The existence is denied by the government of the Related States, signifying that it is in the documents to provethe existence of Majestic-12 in order to "ignorant forgeries" the chief. The FBI investigated how one may well getthe Top Concealed documents to the customary. The investigation was ended, however, came out as that the document never sincerely existed. The document in smidgen disperse furthest on the Internet, through on the website of the FBI, where the designed examine is renowned. It deals bearing in mind the investigation and disguise of a crash of an alien spaceship in addition to the Air Control, and the adopted regional world of the object.The authorize were evidently Vannevar Bush, Robert Oppenheimer and A. Einstein, the members wereJames V. Forrestal evidently, Edward Supplier, and the chairman of the Native Extremity Native Nathan F.Twining. The members of this conspiracy theory accurate that the Majestic-12 operations are not absolute to the U.S., but also the People's Republic of Ceramic and Russia, and finds that are traded betweenalien technology secret agencies of these countries. They accurate that MJ-12 lazy exists, and (credibly bearing in mind the benefit from of alien) energetic towards the feat of world demand.The believed members of the first Majestic-12 authorize are:MJ-1: Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter. 1947-1950 Controller of the U.S. Principal Heed and the first regulator of the CIA.Sensitivity of MJ-12 group.MJ-2: Dr. Vannevar Bush. Chairman of the On a national scale Argument for Look into and Help, Office of Look into and Development in the field of the Jiffy Manufacture War, until 1941, Chairman of the NACA, 1945-1948 Chairman of the Related Congregation for Look into and Development. Inquiries of extraterrestrial technology. MJ-3: James Forrestal. 1945-1947 Secretary of the Navy, first Secretary of Help of the Related States 1947-1949.War technique of MJ-12. MJ-4: Native Nathan F. Twining. Take charge of the Air-material of the U.S. Air force Air Services and latter U.S. Air Control, the function of the Air Technical Heed at Wright Flex.Head of the liberate and investigation of alien ships.MJ-5 gene. Hoyt Vandenberg. Key of Air force Heed in the Jiffy Manufacture War. 1946-1947 Information Controller, 1947 Air Key of Extremity, 1947-1953 Key of Extremity, U.S. Air Control. Securing the airspace and detect extraterrestrial spaceships. MJ-6: Dr. Detlev W. Bronk. Builder of the science of biophysics. 1946-1950 Chairman of the On a national scale Look into Congregation, 1950-1962 Be in charge of the On a national scale Campus of Sciences, dean of the Johns Hopkins Assistant professor, Be in charge of the Rockefeller Leave. Inquiries of EBES, technique of biology. MJ-7: Dr. Jerome Hunsaker. Principal the U.S. aeronautics, diligence design and construction at the war's first aircraft in the U.S., 1921 Aero-nautical design pioneer 1933-51 Controller of the MIT courses for sure.and Aeronautical Engineering, 1941 Look into Coordinator, 1941-1958 Point of NACA. Order of the complex measure of extraterrestrial spaceships. MJ-8: Admiral Sidney Souers. At first Principal Heed Controller of the Related States, 1947-1950 first Bureaucrat Secretary of the On a national scale Swear an oath Congregation, Be in charge Truman's special guru on excuse issues.Order of national excuse issues in the MJ-12. MJ-9: Gordon Grayish. 1947-1949 Shortcoming Help Member of the clergy after Be in charge Truman's special guru on matters of national excuse, Be in charge of the Congregation of the super-secret CIA psychological planning. Aufrecherhaltung tell stories and slowness of extraterrestrial engagements, (delude of UFO believers).MJ-10: Dr. Donald Menzel. 1939-1971 Educationalist of Astrophysics at Harvard Assistant professor, 1946-1949 Head of the Astronomy Subject, UFO opponents and sensitive MJ-12 portion, wrote numerous books against the existence of extraterrestrials.Raw sciences, decryption and cryptanalysis expert.MJ-11: Dr. V. Berkner LIoyd. Geophysicists, 1946-1947 under Prof. V. Bush Bureaucrat Secretary of the Congregation for Look into and Development, Chairman of the Special Responsibility for weapons systems (radar and children warning), cure bearing in mind radio side over long-distance proliferation and electro-magnetism. Help and defense planning against "secret" intruders.MJ-12 gene. Robert Montague. 1947-1951 Take charge of the AEC glibness at Sandia Edge New Mexico (also Iced Sands).Bond bearing in mind the MJ-12 to the AEC, Minuscule Vigor Argument. lunar truthmoon landingNovelaliensnibiruend of the worlddoomsdayjudgement day
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