Date: July 31, Revered 1, Revered 12, 2005 (etc) Time: 11:00 p.m. - One time midnight.
Appoint of Sighting: Vancouver, North Shore Mountains, west end - marine. Name of witnesses: 1 Name of objects: 3 Illustration of objects: orb/circular.
Strong Annals of event/sighting: I trouble been noticing this equivalent basis commonly perfectly as it gets shadowiness in Vancouver.
The first time I was at my friend's house - house-sitting in the role of she was publicized. I noticed an orb over the North Shore Mountains - over North Vancouver. I looked to my moved out towards Burnaby - east - and noticed distinct one at about the vastly principle in the sky. At first I purpose they were planets having the status of of how considerable they were, they may well undeniably be seen in the night sky - we don't see alot of stars in Vancouver due to the municipal lights - and the objects were debatable standard and glistening.
I looked west out over the West End of Vancouver and saw distinct one - vastly principle in the sky - in a triangle formation - an lozenge triangle. Especially orb shape and debatable standard from washed-out to red to blue to lush and regular.
I watched them for comparatively sometime...they didn't move, ethical hung in the sky...and I realized they were too low in the sky to be stars or planets. I went confidential to get everything to swill, came show out and the one over by the mountains was absent. But the one to the east and west were continually there. Hanging. In due course I went confidential.
I trouble seen them incessantly in regarding the vastly surroundings charming significantly anytime I broadcast in frequent information from my friend's balcony at night. Not interminably 3 but a mix. I can't see them from my house having the status of there is too significantly burden from the cityscape nonetheless I did put to death the one that takes up domicile over the North coast mountains last night.
I trouble seen countless UFOs in Vancouver and unfashionable in Canada since I was a verdant progeny. Convinced very gaudy and odd experiences. I ethical purpose I would link this story and see if any other Vancouverites trouble as well as noticed these orbs that good to study or monitoring Vancouver night after night.
Thank you to the nature for the report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Test. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Test International:
HBCC UFO Test, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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