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"THE BLOOD-SUCKERS HAD TARGETED CATTLE IN TOLMOCHEVSKOYE. "IT'S COME FROM THE DEVIL. I'VE SEEN IT. MY BROTHER, EVEN WHEN HE LIVED NEAR ST PETERSBURG SEVEN YEARS AGO ACCIDENTLY PHOTOGRAPHED A CHUPACABRA. HE TOOK THE USUAL FAMILY PICTURE AND THEN SAW THE DEMONIC FACE THROUGH THE KITCHEN WINDOW. GREY-RED IT WAS, SUCH AN UNPLEASANT FACE, LIKE A BAT WITH FANGS..." Chupacabra?A blood-sucking creature is preying upon goats near Novosibirsk. As rational explanations run thin on the ground, the specter of the so-called chupacabra raises its demon head.Horrified farmers and smallholders are confronted by the drained corpses of their livestock in the morning, bloodless and bearing puncture marks to the neck but otherwise largely in tact.But local cops are reluctant to record apparent vampire attacks, as they await official recertification, leaving the locals up in arms....Read more @ THE MOSCOW NEWSCHECK OUT THE UFO STORE FOR BOOKS, MAGAZINES, DVDS, APPAREL AND MORE: CONSPIRACY, UFOLOGY, ANCIENT MYSTERIES...!"FIGHT THE FUTURE! JOIN THE RESISTANCE @ FACEBOOK/WATCHERREPORT!"
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