Saturday, 31 May 2014
Ufo Sighting 2012 Jets Scramble After Ufo Sonic Bomb Photos


Friday, 30 May 2014
Mysteries Houston British Columbizig Zagging Ufo


Date: June 28, 2006 Time: Approx: 11:30 (?)
HBCC UFO Note: I went to the resource station on Friday June 30, 2006 to obtain up quite a lot of propane for the barbeque and the guy who runs the station told me that his companion had watched an numerous pallid object zig zagging crossways the sky. From what the guy told me, his companion was clearly amazed to see no matter which roving gratify this. The couple are separation to get a care for of me in a bit to dump me anymore detail on the sighting.
Thank you for the guy for recitation his wife's sighting.
Brian Vike, Aloof HBCC UFO Appraise. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Appraise International:
HBCC UFO Appraise, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Alien Implants


Calm, I touch as technology moves beforehand we may accept to look toward in believing in the alien ufo phenomena, move about we may correctly be on the way of alien fed technology beforehand, what I am saying alien encounters wont be so worried if ourselves were not as well developed to any such extraterrestrial life forms themselves?
Governments hiding the fact that award is removed alien beings among us? This is rocket new, I bet many with ancient civilizations has concluded the enormously thing in advance too among award man civilians. The concern is why ?Perhaps the fall of many with ancient sophistication is due to with a clash with alien beings or conceivably alien confrontations with with civilizations it was a shock to the system and rebellions ensued among the private against deception private caused by alien wear out for that reason conceivably this is why the ending happened in the harm of many with civilization? Momentum award be not the same upsurge with them with this planets principal sophistication ever ?
Why is that I snitch so much?
- Keith Ranville
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Sightings Exopolitics The Mediand Stephenville Pt 3


Meanwhile, the sightings keep on and the media leeway has engrossed from uncharacteristically enjoyable to add-on gentle as the story progresses. We hand down do by plus Dr. Salla the outlook of the media leeway on this performance in relationship plus other sightings and what it may mean for the complex or be on a par with partial disclosure.
Dr. Salla is the creator of the Exopolitics Body.
The Body was shaped to composed present hold close for scholars engaged in exopolitical research, whistleblowers disclosing information about covert projects apparently connecting extraterrestrials or their technology, and/or populace claiming to abide weathered extraterrestrial contact.
Karma Air- Shiftiness Matter: Exopolitics, the Media, and Stephenville Pt. 3
Un Camionero Argentino Dionisio Llanca Fue Abducido Por Los Extraterrestres Nrdicos


Un camionero argentino, Dionisio Llanca, tuvo una experiencia enigm'atica al cambiar un neum'atico desinflado en una carretera solitaria. Posteriormente Dionisio, un soltero tranquilo y reservado, lleg'o a un hospital en Bah'ia Blanca en un estado de amnesia tedious. Unos d'ias m'as tarde en el hospital, recuper'o su memoria y relat'o su extraordinaria experiencia: una noche de encuentro con un platillo volador y tres extraterrestres de tipo n'ordico que tomaron una muestra de su sangre y hablaban entre s'i en un idioma extra~no.LA HISTORIA:
S'abado por la tarde, del 27 de octubre de 1973, Dionisio Llanca descans'o en una casita modestamente pintada de su t'io, Enrique Ruiz, situada en la calle Chubut, a s'olo diez minutos del centro de Bah'ia Blanca. Durmi'o durante el periodo de la get some shuteye, porque tendr'ia que conducir toda la noche. Se despert'o a las 18:00 horas (6:00 pm), y vio una serie de televisi'on, que era realista, directa y sin elementos fant'asticos.
Esa misma noche, alrededor de las 00:30 horas (12:30 am), del domingo, 28 de octubre 1973, Llanca, le dijo adi'os a su t'io y se meti'o en su cami'on, una Dodge 600, cargado con materiales de construcci'on para transportarlos a la ciudad de R'io Gallegos. Para Dionisio, este es un viaje rutinario de dos d'ias al sur del pa'is.
Cuando fue a una gasolinera Esso en la calle Don Bosco para cargar inflammatory, se dio cuenta que uno de los neum'aticos estaba un poco bajo, pero le dio poca importancia y se decidi'o revisarlo cuando llegue al pueblo de M'edanos (unos 30 kil'ometros de distancia), para no perder m'as tiempo.
Mientras conduc'ia por la ruta 3, a unos 19 kil'ometros de la ciudad de Bah'ia Blanca, se dio cuenta de que el neum'atico estaba perdiendo el aire r'apido, entonces 'el urgentemente ten'ia que detenerse para cambiarlo. Lament'o no cambiarlo en la gasolinera Esso donde se hab'ia detenido 15 minutos m'as temprano para comprar gasolina.
Aproximadamente a las 01:15 horas (1:15 am), se detuvo en un arc'en oscuro y desolado en la noche fr'ia. 'El empez'o a sacar las herramientas, llaves, gato y comenz'o a cambiar el neum'atico absolutamente lone sin haber nadie alrededor para ayudarle. La carretera estaba plenamente desierta en una zona boscosa y sus alrededores estaban totalmente oscuros.
Mientras cambiaba el neum'atico, observ'o que la carretera se iluminaba con un resplandor amarillento intenso a unos 2 kil'ometros (una milla) de distancia. Debido al color, pens'o que podr'ia ser los faros de un autom'ovil Peugeot y continu'o trabajando sin prestar m'as atenci'on. Mientras arrodillado cambiando el neum'atico, de in half a shake la luz se coloc'o detr'as de 'el, sobre las copas de los 'arboles, convirti'endose tan brillante que iluminaba toda la zona y cambi'o a un color azulado linked a una soldadura por arco el'ectrico. Cuando iba a levantarse para mirar hacia unos 'arboles donde la luz proven'ia, se dio cuenta de que no ten'ia fuerza en sus piernas para hacerlo.
Mirando hacia atr'as sobre su hombro derecho, se dio cuenta de algo inesperado; detr'as de 'el hab'ia un enorme objeto en forma de disco, suspendido a unos siete metros (23 pies) del suelo y tres seres humanoides de pie mir'andolo. 'El estaba totalmente paralizado y no pod'ia ni siquiera hablar.
Los tres se quedaron ah'i parados mir'andolo por un rato, seg'un Llanca, por unos cinco minutos. Entonces, uno de los humanoides lo agarr'o por detr'as del cuello de su su'eter y lo levant'o con firmeza, pero no con agresividad. Intent'o de hablar, pero su voz no le sal'ia. Mientras se hallaba detenido por ese humanoide, el otro coloc'o un dispositivo, parecido a una maquinilla de afeitar, en la base del dedo 'indice izquierdo de Llanca sac'andole sangre. Llanca cree que perdi'o el conocimiento poco despu'es de ver dos gotas de sangre en su dedo, porque 'el no se recuerda nada m'as despu'es de eso.
Los extraterrestres fueron descritos del tipo n'ordico. Eran dos hombres y lo que 'el consideraba que era una mujer debido a la formaci'on de los senos y el cabello largo y rubio que llegaba hasta la mitad de los hombros. Los hombres tambi'en eran rubios, pero con el cabello m'as corto. Eran aproximadamente de la misma altura, de un metro y 70 'o 75 cent'imetros (de 4 a 5 pies) y vest'ian con uniforme gris de una sola pieza muy ajustado, botas anaranjadas y guantes anaranjados largos que llegaban hasta la mitad de sus brazos. No usaban cinturones, ni armas, ni cascos, ni cualquier otra cosa. Sus caracter'isticas faciales eran como las de los seres humanos, a excepci'on de sus frentes altas y ojos alargados. Hablaban entre ellos en una lengua extra~na, que sonaba como un radio mal sintonizado con chirridos y zumbidos.
Llanca no pod'ia recordar cuando se despert'o, pero se cree que fue entre las dos o tres de la ma~nana de ese domingo. Cuando abri'o los ojos, se encontr'o entre los vagones en el patio de la "Sociedad Ecological de Bah'ia Blanca", a unos 9 kil'ometros de donde sucedi'o el encuentro con los alien'igenas. 'El estaba en un estado de amnesia, ya que no pod'ia recordar ni siquiera su nombre, el episodio, el cami'on, o su casa. 'El comenz'o a caminar por la carretera y se desmay'o.
Cuando volvi'o a despertarse, 'el sigui'o caminando por la ruta 3, y al llegar a la intersecci'on de la ruta 35, un guidebook lo encontr'o caminando desorientado y sin rumbo como un piece of equipment. El guidebook lo recogi'o y lo llev'o a una comisar'ia de polic'ia donde fue trasladado posteriormente al Hospice Espa~nol.
Todav'ia es un misterio de lo que ocurri'o entre el momento del encuentro al tiempo cuando despert'o en la "Sociedad Ecological de Bah'ia Blanca", a unos 9 kil'ometros de distancia y cuando el Consider Ricardo Smirnoff lo atendi'o en el Hospice Espa~nol. El Dr. Altoperro declar'o que era un caso curioso ya que Llanca, un joven de unos 25 'o 26 a~nos de edad, se encontraba en un estado de amnesia tedious.
En el hospital, 'el todav'ia no pod'ia recordar nada de su pasado. No sab'ia qui'en era, d'onde naci'o o hasta qui'enes sus padres eran. 'El no recordaba absolutamente nada de su pasado. Lloraba constantemente y preguntaba en qu'e ciudad 'el estaba. Cuando su cabeza o sus manos fueron tocadas, 'el retroced'ia instintivamente, como si eso le produjera dolor. Ten'ia un fuerte dolor de cabeza en el arrange del l'obulo parietal-temporal derecho. La polic'ia fue notificada y posteriormente fue trasladado al Hospice Ceremonial.
El 30 de octubre, a las 22:00 horas (10:00 pm) cuando se despert'o en su cama del Hospice Ceremonial de Bah'ia Blanca, recuper'o su memoria y recordaba la experiencia detalladamente hasta el momento cuando se desmay'o al ver su dedo sangriento. Sus ropas estaban intactas, dobladas en los cajones (gavetas) de su cuarto del hospital. Sinti'o el deseo de fumar y de saber qu'e hora era. Registr'o su ropa y descubri'o que su reloj, su encendedor de cigarrillos y los cigarrillos en una caja met'alica faltaban. Los bolsillos de los pantalones todav'ia conten'ian los 150.000 pesos argentinos que llevaba al salir de su casa. 'El pregunt'o por su cami'on, que le preocupaba m'as que el ovni y sus ocupantes. Se le dijo que la polic'ia lo hab'ia encontrado estacionado en un arc'en en Address Bordeu, a unos 18 kil'ometros de la ciudad de Bah'ia Blanca, con el gato en su lugar y con uno de los neum'aticos sacado. Sus papeles en la guantera del cami'on no hab'ian sido molestados.
El 5 de noviembre de 1973, Llanca fue hipnotizado, que le permiti'o relacionar los hechos que no pod'ia recordar cuando estaba abordo de la nave espacial por m'as de una hora. Explic'o, durante la hipnosis, que cuando se acercaron al cami'on, le hicieron una biopsia; un peque~no tejido de piel fue removido de su dedo 'indice izquierdo con un dispositivo parecido a una maquinilla de afeitar. Entonces una especie de rayo de luz amarillento sali'o de la nave, que lo llev'o al highlight ovalado de la nave.
Una vez adentro, 'el vio c'omo la mujer manejaba una serie de instrumentos que 'el identific'o como equipos m'edicos y quir'urgicos, tal vez prepar'andose para examinarlo. Uno de los hombres, que Llanca cree que era el piloto, parec'ia estar sentado al frente de los controles de la nave y manten'ia en su mano derecha una especie de palanca de mando. El otro humanoide estaba observando el cielo estrellado a trav'es de un gran block parecido de cristal, una imagen que se repet'ia en una serie de monitores a color situados a la izquierda de Llanca.
De repente, se abri'o una compuerta y varias mangueras y cables fueron arrojados fuera de la nave. Las mangueras se hundieron en un peque~no curso de agua y los cables hicieron contacto con una torre de alto voltaje localizada cerca.
La mujer, que actuaba como una enfermera, se manten'ia ocupada con los instrumentos encima de una mesa grande. Ella se cambi'o el guante anaranjado de la mano derecha por uno negro que ten'ia punzones en la palma. Cuando ella se acerc'o a Llanca, le hizo una incisi'on en el parietal derecho. Entonces sin querer, golpe'o su arco superciliar izquierdo produci'endole un hematoma (o moret'on) que los m'edicos humanos posteriormente examinaron y trataron.
Cuando terminaron de examinar su cabeza, los alien'igenas procedieron a anestesiar su herida. En este momento, 'el fue liberado de la nave espacial completamente inconsciente, despu'es fue hallado vagando por las calles en un estado de amnesia y su pr'oximo recuerdo del incidente fue cuando se despert'o en el Hospice Ceremonial de Bah'ia Blanca.
Por otra parte, el cami'on fue hallado en el lugar donde Llanca afirm'o de haberlo estacionado. A pocos metros de all'i, se pudo comprobar que una torre de alta tensi'on estaba da~nada. Despu'es de consultar con la compa~n'ia que suministra electricidad a la ciudad, el equipo dirigido por Fabio Zerpa (un uf'ologo argentino bien conocido), hab'ia confirmado que el domingo, 28 de octubre 1973, entre las 2:00 y las 3:00 de la ma~nana se hab'ia producido un aumento inusual del consumo de energ'ia el'ectrica, coincidiendo con el informe de Dionisio Llanca.
Hay muchas opiniones generadas en este caso. Tanto m'edicos como investigadores del fen'omeno ovni se dividen entre aquellos que aceptan que un acontecimiento excepcional se produjo en la ruta 3 esa noche, y de los que creen que se trata de lo que Roberto Banchs describi'o como "uno de los fraudes m'as sofisticados hasta la fecha."
Quiz'as nunca sepamos la verdad, pero la presunta abducci'on de Dionisio Llanca fue examinada a fondo e investigada por unos de los mejores m'edicos, psic'ologos, psiquiatras y uf'ologos en Argentina y a'un hoy en d'ia, este caso sigue considerado como uno de los casos m'as desconcertantes del fen'omeno abducci'on que se ha producido no s'olo en Argentina, sino tambi'en en la Am'erica Latina y en el mundo. Durante sus muchas regresiones hipn'oticas, 'el fue capaz de dibujar varios bocetos de los alien'igenas y de la nave espacial que 'el presenci'o en esa carretera solitaria mientras cambiaba un neum'atico.
Dionisio Llanca es un hombre sencillo, casi primitivo. En dos d'ias de entrevistas, se mantuvo reservado y ni siquiera sonri'o. 'El es serio con un sentido del wit a distancia. Uno de los m'edicos lo caracteriz'o como "inocente". Cuando se le preguntan qu'e 'el piensa sobre los ovnis, 'el chop up, "Nada, no me interesa." En realidad, algunas cosas le interesan a Dionisio: por supuesto, sus padres, su pueblo y su trabajo. No le gusta pensar en los acontecimientos de esa noche.
La informaci'on front fue recopilada de varias fuentes y algunas traducidas del ingl'es por PRUFON
The Angel And The Aliens


Mystery Primate Omnibus Part Deux


MONDAY, Time 12, 2012
THE Conundrum Monkey OMNIBUS (Elegance OF) (Sector DEUX)
Having looked at the orangutan analysis schemes deliberate by Ivan Sanderson, Inscribe Group, Loren Coleman and Patrick Huyghe, and Gorge Drinnon, I carry tried to give away a analysis conspire that encompasses all of their notes and puts the nature in the sphere of prim and proper groupings. In this case, I reflect on Sanderson's prime example analysis is the most as it should be, but that all and sundry one through after adds crucial sub-groupings, which I've included inside. They are sorted from "most manlike" to "lowest possible manlike" in the slant of Sanderson. Alright, inside goes symbols.
Like by Gorge Drinnon of four want cryptid orangutan types, plus my Freshwater Monkey!
Picture from
[In, a series of skeletons for the want types of hominids: Gracile and Fat Australopithecines, Homo erectus (Third from Gone) Heidelberg (Hs heidelbergensis, third from Modest), Neanderthaler (Hs neanderthalensis, instant from Modest) and modern Homo sapiens at far flattering. Heidelbergers were sometimes the same taller than modern humans on the banner and did progressively direct two meters tall: this drawing makes the Heidelberger skeleton probably way too thin and the same the arms too help yourself to. Neanderthals and Heidelbergers are at lowest possible conspecific to all and sundry other, and numerous experts say that what's more are impartial forms of Homo sapiens in detail]
Maurice Burton's Neanderthals, corresponding to the Crucial Asian Almas
Reconstructions for Homo heidelburgensis, corresponding to reports of the Chuchunaa and such. Rumor has it that the Western European Neanderthalers are best scheme of as a localised and specialised alternative of the self-important generalised and international company genus H. sapiens heidelbergensis: the corresponding "Neanderthaloids" of Africa and East Asia are now all thought to be heidelbergensis.
Drawings for Eastern Bigfoot, the most widespread North American form of Wildman. At Gone, drawing of a sighting feom Georgia and at Modest a close-up renewal of the face.
Staff and Female Wildmen, reconstructions for H. heidelbergensis
These are generally man-sized and carry hairy, human-like bodies and faces, extreme eyes, want head blur and beards, and calloused pads on their hands and splash. They either go uncovered or wear clothing through from boom or boar pelts. They variously leave tracks that are shod or barefoot. The same as all are members of the genus Homo, "they grow to refurbish in two want types.Neanderthaloids, after Coleman and Huyghe, deferment in throng forests and taiga in Eurasia and Eastern North America (although one may be fix in South America) and are locally accepted as Trolls, Chuchunaas, Barmanus, Almases, Wildmen, Yeren, Bushmen, Wendigoes, and Eastern Bigfeet. They are 5-7 feet tall as a result of sturdy surface. They open out from being culuturally in need, construction impartial want brickwork tackle and passing through fire, to abundant expert, loft natural huts, passing through fire-steel, and creating advanced tackle from brickwork and forest. They persistently wear boar pelts to provision all right, and are commonly seen hunting big game. All of their surface lead to that they are current Neanderthals.
[Rumor has it that, they are in two terrible nature categories chiefly, one standard-human terrible nature or along with 5 and 6 feet on the banner, one house populations taller and one house populations shorter. These are the Almas types. the Subarctic population tends to be big, AVERAGING at about 6'6" (Asiatic references) or 7 feet tall (American references): they CAN be reported as up to 8 or 9 feet tall-DD]
Erectus Hominins, once more borrowed from Coleman and Huyghe, are restricted to Southeast Asia and Australia, where they are variously accepted as Wildmen, Nguoi Rungs, Batututs, Sedapas, and Yowies. The same as universally man-sized, dwarf versions exist in Indonesia. They use natural tackle having the status of clubs, but do not grow to carry the license to use fire. The same as the other Wildman category belongs to "Homo sapiens, "and are for that reason the extremely genus as us, most Erectus Hominins sturdy to be descended from "Homo erectus. "Grant is, yet, a optimism that one Indonesian types may talk to to survivals of "Homo floresiensis." [Gorge does not see the eminence as being provoked upon us and counts these in downhill as a result of the other Wildmen]
"[Elder, Mull it over drawing of the Hominid Orang Pendek. To the flattering, resemblance of Heuvelmans' Hominid Orang Pendek to a dwarfed Unmarried Man, as a result of a mundane human for span.-DD]In the wake of reanalysis, most of Sanderson's Proto-Pygmies grow to be small versions of the Wildman category; the creatures in this group are all that survives. They are restricted to Crucial Africa and are below banner human terrible nature. They are hidden in blur, instruct as a result of hoots and whistles, and do not grow to use any tackle. Grant are two want types:
Gracile Australopiths are accepted locally as Agogwes, Sehites, and Kakundakaris. They are universally 4-5 feet tall and carry frothy builds, commonly being injury for human pygmies. They grow to be a genus of Australopithecus."
Fat Australopiths are accepted locally as Kikombas, Muhalus, Ngolokos, and Apamandis. Be keen on the Gracile Australopiths, they banner 5 feet tall but suitably sturdy. They grow to be a genus of "Paranthropus." [The fossils are corresponding in terrible nature to Neanderthals but as a result of a better rate of sexual dimorphism-DD]
Top illustration conflicting Sasquatches to Bears. The Alaskan Sasquatches are the same director. In that is my amended deomonstration of what the skeleton require be having the status of (Gone below, not to span )
The name, borrowed from Sanderson, is fitting; it impartially means "New Great," and they are chiefly a recent change of the giants of tradition. This type is chiefly the extremely as Sanderson's Neo-Giants, and includes elements of Hall's, Huyghe's, and Coleman's "Acceptable Giants," which in this case are premeditated uniform to Sanderson's group. They are seen in Crucial Asia and North America, where they are accepted as Bigfeet, Sasquatches, Dzuh-tehs, Gin-sungs, and Rent Men. They are 6-10 feet tall and carry suitably hard-wearing builds, commonly being compared to blameless gorillas. Their blur is melancholic black in teenage nature, bleak in adults, and silvers as a result of age; here is an up-curled duty-bound of blur that comes off their pinnacle pinnacle. The head is small and pointed. They are most famous for their footprints, which are gigantic and human-like. They instruct as a result of hectic, animal-like shrieks. They are not accepted to use tackle, although they commonly administer rocks at hurry. They grow to be descended from "Gigantopithecus blacki."IV: Shadowy PONGID
Dale's charts from support blog postings showing the resemblance of Yetis to boring orangutans
Once more borrowed from Coleman and Huyghe, these are secret apes seen in the world which leave distinct tracks as a result of abominable big toes. They refurbish in three fundamental types:
* Sivapithecines are seen in Asia and North America and are accepted locally as Yetis, Meh-tehs, Teh-lmas, Yeren, Hibagons, Orang Pendeks, Boogers, Napes, and Pig Apes. They are universally man-sized and arrive having the status of chimps, orangutans, and gorillas. Their fur ranges from black and bleak to red and orangey. The Asian forms grow to be united to the ground-dwelling ape "Sivapithecus, "point dwell in in North America are probably united to fossil teeth labelled "Hesperopithecus. The same as these are commonly scheme of as being pig teeth, impartial a few greatly resemble pig teeth. The others may be unadulterated North American Apes.
* "Parapongo" is a name coined by Gorge Drinnon for creatures from South America called Mapinguaris and Mono Reys, which arrive having the status of orangutans and leave bottle-shaped footprints. They are not the extremely genus as Indonesian orangutans, but more rapidly portion a widespread ground-dwelling forebear and carry such as convergently evolved to live in the trees.
* American Siamangs are seen in South America, where they are commonly sprawling as a result of "Parapongo." These creatures are accepted locally as Mono Grande, Didi, Isnachi, and Negroes of the Water. They are described as man-sized black apes as a result of slight bodies, construction them arrive having the status of giant siamangs, to which they grow to be the moment united. They grow to be members of the genus Ameranthropoides "loysi, "described from a specimen shot in 1920 in Venezuela. The same as commonly called a hoax, it may greatly be unadulterated.
Merbeings are a group of macaque monkeys which carry habituated to an oceanic existence. Males clutch want manes and beards. They are seen complete and refurbish in two want types:
* 1. Marine Monkeys are (or were) seen in mass complete and are the Mermaids, Mermen, Sirens, etc. of tradition. They carry want, dolphin-like tails and four limbs; the front legs are battery-operated and carry human-like hands, point the bear out legs impartial patch up as claspers hand-me-down happening mating. They commonly sit out on rocks in float up water, and their greasy blur requires never-ending grooming. They grow to be descended from long-tailed macaques which took to existence in the water and evolved a hard-wearing tail as a result of flukes as a catch on.
* Freshwater Monkeys are seen in swamps and stream systems in Europe, Southeast Asia, and North America, where they are locally accepted as Brownies, Goblins, Sprites, Nixes, Kappas, Kijimunas, Puckwudgies, Frog Men, Lizard Men, and Swamp Monsters. Eurasian ones are universally pygmies, point North American ones are self-important commonly man-sized. They carry webbed feet and hands, and fur which clumps cooperatively to arrive having the status of scales. They carry five-toed feet, but two of these toes are vestigial and don't show up in tracks, neglect three-toed footprints significantly.
[ Elder, reconstructed Mischievous sprite Chimpanzee from Abnormal Art: In, Gorge D's explanation as a coyote. This vigor not sturdy having the status of such a imposing total at first but about surface are noted in widespread and the tracks finished behind schedule in one cases DO sturdy to be coyote (or Wild Dog) tracks. The category is best scheme of as "Chupacabras Afterward The Mane Static On"-DD]
I am plus this as a doable category to display precise sightings of "Werewolves" and "Dogmen" in North America. The identification is unpleasant, as here grow to besides be mundane Neo-Giants, Dense Hominin Wildmen, and an secret genus of authenticate operational as well. If the category is unadulterated, furthermore they are primarily man-sized baboons which persistently walk blameless and carry dog-like heads and tails. They are commonly seen scavenging carrion downhill the sides of infrastructure.
[They do not persistently walk blameless but they can stand up and nose-dive from a truly opinion. And the last tabled traits are self-important unpretentious boring dogs. Primates do not carry pricked ears or clean up tails, and the Mischievous sprite Monkeys are digitigrade, having the status of dogs but not having the status of Primates-DD]UPDATE: after play-act one self-important research, I carry refurbish to the idea that the "Dense Hominin" and "Neanderthaloid" Wildman sub-types are a moment ago cultural variations of the extremely boar. Thus, I carry dropped the Dense Hominin sub-type and foul it as a result of the Neanderthaloid. I besides see where here can be confusion: this is not an prime example list. It is my stab to swimming pool the lists of others in a way that makes savoir-faire and is as it should be for the nature being described. Regularly, these categories aren't rumored to speak for one genus, but more rapidly is a sour way to information alternative genus in the sphere of want categories based on estimated and behavioral natural history. To get around complication, inside is a list to show the extreme emanate of genus fix.
Wildmen (two, perhaps three genus)
Neanderthaloid [In the midst of what's more H.s. heidelbergensis and H.s. neanderthalensis variants]
Erectus Hominin
"?H. floresiensis?"
Australopithecines (two frank genus)
Neo-Giants (two aptitude genus)
Shadowy Pongids (four genus)
"Pig Ape"
American Siamang
Merbeings (three genus)
Marine [Worldwide]
Freshwater (Eurasian)
Freshwater (American)
American Baboon (one doable genus)
Out of this list, yet, Neanderthaloids, Erectus Hominins/H. floresiensis, and the Asian Neo-Giants grow to mirror genus accepted from the fossil proclamation. On the other hand, Gracile and Fat Australopithecines, "Pig Apes," and American Neo-Giants are all probably new genus of accepted genera. This means that they all clearance as being accepted in one way or original. Thus, impartial the "Yeti," Parapongo, American Siamang, all the Merbeings, and the American Baboon are "very "secret, and unpretentious all mirror new genus and genera, if not new families
-In summary, I reflect on Tyler is probably very clammy to the truth but I wish to create a few self-important simplifications arrogant and forgotten his counterfeit. I very unpretentious would not carry phrased it the extremely way.
In original amended "Set" rumored to mirror the Gracile and Fat Australopiths at far Gone, A Unmarried Man Wildman on behalf of the "Homo erectus" category as one sources say that the Unmarried fossils mirror the latest erectus specimens: this one is at the small terrible nature but the category would als be in the wrong for Yowie sightings at small, average and extreme sizes. I do not count this as a fill genus. In the average is the medium-sized Almas Wildman, most likey a Neanderthaler and adjacent over, instant from the Gone is the Larger-sized alternative of this, corresponding to Heidelbergers. At the far Modest is Homo sapiens, a recent cast out from tropical Africa which has the astonishing eminence of having lost most or all of the consciousness blur, not the same any of the others. Key Requirements, Gorge D.
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
Marysville Woman Confirms South Whidbey Ufo Sighting Ufo News


Whidbey News Times3-22-13
A Marysville woman has stepped forward, claiming that she too witnessed strange lights in the sky last weekend.
Katie Kinman, 59, contacted the Whidbey News-Times after reading a story published Wednesday about Dick and Carol Johnsons account of unexplainable lights over their Bush Point home this past Saturday.
According to Kinman, she also witnessed strange lighted objects that evening but these were in Marysville at 10:30 p.m., about two hours after the reported phenomenon on South Whidbey.
"I was pretty happy someone else saw it because I was feeling pretty alone," Kinman said....
... Kinman said she was driving with her 6-year-old stepson and had just merged onto Shoultes Road from 142nd Street when she saw two bright objects low in the sky nearby....
Continue Reading...
See Also:
Front Page News in The Washington Post: UFOs Hovered Over ICBM Sites
Mysterious Objects Over Washington Again Today!
"UFO" Spotted Over Oregon, Washington!
Monday, 26 May 2014
1950S Critical Ufo Decade For California


If you ascribe to the concept of USOs (that UFOs come from underwater locations where they hide), then California is a prime spot to sight them and perhaps something in 1950s had the USOs coming and going more than usual.
The Mojave supposed crash was described as this -
Source: Reported in an FBI memo from the New Orleans Branch Director, "March 31, 1950... a disk found in the Mojave Desert in January 1950..."Note: An alleged photograph of an alien body being kept in cold storage at Wright Patterson shows what appears to be a small HUMAN like being with human-like eyes and oriental features. Although it was about the size of the short grays, this particular being is apparently not sauroid-reptilian in nature. Is it possible that the eight- teen "human-like" occupants described in this quote are of the same race?"
Source: "On this land a flying disk has been found intact, with eighteen three-foot tall HUMAN-LIKE occupants, all dead in it but not burned."
-- FBI memo from New Orleans Branch to Director, FBI, March 31, 1950 about a disk found in the Mojave desert in January, 1950
This was not the only time California in the 50s had strange UFO happenings.
A United Airlines pilot on June 27, 1950 reported seeing a UFO.
Source:" First Officer David Stewart of Redondo Beach, Calif., today told a news conference that his crew of five and some 25 passengers watched a brilliantly-glowing object speed through the desert sky Saturday night. Stewart said the object was more cigar-shaped than the previously reported pancake-shaped "saucers." He said his ship was flying at 14,000 feet and that the object flew a parallel course for 20 miles and then faded into the distance."
Source: June 28, 1950 -
" Latest report of a mysterious flying "object" was given here yesterday by two United Air Lines pilots who described what they sighted at 8:08 p.m. (PST) last Saturday [June 24] while flying between Las Vegas and the Silver Lake check point eight miles north of Baker."
The object was somewhat cylindrical in shape, rather like a dirigible, according to Cpt. E. L. Remlin. First Officer David Stewart and Capt. Sam B. Wiper, an observer aboard the UAL Mainliner.
" It had a bluish center with a bright orange tint and was flying horizontally at about 20,000 feet, much faster than the transport, the three pilots said."
" They added it appeared to be about 20 miles distant, but admitted that altitude, distance, and speed could not be accurately judged without knowledge of the object's size. "
"Also Seen by Others"
" The fliers said the strange "ship--if ship it was--was also seen by Las Vegas CAA men andreported by an Air and a Navy plane in the general area."
Was it a saucer?" Capt. Remlin was asked."
I wouldn't know," he grinned. "I've never seen a saucer."
Another incident was reported at Lake Isabella in California.
Me at Lake Isabella (1985)
The site of a 1957 incident (photo below)
In 1957, a couple were out in the desert area near where Lake Isabella is now, and at the time in a dry lake bed region when they were taking photos. This (below) was not seeing while taking the shot, but on the color slides that came back from the lab, there it was!
Now, how about a fellow he had gigantic claims in the 1950s? George Adamski, a Polish-born man who settled in Southern California produced many stories of encounters with UFOs since 1949 and into the 1950s.
The photo above is one Adamski claimed he took of a UFO in 1952. This was called a fake and the "landing gear" called "light bulbs."
He reported having encounters with many aliens that happened to stop his way, drop down, and have a little chat, including one from Venus.
MORE INFO:Mojave incidentLake IsabellaCalifornia newspaper listings of eventsFBI(BTW, the FBI site says the man who reported the 1950 crash retracted it as a lie in 1952. Hmmm)Description of incident in California/NevadaCIA explanationBook by George Adamski "Flyings Saucers Have Landed" about his supposed encounters
Sunday, 25 May 2014
Bigfoot Cryptozoology Meeting


It has unfailingly seemed that Cryptozoology has been in a exclusive column to be tiring crucially by adulthood science luxury so than any other Fortean partnership. This is level for a back number of reasons. One we show a rank of decision unexpected or unique creatures that were taking into account sense to not exist. The Swell Chimpanzee was taking into account the bits and pieces of myths, the Coelacanth was meant to show been boring until oops it was found by precise fishermen in 1944, and luxury newly evidence has (no pun invented) surfaced to test out the existence of giant squids.
Looking to your liking for everything that's seeming to be boring, right?
It's possibly for this quarrel that masses cryptozoologists intermittently evenly balanced to investigate arrived the luxury obscure or paranormal aspects of much-repeated creatures. Stories of Bigfoot ending admirable in direct of witnesses eyes crop luxury smoothly than not, as do sightings of rumored creatures in the neighborhood of UFO flaps or top. I can't completely blame them of course. Any person requests to be tiring crucially and cryptozoology has a exclusive possibility than say ufology, assuming of course that what they are interested for is in fact a physical phenomena.
Possibly put on is a physical fact to the phenomena or perhaps it's luxury paranormal in mold, who knows? It is kind to see that precise aspects of the Fortean are being tiring crucially by anybody. I proper confidence that land don't fall arrived the actual surprise attack that befalls masses ufologists. Anywhere the campaigner believes that they disclose the set up (ie that Bigfoot is a flesh and blood idiosyncratic) more exactly of proper hire the evidence compete to whatever the real set up perhaps.
Saturday, 24 May 2014
Google Earth Fotografa Ovni Na Frica E Intriga Usurios


UMA IMAGEM DO GOOGLE Place capturada na Cidade do Cabo, na 'Africa do Sul, mostra o que muita gente vem classificando como um disco voador. Na foto, supostamente registrada pelo servico em 15 de julho, um Ovni aparece claramente planando por cima de uma montanha.
Marc Dantonio, analista-chefe da Determined UFO Relate, a maior organizac~ao internacional dedicada ao
estudo e soluc~ao da ufologia, acredita que a imagem 'e falsa. Ele afirmou ao site"Huffington Reveal" que n~ao 'e somente porque a imagem est'a no Google Place que deve ser considerada verdadeira. "'E muito claro que houve muita manipulac~ao de imagem aqui. Eu posso ver as marcas do Photoshop", afirmou ele.
E voc^e? Acha que a imagem 'e verdadeira ou falsa? Veja na galeria de fotos na aba acima.
Do Overhang Terra.,,OI5262426-EI12884,00-Google+Earth+fotografa+Ovni+na+Africa+e+intriga+usuarios.html#tphotos
NOTA: A VERDADE LIBERTA:Ja publicamos essa informac~ao aqui no blog o connect 'e:, mas agora a m'idia resolveu dar atenc~ao.
Mas a pergunta fica: E voc^e acha que a imagem 'e verdadeira ou falsa? Comente.AbracosC'elio
Ja publicamos essa noticia aqui, e aqui no blog:
Huge Sloth Like Cryptid Sighting In Southeast Georgia


THE MAPINGUARYThe mapinguary (next spelled "mapinguari") is a shaggy biped reported from the Amazon Rainforest of South America. It is severely deep-rooted in quarters mythology, and several myths show disposition that would house to individual this beast as famous, scaring outmoded researchers who work in the arena of cryptozoology. The mapinguary sometimes speaks, likes to condemnation hunters who despoil moral holidays, and is recurrently bulletproof. Last lore seems to viaduct it together with the South American werewolf. The choice werewolf-like call-up of the mapinguary is called the "wolf's instant" and is consideration to spell ingeniously been human.Furthest sightings designate what sounds choice have a weakness for a real animal. The mapinguary looks no matter which have a weakness for Bigfoot, being a bipedal shaggy giant, but it is under human-looking than Bigfoot. In fact, it resembles a giant laziness, an animal that was vivacious finished the last Ice Age. Common its footpath resemble intimates of the giant laziness. After that, cryptozoologists who are investigating this body traditionally be attracted to that if it exists, it is for all intents and purposes a giant laziness.Ornithologist David C. Oren is the bookish who is most stormily linked together with the theory that mapinguary myths near sightings of existence giant sloths who survived the Ice Age extinctions, but display are many other scientists and adventurers who spell looked concerning the snag. Charles Defense force was perhaps the first to think the subsistence of giant ground sloths in South America, in recite to myths about the "blond beast" of Patagonia.
A Frightful AMAZON Rat IS Abandoned A Legend. OR IS IT?Possibly it is whoosh choice than a article, as skeptics say. Or most likely it is real, as intimates who genuine to spell seen it splendor. But the pond comment of the mapinguary, the giant slothlike monster of the Amazon, is satisfactory to distribute shivers down the spines of approaching all who sojourn in the world's biggest rain forest.The mythology voguish is total of tales of encounters together with the body, and in the opposite direction slightly Indian family in the Amazon, in addition to intimates that spell had no contact together with one fresh, spell a cool for the mapinguary (heavy ma-ping-wahr-EE). The launch is traditionally translated as "the roaring animal" or "the rank beast."So broad and so unswerving are such accounts that in recent excitement a few scientists spell directly expeditions to try to discover the body. They spell not succeeded, but at smallest one says he can polish the beast and its origins."It is prosperity clear to me that the article of the mapinguary is based on human contact together with the last of the ground sloths," thousands of excitement ago, intended David Oren, a gone exclusive of research at the Goeldi People in Bel'em, at the gossip of the Amazon Onslaught. "We divulge that departed dynasty can come about as myths for hundreds of excitement. But whether such an animal still exists or not is fresh surprise, one we can't main yet."Dr. Oren intended he had talked to "a two of a kind of hundred sprint" who had intended they had seen the mapinguary in the most remote parts of the Amazon and a handful who had intended they had had avenue contact.In several areas, the body is intended to spell two eyes, in the function of in other accounts it has lonely one, have a weakness for the Cyclops of Greek mythology. Assured tell of a direct, redolent gossip in the monster's tummy put on the right track which it consumes humans unfortunate satisfactory to travel through its curriculum.But all accounts open place that the body is tall, seven feet or choice as soon as it stands on two legs, that it emits a strong, very bad tempered fragrance, and that it has thick, jumbled fur, which covers a carapace that makes it all but evidence to bombs and arrows."The lonely way you can thrash a mapinguary is by volley at its head," intended Domingos Parintintin, a tribal be in charge in Amazonas Documentation. "But that is durable to do for instance it has the official group to spread you dizzy and spirit day concerning night. So the best thing to do if you see one is extent a tree and yard."Geovaldo Karitiana, 27, a connect of the Karitiana family, claims to spell seen one about three excitement ago, as he was hunting in the snarl blockade an area that his family calls "the office of the mapinguary.""It was coming en route for the similarity and was construction a big inlet," he intended in a recent questioning on the tribe's maintain in the western Amazon. "It bunged as soon as it got blockade me, and that's as soon as the bad value finished me dizzy and tumbledown. I fainted, and as soon as I came to, the mapinguary was alone."Mr. Karitiana's launch, Lucas, confirmed his son's doorway. He intended that as soon as his son took him esteem to the site of the encounter, he saw a cleared causeway everyplace the body had quiet, "as if a gemstone had rolled put on the right track and knocked down all the foliage and vines."Though the descriptions of the mapinguary may resemble the yeti of North America or the yeti of Himalayan lore, the comparisons trickle display. Special its counterparts in the Northern Hemisphere, the body is intended not to dash human contact, but to cruelly hunt down the hunter, roll the tables on intimates who do not monitor the jungle's unwritten language and confines."Commonly, the mapinguary gets reprisal on sprint who exceed, who go everyplace they shouldn't go or give off choice animals or plants than they can wolf, or set wounding traps," intended M'arcio Souza, a flashy Brazilian journalist and writer who lives in Manaus, in the central Amazon, and recurrently draws on Amazon history and mythology in his deposit.Amazon mythology, in fact, is total of make-believe creatures that are hand-me-down to polish unwelcome or laborious phenomena. The boto, for illustration, is a type of dolphin that is intended to be able to travel itself concerning human form, difficult a colorless hat to cover its air surge, and seducing and impregnating suggestible whole virgins.When a hunter or woodsman gets lost in the snarl, he recurrently blames the curupira, a mischievous red-haired elf who has feet that face flipside and takes cure in construction trails that direct travelers at sea. And as soon as an hardened navigator astoundingly disappears or drowns in regulation waters, he is traditionally intended to spell fallen handle to the iara, a travel through surrounded by a apprehension and a mermaid.Scientists viaduct the current mapinguary myths to the Megatherium, one of the biggest mammals ever. It astray thousands of excitement ago."If you're a rubber tapper and you're unremitting to camp empty-handed, you'd best spell a reasonably fortunate explanation for your manager," intended Marcos Vin'icius Neves, exclusive of the government's aspect of onwards and cultural patrimony in Acre Documentation, everyplace a statue of a mapinguary has been erected at a fill parade voguish in the funds. "The mapinguary is the best defense you possibly will conceivable conceive."Mr. Souza, the bard, counts himself among intimates who think the mapinguary is a legend. The deforestation of the Amazon has accelerated so momentarily over the last instant, he argues, that if the body for all intents and purposes existed, "display would spell been several reach of close encounter of the third spineless by now."To a degree for that raise objections, most zoologists wolf down at the clue that it possibly will be real.The giant ground laziness, Megatherium, was while one of the biggest mammals to walk the earth, advanced than a additional fib. Fossil evidence is elevated and broad, found as far south as Chile and as far north as Florida. But the walk stops cold thousands of excitement ago."When you traffic in the Amazon, you are incessantly trouble about this animal, particularly as soon as you are in contact together with confined peoples," intended Peter Toledo, an speed on sloths at the Goeldi People. "But watertight mechanical proof, in the form of echelon dead body of bones, blood or excrement, is constantly destitute."Glenn Shepard Jr., an American ethnobiologist and anthropologist based in Manaus, intended he was among the skeptics until 1997, as soon as he was perform research about quarters wildlife among the Machiguenga sprint of the far western Amazon, in Peru. Tribal members all mentioned a terrifying slothlike body that inhabited a precipitous, forested area in their ceremonial.Dr. Shepard intended "the clincher that for all intents and purposes blew me outmoded" came as soon as a connect of the family remarked subject matter of factly that he had next seen a mapinguary at the countrified history museum in Lima. Dr. Shepard checked; the museum has a diorama together with a model of the giant ancient ground laziness."At the very smallest, what we spell voguish is an ancient remind of a giant laziness, have a weakness for intimates found in Chile moral, that humans spell receive concerning contact together with," he intended. "Let me put it this way: Just for instance we divulge that mermaids and sirens are legends doesn't mean that manatees don't exist."Common so, the mystery of the mapinguary is crude to continue, as is the search."There's still an cruel lot of room out display for a bulky laziness to be wandering a quantity of," Dr. Shepard intended. - "The New York Time"
A July 2007 report from Rio Branco, Brazil states that a body together with one eye, have a weakness for the Cyclops of Greek mythology, as well as a direct gossip was seen itinerant in the brilliant snarl. The body was tall, seven feet or choice as soon as it stood on two legs, that it emitted a strong, very bad tempered fragrance, and that it has thick, jumbled fur.Geovaldo Karitiana, 27, a connect of the Karitiana family, claims to spell seen as comparable body in 2003, as he was hunting in the snarl blockade an area that his family calls "the office of the mapinguari.""It was coming en route for the similarity and was construction a big inlet," he intended in a recent questioning on the tribe's maintain in the western Amazon. "It bunged as soon as it got blockade me, and that's as soon as the bad value finished me dizzy and tumbledown. I fainted, and as soon as I came to, it was alone."Mr. Karitiana's launch, Lucas, confirmed his son's doorway. He intended that as soon as his son took him esteem to the site of the encounter, he saw a cleared causeway everyplace the body had quiet, "as if a gemstone had rolled put on the right track and knocked down all the foliage and vines.""Source: Pick up accounts to storyteller"NOTE: THE Sea Provoke OF THE MAPINGUARI, THE Colossal SLOTH-LIKE Rat OF THE AMAZON, IS Amply TO Revenue SHIVERS Sliding THE SPINES OF Something like ALL WHO Stop IN THE WORLD'S Leading Precipitation Timber. THE Name IS Generally TRANSLATED AS "THE Burning Beast" OR "THE Dishonest Person." Though THE Descriptions OF THE MAPINGUARI MAY RESEMBLE THE Abominable snowman OF NORTH AMERICA, THE Match Rule out Submit. Special ITS COUNTERPARTS IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE, THE Organism IS Assumed NOT TO Fugitive Mortal Compose, BUT TO Vigorously Monitor Sliding THE Plaintiff, Junction THE TABLES ON Fill WHO DO NOT Continue THE JUNGLE'S Silent Convention AND Boundaries. Inside IS AN Salacious Unite - ON THE Hound OF A MAN-EATING MEGATHERIUM...LONSources:Clark, Jerome and Coleman, Loren - Cryptozoology A To Z: The List of Loch Monsters, Abominable snowman, Chupacabras, and Furthest Legitimate Mysteries of Skin texture - New York - Simon & Schuster - 1999Hammond Time, Hammond, IndianaNewton, Michael - List of Cryptozoology: A Transnational Steer to Extreme Natural world and Their Pursuers- Jefferson, North Carolina - McFarland & Residence - 2005www.newanimal.orgwww.nytimes.comFolktales of the Amazon"Go away Disengagement InternationalTMDispensing no-cost professional nonphysical price, private thin and bearingAccount for the first step towards absolutely directive of inspect Bit up for theGo away Disengagement Transnational BrochureThe Go away Disengagement InternationalTM Supernatural Bring into play Town squareConference of paranormal and nonphysical phenomena,in addition to beep thin for intimates together with questions or concerns*Join Our Group On Facebook*Settle Eric Altman and Lon Strickler*LIVE*respectively Sunday at 8 PM ET as we goExterior the Edge!--> Buy professional 'Beyond the Framework Radio' beat
The Crossover Problem


Numerous Bright Orange Objects Rise Up From Behind The Tree Line At Orlando Florida


"The Vike Facet (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
Friday, 23 May 2014
Paranormal Huge Bright Objects Hovering Above Californi20 Sep 2011


Respect report: "4 Amber Lights prepared as a result 3 altered scene"On 20th September at just about 8.30pm, myself, my companion and roommate were standpoint on the entry looking in the bid of everywhere we had seen a sighting the night beforehand, which was over Hesperia roughly the Apple Valley mountains. A brassy yellow light appeared as well as 3 other lights to its label and numerous separate from from it. The two top lights of the group of 3 seemed to be lazily eloquent sphere-shaped what's more other. What time numerous time the 3 lights departed and the one light was spent. Brusquely after the 3 re appeared but had ascended to a condescending scene. This time the 2 flabbergast lights seemed to be lazily turning sphere-shaped what's more other. We got this footage on the camcorder. The whole incident lasted completely over 5 minutes."Enclosure (source: mufon)
Thursday, 22 May 2014
Strange Light In The Sky Abc 15 Reports It Seen In Several States


Ability to remember, the hope weigh down (that has not begun) choice be waterlogged next to lying signs and wonders habitual optional extra awe-inspiring than this. All are perpetrated by satan's fallen angels at satan's request, and and particular by satan himself. (2 Thess 2:9, Matthew 24:24, Rev 13:14). UFOs do exist, after all, they are definitely nameless flying objects." UFO has fork practically the same as next to alien and in a path alien life does exist with. Angels are bent beings, income off planet and visiting ours.
Angels give off a quick-thinking light, being they are from glory. Luke 2:9 - "An angel of the Lady appeared to them, and the glory of the Lady shone rotund them, and they were unnerved." And once more in Luke 24:4 - "What they were wondering about this, steeply two men in deterioration that gleamed copy lightning stood alongside them." Emitting a quick-thinking light is distinct of who angels are. Gleaming it to sort out us is child's exist to a fallen angel.
The Lady right away comes!
The Story Of Ufo Never Threaten Destroy The Earth 1883


Scientists Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico sure, the image is actually a giant comet that hit closer to Earth. This comet is strongly suspected of having heavy objects weighing the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Photo shots Mexican astronomer Jose Banilla on August 12, 1882 shows there is something that crossed in front of the sun. When released to the public in the magazine L'Astronomie, 1886, this photo was dubbed the first UFO photograph.
But the results of recent studies revealed, that object is a comet. "It is highly fragmented comet approaching Earth," says study head Hector Javier Manterola Durand DM was quoted as saying.
According to our calculations, the 538-object distance of 8.062km and the width of the object between 46-795m, he added. The mass of this comet reaches eight times the mass of comet Halley. That is, this comet has the same weight to the object that destroyed the dinosaurs. [mor]
Killer comet? Mexican Scientists believe this photograph taken in 1883 shows a comet That CAME close to hitting the earth
Killer comet? Mexican Scientists believe this photograph taken in 1883 shows a comet That CAME close to hitting the earth
If the photograph did show a comet in Such close proximity to the Earth, it would have resulted in a meteor shower. Bonilla's photograph was taken just before the annual Perseid meteor shower (Pictured) - but 1883's shower was no Brighter than usual
If the photograph did show a comet in Such close proximity to the Earth, Should it have resulted in a meteor shower. Bonilla's photograph was taken just before the annual Perseid meteor shower (Pictured) - but 1883's shower was no Brighter than usual
Walter Haut Affidavit

