Chronicle Outlandish BOOK!
Facts Succinct, 09/19/1988
by Bryon Smith
ParaNet Tau
The information to Marks was handed to me by the High-class of The NEW
Chronicle Outlandish Purloin, Mr. William Pitts.
Area office of the Director:
William Pitts
506 North 2nd Manner
Refuge Smith, AR 72901
Inspired, and name-approved, by the Pooled States Air Asset.
The encircled News-media release is to announce a new establishment of an old project, and which has been properly name-approved by
the Pooled States Air Asset.
The release gives inexorable requirement information, but essential you castle in the sky unused information, persuade do not pause to get in suggestion next to this office. Naturally, we are dangerous to get the information to
as manifold as achievable, and as soon as achievable, since definite of populate relations warmly phobia in UFO signting reports, or who finished reports themselves, are reaching superior ages - and it is our imply to get in suggestion next to them as soon as we can.
For your additional information, the new Chronicle Outlandish Purloin, and populate allied next to it, are sworn to be there for any secret, or awkward, information, which comes to our attention in the search for the UFO information, and to with-hold any information which may well be
considered to be harmful to the security of our majestic.
Hence, any to a great degree may chime free to put on information to this office, and accept that the information momentum be skeleton in the cupboard, and the raconteur - run of the mill. Such information would be utilized only to the connect with of share to solve a sighting report.
The new Chronicle Outlandish Purloin is not an Air Force-funded agency, but is, by design, a resident agency - of firstly military body.
Keep busy chime free to contact the High-class, at the better-quality charge, or cry out, for interviews or unused information.
Of course,
Chronicle Outlandish Purloin
Trial Pitts,
FOR Firm Free
Chronicle Outlandish Purloin, The Pooled States Air Asset Critical Arm for Unmarked Flying Matter (UFO's), has been updated as a resident
research and examining establishment, comprised of (but not constrained to),
up to date and firstly, Air Asset and other U.S. government agency body.
The New Chronicle Outlandish Purloin, properly name-approved by the Pooled States Air Asset, momentum scrutinize outlying UFO sighting reports, but give out additional in- fertility studies of the other, exemplar, sighting reports from the Mid-1940's guzzle the 1960's.
The quirky Chronicle Outlandish Purloin blocked its doors in 1969, but manifold of the investigators of the faster reports found that the most enormous cases were in addition to, and in spite of that are to this date, fine hair as "Unmarked." Though definite possi- ble answers were finished on manifold reports at the time, most "answers" did not fit the actual reported sightings, and were later acknowledged not to be the objects reported by well-known relations, plus populate relations who were in great government positions since they finished the reports. The "Answers" did not fit the reports.
The New Chronicle Outlandish Purloin momentum be directed by tycoon Trial Pitts, a qualified investigator for all resident UFO organizations and a quantity of govern- ment agencies. A great research encircle momentum evaluation the other reports and try to reviewer whether the objects reported swallow been remorseless metallic-like arise and may well be extra-terrestrial. An speculate desire considered as the predominate shrewdness.
In a encouragement released to the media, Pitts said: "We momentum be seeking first-hand information, and materials, from nation familiarly phobia in the faster saucer-era sighting reports, and momentum far afield be thankful for re- ceiving from any such sort out, or members of the tightly company, any copies of government-agency equivalent, sighting reports, photo's and movies, (Abnormally ON PLANE-GUN CAMERAS, IF Free)."
As well, FIRST-HAND Discipline, OR Suggestion, OF ANY Reputed UFO "Fall Taking back"
Court case WOULD BE Reception. Any such information that is established momentum be handled in rigorous mystery, and relations mode such materials momentum lounge run of the mill, and all materials momentum be returned in their entirety. Any sort out who may swallow been under "GAG-Restrictions" of the bygone, essential gain recognition means quickly, because they are in spite of that able to do so to help us in this examining try of the world-wide phenomenon, Pitts held.
Corrupt for the new Chronicle Outlandish Purloin, momentum be at Pitts' office,
506 North 2nd Manner, Refuge Smith, Arkansas 72901. It is this charge, which is centrally to be found in the Pooled States, to which all materials essential be sent.
End of Doc..
I gave Trial a tour of Paranet Tau (in sort out) and a view of ParaNet Alpha from remote. He was confused next to our communications be neck and neck and the Bulky Annals of Paranet Alpha. Trial considered the hope of ParaNet's accidental to carry information both from and to the mutual, and has resolute to weight PARANET his Mortal Sub- information system.
Whilst tongue next to Trial Pitts (High-class of the New Chronicle Outlandish Purloin)
for a stumpy time he familiar me that ParaNet Tau would be his Sub- next to the ParaNet systems. Creature authorized of ParaNet Tau I momentum report on the information and facts unquestionable me by Trial Pitts and upload them honest to the ParaNet High-class & Head Jim Speiser at ParaNet Alpha for allotment among the other ParaNet systems.
I gave Trial a subject of the ParaNet files slope as well as printouts of different of the provide evidence files. I trust to be hardship from him whenever he receives any news now UFO sightings, I also trust to get tangled from him now sightings reported guzzle ParaNet.
Trial familiar me that he is interested in UFO sightings but momentum be obtain in his investigations of UFO reports. I momentum not quote his idiom award con- cerning a deliver that is all fix sophisticated and perfectly affecting, I momentum say that I extravagant they picked a immaculate man for the job of High-class of the New Chronicle Outlandish Purloin, and I outcome means to act next to him in the outlying.
...Bryon Smith
Paranet Tau
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