Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Paranormal Adamski Flying Saucer And Heflin Ufo

Paranormal Adamski Flying Saucer And Heflin Ufo
The November/December 1976 "Beyond Reality" ("Abnormal UFO Narrative") magazine had a Guest Procession by Brad Steiger (on Page 4), in which up-to-the-minute "identification" for George Adamski's iconic flying saucer is provided:

To decode the Procession acceptably, which says Adamski's flying saucer photo was of a bottle cooler lid, clap All over.

The other "identifications" include a chicken brooder, a humidor, and a Christmas jewelry.

How or why, hence, did certified UFO spotters see UFOs that make close to Adamski's flying saucer:

"End by Spanish statement, 1977" ["Beyond Reality" UFO Reform, Crash 1978, Page 13]

"Muhammed Ali's drawing of what he saw in 1972" ["Beyond Reality", March/April 1978, Page 34]

And the extremely thing happened in Rex Heflin's ostensible UFO:

Nest Martin drew a craft that he and four friends saw:

"Beyond Reality UFO Reform" [Ibid, Page 34]

Apiece Adamski's photos of flying saucers and Heflin's photos of a UFO are believed to be fakes, Heflin's photos less so than Adamski's arguably.

Nevertheless, if such photos are, trusty, fakes, why do certified convincing UFO sighters see or draw objects (or craft, if you motion) "bits and pieces" that achieve of faked UFO photos?




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