Friday, 16 January 2009

Mysterious Deaths Of Ufo Researchers

Mysterious Deaths Of Ufo Researchers
I came across this article on AboveTopSecret forums and had to share it. Here's the link- researchers die-0/.If this is the truth then what are they hiding? Obviously the truth of alien life and that it is visiting Earth. Perhaps it goes deeper than that. Perhaps all that is going on at Dulce or Area 51 can be proven to be the truth. Perhaps these researchers were planning to speak out and make some sort of disclosure to the general public. One will never know unless a family member of one of the slain speaks out.Also would like to point out, not sure if this is a feature of Blogspot or not but this blog had over 6,000 almost 7,000 views but all of a sudden the all time views of the blog is only 8.UPDATE- Numbers are fixed! Its back to near 7k viewers now.


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