A resident of Pueblo, Colorado has reported sighting an alien on 11 June, 2013 at 3 PM. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), published on 12 June, 2013.The witness describes what he was doing at the time of the incident."Driving north to a retail store on the north end of Colorado Springs CO."He tells us that he was taking pictures of the forest."Taking pictures of the Black Forest Fires."He further tells us what he saw when he tried to post those pictures on Facebook. "Roughly six hours later I was going to post pictures on Facebook and noticed a grey alien in my rear view mirror."The witness then tells us that the image could be anything's reflection but it looks too alien like."Could be a reflection of anything but it looks too much like an alien."The witness then tells us how he and his wife had been hearing footsteps on their roof for several nights."For several nights, my wife and I have been hearing sounds and what seem to be footsteps on our roof at night."The above quotes were edited for clarity. MUFON requests the readers to keep in mind that majority of UFO and alien sightings can be explained as natural phenomenon. Source
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