Friday, 13 November 2009

From America Gov Conspiracy Theories And Misinformation

From America Gov Conspiracy Theories And Misinformation
Conspiracy Theories and Misinformation, from It's deeply, darkly, insidious and yet it's also comedic in a "You don't really buy into this?" kind of way.

"Conspiracy theories exist in the realm of myth, where imaginations run wild, fears trump facts, and evidence is ignored. As a superpower, the United States is often cast as a villain in these dramas."You can check out the "truth" about such things as: 9/11, Health, Military, Latin America, Outer Space. Not much space is given to any of these topics, just a paragraph or two that tells you, everything is all right, you see, people just naturally don't understand and are anxious:

"in the 20th century, aliens in "flying saucers" became a focus of fears and anxiety,... We project onto imaginary aliens some of our deepest fears... we could be victimized, enslaved or exterminated by a technologically superior civilization... imaginary aliens represent the ultimate unknowable, feared "other."Interesting how they've chosen to frame UFOs, aliens and humanity in a fear based context.



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