Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Belfast Ireland Multiple Sightings Of Ufos

Belfast Ireland Multiple Sightings Of Ufos
Posted: January 26, 2008Date: 2003/2007 Time: Predominantly day time.Deposit of Sighting: From domicile. Suppose of witnesses: 6 Suppose of objects: 50 Ceremonial of objects: Sphere/cylinder/cube/saucer/bird and others.Accomplished Illustration of event/sighting: Hi, I convene been seeing these accouterments for about four time now, at first I didn't grip it. I dismissed them as balloons or paper blown in the air. Later after seeing them 6/7 times one month in late 2003 I had to value that they were UFOs. They acutely acquire from the northwest, even as not habitually. They crack and drift close to were I live then move off to the northeast en route for Scotland. I watched them for option meeting 2/3 a month fly former or drift for a few minutes.The spheres I convene seen are colorless the majority, even as I convene seen vulgar, buff and blue types. The cylinders (I convene seen two of these) are colorless sunny stage at also ends and alot over than the spheres. I laid-back had not understood to guise about these accouterments. I convene a spouse and undeveloped and I didn't want to upset guise. I had no hint what they were, and I wasn't stable of what I requisite do. Later in April 4, 2007 I was dole out my brother in-law among several garden furniture. It was a high-quality good day impart was several cloud but acutely blue skies. I spotted a white grassland departure out to the east it was stirring towards us.I jagged it out to my brother-in-law and we watched it get closer, after about 2 minutes it was arrogant us, and one of the best sightings I had, as you can see the copy of the clouds sinuous not far off from its departure. It had not lazy, but aloof up it's pace as it thoughtfully stirred fashionable the west. I was captivated I had a bystander as he saw it furthermore. I wasn't goodbye insane after all :) In my joy I called out to it "hey acquire finance." As I did, it lazy. It didn't acquire finance but it nervy us also for a sparkle. When it did do is grow longer and then turn in to two spheres, and then thresher and diminish. As soon as that I told my to your house and relations about what I been seeing. They were disparaging at first. I would tell them how they are up impart most months and in due course they (my to your house and relations) would be among me what it happens. So we convene all seen them now. I won't go fashionable them all in this, but the last sighting was a blue grassland very high up. I took several photographs.Thank you to the bystander for the report.Brian Vike, Controller HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International: Road and rail network show commence for the Vike Deduce, spectator linking their experiences. *The Vike Deduce Witness UFO Road and rail network Show*Proper very, the Vike Deduce Road and rail network Consider Blog. You can tell the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and coming programs I do. *Vike Deduce Road and rail network Consider Blog*HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO


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