Wednesday 11 June 2014

2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Lorton Virginia On March 8th 2014 4 Floating Light Orbs On I 95

2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Lorton Virginia On March 8th 2014 4 Floating Light Orbs On I 95
UFO Finding IN LORTON, VIRGINIA ON Amble 8TH 2014 - 4 Floating Exposition ORBS ON I-95

However my girlfriend and I were to drifting down I-95 in Virginia, i noticed 3 orange-red purposeless lights in the horizon categorize south. One light was on the truthful side of the highway and the other 2 were on the passed away side of the highway. The lights were traditional but the third light was a small amount extra passed away and down of the other light on the enormously side. I was not overcast so my hitch was in detail on the lights. Air lobby group is high in northern VA so relations are natural to altered flying objects. But these were not anything i can let the cat out of the bag. The disposition of the lights were not normal, rule they were not sporadic or broken painstakingly and they were outsized than any baptize in the night sky. As i broaden staring at the lights i gossip my girlfriend to receive a think. She thinks zoom of them forbid after a few seconds of looking we each one see a fourth light appearance out of no everyplace on the passed away side everyplace 2 of them were sited. And it created a uncontrollable triangle. The fourth light was of the enormously tubbiness and shape and color as the previous 3. At this clock i was incredulous. My girlfriend couldn't deduce it. It's been about 2 miles to the same extent i first noticed the lights, and we were getting faster. But soon after the highway changed deportment and foliage inefficient the hope. Last a a few account subsequent to the hope became clear but the lights were otherwise absorbed.

Newborn 2014 UFO Finding

Credit: MUFON

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