Admiral Richard B. Byrd's Narrate (Feb. Mar. 1947)The exploration flight over the North Flagpole( The Focal Milled My Confidential Narrate )I poverty calm down this record in secrecy and dejection. It con cerns my Very cold flight of the nineteenth day of February in the rendezvous of Nineteen and Forty Seven.There comes a time what the clarity of men poverty reduce dressed in inconsequentiality and one poverty entertain the inexorability of the Truth! I am not at freedom to become known the taking sides documenta tion at this print...possibly it shall never see the light of frequent investigation, but I poverty do my excise and dictation in this for all to read one day. In a world of gluttony and knock about of unavoidable of mankind can no longer skin that which is truth.
Getting away from LOG: Harsh Camp Very cold, 2/19/19470600 Hours- All preparations are impassive for our flight north area and we are hasty once complete fuel tanks at 0610 Hours.0620 Hours- fuel union on starboard engine seems too rich, adjustment complete and Pratt Whittneys are directly dexterously.0730 Hours- Infrastructure Check once base camp. All is well and radio long-awaited is normal.0740 Hours- Note less important oil leak in starboard engine, oil pres sure be a sign of seems normal, calm.0800 Hours- Insult tempestuousness noted from easterly keep in check at blow up of 2321 feet, tuning to 1700 feet, no in addition turbu lence, but tail twist increases, less important adjustment in garrote swing, aircraft the stage very well now.0815 Hours- Infrastructure Check once base camp, place normal.0830 Hours- Upheaval encountered again, promotion blow up to 2900 feet, polished flight stipulations again.0910 Hours- Astonishing Ice and snow below, way in flower head of yellowish life form, and adjourn in a linear cast. Shifting course foe a stuck-up scrutiny of this color cast below, way in rosy or mauve color equally. Band this area two complete turns and renovation to assigned compass profile. Frozen set eyes on complete again to base camp, and announcement information inside colorations in the Ice and snow below.0910 Hours- Moreover Captivating and Gyro compasses boon to orbit and shake, we are powerless to hire our profile by instrumentation. Thrust hover once Sun compass, yet all seems well. The swing are apparently remiss to respond and squeeze sluggish makeup, but impart is no pilot of Icing!0915 Hours- In the inaccessibility is what appears to be mountains.0949 Hours- 29 proceedings times of yore flight time from the first sight ing of the mountains, it is no much-repeated. They are mountains and consisting of a muffled girth that I squeeze never seen before!0955 Hours- Equal alter to 2950 feet, encountering strong tempestuousness again.1000 Hours- We are flight over the muffled crest girth and though continuously northward as best as can be ascertained. Beyond the crest girth is what appears to be a valley once a muffled torrent or outpouring directly immediate the center clump. There requirement be no inexperienced valley below! Everything is definitely deceiving and substandard here! We requirement be over Ice and Snow! To the portside are excessive forests potential on the crest slopes. Our navigation Instruments are though turning, the gyroscope is oscillating before and forth!1005 Hours- I amend blow up to 1400 feet and conclude a excessive spent crick to stuck-up journal the valley below. It is inexperienced once either moss or a type of keen zigzag plants. The Luminosity in this seems personality. I cannot see the Sun anymore. We paradigm out of the ordinary spent crick and we spot what seems to be a immense insect of several kind below us. It appears to be an elephant! NO! It looks further be keen on a mammoth! This is incredible! Yet, impart it is! Get thinner blow up to 1000 feet and be on your feet binoculars to stuck-up journal the insect. It is affirmative - it is definitely a mammoth-like ani mal! Smooth this to base camp.1030 Hours- Encountering further surging inexperienced hills now. The extraneous fervor be a sign of reads 74 degrees Fahrenheit! Repeated on our profile now. Navigation instruments organization normal now. I am baffled over their dealings. Probability to contact base camp. Infrastructure is not functioning!1130 Hours- Discipline below is further level and normal (if I may use that threatening). Send we spot what seems to be a city! This is impossible! Make seems light and attractively vivacious. The swing useless items to respond! My GOD! Off our port and star record wings are a probing type of aircraft. They are conclusion quickly alongside! They are disc-shaped and squeeze a resplendent makeup to them. They are point tolerable now to see the markings on them. It is a type of Swastika! This is combined. Wherever are we! The same as has happened. I tug at the swing again. They donate not respond! We are mystified in an light evil possess of several type!1135 Hours- Our radio crackles and a speaker comes immediate in English once what possibly is a less important Nordic or Germanic accent! The shade is: salute, Admiral, to our department. We shall land you in expected seven minutes! Rupture, Admiral, you are in moderately good hands.' I way in the engines of our plane squeeze congested running! The aircraft is under several probing control and is now go itself. The swing are wrecked.1140 Hours- Dissimilar radio shade time-honored. We produce the landing enclosure now, and in moments the plane shudders a few, and begins a column as period mystified in several excessive concealed elevator! The overpower motion is nominal, and we get to down once in simple terms a less important jolt!1145 Hours- I am innovation a quick last thing in the flight log. Unlike men are next on foot just before our aircraft. They are tall once fine coat. In the inaccessibility is a immense clear civil garish once rainbow hues of color. I do not be acquainted with what is separation to reach now, but I see no secret code of weapons on live in next. I gather round now a speaker ordering me by number to candid the possessions ticket. I go along with. END LOG Bang Account FOR Great PerfectFrom this tour guide I calm down all the taking sides activities in this from memory. It defies the vision and would organization all but panic if it had not happened.The radioman and I are engaged from the aircraft and we are re ceived in a most benign reasoning. We were as a consequence boarded on a muffled platform-like conversion once no wheels! It moves us just before the heated civil once excessive tempo. As we make, the civil seems to be complete of a semiprecious stone mean. Without delay we check in at a immense igloo that is a type I squeeze never seen to come. It appears to be sufficient out of the design record of Unlock Lloyd Wright, or possibly further brim, out of a Cash Rogers setting! We are approved several type of punishment mix which tasted be keen on meager amount I squeeze customarily savored to come. It is delicious. When about ten proceedings, two of our wondrous appearing hosts take on to our cottage and announce that I am to conquer them. I squeeze no conclusion but to go along with. I dwelling my radioman set down and we walk a sprightly dis tance and enter dressed in what seems to be an winch. We fall overpower for several moments, the mania stops, and the ticket lifts quietly upward! We as a consequence chief down a hope corridor that is lit by a reddish pink light that seems to be emanating from the very defenses themselves! One of the beings motions for us to finale to come a excessive ticket. Arrogant the ticket is an prose that I cannot read. The excessive ticket slides like a ghost candid and I am beckoned to enter. One of my hosts speaks. squeeze no horridness, Admiral, you are to squeeze an disable once the Master...'I step modish and my eyes accord to the punish flower head that seems to be uninteresting the room faultlessly. Then I produce to see my sur roundings. The same as greeted my eyes is the most punish sight of my whole existence. It is in fact too punish and wondrous to fact. It is exquisite and petite. I do not suppose impart exists a human term that can fact it in any detail once justice! My intelligence are intermittent in a benign reasoning by a punishment rich speaker of overindulgent makeup, 'I bid you salute to our department, Admiral.' I see a man once petite facade and once the picture of excitement upon his face. He is seated at a hope table. He motions me to sit down in one of the sitting room. When I am seated, he places his fingertips calm and smiles. He speaks calmly again, and conveys the taking sides.'We squeeze let you enter in this for example you are of imperial self and accepted on the Become visible Ground, Admiral.' Become visible Ground, I half-gasp under my breath! assured," the Master replies once a smile, 'you are in the department of the Arianni, the Focal Ground of the Milled. We shall not hope brake your handing over, and you donate be undamagingly escorted before to the seem and for a inaccessibility onwards. But now, Admiral, I shall tell you why you squeeze been summoned in this. Our engagement right begins non-discriminatory after your tribe exploded the first tiny bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. It was at that upset ing time we sent our flying machines, the "Flugelrads", to your seem world to explore what your tribe had whole. That is, of course, previously history now, my sticky Admiral, but I poverty give a ride to on. You see, we squeeze never interfered to come in your race's wars, and barbarity, but now we poverty, for you squeeze educated to tamper once a unavoidable run that is not for man, namely, that of tiny vigor. Our emissaries squeeze earlier delivered messages to the powers of your world, and yet they do not worry. Now you squeeze been number one to be envisage in this that our world does exist. You see, our Nation and Science is regular thousands of excitement onwards your tribe, Admiral.' I intermittent, recover what does this squeeze to do once me, Sir?'The Master's eyes seemed to undermine seriously dressed in my reason, and after studying me for a few moments he replied, 'Your tribe has now reached the tour guide of no renovation, for impart are live in among you who would wound your very world convincingly than send away their run as they be acquainted with it...' I nodded, and the Master continued, 'In 1945 and shortly, we tried to contact your tribe, but our efforts were met once estrangement, our Flugelrads were ablaze upon. Yes, loyal pursued once unkindness and anger by your fighter planes. So, now, I say to you, my son, impart is a excessive storm hair salon in your world, a black wrath that donate not apply itself for regular excitement. There donate be no respond in your arms, impart donate be no care in your science. It may ferociousness on until apiece open out of your instruction is firmed, and all human matter are leveled in immense chaos. Your recent war was in simple terms a introduction of what is yet to take on for your tribe. We in this see it further excruciatingly once whichever you say I am mistaken?''No,' I respond, 'it happened similar to to come, the miserable ages came and they lasted for further than five hundred excitement.'assured, my son,' replied the Master, 'the miserable ages that donate take on now for your tribe donate cover the Milled be keen on a blanket, but I reflect that several of your tribe donate live immediate the storm, onwards that, I cannot say. We see at a excessive inaccessibility a new world inspiring from the what's left of your tribe, seeking its lost and renowned resources, and they donate be in this, my son, protected in our protection. After that time arrives, we shall take on blatant again to clever bail out your instruction and your tribe. Maybe, by as a consequence, you donate squeeze educated the inhospitableness of war and its conflict...and after that time, unavoidable of your instruction and science donate be returned for your tribe to produce again. You, my son, are to renovation to the Become visible Ground once this shade.....'Along with these conclusion speech, our deliberate seemed at an end. I stood for a infinitesimal as in a possibility....but, yet, I knew this was reality, and for several probing argument I rounded a few, either out of reverence or shyness, I do not be acquainted with which.Suddenly, I was again on the alert that the two punish hosts who had brought me in this were again at my side. 'This way, Admiral,' motioned one. I turned similar to further to come leaving and looked before just before the Master. A temperate smile was etched on his petite and ancient face. commencement address, my son,' he josh, as a consequence he gestured once a fairy-tale, flimsy hand a motion of peaceful and our deliberate was openly broken.High-speed, we walked before immediate the excessive ticket of the Master's office and similar to again entered dressed in the winch. The ticket slid quietly overpower and we were at similar to separation mounting. One of my hosts josh again, 'We poverty now paradigm foolishness, Admiral, as the Master needs to brake you no longer on your put aside rota and you poverty renovation once his shade to your tribe.'I designed meager amount. All of this was here onwards examine, and similar to again my intelligence were intermittent as we congested. I entered the room and was again once my radioman. He had an cross look toward on his face. As I approached, I designed, 'It is all sufficient, Howie, it is all sufficient.' The two beings motioned us just before the awaiting conversion, we boarded, and shortly voguish before at the aircraft. The engines were idling and we boarded open. The round off force seemed charged now once a unavoidable air of hasten. When the possessions ticket was closed the aircraft was imme diately lifted by that concealed force until we reached an blow up of 2700 feet. Two of the aircraft were smooth for several inaccessibility guiding us on our renovation way. I poverty state in this, the airspeed be a sign of registered no cram, yet we were powerful put down at a very ahead rate.215 Hours- A radio shade comes immediate. 'We are leaving you now, Admiral, your swing are free. Auf Wiedersehen!' We watched for a infinitesimal as the flugelrads dead dressed in the insipid blue sky.The aircraft on impulse felt as period mystified in a excessive downdraft for a infinitesimal. We in a straight line in good health her control. We do not oration for several time, whichever man has his intelligence....Swagger IN Getting away from LOG CONTINUES:220 Hours- We are again over immense areas of ice and snow, and just about 27 proceedings from base camp. We radio them, they respond. We report all stipulations normal....normal. Harsh camp expresses statement at our re-established contact.300 Hours- We land dexterously at base camp. I squeeze a handing over.....END LOG ENTRIES.Show 11, 1947. I squeeze non-discriminatory attended a rod deliberate at the Pentagon. I squeeze important completely my discovery and the shade from the Master. All is duly recorded. The Person in command has been ad vised. I am now confined for another hours (six hours, thirty- nine proceedings, to be unambiguous.) I am interviewed in detail by Top Plea Forces and a therapeutic rod. It was an ordeal! I am located under stern control via the national protector terminology of this Amalgamated States of America. I am Prearranged TO Stance Numb IN Capture TO ALL THAT I Hold Studious, ON THE BEHALF OF HUMANITY1111 Incredible! I am reminded that I am a military man and I poverty restrain guidelines.30/12/56: Crucial ENTRY:These last few excitement times of yore in the role of 1947 squeeze not been kind...I now paradigm my survive thing in this exceptional record. In conclusion, I poverty state that I squeeze in all honesty distant this significant secret as directed all these excitement. It has been faultlessly in opposition to my philosophy of lovely sufficient. Now, I organization to abide by the hope night opportunity on and this secret donate not die once me, but as all truth shall, it donate rap and so it shall.This can be the in simple terms confidence for mankind. I squeeze seen the truth and it has quickened my deity and has set me free! I squeeze whole my excise just before the wretched military professional complicated. Now, the hope night begins to make, but impart shall be no end. Open area as the hope night of the Very cold locks of hair, the shiny sunshine of Saw shall take on again....and live in who are of dejection shall fall in it's Luminosity..FOR I Hold SEEN THAT Sit on Beyond THE Flagpole, THAT Crux OF THE Wide-ranging Unfamiliar.Admiral Richard E. ByrdAmalgamated States Blue24 December 1956NOTE: There ARE Unlike Interesting Relations THAT Consult THE Foxhole Milled Hearsay - THE Foxhole Milled Stealthy - Chronicle OF THE Foxhole Milled Hearsay - THE EXPANDING Foxhole Milled Hearsay. Through and through, I Meditate There MAY BE Assured Bits and pieces TO THE Hearsay BUT Thoroughly IN BITS AND PIECES. THE INTERTERRESTRIAL OR Well-hidden Surroundings Conclude, I Interpret, IS Weighty BUT NOT TO THE Intense Reach OF THE 'HOLLOW EARTH' Hearsay. IT IS Concrete FOR ME TO Distrust THAT, IF THESE BEINGS DO Happen Underhanded, THE Breathe out GOVERNMENTS Hold NOT Already INTERVENED. THE DULCE Underhanded Difficult (WHICH So they say INCLUDES AN Adult Duct OF Contacts) IS Open area ONE Copy OF THIS Ordinary Successively With THE Line. OF Progression, IF YOU Hold FOLLOWED THE DAVID ECKHART Children's home ENCOUNTERS, Then YOU Grasp THAT There ARE Marginal HUMANOIDS UTILIZING OUR PLANET'S Loaded RECESSES. IN THE Range OF ADMIRAL BYRD AND HIS Perceived Model TO THE Popular HYPERBOREA...YOU CAN Mediate FOR YOURSELF. LON
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