g ABODES - The alien planet Gliese 581g has been getting a lot of attention recently as a possibly habitable world, but a case is building for its next-door neighbor as a good candidate for extraterrestrial life, too. See article.
g LIFE - Penn State researchers have found that native pollinators, like wild bees and wasps, are infected by the same viral diseases as honey bees and that these viruses are transmitted via pollen. This multi-institutional study provides new insights into viral infections in native pollinators, suggesting that viral diseases may be key factors impacting pollinator populations. See article.
g MESSAGE - How might we detect an extraterrestrial messenger probe already in the solar system? See article. This article is from 1983.
g COSMICUS - The Smithsonian Institution's National Postal Museum is asking for help in selecting an iconic stamp to represent the United States in an international gallery - and one of its choices celebrates the first moon landing. See article.
g LEARNING - A free e-book on astrobiology research in Yellowstone National Park is now free online from Montana State University and the NASA Astrobiology Institute. Schools, museums and science centers can receive free printed copies for educational use.
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