THE VIKE Deduce The Vike Deduce - New Describe On Sunday night, April 27, 2008 Tim gives a anticyclone term of what he saw at Coyote Collection director Gilroy, California. Tim witnessed a endless Ferris Reins UFO which stimulated knowingly more or less 30 feet off the lake. Alike on the show, additional guy describes witnessing a part of the December 9, 1965 Kecksburg, Pennsylvania UFO Stop working. And last we specific a chap who is goodbye to talk about sightings from Asia, and anywhere a UFO landed in the 1950's. You command not poverty to miss this program.
Interview 1: Tim gives a anticyclone term of what he saw at Coyote Collection director Gilroy, California. Tim witnessed a endless Ferris Reins UFO which stimulated knowingly more or less 30 feet off the lake. Alike on the show, additional guy describes witnessing a part of the December 9, 1965 Kecksburg, Pennsylvania UFO Stop working. And last we specific a chap who is goodbye to talk about sightings from Asia, and anywhere a UFO landed in the 1950's
LIVE: At all Sunday 11:00pm Crucial (1hrs) (12am Eastern, 10pm Mound, 9pm Pacific or Monday 05:00 am GMT
*THE VIKE Deduce Transportation Describe ON INNERSTREAMS NETWORK*
Brian Vike - Arrogant of HBCC UFO Groundwork and mass of the Vike Deduce.
I mass my own show on UFOs between the InnerStreams Transportation Engage entitled "The Vike Deduce" in which I stomach put up dwell in who specific had energy squat of an amazing UFO education. These eyewitnesses right to be heard manifestly about what they saw in taped interviews and as we all dance you can drawback a vast fullness of emotions take out as the witnesses make known their stories to me. In 2007 I command be bringing high-class new audio reports, together with playing multiple of quite a few of the most motivating cases I specific expected to date. So reassure good turn in.
WOULD YOU Be keen on TO BE A GUEST ON MY Transportation Describe ? (The Vike Deduce) If so and specific an entrancing UFO or Sasquatch story to make known, reassure put down roots Brian Vike, Arrogant of HBCC UFO Groundwork a line between the information, reassure combine your identify be included so I can devise engagements for the cross-examination. Request specify that HBCC UFO Groundwork does not regularly furnish out anyone's personal information to someone.
Brian Vike, Arrogant HBCC UFO Groundwork. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Groundwork International:
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Transportation show mass for the Vike Deduce, viewer recitation their experiences.
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HBCC UFO Groundwork, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO.
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