Central Texas UFO mini-Conference on September 26, 1992 Ed Conroy is a San Antonio based journalist who generally writes about Art, Cultuall >> AUSTIN MUFON 9/26/92 MIN-CONF WITH ED CONROY " (Google / AOL)" Central Texas UFO mini-Conference on September 26, 1992 Ed Conroy is a San Antonio based journalist who generally writes about Art, Culture and Literature. He also investigated the claims of fellow local Whitley Strieber, regarding his paranormal and ufo related experiences and published the book, "REPORT ON COMMUNION". Mr. Conroy helps unravel the enigma of Strieber's strange and mysterious experiences with alien others. Conroy educates his audience into a truly Post Modern understanding of Whitley's magickal and mystical mind kontrol experiences. Abduction experiencer and researcher Dr. Karla Turner was also a presenter at this event. Crop circle researcher George Wingfield also spoke. The audio and video quality are terrible. It can be difficult to hear what the speaker is saying. Also, the hotel had booked a live-action murder mystery theatre event right next door and the screams and noise came right through the auditorium's thin metal accordion-style dividing partition (aka "wall"). This is part 1 of 5 parts. - SMiles Lewis "Click here to view the embedded video." Part One "Click here to view the embedded video." Part Two "Click here to view the embedded video." Part Three "Click here to view the embedded video." Part Four "Click here to view the embedded video." Part Five
Origin: chupacabra-digest.blogspot.com
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