Sunday, 6 April 2014

Missing Tully Ufo Film

Missing Tully Ufo Film
Hi allIn a recent post (click here to notion) I mentioned the meant collusion of the one-time Australian government Border of the Domestic in missing photographic evidence. I brag now tracked down beyond information on the incident.FSR:The English Flying Saucer Take stock, Vastness 15, compute 3, outmoded May/Jun 1969 carried an article refined "North Queensland UFO Chronicle" in black and white by Stan Seers and William Lasich.It provides information on the 19 Jan 1966 Tully, Queensland (click here for details) "retreat" and connected UFO sighting, after that goes on to make a claim that the Queensland Flying Saucer Have a look at Organization set up a "monitor/detector" at a site in Tully. The put on the air was geared up in 1968 by Vince Mele and an electronics fish refuse, and was related to a "cine-camera."On 4 Mar 1968, locals in Tully reported a UFO sighting and the put on the air was found to brag been triggered. The revealed film was forwarded to Kodak Ltd, Melbourne. "Several 10 days taking into consideration a space was acknowledged from Kodak stating that the reason which was returned to sender, had been desolate on come back.""The asking price of the film was reported to the public order who were very co-operative, but after a difficult representative investigation interstate, were disallowed to shed light on the mystery...Externally, excluding, a suggestion was thrown out by a nature of first-rate label and ostensibly well erudite in order matters, that it was likely that Commonwealth launch had in use leverage of the film...""It is not short cord to access, in a little while after asking price of the film, circa Make evident 13, two R.A.A.F. helicopters were observed for a few time deploying over the site of the very lagoon...""Mr Colin Bennett, M.L.A., Barrister, after studying overall trace of the incident, expressed burly cord and brief supplied his every avail yourself of in study...In a give away from Canberra, outmoded August 29, Mr Gordon Freeth, Ecclesiastic of Air confirmed he was disallowed to transfer any suggestions as to the lot in life of the film. He denied advantageously the Border of Air had habitually at any time, split from Kodak Ltd matter concerning to UFOs."MY COMMENTS:This after that appears to be the fuller story, of the run from Ann Druffel's "Fire" which was the reservation of my earlier period post. Readers drive specify that the Border of the Domestic is not mentioned in this fuller version. It thus deceased a mystery as to what network, if any the Border of the Domestic, may brag played in this annals.For a laid-back script of the article click here.


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