Sunday, 3 January 2010

4 Orangered Lights Spotted Flying Over Ada Michigan

4 Orangered Lights Spotted Flying Over Ada Michigan
Date: April 8, 2012Time: Approx: 9:30 p.m. Hi, I am (name separated) last night I was with my brothers on the 8 of April 2012. We were on the Fulton and Be a lodger Forest Street in Ada, Michigan. It was on our respectable side at about the exceedingly time as you whispered your sighting was at curved 9:30 p.m. or dumpy earlier to ten almost certainly. Nearby was four lights with red color, or orange. The lights be keen on the LP whispered had no beams, but were carefree be keen on they may possibly restrain been spot lights, but no beams? Anyway state was no describe emitting from that transmit, and defiantly it was not a helicopter. It seemed to be hovering respectable over the rivulet I dream. It may restrain been Creep Apple River, anyways we turned curved after a few account of going down the opportunity, and after that on our way risk the lights were redundant. The flying saucer was redundant, it seemed to equally restrain a triangle type shape in involving the lights, not sure. My brothers restrain expert similes too. Thank you, I marvel we restrain seen the exceedingly thing, I don't know let me disclose email me risk. If you restrain seen doesn't matter what be keen on this in the exceedingly area absorb be character satisfactory to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "All discrete information is kept back in."

"The Vike Consideration (Brian Vike)"

" website:"


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