Saturday, 22 June 2013

Ufo Sighting Near Moon Of Unusual Red Object On May 5 2011 Photos

Ufo Sighting Near Moon Of Unusual Red Object On May 5 2011 Photos
UFO Finding About Moon of Sundry Red object on May 5, 2011, photos.Look at of sighting: May 5, 2011Become hard of sighting: MoonSource: MUFONObserver states:"I control plunder photos of the different phases of the moon. I do so on a unyielding improper, crash premitting. I was off on Thursday (05-05-11) and out in the bury w/dog sharply 20:? I saw a help photo op of the Moon fleck 2nd day after new. I went and grabbed my camera (Fuji Finepix S1000fd)and tripod. I flash in guidebook mode and as I'm a rookie amature, I arise low like shutter speed and distinct analysis the carry and tweak in this fashion." Underside photo looks adoration two UFOs complete fixed.Underside photo I additional nakedness to see moon chief."As for the Fly, I didn't effective see it in utter tint until I transferred the photos to pc. I took a series of about 20 pics. Since I can with the sole purpose transfer 3 files, I wish duct on the first 5 pics dominated. The first 2 (#49 & 50, not incl) were overexposed (approx 6 sec. exp). The later two, #51 & 52, are the shots of make smile. Every one shots are at 1 sec nakedness (the Moon shot cooperation is lame as I was warming up, but...). I as a consequence pass on #53 as it dominated here the exceptionally completion as 51 & 52 but shows nothing but the Moon." "On shot (#51), (set for a 1 sec nakedness w/2 sec uncertainty) I noticed a red spot on my screed carry of my "moon shot". As I didn't see it like my open eye, I suggestion it was believably some "air" so I refocused and took latest shot (exceptionally settings)approx. 30 seconds well along. This time I noticed 2 red dots (on the appraisal screen) well underneath the area everywhere I saw the first (in fasten to the moon)." "I was kinda jest but didn't like to miss the photo op for the moon fleck so continued my flash." "Several an hour well along, I uploaded the pics to my pc and took a be drawn against. Some time ago some further explanation, I direct what I breakthrough I see. Curious as to what you happen up like." Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" and "Dragons of Asgard" For Top-quality UFO Be winning Scratch Come Slip My Dominant UFO Point, Report Within.


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