The formation depicts an involved two way revolving staircase/ladder, which may represent a "Saros outing" for any crave term series of eclipses. Spirals healthy as symbols in art and on architecture what Neolithic and Paleolithic time. They exist in the organic world as whorls in prosaic water and fire, as well as in the boost of plants and plants in the form of the Fibonacci spiral. Spirals likewise explain the scheme of galaxies and the activity of the sun's flares, etc.
As a symbol, the spiral has both an home heartrending contain and an out of heartrending contain. In the role of of these two character, the spiral carries the symbolism for: Yin and Yang, departing and activity, involution and evolution, contraction and expansion. The stepladder moment of this formation is ringing of Jacob's stepladder by which the delightful hosts possibly will alight to Sett and the activist beings possibly will comply to heaven. In the company of this formation we are confronted in the midst of the pepper of uniting the Earthly to the Quiet, the pepper of realizing the blessed marriage vows of Paradise and Sett, activity and matter!
In the region of the time of the Quake more than a few nonconforming lights were filmed in the skies over Bologna, Italy. Clothed in is the footage...
Clothed in is more than a few video footage of the crop circle formation... (From an Italian Website)
Sanction : Yield Sphere Connector
United Posts :
* Yield Circles : Aliens, Extraterrestrials, Orbs & Balls of Low-calorie
* 2012, Yield Circles & the Mayan Tie
* The Gigantic Serpent Yield Sphere : West Woodhay Botch, Wiltshire
* 3 Yield Circles at Honeystreet : 26th June, 2nd & 4th of July 2011
* Who is nature these Yield Circles ?
* Yield Circles : Investigate For Justice Documentary
* Yield Sphere Come through 2009 Divide into four parts 2 : May
* Pious Geometry, Yield Circles, Orbs... Balls of Low-calorie ~ Dealing Sett !
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