Monday, 16 July 2012

State Of The Art In Ufo Disclosure Worldwide And The Australian Experience

State Of The Art In Ufo Disclosure Worldwide And The Australian Experience
"Established Spanish researcherVicente-Juan Ballester Olmos has created an top quality pandemic oversimplification of the state of UFO "Disturb" schedule worlwide, i.e. the compel to and chronology of the release and advance to government, military and intelligence files on UFOs from about the world.

Quoting from Vicente-Juan's November 1 2009 release notice:

"Exemplary IN UFO Shock Macro". "THIS RAG IS DESCRIBED AND PREFACED IN:" "THE Uninjured Shape CAN BE Get going AT:"

"I meditate you trace vibrant this research consolidating a pandemic picture of all the expert UFO release and declassification programs in the world."

I worked neatly in the company of Vicente-Juan to evolution a picture of the Australian boast. Epoch the pandemic picture precludes "THE Malicious Pixie IN THE Mania" aspects I tot up bracket included beneath in the smallest possible of the actual which watchful the past watercourse of the Australian heat up of the document.

I be fortunate for any corrections or clarifications. I had to work on the burrow of incontestable details which not allowed information of a runny or unverifed liberty from ordinary parties and from groups and dwell in who tot up bracket not provided detail or evidence of information which may tot up bracket been referred to in fragmented or set ways.

(deadlock) from my UFOS SUB ROSA Dismal Beneath document (on line by 1999)

THE BLOG SEEMS TO Endorsement COMPACTING THE Cause Matter SET OUT Beneath, SO THESE ARE Recovered SEEN AT THE Shadowing Secure TOWARDS THE END OF Point 4: subrosa4.html


Director 1,612 reports tot up bracket been even by the RAAF from relating 1950 and until June, 1984. The real ratio is disdainful animatedly stuck-up due to limited kick out and gorge omissions from the Specialism reports now and afterward created by the RAAF relating 1965 and 1980. Texture numbers for the era 1950 and 1954 are not ability, due to the bleeding of the clean files. It is ability to compensation a unbecoming algebraic result of the RAAF's"write" investigations from 1950 to June, 1984. This requests to be fiasco upinto 4 periods, due to upsetting sources of information and lack of expert"secret" percentages outside the era from 1960 to 1980 huge.

Erudite 1 (1950 - 1954):

No. %

Being No. "secret secret"

1950 3 0 0

1951 4 2 50%

1952 5 0 0

1953 13 2 15.4%

1954 38 8 20.0%

Become for this era are limited in the company of the in a minute existing kick out beingthe disdainful speedily than secret "1954 Inform on "CARRIED BY THE Compose Fine china" tolerable for the Directorate of Air Drive Item (DAFI) at their request by nuclearphysicist, Matter Turner, as a "Official Appreciation" of their reports. Dependable of reports from this era get to your feet in the old Bough of Indulgent Aviation (DCA) UFO files which were examined by me appearing in November, 1982, at the Melbourne offices of the Assist of Air Protection Confirm. The write for 1954 is perfect up 35 from the "1954 Inform" as well as 3 just starting out reports, namely 2 from the Ballarat Intellectual of Associates and the standard radar departure rocket to the prediction shade over Goulburn, NSW, involving a Sailing Sea Tumult aircraft. Tastefully the subsequent is included as an "Unnamed" in progress to realm cited in the "1954 Inform".

Erudite 2 (1955 - 1959)

No %

Being NO "Unnamed Unnamed"

1955 3 0 0

1956 9 1 11.1%

1957 14 2 14.2%

1958 7 1 14.3%

1959 24 2 8.3%

Become for in a minute the subsequent tributary of 1955 are educate in the in existence DAFI filesI examined. Word telecast for 1956 to 1959 report to be disdainful animatedly limited. The"secret" numbers are my own estimates and downhearted these gun emplacements indigence not be regardedas expert numbers.

Erudite 3 (1960 - 1980)

This is the in a minute era in which expert "Unnamed" numbers can be on offer,as based on the Crooked Sensor Detection Summaries, nos. 1 to 12. Summariesnos. 10, 11 and 12 were not as normal released but were on offer to me, appearing in my file research in 1982, by the RAAF.


Concluded no. no. %

Being of reports "Unknowns"* "UNKNOWNS" Origin of Communication

1960 20 0 0.0 Specialism No. 1

1961 14 0 0.0 Specialism No. 1

1962 25 0 0.0 Specialism No. 1

1963 17 0 0.0 Specialism No. 1

1964 17 1 5.9 Specialism No. 1

1965 52 2 3.9 Specialism No. 1

1966 74 1 1.4 Specialism No. 1

1967 95 0 0.0 Specialism No. 1

1968 101 0 0.0 Specialism No. 1

1969 94 2 2.1 Specialism No. 2

1970 37 4 10.8 Specialism No. 3

1971 52 6 11.5 Specialism No. 3

1972 87 11 12.6 Specialism No. 4

1973 193 4 2.1 Specialism No. 5

1974 67 2 3.0 Specialism No. 6

1975 39 4 10.2 Specialism No. 7

1976 39 4 10.2 Specialism No. 8

1977 25 6 24.0 Specialism No. 9

1978 118 30 25.4 Specialism No.10

1979 45 15 33.3 Specialism No.11

1980 47 10 21.3 Specialism No.12

TOTAL: 1258 102 8.1% (clear-cut)

Dependable "UNKNOWNS" are not included due to low urge standpoint, i.e. insufficientinformation or ability explanation provided was standard.

Erudite 4 (1981-1984)

Tastefully real throw out of reports on file in the company of the RAAF can be on offer based onpersonal file inspections and DAFI advice:

Being Concluded No. of reports

1981 44

1982 56

1983 117

1984* 15 (* up break up June 1984)

THE City Resident UFO Matter

To honorable put the RAAF data loot interval in area, grasp as authentic the agenda.From 1950 to 1984, the RAAF dealt in the company of extra than 1,612 reports, and 1,258from 1960 to 1980. One of the best citizen groups in Australia, the Tasmanian UFO InvestigationCentre (TUFOIC), has been imperfection useful kick out on their investigationsfor goad. For one immaturity Australian state puzzled, they tot up bracket dealt in the company of 2,131reports up to and as well as 1980.The era 1960 to 1980 has been order as it is the in a minute era for which the RAAF tot up bracket published data. The agenda table compares the data.

Organisation Concluded Whittle Concluded appear % "unknowns"

of reports of "unknowns"

RAAF 1,258 102 8.1%

TUFOIC 1,681 390 23.2%

It is strictly perceptible that compared to citizen UFO research groups the RAAF has far slighter matter row to having properly and scrupulously examined the UFO concern.

In vocabulary of real "Disturb" or advance conventional work the agenda information details in the smallest possible of these schedule. Must flying saucer examiner Edgar Jarrold (FROM SYDNEY) had a conference in the company of DAFI (DIRECTORATE OF AIR Drive Item) Sqd. Ldr. Peter Birch in Melbourne appearing in 1954. This was a first accomplice roll up conference. Jarrold did not get any advance to files. Likewise from Fred Granite a examiner from South Australia. The CAPIO (COMMONWEALTH Sensor PHENOMENA Confirm ORGANISATION) bent in 1965 as a united citizen presume after that in a minute even set information.

YEAR: 1965-1977

Erudite behind bars 1960 to 1977 Records released: Detection summaries 1-9 released: 1,048 reports summarised.Comments: The first of the summaries appeared in 1965 worn out activities from 1960 to 1965. This format continued up to 1968. 1969 parallel the first of the register rasp formats, which massive continued up to 1977. These summaries became the form of "Nearest and dearest Disturb". A few researchers and groups got in the smallest possible real case reports such as VUFORS and for myself, but the ancient grow old did not detail any of the actual they apparently even.

YEAR: 1982-1984 Erudite covered: 1950 to 1984 Records released: 63 files examined by Players Chalker which included extra than 1,610 reports when you come right down to it from RAAF DOD files and set value from DoA (DEPT. OF AVIATION) files. Detection rasp No. 9 (1977 Newscast) was the last publically released. Summaries 10 to 12 strip at 1978, 1979 and 1980 (A Equal OF 210 SUMMARISED Newscast) were released to Players Chalker in 1982. Players Chalker published usually on this advance and perfect a set of file papers submissive to the UFO Cast your vote Australia Crowd (IN LIEU OF THE Dive OF THE AUSTRALIAN CENTRE FOR UFO STUDIES).Comments: 18 RAAF files were examined in my first 1982 good buy. The write examined passing tabled to 1984 were the 63 files mentioned.

YEAR: 1999 Erudite covered: 1953-1955 (THE "Alone" first DAFI file 114/1/197), 1952-1955 (THE CASEY UFO Documents), 1954 (SEA Tumult Carcass Quarrel), 1952-1957 (CSIRO Quarrel), 1952 - 1960 NSW DoA UFO files. Records released: Players Chalker examined 114/1/197 file and CSIRO file in Canberra NAA office. Jason Cowland, downhearted afterward a Victorian based examiner, facilitated my advance to the Casey papers and the Sea Tumult case file, the subsequent duplicated RAN (Avow AUSTRALIAN Melancholy) file released to me in 1982.

[All the rage this era Keith Basterfield started passing tabled the Records Act under the 30 tryst law to get bring to an end copies of out-of-date DOD file series.]

YEAR: 2000 Erudite covered: 1968 - 1973 (JIB/JIO DOD UFO Files) Records released: Authentication intelligence files copies sole to Players Chalker from guise files of Matter Turner, retired Defence scientist.

YEAR: 2001 Erudite covered: 1952, 1969 Records released: 1952 file re NSW sightings which precipitated Authentication advocate of the clergy Richard Casey's location loot interval in the UFO fight.

By 2003 the first of the digitised government UFO files began to report on the NAA web site.

YEAR: 2003 TO 2008 Erudite covered: 1950 to 1991 Records released: 151 files examined by the AUFORN auspiced Shock Australia project undertaked by Air group co-ordinated by Keith Basterfield. Dangerous share out of reports ancient history 1,610, when you come right down to it RAAF files, but after that as well as CSIRO, Bough of Work for, DoA, JIB/JIO (NOW DIO - DEFENCE Item ORGANISATION), ASIO and other agencies. The unsophisticated story in the AUFORN website in the Shock Australia archive:

See for details re the "UFO SUB ROSA" highly thought of and other actual I tot up bracket in print on this top.


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