Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The Possible 622012 Manton Drove Cropcircle Warning Of The Fall Of The European Union

The Possible 622012 Manton Drove Cropcircle Warning Of The Fall Of The European Union


I endure seen the June 2 2012 Cropcircle located at Manton Mob Marlborough Wiltshire. The Amount produced Bind is a series of circles and slightly that are demoralized.

Hit the join together to see the June 2 2012 Amount produced Bind


I endure been amount heaps articles poetry about the violent economic junction in the European Demand. The undamaged danger of the people of Greece, Portugal, and Ireland endure hassle economies due to their banks price. Spain is having their junction now and the Euro is at the blame levels in the world. The European Demand seems to be on the edging of tragedy.

The June Amount produced Bind reminded me of a two dimensional figure of Brueghel's Wake up of Babel. The picture beneath shows a three dimensional view of the June 2 2012 Amount produced Bind. You incentive catch sight of the circular normal but the demoralized circles representing the Wake up of Babel is plunging down.

The story of the Wake up of Babel according to Origin, a tower was built by a united earth to the sky. The people were united all in one terms. Yahweh genuine to destroy the tower and the terms that mankind second hand became heaps languages. It died out the civilization. The European Demand victim was a interconnected hard cash the Euro. A hard cash that was second hand by the countries of Europe. It seems the European Union's hard cash is in difficulty. The June 2, 2012 crop circle if agreed standard and height would show that the circles are demoralized. The European Demand is skirmish for kinship and the crop circle sign your name is the Wake up of Babel along with it circles that are demoralized.

The European Conference compilation in Brussels has a precise normal to Bruegel Wake up of Babel.

Hit the join together

http://kirkkittell.com/sites/default/files/attachment/100 3286.JPG

It is make somebody's day the Manton Mob Amount produced circle in that the circles are demoralized. The June crop circle normal may well be representing a picture of a European Conference.

Hit the join together to see the normal of the European Conference


The June 2,2012 crop circle maybe generous a sign your name of the launch junction of the European Demand comparing it along with the junction of the Wake up of Babel.

What on earth do you think? Categories: Aliens and UFOsCrop Circles


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