Sunday, 4 September 2011

Do Not Kill The Messenger And The Hum Found Below

Do Not Kill The Messenger And The Hum Found Below
10 LOST CITIES OF THE WORLD THESE ANCIENT WONDERS ARE WELL WORTH A VISIT, EVEN IN TROUBLED TIMES. BY MORGAN BRENNANPetra, JordanPhoto: Ed Freeman/Getty Images More from Yahoo! TravelGazing at the Andean peaks soaring above the Lost City of the Incas and the lush valley below, it's easy see why it was voted one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2007. The 15th century A.D. Peruvian site was abandoned shortly after Spanish conquistadors invaded the neighboring areas, falling to ruin until 1911, when an American scholar stumbled across the remains. History's once glorious metropolises have become ever more sought-after destinations as Americans get back into travel mode. Machu Picchu welcomes as many as 1 million tourists annually, and that number is said to be growing as much as 6% per year. The Americas offer travelers dozens of lost cities to explore. Mexico has the Mayan city of Chichen Itza, with Mesoamerica's largest ball court and the hulking pyramidal remains of Teotihuacan, with its well-preserved, color-splashed murals. There's Tical in Guatemala and Copan in Honduras. Even the the Western U.S. boasts the tumbleweed-strewn ghost towns of two centuries ago. 1. PETRA, JORDAN Country: Jordan Civilization: the Nabataeans Inhabited: sixth century B.C. This rose-colored city carved from cliffs garnered fame in the West thanks to the 1980s blockbuster Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Chichen Itza, MexicoPhoto: John Elk III/Getty Images2. CHICHEN ITZA, MEXICOCountry: Mexico Civilization: the Mayans Inhabited: 600 to 1000 A.D. Site of one of Mesoamerica's largest ball courts, this royal city is located near a massive underground cenote, or sinkhole, where the bodies of human sacrifices were dropped. Derinkuyu Underground CityPhoto: Thinkstock3. DERINKUYU UNDERGROUND CITY, TURKEYCountry: Turkey Civilization: possibly the Phrygians Inhabited: Approximately eighth century 10th century A.D. This underground network has more than 10 floors and room for up to 50,000 people, plus livestock. It is rumored to have been a hideout for early Christians escaping Roman persecution. Machu Picchu, PeruPhoto: Glowimages/Getty Images4. MACHU PICCHU, PERUThe results of the survey suggest that ease of learning the local language and adapting to the local culture are areas in which the U.S. fares well in as an expat destination--despite low scores in organizing finances and health care. Angkor, CambodiaPhoto: Otto Stadler /Getty Images5. ANGKOR, CAMBODIACountry: Cambodia Civilization: the Khmer Empire Inhabited: ninth century to 15th century A.D. More than a thousand temples, including Angkor Wat, populate this long-time Khmer capital. It declined after a successful attack by invaders from what is now Thailand. Pre-Roman Carthage, TunisiaPhoto: iStockphoto6. PRE-ROMAN CARTHAGE, TUNISIACountry: Tunisia Civilization: the Phoenicians Inhabited: 650 to 146 B.C. Carthage was home to the Roman Empire's arch-nemesis, Hannibal. It was burned and the earth salted during the final Punic War. Pompeii, ItalyPhoto: Dhuss/iStockphoto7. POMPEII, ITALYCountry: Italy Civilization: the Roman Empire Inhabited: seventh/sixth century B.C. to 79 A.D. Pompeii was a cultural center and vacation destination for Roman high society until it was destroyed in 79 A.D. by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Left behind are naturally ash-encased mummies. Memphis, EgyptPhoto: DEA /A. VERGANI/Getty Images8. MEMPHIS, EGYPTCountry: Egypt Civilization: the Ancient EgyptiansInhabited: third millennium B.C. to seventh century A.D. Located at the mouth of the Nile delta, Memphis thrived for centures as a center of trade, commerce, religion and royalty. Foreign invasions, including one by Alexander the Great, let to its demise. Teotihuacan, MexicoPhoto: Dmitry Rukhlenko/iStockphoto9. TEOTIHUACAN, MEXICOCountry: Mexico Civilization: possibly the Totonac people Inhabited: 100 B.C. to 250 A.D. This city, the founders of which remain a mystery, is home to some of the largest pyramids in pre-Columbian America. It inspired several major empires, those of the Zapotec and Mayans. Mosque City of Bagerhat, BangladeshPhoto: Lonely Planet Images/Alamy10. MOSQUE CITY OF BAGERHAT, BANGLADESHCountry: Bangladesh Civilization: Khan Jahan Ali Inhabited: 15th century A.D. The city formerly known as Khalifatabad was founded by a Turkish general. It boasts more than 50 Islamic monuments and the Sixty Pillar Mosque, constructed with 60 pillars and 80 domes. Interesting Report- What do you think ?MUFON Report Pa. USA My 26 year old son and his wife were driving north on Belvoir Road near Plymouth Road intersection when my son decided to take a few pictures out the window and this is what was seen when reviewing the pictures..The actual picture on the camera had more visible objects,at least 10 to 20 more..When he took the picture neither he nor his wife noticed anything unusual in the sky.I have shown this to other people and got mixed viewpoints from being real UFO'S or just plain dirt on windshield.One man I showed picture to came back later with numerous older published photos showing three similar objects in identical formation.A few days after picture I sat in the front seat of the toyota and looked through windshield at every possible angle and there was no dirt marks or deformities in window.The car had not been washed from the time of photo up to the time I examined windshield. sighting reports
Just before the disaster in Japan I wrote an article concerning living in the Era of 2012. In the article I tried to warn people that we are now living in a dangerous era in history. We are timed by natures cycles for a period when nature is again ready to erupt, quake and torment the surface of this planet. Since I wrote that first article about the Era of 2012 I have received a great many emails from people wanting to know why I wrote that article a week before what seems to be a roller coaster of natural disasters on this planet. Please understand I had no idea at the time what was to happen so close to my publishing that article. It cannot help anything by being angry at my warnings. Please do not kill the messenger because you dislike the message! Ancient civilizations have ridden tough times leaving us with prophecy by the volumes that these cycles will again return bringing havoc and catastrophe to this planet and mankind.I admit my timing with that article seemed a bit odd as the earthquake and tsunami in Japan occurred so close to when I published it. I wrote warning that many natural disaster events were on our horizons. Since that disaster took place it seems the world has been plagued with one extreme weather or natural disaster after the other. Floods, raging fires and record breaking tornado's seem to be back to back. The onslaught of current events has left mankind struggling with nature as it rips through the world doing as it will while we try to hold on for dear life.Besides nature our planet is on a hard spiral of destruction with violence filling the news and war covering many areas across our lands. We seem at odds with each other and the planet seems at odds with us!I admit the timing of my article concerning this point in history I refer to as the era of 2012 may have been prompted by a few recent discussions I had with the abductees I often write about. As a group they all have talked about this being a time of great change to the planet. I admit our discussions influenced my writing the article when I did however in no shape or form did I or any of the abductees have any idea so many events would take place back to back since the earthquake in Japan.I have had many emails and phone calls from my readers asking me why and how I knew the disasters that have recently taken place were about to occur. I have been accused of having advanced knowledge of the events which is simply ridiculous. Logic was the only tool I used in predicting the things that were to come. All the events we are seeing now are either due or long overdue to happen. It was very unlikely they would not occur. I have no idea why people are shocked when they do happen. We have been told by many for a very long time that we will see massive earthquakes, horrific storms as well as volcanic eruptions. I am confused why people seem stunned when they happen?Times will continue to be tough on this planet. Please do not hate me for suggesting you prepare. It is wise to do all you can to ride the coming tides of what may be an ongoing wave of natural disasters combined with man-made destruction. We have had many years of the best of times on this earth.It is only logical that this would be balanced out with a few difficult years as well.To blame me or the abductees for wanting you to be ready for what may come just does not make sense. I think it far wiser to spend your time understanding it best to do all you can to be ready for the days ahead.A very good friend of mine lives in North Carolina in the U.S.A. He and his wife were in the middle of the tornado storms that ripped across that state. My friend told me there was no time to be frightened and only time to carry out the plans they made previously in case this very thing would happen.Together he and his wife quickly gathered the items they knew they wanted to protect from the storm. They went to a safe room they had prepared and placed their motorcycle helmets on their heads. My friend told me he was not frightened as he knew they were as prepared as they could be for the situation they were now in. Thankfully my friend and his wife and home survived without harm. The houses less than a quarter of a mile away from them however were destroyed. This unfortunately is the way of the world at this time in history and we need to accept this fact and do all we can to prepare to survive just as my friends did.Please do not be angry at me for being truthful and forth coming about what is ahead. Please do not be angry at me for pointing out it is time to not only face these harsh times but to ready yourself and your family to the best of your ability to prepare for them.I had no advance warning or knowledge the era of 2012 would hit us so hard or so quickly. I prayed I was wrong and the years to come would be good ones without harm or stress. It does seem that the warnings of this time period have been just and we will have to be ready for whatever is thrown at us. Again I strongly suggest you try to work out your plans to ride out a disaster. I think it wise to supply your home and family with basics to survive for a few weeks in case you find you are in a crisis and have only your own devices to survive. Extra can goods, water, a first aid kit, candles, matches and a heat source even extra blankets may be all that stands between being able to survive or not. Do try to heed on the side of caution and do all you can to save yourself.For now please do not attack the messenger. I did not cause of know the disasters that took place were going to happen so quickly after my publishing my article warning of the point in history we now live in. I knew hard times were due for the planet and mankind. I felt referring to this time as The Era of 2012 was fitting. I did not however have any idea how close I would be to calling the events just before they occurred. That has to be chalked up to coincidence.Please do not kill the messenger- instead heed the message. Copyright (c) 2010 Chris Holly all Rights ReservedChris Holly's Paranormal World- After viewing this video of our galaxy one has to wonder why anyone would think we are the only form of life out there? The Mountain from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo.
image byBulletturtleThe HumFunny how things happen. I was sitting outside when once again I heard the agitating noise of that annoying hum. It sounds as if a diesel truck is parked in front of the house with its engine running. This hum starts out of nowhere and can last for hours at a time. Again I looked around and there were no trucks, no source of this strange noise. The hum is everywhere. You cannot tell the direction or location of it - it is just there.I do not hear this hum all the time.. It is not loud or offensive. It is however annoying and nerve breaking if it goes on too long.In the past I would search the area around my home to try to figure out what was causing this irritating noise, today I just went inside to try to get away from it.Coincidence is a strange thing. I was searching for a video I wanted to look at when I came across a video I had not seen before on this problem of the hum being heard across the other side of the world. I have to wonder what could possibly be going on?This mysterious noise is a grating non-stop humming. It is a mix of a dull diesel truck idling in the distance and the rumbling of an oil burner in your basement. It is a deep dull husky humming that can last for hours and soon lean on your last nerve causing an annoying thumbing that can drive you up a wall.I stopped myself this time however in the past I would grab my car keys and hunt along the roads and backwoods where I live looking for the source of this annoying noise. I was not able to concentrate on what I was doing as the constant dull pounding of this hum was driving me crazy so I drove up and down every road following the hum as I drove. The problem is the hum is everywhere. Trying to track it down is like trying to find the start and end of the sky! I would drive and stop drive and stop- turn off my car and stand in the road and listen. I followed the humming sound trying to locate the source or direction towards it only to find I was driving in circles. I could not find what was causing this hum and could not find a definite direction for its source. This throbbing low constant hum seemed to be everywhere yet nowhere. It was very frustrating.I recalled reading of others who had complained that they also were suffering from this annoying hum. I researched the subject and found that people all over the world were hearing this noise and also unable to locate or figure out the source of the noise.I recalled reading an article about a town in England where the hum has been keeping the residents awake for weeks at a time. It would stop only to return again. The article reads: 'A MYSTERIOUS HUMMING NOISE WHICH KEPT RESIDENTS OF A SUFFOLK TOWN AWAKE AT NIGHT FOR WEEKS HAS STRUCK UP AGAIN.' I will include the you tube at the end of this article that I happened upon this morning. It cannot be all our imaginations. It is however a ongoing annoyance.I found an read a article where a doctor who could not find a reason to easily explain this annoying noise decided (as is the way with many things that are unknown)- that the noise is all in the peoples imaginations. He decided they should all simply meditate the annoying hum away. I must admit this was without question the word of one who has not experienced this annoying drumming hum.I have read all kinds of explanations from high-tension wires (I have none of those near my home) to UFO's. A friend of mine who lives near me also hears this mysterious hum. She thought maybe it was coming from below, like digging under ground or tunneling. That sent a chill down my spine as I could only wonder who or what would be doing that.My son and his wife live about a mile from my house. They have been hearing this annoying hum too. My son and his wife have been driving around also trying to search out the source of this nerve racking hum. They too were not able to find a source or a definite direction that this annoying noise is coming from.We all live on the coast of Long Island. Often we wonder if the source of the hum could be coming from under the water or traveling through the water. As it stands we cannot figure this out. I tried calling our local police. They reacted as if we were all simply insane. BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABS IS LOCATED NEAR THE COAST LINE OF LONG ISLAND. IT COULD BE POSSIBLE THEY ARE SPINNING THE RELATIVISTIC HEAVY ION COLLIDER AND THE FORCE OF IT OPERATING IS VIBRATING THE EARTH OR THE LONG ISLAND SOUND WHICH CAUSES THE HUM TO BE HEARD ALONG THE COAST LINE. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS CAUSING THIS ANNOYING NOISE. I WILL TELL YOU IT BEGINS WITHOUT REASON AND ENDS AS SUDDENLY AS IT STARTS. I FIND IT EXTREMELY INTERESTING THAT THE SAME NOISE IS BEING HEARD ALL OVER THE WORLD. IF YOU HAVE ANY INFORMATION WHAT IS CAUSING THIS PHENOMENA PLEASE CONTACT US. THIS HUM CAN BE MADDENING AT TIMES. MANY WOULD LOVE TO UNDERSTAND WHAT IS CAUSING THIS IRRITATING SOUND.I am also curious how many others out there may be hearing this humming where they live or work?. If so I would love to know about it. For now pay attention to your surroundings. When your least expecting it- you too may hear the mysterious sound of 'The Hum.' Copyright (c) 2010 Chris Holly all Rights ReservedChris Holly's Paranormal World- Video discussing the Hum - Mysterious Auckland Hum Video


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