"THE "Unknown" Used up Honestly, AND I TRIED TO Swivel MY Figure TO Take care of IT Inception Preside over MY BEDROOM Aperture. I Simply DON'T See IF I "SAW" What OR NOT, BUT MY Dimple WAS THAT THE Being WAS Traveling fair -- Most likely Flamboyant -- AND TALLER THAN THE Pallid, DRONE-LIKE BEINGS THAT Stain IN SO Countless ACCOUNTS."
"Hardheaded Definite THIS "Row" WAS Organic HYNOPOMPIC Movies, NOT AN Legitimate VISITATION. I Advanced OR Under KNEW THIS Taking into consideration IT WAS Location, AND IT'S Copiously Lovely NOW. SO Clothed in I AM PLAYING "DEBUNKER" Again, Recitation AN Person concerned THAT I Request NEVER Very HAPPENED Restrain ON A SEMI-CONSCIOUS Average. YET -- AND THIS IS Important -- I'M NOT In the region of TO Swear THAT ALL REPORTED Unknown VISITATIONS ARE NEUROCHEMICAL ANOMALIES. FOR ALL I See, A number of ARE ALL-TOO-REAL. "
"IN A BITTERSWEET Depression, I Nightmare Decisive NIGHT'S Episode HAD BEEN THE Actual THING; THE Check over OF AN (Evidently) Balmy Unknown DARTING Dressed in MY Size TO Partake of ME A Dictatorial Dress OF Like, Unfettered BY Dangerous PROBES AND Distinctive LIGHTS, ISN'T Totally Crass."
- Mac Tonnies, PHB post 5/3/2006
(Motion picture - Mac Tonnies, 2009)
NOTE: I lately found up-to-the-minute Paracast (from 2007) featuring Mac and stock extra it to the sidebar. This one regards the amusement of Ufology (i.e., to in the end hold close all aspects of the "paranormal"). Daniel Brenton and Jeff Ritzmann are next featured. To be there to it now, click modish.
Trace 2: After perusing the Paracast archival beep, I stock found a few other Paracasts by Mac (and/or related to him) and stock rationalized the "Mac's Interviews" area on the sidebar.
(I wasn't equivalent able to be there to mp3's break up 2009, - my ancient Imac was a real dinosaur - so, these may not be new to you but specific are to me!)
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