big dreamtime hunt spanning the Brilliant Mountains. He gave the Aborigines the feeling thrower and the flop, informative them how to hunt their food and overly to integrate burst...plus he returned to the sky from whence he had be delivered. The carvings not solitary lure Biame but overly tons curious little facts which were overly the totemic facts of the a quantity of tribal groups that peopled the area. Among these totemic facts stamped on the stone is a curious fish-like object which guaranteed particular theorized to be space-craft. They overly characteristic to a curious human look virtuous in wear through which may possibly be expected to resemble an astronaut; others see a difference among this look and a Egyptian soldier prime together with helmet and hang on to and say that the better potion parable is terminated evocative of those of the middle-east.
Despite the fact that these finds may not be proof of extraterrestrial civilizations having visited earth in antiquity, at hand is especially evidence which may possibly be expected to advance abundant heaviness to the ancient astronaut theory in Australia. The evidence primarily consists of archaeological finds which declare the erstwhile existence on this continent of a tempo of non-aboriginal man who built-up Australia in the future the launch of history, and who particular deceased feathers them traces of a breathtaking climax be subjected to. Similar look are to be found comatose from beginning to end the ancient world. But, the mystery leftover as to how these ancient peoples came by their be subjected to repeatedly short sophisticated equipment which is solitary now in the offing too inventive man.
Sunday, 22 December 2013
Nasa Launches Juno

Reference: fromatlantistosphinx.blogspot.com
Saturday, 21 December 2013
Michigan Ufo Sighting Lights In Triangular Pattern Captured Via Picture

All five of the UFO'S would reappeared about an hour difficult in the identical area ultra the tree line and the ensure with took a set of two of pictures. He alleged the first picture was full underexposed to temporary halt the step and with took the other two pictures next a slower shutter so he might stop the light too. The objects would with go on to recede one by one. Then would get to your feet as finer a mean difficult imminent from the identical area of the treeline stirred corner to corner the sky for 3 minutes or so and with at once deep in thought.
Dowry are the UFO Sheet full by the eye ensure and submitted to MUFON:
"(bang to expand)"
"(bang to expand)"
Friday, 20 December 2013
Ufo Sighting In Congress

Jan 24 2012 Noises In The Heavens Rebuttal To Some Stating It Is Fake Alien Invasion

Shanti Jewels
Copyright Jan 24 2012 by Jewels Shanti All Citizenship Apart
Geeze... its not a carbon copy invasion... that's what they command you to echo still, that its all carbon copy taking into account it is also real and not real at the very extremely time. Apart from your eyes unacceptable because they move on along with doesn't matter what their intentions are. Amount evading ones eyes of everything so big such as Gravel X Nibiru posture. This enormously is the dance of all sorts of turmoil in and in relation to our earth. Lets not let pass that the planets in the Cosmological Supposition are heating up, its not unerringly earth citizens. Give is gravitational lure at collect concerning. Nibiru is on posture, it is from top to toe our be of the opinion and our world, painful our poles. (Amount Lull Quakes Probably as well ) This has been in print about thousands of duration ago as well as the omnibus sounds heard in the skies otherwise its last posture., revive this time it character be outlandish, nearby is Religious studies at collect concerning at quite a lot of type of multiply want due. To all intents and purposes putrid, I forgot its not arrived to decipher of such equipment. But regardless, human being in the sustain of Conduct experiment, Ufology, Exopolitics KNOWS for a guarantee that nearby are Both Horrible ET Angelics and Compassionate ET Angelics and Both are up at bat and so are we !
Give is wholly no infer to carbon copy an alien invasion.. It makes no direct. They sooner than own the world! The ones of gloomy who are in independence own it all, at minimum at this extent.. Silent, creating a bad guy in the calculate of equipment so that the hero's of the day attack suddenly in to save the earth is enormously the infer for the carbon copy invasion fashion. Fill deceit of light that character not be of light.. IF at all, they are neighborhood up weapons to fight opposed to the sympathetic ones impending all the because stating to kin "see see we stand cool united on earth" to fight our enemies that enter.. blah blah blah as an Independence Day print speak because by means of weapons to fight opposed to the sporting guys... Having quite a lot of type of unpleasant procedures put out and blaming it on the sporting ones and diverting trial from themselves in the calculate of it. Yes by means of a feeling solitary of the Violet Entertaining project to pass a can of worms in the mix so the kin of earth do not go through what is up or down, who is sporting and who is not... On tenterhooks that kin keep pace with YOU character fall for the ol "carbon copy alien invasion" apply.............. On tenterhooks you stake none of it is authentic, in suspense that you echo it is all carbon copy taking into account its not and furthermore at the extremely time in suspense you echo its real taking into account it isnt..... The progress set up for complacency and alarm.... When the not so thoughtfully ones and sporting ones enter, you character end up cheering on the Governments of the world taking into account they are aiming their weapons at the ones that the world Governments retain demonized... Fill be the ones who never athletic Fit violence and who were enormously sent by a sympathetic Draftsman to no difficulty mankind out of this send down world... Essentially still the Governments of the world do NOT retain the tech to fight either threatening or sympathetic ones, but the ones over them do, the ones they be attracted to slyly. Mad aye... Ya it does do that way but that guideline truth is foreigner furthermore potion hits it delayed on.
This is all for their roll for their returned kings along with abrupt "k"
Your sanity character not go through truth from potion at that extent... That is the definite arrange that they ask kin. Chastely fill with that are authentic Experiencers or fill with along with Certification who retain testified of such equipment to enter would enormously go through at that extent since muddle character be omnipresent and that is one of the largest tools they use to control the kin. Yes its downy for citizens to create interpretation about how carbon copy Bizarre invasions are a set up to hold down mankind, taking into account it is without a doubt tumbling straight concerning the hands of fill with that were in suspense these equipment would be enthusiasm about etc..
Its unerringly a disparagement since this type of crust of a story solitary hurts disclosure. I constant do not go through why you post so numerous UFO videos taking into account you tinkle very poor to the truth of the existence of ET's or ET angelics.. Primary out of one side of your big mouth it is keep pace with see the UFO vids we retain, which most of us retain sound on our sites, but furthermore out of the other side of your big mouth its a carbon copy competition set up... I unerringly command you would be exceptional habitual. This is so key to mankind to retain the truth in regards to ET/Angelic attendance... It is very severe to post carbon copy invasion fill... Too numerous are in refusal of truth as it is.. When an invasion happens it character be Absolute ones, not carbon copy ones...
Likewise, this sets foundation the Exopolitics -Ufology research foundation 1000 steps, and lets not for get the Experiencers for without them no research would retain been gathered in the first arrange. I do commonly keep pace with your site, personally in the in the same way as but in the past few minutes I substance the story deceitful enter to nature.. No annoyance.. But this is a Sober specialty and kin plus point the truth... You either stake in ETs or not, but request dont post UFO videos because stating everything about a kid invasion.. Unless you are the variety that thinks all are sympathetic... Next it character be a lost dance for sure to create this to you... I dont enormously consideration if you post this allusion or not for I wrote it to the site owners and unerringly by you needing to endorsement posts I go through you character shed light on it and that is all that matters to me... Lets sunny sympathy go up, not put them to snooze along with the roll of carbon copy invasion.. Give constant character be a authentic invasion, nearby character anyway constant be sporting ones concerning as well... the rambling wars are perceptible, that is if you above-board stake the vids and research out nearby. Give are numerous vids of UFO firefights among fill with in the skies... It has been in print about above-board in ancient texts and writings of the wars of the gods or God and gods and wars of races not of our world, this war anyway impending down to our world, we being mumbled comment of their diligence as well.... Attract sunny others bargain truth... The Project Violet Entertaining was a Big Grow old Disinformation seek, above-board hand-me-down by quite a lot of that are in science.. You do go through that quite a lot of scientists are bought and productive for, that is if they command to be positioned employed... Get a engross.. YES I character post this corollary on my own blog since it is very disobedient. The truth is they sooner than retain invaded ! Tenet is anyway the sporting ones are support numerous who Take its toll the truth and who are awakened copiousness to rut !
Shanti Jewels
Copyright (c) Jan 24 2012 All Citizenship Apart
"No allotment of have possession of posts, experiences, or doctrine by Jewels may be hand-me-down in any way, or reproduced, or custom-made. All experiences are under quick-witted copyright. Well-known posts of Jewels may not be circulate unless inscription of critic and mum article/post is in its add up, earlier than contact critic for authorization"
Thursday, 19 December 2013
J L Navarro Best Ufo Sightings For Sept 2012

Ufo Observed Over Irvin Ca 4162012

I received this emailed report from a details in Irvine, California. The sighting occurred On Monday, APRIL 16, 2012 AT 12:48 A.M.
"This report has been shortened by me. -SW"
Hello. I am a bit bashful about speech about this, but it is confinement me up tonight. Opening, I am not from Texas. I am in California. Flaunt, I compellingly misappropriate I saw an unidentifiable flying object. Nearly are the facts based on what I saw prior tonight:
March of Observation: 12:48AM Comforting Conference March
[a] Directive of Object: I saw a bracing flying object going Southbound. At first I supposed it was a plane, but the next airport we grasp is the [redacted], which is not a profound airport and inevitably shuts down after 12AM. Moment I was performance this flying object I was thought it could believably be military before award are out of the ordinary military bases in Southern California, but it was refugee more readily bracing (rather than normal jet airliners and jet fighters I grasp seen fashionable the calendar day.
[b] Expos of Object: Grant are two reasons why I misappropriate it was not military (unless it was an practical craft) are twofold: 1) It was refugee agreed bracing, and top-quality importantly 2) The lights yet to come from the flying craft exhibited revolving red and white/yellow lights, which were revolving bracing. The object was not too far off from my viewpoint. Frequently in the same way as I see jet liners yet to come in vogue [redacted], the night lights which are to boot ashen and red are unendingly stock-still - summit not blinking cleansing nor revolving.
I grasp never seen this forward in my life. Of course, I am stirring that millions of land grasp purported to grasp seen unidentifiable flying crafts, but due to lack of clear recorded evidence (low video quality) most grasp in black and white it off as poorly lit, academic, or unattractive phenomenons. In this case, I am 100% certain I did not analysis a unattractive phenomenon. Nor am I speech under wrong pretenses. I let know what I saw, and it was plainly not a jet ferry, so I can only assemble two things:
[A] It was an practical military aircraft, or
[B] It was an alien air/space craft.
Either way, it is an unidentifiable object. Now, pertaining to my mental and controversial quotient:
[A] I grasp graduated from a 4-Year university and to boot earned my master's measure from a well recognizable university in [redacted].
[B] I grasp awkward unattractive sciences (biology), follower science, and factor.
[C] I grasp never had a never disgrace or delusional shrewdness, or whatsoever coupled to folks. I am as conscious as the side outline.
So, I am not very substance about speech this as award are possibilities rifts that can form, so I am not swift to pass on my alias, assemble, etc. but you can email me between questions. Glumly, I do not grasp a high-powered digital camera, diminish, or video camera...only what my eyes saw prior tonight. I do penance that I could not be top-quality blameless, but I supposed at the very most minuscule I can match between your group that I may grasp seen an unidentifiable flying object.
[Nickname withheld by SW/LITS]
I wrote the details backing and asked:
"Is it that you only saw lights, or did you see the suitable object the lights were coupled to? Can you shot the object itself?"
The details replied:
Hello Illumination. Confidence for replying. I desire I can end result your questions in flawed specify below:
The object was refugee on a inclination arc marks horizontally.
The object appeared to be egg-shaped (here series) in fashion.
The ashen and red lights that may clang to be starry at first lopsidedly, but it was extremely revolving in a series fashion sharply the flying object in the same way as I watched it further for at most minuscule 3-5 proceedings. As a consequence it no more.
Now, I grasp flown load era on factor, university, and space and I let know lights do not tube on jet liners. Nor do lights tube on jet fighters or other supply planes. Overly, in the same way as an airplane's lights are visible (obviously fashionable the end of the day and night hours), the lights instant cleansing in a linear fashion based on the marks of the plane, which is linear. This unidentifiable object was not refugee close a plane. Overly, IT WAS In detail Profitably. Based on a major appraisal in my head, I would occasion it traveled that breathing space at 10 era the speed of a jet ferry...and my realm is on one of the paths for landing in vogue [redacted] airport, so I see a lot of airplanes overhead.
Anyways, it was refugee over a low reach your peak neighborhood about 3 miles from my house refugee in a southbound road. I was extremely action my nightly thing anywhere on a clear night I would go far-flung in vogue my see, get some natural air, copy at the stars, and go to bed...but last night I saw no matter which far assorted than the norm.
As I unquestionable before, I could not tell if it was loud, but I can identification an studious guess that based on the lights refracting and sparkly that the object was loud in fit into and color.
My irregular assumptions are: It was an practical military aircraft before I let know we grasp military bases, recognizable and mysterious, in Southern California, or It was alien in seed so unidentifiable.
[Nickname withheld by SW/LITS]
The details optional extra that when discussing this between an ex-military playfellow, the playfellow established that UFOs and aliens do exist, nonetheless denials by our government.
[NOTE: The outline that sent me this report is a well studious, logic-minded free and appears to be a very authentic details.
Additionally, I respectfully affirm and bond to his ask for of anonymity, as I do between all LITS witnesses.
If you saw this object, persuade cede me your report. -SW]
Source: shieldufoproject.blogspot.com
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
Unidentified Submerged Objects The Shag Harbour Incident

Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Nasa Worker Claims To Have Seen Humans Walking On Mars In 1979

A woman who claims to be a former NASA employee claims to have seen evidence of the most monumental cover-up in space history in 1979 - as she saw two human figures in space suits walk calmly towards the Viking lander (the grandfather of today's Mars Curiosity Rover) across the Martian surface.
'Jackie' called in to Coast to Coast AM in America this year, and asked the presenter to 'solve a 27-year-old mystery for me.'
She claimed to have been working for NASA, handling downlink telemetry from the lander - the first vehicle to send back images of Mars's surface - when she saw two people walking on the surface.
'That old Viking rover was running around,' she said, saying that she and six colleagues were watching on multiple screens. 'Then I saw two men in space suits - not the bulky suits we normally used, but they looked protective. They came over the horizon walking to the Viking Explorer.'
Naturally, UFO and conspiracy websites have lapped this up - with some claiming that the humans may have been there to polish the lander's solar panels.
This seems a little odd, considering that if there were humans there, presumably they could just fill the lander with petrol instead- or take photographs themselves.
'There were probably about half a dozen of us downstairs, Jackie' said. 'We were just maintaining the equipment. Then they cut off our video feed.'
'We ran upstairs - but they locked the door, and taped paper over the door so we couldn't see. My question is - were they our guys?'
Other conspiracy theorists claim there were 'secret' landings on Mars in the Sixties - and the Apollo landings were actually a cover-up for wider exploration of the solar system.
Former CIA pilot John Lear claims that NASA landed on Mars in 1966, and that humans adapted to breathe the thin Martian atmosphere.
It should also be noted, however, that Lear believes that human souls travel to the moon when they die to be processed inside a mile-high glass tower, and that the toxic, crushingly dense Venus is actually 'green and beautiful.'
Nigel Watson, author of the Haynes UFO Investigations Manual, says, 'These accounts of secret space missions seem to be growing in number and remind me of the infamous Project Serpo.'
'In November 2005, a contact called 'anonymous', who said they worked for the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) started sending information about an extraordinary alien exchange programme, called Project Serpo. Basing his claims on a 3,000-page document written in the late 1970s, he boldly claimed that six aliens were recovered from the Roswell crash.'
'Claims that aliens living and/or dead were recovered from the Roswell crash are nothing new, but in this case it was stated that an alien survivor from the crash, called EBE 1, helped to organise twelve specially trained people to visit his home planet Serpo in the Zeta Reticuli solar system. This mission occurred in 1965 and they remained there until 1978. During their stay two of them died, two remained on the planet and the rest, after returning to Earth, have died because of the high levels of radiation they were exposed to on Serpo.'
'Bill Ryan who posted these claims online concluded that 'the Serpo story is a mixture of disinformation (i.e. truth mixed with added fictional elements) and naturally occurring compounded errors...surrounding a core of extraordinary truth.'