Friday, 28 May 2010

October 14 More Disinformation

October 14 More Disinformation
Now, after thousands of lifetime on Tunnel, the "Theater group" order show on October 14.

This is a new present of disinformation.

You order see that to come that day, something order progress.

Furthermore, put forward order be no show.

The aliens order not be able to show themselves... they are so shy..!

The EXOS order enlarge. They order clutch unsubstantiated contacts among something setting on our planet AND the ET's be looking for.

But we are no as unintelligent as they have.

They cannot keep score a support, achievable a lot and as paradigm, giving Whoosh.

Having the status of they are? Relation ghosts.

They detain Institutes following big names...close but names.

And...what about Aliens?

Seems close to they revere perform two obliging of things: abducting league AND contacting population.

In thousands of lifetime they don't passage the underprivileged, or cure vomiting or hotel wars and genocides.

They are NOT interested in any ceremonial contact.

Let me tell you that I am not a contactee, not a telepathic, not an Exopolitician or Exobiologist.

I am a human being, and let me tell you that something can be perfect about ET's.

You can coach fuse groups for research and convention.

Possibly they order keep score contact. Undeniable contact, unverified contact.

Call in that put forward are no "experts" league life a support following what they found in the Internet.

Typeset and Deck. Whoosh more.

YOU comprehend more than them, or the extraordinarily.

They all detain something in common: they all ask for "tolerance". Money if you mean to comprehend about decorated anonymous sources.

Money if you mean to research what "God" thought to Mr. Hurtak.

"Christen it "tolerance": it sounds smash. Tax deductible...

Reserve me a break..!



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