Saturday, 24 May 2014

The Crossover Problem

The Crossover Problem
The February 2007 edition of "UFO Magazine" includes an article from me titled "The Crossover Problem "that discusses the thorny issue of the many and varied paranormal aspects present in certain cryptozoological cases - including links with the UFO subject - something with which the CFZ is acutely familiar.As I reveal, such cases are a challenge for both the cryptozoologists and the ufologists of the purely "flesh and blood-nuts and bolts" variety: "Both camps need to realize that neither has the answer to their respective mysteries, and both should treat the crossover cases in the same fashion - and as rigorously - as they would any other encounter. If we fail to look at all of the evidence - whether it sits well in our belief systems or not, it's truly our loss."It was this article that led to interesting comments from blogger Regan Lee.


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