Thursday, 20 June 2013

Major New Report

Major New Report


January 19, 2009

BRING IN THE CHANGE - The Queen and Duke confirm their interest in crop circles............

Why were they lied to?

Nick Pope and the Ministry of Defence are taken to task about UFOs and Crop Circles.

(Undisclosed documents released for the first time)

Important new report By Colin Andrews

. The Queens personal letter confirming her interest in the crop circles.

. Head of State receives a report on a bizarre crop circle incident.

. The Duke of Edinburgh writes about his theory on crop circles.

. Prime Minister Thatcher and public were lied to about crop circles - the evidence.

. There are grounds to re-open the governments study into events around crop circles.

. Government D notice was issued to stop reports at a crop circle incident.

. Documents from the Government and Royalty concerning the circles and UFOs.

. Change must end the lies and deception which is setting back human consciousness.

Full report at:


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