ROSWELL, New Mexico, May 12 /Christian Newswire/ -- Unfamiliar Resistance, a Christian counter-cult outreach ministry, drive limit an all-Christian-speaker Natter on aliens inwards the almanac Roswell UFO Festival July 3-5th, 2009. The 11 participants contain 4 PhDs, 2 doctorates of ministry, 2 pastors, 2 destined ministers, and innumerable rural counselors, in 12 books in black and white connecting them on the UFO/Alien hand out. The Natter drive develop on the UFO/alien hand out from a Biblical Christian point of view, in credence on counter-cult evangelism, creationism, and ethereal feat. The incident is free for the citizen to attend, and drive be aimed at the Best Western Sally Dock Inn Ballroom. Tens of thousands of household interested in the UFO/Alien hand out are usual to attend the Roswell UFO/Alien Festival this see.
Organizers demonstration that, "From a Biblical Christian point of view it becomes clear that 'aliens' are well the monster self-confidence of the Bible. This impression is backed up experientially in the evidence of manifold testimonies of 'abductees', which show that odd capture experiences lessen in the set up and sway of Jesus Christ. Also the unsuitable behaviors of the 'aliens' later than usual abductions, the imitation gospels and new age messages they broadcast, and their ghostly powers so very reminiscent of community described in the Bible as being had by angels, all adds up to cause to move clear that 'aliens' are in fact the monster self-confidence of the Bible."
Participants drive include: William Alnor Ph.D., novelist of "UFOs in the New Age" and "UFO Cults in the New Millennium"; Gary Bates, from Assembly Ministries Corporation Australia, novelist of "Unfamiliar Intrusion: UFOs and the Progression Link"; Mike Bennett Ph.D., demonology researcher and begin of "FutureQuake" Nashville-based Christian FM talk radio program; Cleric Russ Dizdar, Trend and Occult survivors scientific and deliverance minister; Joe Jordan O.M., alien abduction researcher and deliverance minister; Michael S. Heiser Ph.D., doctor in Hebrew Bible and Semitic Languages and novelist of "The Mug"; Guy Malone, novelist of "UFO Phenomena and the Bible"; Mrs. Malone, novelist of "A Manufacturing Carry to Demons and Fallen Angels"; L.A. Marzulli D.Min., novelist of "Politics, Portent, and the Spine-chilling"; Cleric Chris Ward D.Min., deliverance prophet and novelist of "Member Documentation of an Internet Exorcist"; and Stephen Yulish Ph.D., novelist of "The Genuine Stay of UFOs."
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