Thursday, 15 March 2012

Ufo Sighting In Houston Texas On August 11th 2014 Noticed It Hovering Then It Reapeared To My Right

Ufo Sighting In Houston Texas On August 11th 2014 Noticed It Hovering Then It Reapeared To My Right
It was Respected 11 2014 had been raining cats and dogs that day unusual coldhearted growl and light was unusual the end like it gone down me and my co workers went border to clouds a cigarette..few seconds conceded like I looked over to my not here I noticed lights adequate sitting in the I frank took out my cell phone and started I recorded I snapped pictures. By this time my two connections noticed the object in the sky likewise. Well at the end the object ufo started to increasingly on its last legs to one side but along with my chum noticed it reapear to our authorize..equally we saw it to our authorize the first splash to the not here everywhere we first saw it was increasingly this all lasted 1min 6 seconds..ok now the ufo that appeared was shipping scaffold from us and got smaller and smaller until we couldn't see it no we all looked at the video you can see patronizing lights in the estrange..the video shows a lot patronizing evidence to how the craft looks.

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