UFO DECEPTION (Part of a long article, 'New Age Programming...AKnowledge of Evil' By Dave Barley, Pastor, in 'America's Promise
Newsletter', September 1994. Published by America's Promise Ministries P.O. Box 157, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864
I realize I am cramming a lot of much information into this article, and as you well know, many books have been written on both sides of the UFO issue. However, before I close this article, we should discuss the subject of UFOs and the role New Ageism plays in its presentation.
New Age solutions, theories, and metaphysical scenarios (such as UFOs converging upon planet Earth, and extraterrestrials of all sizes,
shapes, and colors, including intelligent animal-types --Star Wars and Star Trek style-- plotting our final curtain call on planet Earth) are a multi-million-dollar propaganda business. Of course, my stating
these things will in no way deter those who follow this seemingly
insurmountable truth (deception) because their quest for the ultimate UFO high has also become their god and guiding light.
Smug New Agers (and make no mistake Christian brethren, UFO followers are a major part of the New Age philosophy) boastfully proclaim that there's more evidence that aliens from other planets and/or other
galaxies exist, than there is evidence that Jesus Christ existed. They quote former Presidents who have given supportive evidence that UFOs exist, they show government "official" documents to back up their
assertions, and they offer mysterious abduction tales by super-intelligent god-like beings from outer space. First of all, let us not
forget that the federal government has long been in the business of spreading carefully planted misinformation/disinformation to suit
their purposes of deception. UFO adherents are now in the millions, and the sensation (or should I say, deception) is growing. Now, just because you believe intelligent life forms exist from other planets or solar systems exist, does not make you a non-Christian.
The danger emerges when you make UFO aliens out to be gods, and then embrace them as "saviors" who can transform this world into a utopia.
Many UFO enthusiasts have told me that various ETs (extraterrestrials)
look just like you and me, and are walking among us every day. I am told that they can cure AIDS, cancer, heart disease, all the world's social ills (because they are supposedly so highly advanced and
superior to us), and that they will make a grand public entrance (once the earthlings become sufficiently enlightened about space aliens) in the near future.
A recent publication entitled, "End Times Church - A Newsletter
Witnessing For Jesus Christ" (so they claim) features articles on
"UFOs & The Tribulation." These articles espouse the New Age gospel of the UFO "conspiracy." Page One of this Christian-coated mythology
says, "One important fact is there are two main groups of
extraterrestrial/spiritual "beings" dealing with our planet, since the beginning of "man" on earth. These are the "Creasions" (evil, selfish beings with no respect for human life) and the "Amorcans" (who seek to help us survive this final attack from the Creasions). There are many groups (races) of ETs with leanings one way or the other who interact with mankind but who are not at the basis for this conflict from
heaven." UFO apostles say the good ETs haven't interfered with us
earthlings, because they are under some prime directive not to
interfere in our affairs until the appointed time.
UFO priests faithfully preach the gospel of the saviors from outer
space, but as one progresses (or should I say digresses) in the
religion of space cadets, you will discover that Jesus Christ is
highly esteemed only as a great former astronaut from some solar
system beyond our own. And while this may seem a laughing matter to some of you, I assure you it is not, and this religion has thousands upon thousands of victims! Again, BEWARE because this is all part of the New Age philosophy.
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