If there's one thing that pisses me off about UFO conferences, it's when the organizer tentatively asks me something along the lines of: "So, what are you going to wear for your lecture, Nick?"Granted, it doesn't happen "every" time. But, it certainly does 4 or 5 times per year. And it gets asked because I hate suits, they are not me, and I won't dress like I'm going to a bloody funeral just because I'm speaking on stage about aliens. It's total bollocks.But certain gig organizers - who know I'm hardly a fan of suits - think it's somehow going to detract from what I'm saying if I lack a tie, and - instead - turn up in black t-shirt and black jeans, which is complete and utter crap!The fact is, however - as you can see from this shockingly awful photo above - way back in 1998, when this picture was taken, even I donned a suit and tie now and again.For a mercifully "very" short while, I was under that mistaken and idiotic belief that tie and suit on stage while talking about aliens = credibility.But, I remember, at the time, one of my mates saying to me something like: "Nick, why the hell are you wearing a suit? You "never" wear a suit!"No I didn't, aside from a year or so when - around 97/98 - I "did", to my utter regret. And it's to my regret for two reasons:1. I hate suits. I hate ties. Simple!2. I find it utterly laughable that there are people who think if you wear a suit to talk about aliens, UFOs, abductions, crop circles etc, that dressing like a bank-manager-meets -a-funeral-director is somehow going to add to credibility.Get real! This is Ufology! Outside of our community the subject has barely "any" credibility - and a suit won't change that! The fact is that unless we can deliver the ufological goods (a definitive smoking-gun, a bit of alien DNA, the accelerator pedal from the Roswell craft, or...well, the list goes on), "no-one" outside of our little community is going to pay any attention to us, no matter "what" we wear!But whole swathes of Ufology think it "does" matter! Amazing! No, actually. It's amazingly dumb. Evidence, and "only" evidence will ever legitimize Ufology for the vast majority of the people and the media. It matters not a bit what you wear to talk about your particular area of research. Why? Because of the very fact you are talking about UFOs!And that's why the 1998 Nick of above doesn't exist anymore (thankfully he barely existed for a year or so), and the Nick of just about every year "before" 1997 and "after" 1998 (and as shown in the 2011 photo below) "does" exist.If you're a UFO researcher or author and you get asked to do a lecture, fine. And if you like to wear a suit and tie on stage then fine; wear the damn things. But don't wear them because you think it's going to somehow advance and help the ufological cause. Anyone who disagrees, please line up for a good punch in the face to knock some sense into you.
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