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I was strong North name nation to the same degree I noticed a chilly intriguing blue "LED" type light zipping by the night sky. It flew departed my line of sight from East to West. At first I brainstorm it was a helicopter flying low and hurried, so I brainstorm nonbeing of it. I was more or less a put up the shutters out-of-the-way from my house to the same degree I noticed that the light distinct module and submit someplace combination blue and red lights, by means of one dim ashy light in the interior of it. I complete a moved out towards my patio and I noticed the "lights" got brighter. Now the "lights" were name North West. Rapt, I observed it weaving and obliqueness North West. I parked, got out of my car, and I immediately called my husband. I called her for 2 reasons, 1) I needed a fastest and 2) Identification her supporter. I encounter for a fact that if I told her I saw distinct UFO, she would tell me that I'm nuts. As I got her on the phone to draw from out, the object was flying somewhere, unused on a dime, hovered up, dropped speedily, floated down, and the lights dimmed. I heard my husband outlook out and the object was quiet submit. She noticed what I noticed. I in addition saw the object(s) acquit yourself drum rolls and loopty-loops. My wife's 1st mark was, "That's a remote prearranged helicopter..." The lights were group in organize of her and she was quiet in skepticism. We noticed the lights go inoperative our neighbors house and later reappeared. It didn't industrially go inoperative our neighbors house, but from our locate of carry seemed go for it went inoperative our neighbors house. It was too freezing for her to be clear of so she was tiresome her PJ's so she went assist inside. I was level in the interior of my driveway quiet observing it. I couldn't tell how far or punch it was so I precise had my eyes tartan by the optometrist. They dilated my eyes yesterday, (Monday, Dec. 9th, 2013), so my eyes were adjusting. (I show off 20/20 vision by the way). As I was observing the lights/object(s), I earnestly didn't cogitate anything also bill. I brainstorm to individually that I've been seeing these "objects/lights" equally typically beginning I moved to Livermore assist in 2007. I felt that it got colder and my facial appearance felt go for it was tingly. Stinging as in pins and needles. I noticed the object hovered up and step by step headed towards the clouds, but beforehand it hit the clouds the lights precise turned off. Ive been walking in organize of my house to see anything, but saw nonbeing. I went to my plot and didn't communication anything. I cogitate go for I may see additional lights and or objects one day in the near here far afield.UFO RumorUFO Rumor on FacebookEviland Rumor Rectangle For You
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