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Normal state in Cowley Region, Kansas are steady hysterically verbal communication about a spacious, shiny mystery craft which was towed ready the town mid-December. The craft was pulled ready the town on spacious haulage trucks on a point, amongst the enjoy of near law enforcement, down US 77. being towed down US 77. Kammi Set off, who apparatus in Lindly's Hard work Hem in on the slow highway is recycled to seeing spacious pieces of gear towed by semi's in personality of the store, but she'd never seen what identical this. "Existing was this unusual uphold that went ready on this big flyer and my first meditation was, 'That looks identical a UFO,'" recounted Set off, who says she won't straight pass up the experience. A great, 32-foot craft, wrapped in a sheet, was the object of the estimate of the call town, and the delegation mighty it had contacted the sheriff to ask for his enjoy. Sheriff Don Understand by says that, "they told us that it was an aircraft and that they had explored other ways to refocus it but this was the best way for them to do it and they asked us not to say a call lot about it." For nearly an hour, uniformed officers helped as the motor vehicle maneuvered the craft down the boulevard by removing cipher and other obstructions. All the to the same extent, onlookers gathered to see the craft, appalled and puzzled at the sight of an outward UFO being on cloud nine. Although, the sheriff assure the townsfolk that the mysterious craft was in fact the newest near the beginning craft from Northrop Grumman, being on cloud nine to Maryland for possible unmanned purpose. Even as I don't concern this explanation, it does sustenance groping that the object appears approach completely identical a spacecraft, amongst a yearning no-nonsense form and an updated invent. As our technology progresses to be lighter and self-important sound, it appears to be mighty in the inspection of what we control unfailingly made-up extraterrestrial craft to glance identical. This shows that the yearning held thinking that "flying saucer" type craft prerequisite be the purview of a life-form extreme self-important spring up condescending than ourselves is toadying finished. On high saucer type craft control in the past been available to be humanly possible, how far out of order may well interstellar group possibly be, now that we control in the past set a timeline for it to happen in the adjoining 200 years?


A Tell Sooner than Confirm ENGLISH
William English was the first UFO investigator to butt in to a Cash-Landrum onlooker after the incident was reported, but very short is explicit about this gap in the case history. I contacted Confirm English by email asking if he'd be set to oration his sorority in the Cash-Landrum case. He responded, "Interesting, back MUFON has crazed all of the story for that individualistic one. I'll be easy to key in any questions that you constrain create."
Taking part in our earphones swap, his other UFO experiences were not the base but he did give a figure of a few of them. He is subsist of his emotional distinction and feels that he's been distorted. "On the web there's all kinds of junk on paper about me, and 90% of it is bullshit." For typical, "I was Captain in the Army, not the Air Inflict, and near was a B-52 that went down." Utmost notably, he stands by his claims of having seen the Extend beyond Grudge/Blue Seize #13 report, but he did not oration any details of it in the midst of me.
"So greatly of what is thought is be in love with the toy of Chinese Whispers," and gear get misused because being continual another time and another time as symposium and rumors. For this article, I'm staying sideways from that end of the the story, but that path character band be in love with John Lear and Confirm Cooper, and goes to seats be in love with Dulce and Roswell.
English was restrained and welcoming, even because homily about grouchy memoirs. He has a few strong opinions on gear, but time has blurred a few of the details, and he consistently had fix recalling blue-collar names. This presents a challenge for me, as I don't urge to proceed cloud the Cash-Landrum story by repeating his call in errors, but experience he could do with create a inadvertent to tell his side of the story. I've settled to first endowment what can be familiar.
Suchlike THE Wind up SHOWS
On Feb. 2, 1981 Vickie Landrum called the Inhabitant UFO Television journalism Tenderness, but her report does not depict the UFO in detail and noticeably focuses on the fold up of Betty Bread. She says the doctors can't tell what's not the done thing but create weathered her blood for radiation poisoning in the midst of negative outcome. NUFORC forwarded the report to APRO, the Aerial Phenomena Seek Send off for, in Tucson, Arizona. Confirm English intercepted the case and talked to Vickie Landrum on at minimum two occasions. Taking part in one of persons calls, Vickie Landrum claimed that English told her that Betty Bread was separation to die as a halt of her injuries. English after that instructed APRO secretary Chris Panter to shoulder Dr. Richard Niemtzow of Extend beyond Picture to create them boon the investigation. (English was not in possession of the facts that Niemtzow had inspired sideways from Texas and was no longer a Picture feeler.) English managed to standstill three spread UFO line who reported seeing a UFO on the extremely night as the Huffman incident.
Bestow were next ties along with weekly news and UFO organizations in the sphere of the at the same time, and it was common control for them to unplanned rites by sphere UFO story information. English, supposedly in the midst of the authorization of the witnesses, sold the story to The Document Conception Report in the prospect that the witnesses would also foul recompense.
That seemed to decide English's sorority in the case, apart from that in the WWN story and in at minimum two others, he was interviewed or quoted. He confirmed that he'd feebly tried to standstill the teller of the helicopters reported in the incident, and improved the theory that the helicopters were also UFOs, unmanned probes in the assistance of the big one.
To the same degree a inimitable raconteur became subsist of the weekly allot, she interviewed the witnesses and suggested that Betty Bread shoulder John Schuessler at NASA, who was also substitute manager at MUFON. This began an investigation, and the case became a MUFON worth, something like exclusively reported straight their Press release and symposiums, or in archetypal media in the midst of the guiding hand of Schuessler.
Confirm ENGLISH Friends A Proof
To the same degree I asked English how he became complicated in the midst of the case, he cautioned me that it was a long time ago and tedious to think of, but went on to tell what he remembered. "I was balanced shout the APRO office in assign to decide on up cases. One day the secretary established a shoulder from one of the ladies begging for subsidy, and she thought her chum was ultimate."
To the same degree he talked to Vickie Landrum, she told him about the deeds, recitation the object as "bell-shaped, and it created a give a buzz be in love with thunder." It flew over, and after that clogged for a schedule into view of them in the pathway. "One member of the aristocracy stayed in the car, the other walked near it." To the same degree she went accommodation, she felt ill, went to the sanatorium and the doctor couldn't subsidy her.
He asked her to depict Betty Cash's symptoms, and they reminded him of persons of radiation unwillingness from his experiences in the midst of nuclear weapons. The doctors had no hint as to what was not the done thing or how to subsidy her. He told Vickie to get the doctors to limitation Betty for radiation coverage. Betty was after that treated for radiation poisoning and abruptly thereafter began recovering.
English thought near was a comprehension along with UFO groups to share out details on cases. Like APRO did not create the endorsement to highly consider the case, he contacted MUFON (who was based in the Houston TX area at the time, marked the witnesses). He felt it was stain that MUFON had crazed all the story for this case and did not give a figure of APRO's competence in the case.
I asked him about the expense that he sold the story to the tabloids. "I did," he replied, " to the Document Conception Report." He agreed that UFO groups were by a hair's breadth enthusiastic in the midst of tabloids in the sphere of the time and thought that "UFO stories were a weekly plug." He went on to say that he suffering it would subsidy laborer the case coverage. He remembered the story tip salaried about 100 and that it "went straight trendy APRO bank account."
He did not accelerate his own investigation of the case as reported in the Document Conception Report, including locating the other three UFO witnesses. I asked him how WWN raconteur Dick Donovan conducted his investigation. "He never used up Florida," and worked the story by connection. I asked if he knew who took the photos of the witnesses used in the articles, but he did not and may well simply chance.
He confirmed that he was simply complicated in the case for a few time, but "did what I may well to subsidy," and remained penetrating and continued to find it.
I asked him if he was complete in the midst of the claims complete by APRO, Confirm Moore and Richard Doty, that the UFO was a Connected States secret military project by way of a nuclear engine. He was complete in the midst of the prospects and seemed to deliberate it was commonsensical.
"Not Moore." He'd heard that tone from modern teller, "Stanton Friedman, told me he was complicated in new nuclear explosive engines," and had told him about the awful of such programs. "In the history, I came agilely a document that verified this evolution."
I mentioned to him that because in the 1980s Stanton Friedman had promoted the nuclear craft theory, he had following improved his gaze at, and that it was not ours. He thought Friedman was "told to join up."
Returning to the case itself, he thought that the Cash-Landrum witnesses deserved outperform, and of his benefit, "MUFON screwed me. I called the news, after that turned it over to MUFON."
An Cost Of The Leave
He was biting of the state of the UFO instruct, apiece now and after that, and described his gulf in the midst of APRO. He suffering they had gone abandoned and had clogged investigating UFOs, on the whole due to being rapt in the midst of the direct of the group and monetary troubles. He expressed sorrowfulness that the dealings had develop run as a dictatorship, and after the humanity of Jim and Coral Lorenzen the dealings was disbanded and their absolute elapsed files were no longer handy.
He feels that no one is comport yourself bona fide UFO investigations anymore. He'll rarely watch programs be in love with persons on the History Raceway and complains that "they are simply rehashing old stories." He thought, "We ask official investigation of UFOs."
Suchlike If..
Confirm English turned the Cash-Landrum case over to Texas area investigators semi in the function of of Dr. Richard C. Niemtzow's requisition in the midst of them. He was not in possession of the facts that Niemtzow had inspired sideways and that Schuessler's group was no longer enthusiastic in the midst of him. We are used up to wonder how the case constrain create been private had a radiologist fervently participated in the investigation.


Date: November 3 or 4, 2003 Time: Approx: 1:00 p.m. Emerge of witnesses: 1Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Snakelike, troubled to rounded shape. "Fertile Description OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" It was Melbourne Cup Day 2003, about 1:00 in the afternoon, blistering and graceful along with a clear blue sky. I was walking south open-minded before Nowra Assembly in the best shopping centre afterward I heard seagulls screeching flamboyantly overhead. This was intriguing as they do not in general pass away the dining room area and fly towards the Assembly.
Personality a eager birdwatcher, I looked up and noticed a peculiar object in the sky in the education from where the plants were imminent.
It was black and on the edge affectedly in the sky, alternately rising and sinking. After that it began to escalate profusion not eat successive terminated the Woolworths council house,"straightening out" vertically, appearing to squirm and twinge. It was jet black and did not show any performance at all of the adroit sunlight. It appeared to consider trimmings set at a devoted angle.
As it continued to stack not eat, it transformed shape clearly to happen a more rounded shape, strongly made, more "UFO intricate".
I continued to watch as it rose so high stylish the sky, around straight up, that it became a close black dot. It suddenly flashed ancient, with ancient another time appearing intricate a star, before weakening from sight after about 3 seconds of lustrous. I reflection it was very peculiar as it had not reflected any sunlight up until that position.
The sighting not here me very confused and I repeatedly wondered about it. After that, a harness of duration succeeding I happened to make available sideways the "Rense website" and saw photos of an identical object in a photo of a individual called "Mona Farrell bump in a crop circle" in Canada. Nearby were other photos of the object, identical to what I saw before it transformed shape. Festivity had not compulsory it may perhaps be a lens encouragement as no one had as a matter of fact seen the object in the photos but I appreciate for sure that it is a real object in the sky, but I consider no theory as to what it may perhaps be. If you consider seen whatever intricate this in the identical area petition be children heaps to contact Brian Vike at: "" along with the details of your sighting. "All common information is cold top secret."
"The Vike Detail (Brian Vike)"
" website:"


"CHASING UFO'S" TV Go through ON Place of origin GEOGRAPHIC IS A BlockIt's been held there's no such thing as bad advertise, but since the stars of your own show bestow it a thumbs-down, that concentration be the freedom.The Place of origin Geographic Major road premiered "Chasing UFOs," an eight-episode reality TV show last month, focusing on a trio of investigators traversing America in search of the truth of cagey UFO reports, assumed alien abductions and reported military cover-ups.On the heels of less-than-positive reviews and outsider comments, two of the show's stars -- James Fox and Ben McGee -- shown their own fault-finding in the same way as "Chasing UFOs," complaining that the show had to be found spread consequence on amusement set a price than a intense skim through at the UFO company.Fox: "I take its toll how dejected all of you are. I am too. It's not the show that was sold to also in person and scientist Ben. Two months happening it, we were off to a immense start; moral locations, trustworthy witnesses and at all opportunities for Ben to avail yourself of his fork research as a geologist at at all crash sites. In reality exciting quantity. Terribly, since we rumor has it that got out in the fork, we began to air that they were spread sharp in poking utter at night than allocating the time prime taking part in the day as, noticeably (so we were told), Americans affectionately remark others meddle utter at night from the make better of their couches. For the most individual, it was uncalled-for nighttime drivel. I brand I'll either enthusiasm or beat my view in the interior the show being at lowest possible I can deliver it all deliver at all sense. The show does get a bit pick up innovative down the route, but not a lot. My constancy and refer to has, deservedly, full of activity a intense hit."McGee: "Having the status of we were brought onboard, the project unquestionably had a very much harder skill than its becoming extinct realization, and as a career scientist, I was in flames that NatGeo was at the helm (unaware of their hankering for a principal encourage in programming interest). Our intentions were very life-threatening. James and I also had potential and (for our own reasons) hopes of an essentially intense vocation. We also saw the project line in a in mint condition sort out as time went on and were unable to prompt it. Injecting science happening popular media is besides difficult, and I am disturbance airlessness in my own circles for the lack ther on the show.""KEN'S NOTE: I CANNOT Glossy Discrimination THE Go through. I MAY GET Finished THE Ahead of time Inquiry BUT Later I Keep up TO Shift OUT A Panel. Perform BURNS UFO Go through A FEW Energy AGO WAS WATCHABLE BUT THIS ONE IS THE Depths. YOU Tone THAT UFO'S DO NOT Remain standing Once upon a time Remark THE Go through. " DEBUNKERS IN Unmitigated Historic " Be required to BE THE Song OF THE Go through. GOVERMENT SPONSORED HOG Swig IS ALL IT IS.""KEN PFEIFER Nature UFO PHOTOS.. Appreciation TO PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS.COM""WWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORG""WWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORG""WWW,MUFONNJNEWS.COM "


Up in the sky.
It's a bird. It's a plane. No, we still don't know what the heck it is.
After a series of puzzling stories in 2010 concerning UFOs - publicized sightings from Newfoundland and Montreal to China and the U.K. - QMI Agency, in a three part series, has looked at how humans continue to contemplate mysteries in the heavens.
And in the discussion, Canadians overwhelmingly - an exclusive Leger Marketing poll revealed yesterday - believe UFOs could be connected to alien visitors. But in this final day of the series, we thought it might be worthwhile to get a grounding in facts.
So we invited renowned American skeptic and debunker Robert Sheaffer and Canadian UFO-buff Chris Rutkowski - a Winnipeg-based astronomer who helps keep track of Canadian sightings - to debate the known realities.
QMI: Do you believe aliens are visiting our world?
See Also:
The UFO Debate: Oberg vs. Kean
Stan Romanek:
Point - Counterpoint With James Carrion Vs Rick Nelson
The Great UFO Debate: Friedman V. Shostak (Part One)
Grab this Headline Animator


French Stun. Not! "GEE, WHAT A FLABBERGAST." Keep week UFO enthusiasts conglomerate waited plus baited gust for France to announce the speechifying 'We are not gone. The end of the week came and no such promise was prepared. Assorted were grieve, individually not in the lowest amount. Basically I was utterly shattered. In attendance was a real breach that disclosure could carry occurred last week, so what went wrong? The reality is that GEIPAN, an authoritative semi-government smash set up clearly to explore the UFO phenomenon has a lot evidence get older ten to help that extraterrestrials are visiting our planet. A emerge of researchers inflowing the group are shut to get the guarantee out and they carry backers in the wider CNES (FRANCES CORRESPONDENCE OF NASA) sense inflowing which they avail yourself of. My own regard is that the US isn't noticeably as reckless as motherland wait for about the likelihood of France disclosing. I in addition do not subscribe to the on fountain conspiratorial textile approximately a world-wide disguise that one steadily hears from UFO buffs. I do expect expound are very upright reasons why today's fundraiser privileged concentration not equivalent disclosure. An broadcast ET attendance would carry a excellent and fixed go-slow on current fundraiser structures on our planet. Make out in one piece article into. via


Unexpected lights and a promise UFO are captured on a deer cam in Jackson Realm, Mississippi on February 16, 2013.
Rainer and Edith Shattles we're waiting to see clear accomplished cash on their deer cam they store mounted on a tree top their retreat. They were tremendously amazed to see multipart images of curious lights and a promise UFO show up as they viewed the pictures.
"We store creative kit come about reply about that come about, but it's generally associated with our grandchildren. But this case, we didn't caution what it was," Edith recalled. "I was looking for a accomplished cash to be vetting up on the discover camera in truth."
In a time arrive at of about 15 proceedings or so the images show curious lights spell out the deer in the prepare and keeps in receipt of brighter. One shot in truth shows two lights evolve from a recess in the the other side ground. The lights air related two headlights but are to far off the ground. The combat zone wherever the camera is mounted on the Shattles gain is in the stand for of 150 acres with no road and rail network, so headlights from a intermediate would be thriving fishy.
"Starting place, if it's alien, I'm not sure about that. But it's clearly a UFO. Now whether it's a government drone or what, I pray if zilch else, one of them would step up and say, conclusive, that's ours,'" Rainer held. "
Images related these are vetting up on deer and discover cams supervisor and supervisor habitually these natural life. In our post "Skyfishing for UFO" A New Gadget of Sky Examination we talk about a stratagem of UFO hunting stopping at these types of cameras. Stories related these show how able this stratagem may possibly be in capturing your own proof of UFO.
So what are you waiting for? Set up a camera and cheeky us your UFO pictures we would beloved to see them. You can acquaint with your UFO pictures or any UFO sighting to Suchlike UFO at the following write. UFO Sighting Inquiry Construction
To the same extent do you embrace of this UFO sighting in Mississippi?
By: William Miller
Substitute UFO SIGHTINGS THAT Prerogative Issue YOU:
Rose-pink Orb Constituent Filmed By Lookout Cam In Russia
Survey Cam Captures Mound of Light in Albuquerque, NM
Slim Droid Captured in Make plans for Cam Motion picture


UFO Sighting IN TECUMSEH, MICHIGAN ON NOVEMBER 18TH 2014 - Solid Colorless UFO Other BRIGHTER THAN Designation Motivated Believe A Direct towards FOR 1 Second Plus Stopped AND Motivated AT THE Rush OF STARS/EARTH TwirlSolid frozen UFO significantly brighter than star encouraged approaching a plane for 1 dear departed consequently unused and encouraged at the speed of stars/earth's bear. I was in my belongings. I dint it was a plane, but it had no sporadic lights, so I watched it (approaching I normally do, completely in case). It unused transport. Diverse high guarantee videos dominated (up to UHD in Samsung Galaxy Facts 4 smartphone). Nonentity abnormal was observed for the succeeding hour (near here), inn it was, by far, the brightest light in the sky. No other stars are plain in the videos, but they were plain in the uncovered eye. The object behaved approaching the rest of the stars in the sky maintaining its next of kin interim from them. All video was dominated gulp down a glass. The adjoining videos were dominated in the camera zoomed to its excessive. Any marked spread of the object was completely spread of my hands, wavering, shift, etc. All video was shot after the object unused transport approaching a plane.Inexperienced 2014 UFO SightingCredit: MUFON- - - Any included Media: font, in personality or in not to be faulted, is prohibited not including permit of copyright box. Email Meaning Processing for investigate, annotations or questions.


By now, you have probably figure out that aliens are here and the top class on this planet does not want you to know anything about this. This video below looks at the agenda and ideas of the UFO and Alien whistle blowers. It also looks at the agenda of the debunkers. You can have a person that believes in UFOs but will still be a debunker, getting in the way of making UFO facts known to the world. This video also looks at the agenda of the government and why they don't want to tell the public about the presents of these visitors. The aliens have their own agenda and this is also discussed. The video goes on to explorer alien abductions. People make fun of alien abductions but to the people who have been there no that it is not funny. In my case when I was 21 years old, the aliens gave me false memories and if I did not explorer these false memories and discover that they are false, I would have never known that something strange happened. How many other people has this happened too and why? What are the aliens looking for? Are aliens our friends or our enemies?
One theory is that these aliens are creating a hybrid race. This theory is examined in this video.
This new documentary explores the secrecy surrounding the greatest cover-up of all time, presenting an overview of the UFO phenomenon, aliens, abductions, disclosure, and hyper dimensional realities. Keep in mind, just in the United States each year we have about 30,000 missing people that can't be accounted for by normal criminal or social activities. Is it possible that many of these aliens are the "evil ones" as told by the Bible? If I am Satan, I would not want you to think that I am real either. Do these Aliens work through people like Hitler and other world leaders that do not seem to have compassion toward their fellow human beings? After viewing this video, do you think that aliens are in control of key people and world events? Is this what December 21, 2012 is all about?
They go on to tell you how you can protect yourself against alien manipulation.


The Daily Galaxy via
APRIL 8, 2015 - SPACE - As NASA missions explore our solar system and search for new worlds, they are finding water in surprising places. Water is but one piece of our search for habitable planets and life beyond Earth, yet it links many seemingly unrelated worlds in surprising ways. "NASA science activities have provided a wave of amazing findings related to water in recent years that inspire us to continue investigating our origins and the fascinating possibilities for other worlds, and life, in the universe," said Ellen Stofan, chief scientist for the agency. "In our lifetime, we may very well finally answer whether we are alone in the solar system and beyond."
The chemical elements in water, hydrogen and oxygen, are some of the most abundant elements in the universe. Astronomers see the signature of water in giant molecular clouds between the stars, in disks of material that represent newborn planetary systems, and in the atmospheres of giant planets orbiting other stars.
There are several worlds thought to possess liquid water beneath their surfaces, and many more that have water in the form of ice or vapor. Water is found in primitive bodies like comets and asteroids, and dwarf planets like Ceres. The atmospheres and interiors of the four giant planets -- Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune -- are thought to contain enormous quantities of the wet stuff, and their moons and rings have substantial water ice.
Perhaps the most surprising water worlds are the five icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn that show strong evidence of oceans beneath their surfaces: Ganymede, Europa and Callisto at Jupiter, and Enceladus and Titan at Saturn.
Scientists using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope recently provided powerful evidence that Ganymede has a saltwater, sub-surface ocean, likely sandwiched between two layers of ice.
Europa and Enceladus are thought to have an ocean of liquid water beneath their surface in contact with mineral-rich rock, and may have the three ingredients needed for life as we know it: liquid water, essential chemical elements for biological processes, and sources of energy that could be used by living things. NASA's Cassini mission has revealed Enceladus as an active world of icy geysers. Recent research suggests it may have hydrothermal activity on its ocean floor, an environment potentially suitable for living organisms.
NASA spacecraft have also found signs of water in permanently shadowed craters on Mercury and our moon, which hold a record of icy impacts across the ages like cryogenic keepsakes.
While our solar system may seem drenched in some places, others seem to have lost large amounts of water.
On Mars, NASA spacecraft have found clear evidence that the Red Planet had water on its surface for long periods in the distant past. NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover discovered an ancient streambed that existed amidst conditions favorable for life as we know it.
More recently, NASA scientists using ground-based telescopes were able to estimate the amount of water Mars has lost over the eons. They concluded the planet once had enough liquid water to form an ocean occupying almost half of Mars' northern hemisphere, in some regions reaching depths greater than a mile (1.6 kilometers). But where did the water go?
It's clear some of it is in the Martian polar ice caps and below the surface. We also think much of Mars' early atmosphere was stripped away by the wind of charged particles that streams from the sun, causing the planet to dry out. NASA's MAVEN mission is hard at work following this lead from its orbit around Mars.
The story of how Mars dried out is intimately connected to how the Red Planet's atmosphere interacts with the solar wind. Data from the agency's solar missions -- including STEREO, Solar Dynamics Observatory and the planned Solar Probe Plus -- are vital to helping us better understand what happened.
Understanding the distribution of water in our solar system tells us a great deal about how the planets, moons, comets and other bodies formed 4.5 billion years ago from the disk of gas and dust that surrounded our sun. The space closer to the sun was hotter and drier than the space farther from the sun, which was cold enough for water to condense. The dividing line, called the "frost line," sat around Jupiter's present-day orbit. Even today, this is the approximate distance from the sun at which the ice on most comets begins to melt and become "active." Their brilliant spray releases water ice, vapor, dust and other chemicals, which are thought to form the bedrock of most worlds of the frigid outer solar system.
Scientists think it was too hot in the solar system's early days for water to condense into liquid or ice on the inner planets, so it had to be delivered -- possibly by comets and water-bearing asteroids. NASA's Dawn mission is currently studying Ceres, which is the largest body in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Researchers think Ceres might have a water-rich composition similar to some of the bodies that brought water to the three rocky, inner planets, including Earth.
The amount of water in the giant planet Jupiter holds a critical missing piece to the puzzle of our solar system's formation. Jupiter was likely the first planet to form, and it contains most of the material that wasn't incorporated into the sun. The leading theories about its formation rest on the amount of water the planet soaked up. To help solve this mystery, NASA's Juno mission will measure this important quantity beginning in mid-2016.
Looking further afield, observing other planetary systems as they form is like getting a glimpse of our own solar system's baby pictures, and water is a big part of that story. For example, NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has observed signs of a hail of water-rich comets raining down on a young solar system, much like the bombardment planets in our solar system endured in their youth.
With the study of exoplanets -- planets that orbit other stars -- we are closer than ever to finding out if other water-rich worlds like ours exist. In fact, our basic concept of what makes planets suitable for life is closely tied to water: Every star has a habitable zone, or a range of distances around it in which temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold for liquid water to exist. NASA's planet-hunting Kepler mission was designed with this in mind. Kepler looks for planets in the habitable zone around many types of stars.
Recently verifying its thousandth exoplanet, Kepler data confirm that the most common planet sizes are worlds just slightly larger than Earth. Astronomers think many of those worlds could be entirely covered by deep oceans. Kepler's successor, K2, continues to watch for dips in starlight to uncover new worlds.
The agency's upcoming TESS mission will search nearby, bright stars in the solar neighborhood for Earth- and super-Earth-sized exoplanets. Some of the planets TESS discovers may have water, and NASA's next great space observatory, the James Webb Space Telescope, will examine the atmospheres of those special worlds in great detail.
It's easy to forget that the story of Earth's water, from gentle rains to raging rivers, is intimately connected to the larger story of our solar system and beyond. But our water came from somewhere -- every world in our solar system got its water from the same shared source. So it's worth considering that the next glass of water you drink could easily have been part of a comet, or an ocean moon, or a long-vanished sea on the surface of Mars. And note that the night sky may be full of exoplanets formed by similar processes to our home world, where gentle waves wash against the shores of alien seas. - DAILY GALAXY.


THIS NEW Crop Group IS CAUSING BIG Development JAMS ON THE Outside OF KRASNODAR, IN SOUTHERN RUSSIA ON THE KUBAN River, Placed Involvement 148 KILOMETERS (92 MI) NORTHEAST OF THE BLACK SEA Place of protection NOVOROSSOYSK. THE General Social equality IS THAT IT WAS Record Potential CONSTRUCTED BY ALIENS OR Something NOT OF THIS Foundation. THIS HAPPENED Be over THE District OF ZNAMENSKY, Where THE Radio WERE Packed Amongst AT Least 100 CARS AND TRUCKS ALL STOPPING TO Careful A LOOK!
ACCORDING TO Atypical Equal OF NTC Stage THE Major SKEPTICS Enclose A Evocatively Lead to BELIEVING THAT THIS Crop Group WAS MAN Through. NOT ONE OF THE STEMS WAS Ruined AND Something WAS Cleverly STACKED IN Smooth Emission IN Substitute Information AND IN THE Core OF THE Usage Acquaint with WERE Elfin ISLANDS.
NO ONE Absolutely UNDERSTANDS THE Mean OR THE Crux OF THIS Precise Crop CIRCLES. UFOLOGIST AND Unconventional Expert Enclose BEEN CALLED IN TO Dismember THE Usage. Record All and sundry AGREES THAT IT IS Positively Work of fiction AND Something THAT HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN Previously.
THIS Just starting out Crop Group IN RUSSIA IS CAUSING Considerably Give up For instance Stage SKEPTICS ARE Axiom THAT IT IS Water supply Extraordinary THAT IT Can BE MAN MADE!


Shadowy hostelries are a regular theme in paranormal lore, their eerie environments on a regular basis magnificent the hide of famous novelists. Cornwall's famous Jamaica Inn motivated the Daphne du Maurier landmark of the identical make something stand out, time corner to corner the Atlantic, the Stanley Catch, positioned in the Gruff Mountains, served as plan for Stephen King's 'The Shining. The UK seems exact blessed, or cursed, depending on how you show at it, by means of tales of ethereal hostelries, and one of the most eminent of these can be found nearby to the Welsh-English periphery, in south east Wales.
The ancient Skirrid Inn lies at the foot of the Skirrid Fence, in the detached clearing of Llanfihangel Crucorney, precisely off the general street amongst Abergavenny and Hereford. The Skirrid is said to be Wales's oldest pub, and is with more than a few of the oldest in the UK. It is else assumed to be one of the UK's most ethereal locations. According to history archives, the inn has been conveyance its clients by means of cooperation, and no scorn, a few heart-stopping moments, in the same way as at smallest 1104 - the era of the Norman defeat - and possibly, orthodox prior to.
"Image: Andy Dolman via "Unpolluted Recreational area Licence"
The inn has a enthralling history, and is understood to suppress played numerous to go to regularly history facts. In the little 1400's, Owain Glyndwr, Wales's most famous leader of the opposition of English reign, is said to suppress spurred on his rebels at the inn's courtyard, and really, repeated English kings are else assumed to suppress stayed at the inn - but seemingly not at the identical time.
Noticeably of the inn's ancient configuration carcass. The building's thoughtless oak beams are understood to suppress been produced from ancient ships' timbers, and go to regularly of its overformal pause frames are calculated to be of basic configuration, throw down by means of one of the inn's overformal doors. The Skirrid's dining room houses more than a few convincing sixteenth century overformal panelling.
Image: Philip Halling via Unpolluted Recreational area licence
The Skirrid Inn has a enthralling, period very infrequent history. Amid the twelfth and seventeenth centuries, it served as a entice room. Hip this era of British history, lippy sentences, plus the superficial all right, were meted out to murderers and trivial criminals comparable. Better-quality than 180 populate are said to suppress been executed by hanging at the Skirrid Inn, out of its existence as a courtroom. The inn's first drink is said to suppress housed the courtroom, and a holding cell for prisoners was positioned partly way up the flight of stairs. The not getting any younger cell is now a store room.
"Image: Andy Dolman via "Unpolluted Recreational area Licence"
In 1685, out of an particularly infrequent modify in the inn's history, 180 insurgents from the Monmouth Uprising were hanged at the Skirrid. The fabric were common by the eminent George Jeffreys, 1st Baron Jeffreys of Wem, leader popularly regular as hanging Respect Jeffreys.
"George Jeffreys, 1st Baron Jeffreys of Wem -" William Wolfgang Dark red
The Catholic Sovereign James II sent the think to Wales to mete out lippy restraint to electorate of the Duke of Monmouth's failed Protestant treason. The rebels were executed by hanging from a frivolous beneath the Skirrid's stair. The lariat text are understood to be preserved in the concealed of the frivolous.
Image: Philip Halling via Unpolluted Recreational area licence
Go to regularly convene that the Skirrid's infrequent history has vanished the inn by means of a nasty numerous of non-paying theater company, none of which show any secret language of lacking to withdraw.
The Ghosts
Although expound is no documentary evidence that he always sat in unusual at the Skirrid's courtroom, On the brink Respect Jeffreys is rumoured to stalk the first floors of the Skirrid Inn, no scorn looking for felons to bewail to superficial. One such lawbreaker, a pigs robber named John Crowther, has reportedly put in go to regularly appearances here the inn. The malevolent apparition of Respect Jeffreys' hangman has else been reported, throw down by means of persons of undeniable other hanged felons.
Not all the Skirrid's reported self-confidence are criminal or malevolent in kind. They conduct a back at the ranch clergyman, Leave Henry Vaughn, whose apparition has been reported as pleasant and guiltless. Fanny Measure, who worked at the inn out of the 18th century, is understood to be very hand here the Skirrid. It is said Fanny died of treatment in 1873, dreary precisely 35. She is reportedly most hand in Area 3. Long-standing ethereal occurrences conduct sightings of a motivation dubbed the Gray Lord, the resemblance of multitude in the courtyard, the rustling of an unheard of lady's swathe in bandages, a much-repeated imbue of make fragrant, and goggles flying off the bar deserted by human hands. An imaginary ten to fifteen goggles are no good in this way a few week. In fact, goggles began to fly on all sides of the bar as a not getting any younger landlady, Heather Inherit, negotiated a potential sale of the inn.
Band, on a regular basis to a certain extent ignorant of the inn's ethereal history, suppress reported a kind of troubling phenomena. On leader than one aftermath, theater company suppress complained of gore as if they were being strangled, soon preceding the demonstration of welts on their necks, close to lariat burns. Long-standing theater company suppress travel awed by means of dizziness, revulsion or fright on the flight of stairs, or complained of a definite but discreet apparition reject them at the identical spot.
In recent get older, eight late night drinkers at the bar reportedly witnessed a make phenomenon, flying dollar. Specified paper guide, weighted down by vary, levitated and drifted on all sides of the nasty bar. The guide theoretically hovered briefly in mid-air, preceding rolling to the drink.
The inn else experiences unusual knocking sounds, by means of doors either slamming zip spontaneously, or shuddering in a hostile way preceding flying pure deserted. Unreadable route suppress been heard all over the Skirrid, and repeated insensitive spots felt, for which no satisfactory mind has been found.
Are expound flaxen, deposit explanations for the creepy comings and goings mature at the Skirrid Inn? Has the hostelry's infrequent history one way or another hopelessly engraved itself on the farmhouse, to be spontaneously replayed over the time, by means and for reasons unknown? Sadly, these are questions none of us can salutation by means of any sureness. All that can be understood for sure, is that no-one has suffered earnest or armored injury at the ethereal hands of the self-confidence understood to have your home at the Skirrid. In fact, its ethereal inhabitants echo to be one of the inn's prevalent attractions.


I have posted here before about multiple triangular craft flying at low altitude above a residential lake where I live. This activity is becoming more frequent and I know that I am not the only witness who lives in this lake. These craft appear triangular and solid with bright white lights resembling search lights on its ventral surface, as well as white and red running lights that flash sequentially. They maintain a more or less straight flight path and fly at very low altitude, less than 500 feet from ground level. I am obviously excited and curious, as this isn't the first sign of UFO activity near this area.
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Posted: April 28, 2008
THE VIKE Deduce The Vike Deduce - New Describe On Sunday night, April 27, 2008 Tim gives a anticyclone term of what he saw at Coyote Collection director Gilroy, California. Tim witnessed a endless Ferris Reins UFO which stimulated knowingly more or less 30 feet off the lake. Alike on the show, additional guy describes witnessing a part of the December 9, 1965 Kecksburg, Pennsylvania UFO Stop working. And last we specific a chap who is goodbye to talk about sightings from Asia, and anywhere a UFO landed in the 1950's. You command not poverty to miss this program.
Interview 1: Tim gives a anticyclone term of what he saw at Coyote Collection director Gilroy, California. Tim witnessed a endless Ferris Reins UFO which stimulated knowingly more or less 30 feet off the lake. Alike on the show, additional guy describes witnessing a part of the December 9, 1965 Kecksburg, Pennsylvania UFO Stop working. And last we specific a chap who is goodbye to talk about sightings from Asia, and anywhere a UFO landed in the 1950's
LIVE: At all Sunday 11:00pm Crucial (1hrs) (12am Eastern, 10pm Mound, 9pm Pacific or Monday 05:00 am GMT
*THE VIKE Deduce Transportation Describe ON INNERSTREAMS NETWORK*
Brian Vike - Arrogant of HBCC UFO Groundwork and mass of the Vike Deduce.
I mass my own show on UFOs between the InnerStreams Transportation Engage entitled "The Vike Deduce" in which I stomach put up dwell in who specific had energy squat of an amazing UFO education. These eyewitnesses right to be heard manifestly about what they saw in taped interviews and as we all dance you can drawback a vast fullness of emotions take out as the witnesses make known their stories to me. In 2007 I command be bringing high-class new audio reports, together with playing multiple of quite a few of the most motivating cases I specific expected to date. So reassure good turn in.
WOULD YOU Be keen on TO BE A GUEST ON MY Transportation Describe ? (The Vike Deduce) If so and specific an entrancing UFO or Sasquatch story to make known, reassure put down roots Brian Vike, Arrogant of HBCC UFO Groundwork a line between the information, reassure combine your identify be included so I can devise engagements for the cross-examination. Request specify that HBCC UFO Groundwork does not regularly furnish out anyone's personal information to someone.
Brian Vike, Arrogant HBCC UFO Groundwork. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Groundwork International:
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HBCC UFO Groundwork, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO.


UFO over southern California.January 6, 2015 - EARTH - The following videos constitutes several of the latest sightings of unidentified flying objects across the globe.WATCH: UFO over Southern California, United States - January 5, 2015.EYE-WITNESS REPORT:I was driving home after work when this UFO or whatever you call it caught my eye. I pulled over in front of somebody's house to film it. I would have got a better shot but I didn't want to jump these peoples fence. Anyway I don't know what the hell to make of it. Couldn't have been a plane cause there was no noise. And I never heard a crash after either. The orb thing flew straight up into the sky and disappeared. Sorry I didn't film that. I didn't know what to focus my attention on.WATCH: UFO over Tysoe, Warwickshire, United Kingdom - January 5, 2015. A man from Warwickshire has posted a video asking whether this is footage of a UFO in the sky over Tysoe village.WATCH: UFO or Lenticular Cloud over St. George, Utah, United States - January, 2015.An interesting sight was captured on camera in Southern Utah on Sunday -- a cloud in the sky that resembled a UFO.Colleen Chandler Rue snapped the photograph in St. George, which shows a Lenticular cloud in the sky. Lenticular clouds are stationary lens-shaped clouds that form in the troposphere.2News meteorologist Lindsay Storrs said Lenticular clouds form when stable air passes over a mountain range -- putting a wave pattern into the air. As the air enters a wave press and reaches a dew point, the Lenticular cloud begins to form. As it descends the wave, and warms above the dew point, the cloud comes to an end and creates the lens-type shape.The unusual cloud was seen by people in St. George, Hurricane and other points around Washington County on Sunday.Lenticular clouds often result in UFO sightings, as the lens-type shape they assume sometimes resemble flying saucers. - KUTV.


i have sony hand cam video of 40 minuntes of this Sphere,what ever it is,and its happening nightly,complete family has seen it to witness,and I have Video Clips of full clarity,and it is defintley there every 24 hours,in an`southwest Orbit path. Around or at 7;45 each evening last to 8:40 approximately? I do have the substantial clear video of this Craft, satellite or UFo, look and see,what you think? it is located from Soutghern ohio,looking to the lower south southwest,Looks like a bright Star,but it isn`t? Video is 26x by 150X Zoomed,its there!
Credit: MUFON
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This is fantastic. Perhaps even bigger than the Roswell UFO crash incident and less credible than the Adamski's handsome Venusians or the squirrels and rabbits in Mars surface. We learn now that in June of 1947 Albert Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer together wrote a TOP SECRET six page document entitled "Relationships with Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies".If you believe that I am joking, just take a look at the "document" following the link below. The TOP SECRET six page document is entitled "Relationships with Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies".In this paper, the extraterrestrials are called "men from the celestial bodies".At the end of the six pages document we find an ORDER FORM and catalog with the most complete selection of documents, CDs, articles, papers, videos and lectures on the UFO-ET mythology that can be found in the market. einstein.pdfcalledMY ADVICE: THINK TWICE BEFORE BUYING FICTION PRESENTED AS FACT.


By Mitra Malek
Palm Sand Work Male Dramatist
Rise orange and red lights floated across parts of Florida's sky New Year's weekend, among in the Wellington and West Palm Sand areas, become hard off a state of fright among witnesses.
But citizens UFOs weren't so unidentified after all.
The purposeless bulbs and streaks were possibly drifting lanterns, understood Brian Vike, engineer of the paranormal blog The Vike Itemize, which fielded about 250 e-mails, 30 or so from Florida, noting the suspicious sightings international.
"They're all lit up and translucent," Vike understood. "They'll go up and down and creatively, so it looks weird unnatural."
"TO Interpret THE Splendid News Protest, Pull Live THE PALM Sand News WEBSITE AT:"


The drone that spied on bin Laden and on Iran's nukes was just the start. Meet its bigger, higher-flying, stealthier cousin, the Northrop Grumman RQ-180. It's probably been flying for a few years now, but you weren't supposed to know that; the existence of this secret project, based out of Area 51, was revealed Friday by Aviation Week".
The existence of the RQ-180 has been long rumored. Cryptic public statements by U.S. Air Force officials indicated a secret high-altitude reconnaissance drone, and Northrop officials frequently reference the broad strokes of the program. For that matter, it is likely not the only classified unmanned aerial vehicle, or UAV. Other companies, including Lockheed and Boeing, also have a stable of smaller secretaircraft.
The RQ-180 is likely flying from the secret Air Force test facility at Groom Lake, Nevada, widely known as Area 51. Its exact specifications, including such crucial details as the number of engines, is unknown, but "Aviation Week "suggests a wingspan of over 130 feet, based on hangar construction at Northrop's Palmdale, California facility. The number of aircraft built is also unknown; however, a flight test program, relatively quick entry into service and open budget documents suggest a small fleet are flying routinely.One such aircraft is Lockheed's RQ-170, first shown to the world in grainy pictures from Kandahar air base, Afghanistan, but only officially acknowledged after one crashed almost-intact in Iran. The RQ-170 was (and maybe still is) tasked by the CIA to spy on Iran's contentious nuclear program. The drone was reportedly used to spy on Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan before and during the raid that killed him. RQ-170 has also been reported in South Korea, possibly to look at North Korea's nuclear program. RQ-170 was impressive, but limited: it showed only some stealth characteristics, and was widely believed to be slightly outdated by the time it was discovered. The larger and stealthier RQ-180 would be able to fly higher, longer, allowing the CIA to watch the same targets for days at a time, and -- just maybe -- spy on more sophisticated countries.
The RQ-180 is based off the X-47B, a much smaller experimental aircraft that became the first drone to takf and land from an aircraft carrier. Where the smaller X-47B lacks range and stealth, RQ-180 evidently delivers. Though RQ-180 is far too large for an aircraft carrier, it may have the same air-to-air refueling capabilities as the X-47B, allowing it to stay in the air virtually indefinitely. It may also have attack capabilities: X-47B has bomb bays, which have thus far gone unused, and indeed Aviation Week suggests it is used for electronic attack and carries sophisticated sensors.The aircraft's performance is said to be similar to Northrop's white-world entry, the RQ-4 Global Hawk, which can fly for days and cover thousands of miles. Hopefully the RQ-180 performs better; Global Hawk has received mixed marks on its evaluations, and the aircraft it was meant to replace, the venerable Lockheed U-2, will continue to fly for decades to come.White-world reconnaissance capabilities, such as the General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper and a plethora of modified Beechcraft King Airs, are incapable of stealth and can easily be tracked on radar. Though few doubt stealthier capabilities, the Air Force has been closemouthed on its stealthy intelligence aircraft.The Nevada desert has a long history of supporting whole squadrons of classified aircraft, including the famed Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, the F-117 stealth fighter and the RQ-170. Often upon becoming public the aircraft are transferred to other facilities, usually the slightly-less-classified Tonopah Test Range airport. The wheels of declassification turn slowly, so as with RQ-170, details of the RQ-180 will likely remain opaque for years to come.


Fabrication Rumor
15 September, 2009
Yakutia24- Yakutiya Ufologist Nikolai Subbotin is clear in your mind, that the region of Yakutiya was visited by "newcomers" from extraterrestrial civilizations.
Yakutia is a part of Siberia that is one of the least populated areas in the world, having all over the place 3,000,000 commons miles and entirely 1,000,000 people.
In the tundra, Subbotin asserts, are dome-like entrances and abounding underground massive cavities, which are alienated inside the temporary housing. Such attraction structures contain been found in Yakutiya. The carefully worked-out condescending of pleasure trip Nikolai Subbotin reported: "In the Tibetan manuscripts, the rolls, it is in print, that this was an previous Yakut defense system of our ancient citizens. Sounds, of course, as aim invention and vagueness, but although, these documents exist in the rolls as described".
Structures are to be found unhappy the bed Of the Vilaya creek. To pronounce the locations of the bases, the extra-terrestrials recycled the join (crop) circles in the fields. Completely in the field of, circles are drenched under water. In attendance are particular versions "of structures. Unrefined - line of ancient citizens." But ufologists contain examined the major versions (of crop circles) twisted by ETs (or as the Russians dispatch to them, "newcomers").
Manifold thousand time ago, in the function of Yakuts lived in better tribes, in persons sitting room occurred a grand tragedy. As they give a buzz, "the sons of sky hip flying, in them arose the war when persons residents, which lived on the Earth."
The pleasure trip stimulus deem of 15 residents, who specialize in "inscrutable phenomena". The participants stimulus look at two dome-like objects.
Editor's Note: When stimulus this mean to the parentage of UFO research? If the pleasure trip is award-winning and they obtain the evidence they mine (and share it when the world), the encounter possibly will very well shape our world, favorably in a persuasive way. I vision the pleasure trip a safe be carried and persuasive beam. In anticipation no one stimulus be arrive, or at least heat up.
Yakutia or the Republic of Sakha takes up most of the North-Eastern Siberia. It is a splendid region (one-sixth the extent of all Russia) is enclosed when simple tundra (in the North), largest part ranges 2000-3000 m high (East and South) and taiga (West). Better than 40% of the region dishonesty precedent the Piercing Fork. The complication of kingdom is under than 1 animal per mile.
Yakutsk, the riches of Yakutia, Siberia is a center of diamonds and other loaded courage. It to boot is specified for it's Set off of Permafrost, Geology Museum, Museum of Evil and numerous other museums.
Temperatures in Yakutia contact from +40 degrees C in summer to -60 degrees C in winter. The Workers of Fortifying for the Northern Hemisphere when the recorded reheat -71.2 degrees C is situated in Yakutia.
Yakutia is a land of lofty rivers and lakes, hundreds of glaciers and ice crusts. The Lena Pour out, noted for its picturesque fascination, is the distinction of Yakutia and one of the ten leading rivers in the world.