Skillful News Accomplishments 2014:
Hazard TO Foremost News Subordinate
2014-0102 UFO sightings reported in California (ABC News) ENG
2014-0103 UFO sightings can be tremble lights (WebProNews) ENG
2014-0105 Airbus pilot reveals near-miss along with UFO over Berkshire... (The Unprejudiced) ENG
2014-0105 Trafikplan m"otte ok"ant f"oremal (DN/Sweden) SWE
2014-0105 Triple star system 'can exclaim secrets of gravity' (BBC) ENG
2014-0106 Airbus-pilot hevder han nesten krasjet med UFO (Nettavisen) NOR
2014-0107 Moova, 22, pa v"ag att flytta plant Mars (AB/Sweden) SWE
2014-0107 Ufo in Bremen: "Es war dann schon ziemlich ruhig an Bord" (Der Spiegel) GER
2014-0107 Kanadan ex-puolustusministeri: "Avaruusoliot vierailivat..." (IS/Finland) FIN
2014-0108 UFO spotted excellent airport causes flights to be cancelled and last-minute (Mirror/UK) ENG
2014-0108 'Fakes' and woodcuts - Germany's top UFOs (The Local/Germany) ENG
2014-0109 Smithsonian showcases Mars rover images - along with video (BBC) ENG
2014-0110 Sa har de f"ors"okt att l"osa UFO-gatan (AB/Sweden) SWE
2010-0110 Requisite UN Split be customized to allow firms to 'exploit' Moon - video (BBC) ENG
2014-0112 Tutkijat selvittiv"at kuun pime"an puolen v"arin (IS/Finland) FIN
2014-0113 News agency claims Snowden docs verify aliens helped Hitler, and... (Washington Wealth)
2014-0113 UFOs and Chem Trails Quiet Phoenix, Arizona (Autonomy Impart) ENG
2014-0114 Did Iranian Fighters Warfare UFOs? (Forbes) ENG
2014-0116 Mansion says they spotted UFOs nearby Montreal (Canoe/Canada) ENG
2014-0117 UFO over Arabia? It's utterly the glitter from Chinese space tackle (NBC 1/2014) ENG
2014-0117 Equally is this mystery object spotted on Google Moon ? (Rag Mail/UK) ENG
2014-0119 Confidential Moon object spotted on Google Moon has a person alone (Be in a huff) ENG
2014-0120 Marsista l"oytyi mystinen 'hillomunkkikivi' (IS/Finland) FIN
2014-0120 Illustrative CONFIRMATION: Astral Compel to Detected On Moon (TRN) ENG
2014-0123 Mars rover Relax finds unexpected marmalade doughnut post on the...t.. (WP) ENG
2014-0123 UFO able and past police man Gary Heseltine, visiting... (The Telegraph(Australia)
2014-0123 Ibiza escape jet in nearby miss along with UFO over Equal height (The Telegraph) ENG
2014-0124 Raportti: "Rugbypallon muotoinen ufo" l"ahes hipoi matkustajakonetta (IS) FIN
2014-0124 UAVs scarier than UFOs - about the drone technology (Dakota Apprentice) ENG
2014-0124 Scientists faster to solving Mars rock mystery, says NASA able (The Telegraph) ENG
2014-0125 UFO communications dependable in Vancouver skies (Checker) ENG
2014-0126 Hawking: Svarta hal finns inte (AB) SWE
2014-0127 Jadepupu pahoissa vakeuksissa (IS) FIN
2014-0127 Moon has UFO sighting awfully time China's rabbit rover mal... (Autonomy Impart) ENG
2014-0129 Edward Snowden through for the Nobel break honor (The Mask) ENG
2014-0204 Nasa's Profit Mars rover looks to 'jump' shoreline hill (BBC) ENG
2014-0225 'Alien invasion' to open in April - but 'UFOs' momentum be... (Yahoo News) ENG
2014-0504 Why aliens don't plant themselves to us? (Montreal Gazette) ENG
2014-0629 Nasa tests flying saucer craft for selected manned... (CNN)
2014-0715 Famous fissure appears at the "end of the..." (The Siberian Times)
2104-0716 Scientists: We're 'very close' to verdict something else Hollow out (CNN)
2014-0717 N"aky Siperian taivaalta ly"o "allik"all"a: sheet"a t"am"a... (IS) FIN
2014-0717 A long time ago Apollo: Do we use to go carry to the moon? (CNN)
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