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Form: 97 INF
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 14:36:09 -0600
From: Francis Shelf
Subject: The Robertson Divide, 1953; A Corrected Short Design
Source: CUFON, Brad Sparks
Distribution: CE, SHG, NCP
CUFON posted the simulate publish of this report loads of living ago which makes internet searches feasible. Brad Sparks had obtained the annoying declassification of the Robertson Divide Fairy-tale and Durant Letter by the CIA along with all clean redactions thorough in, in 1974-5. The Divide met Jan 14-17, not 14-18, 1953. The Durant Letter (or Fairy-tale) to the CIA higher of the Accounting of Practical Sensation, Dr. H. Marshall Chadwell, has a typo in the background venture heading/title maxim "14-18," as a result the inappropriate dates. The followers report has been well-run.
Jan. 14-17, 1953: The Durant Fairy-tale of the Robertson Divide actions Fairy-tale of Practical Deterrent Divide on Nameless Flying Facts Convened by Accounting of Practical Sensation, CIA. (Credit: CUFON)
The Air Rule had formerly commissioned the Battelle Celebratory Ascertain to scientifically study the diverse UFO reports steady by Show Sign, Show Argument and Show Violet Index, but Battelle insisted they required best quality time to cleave to a correct study. The CIA hassle the contemplate so hidden that it sent a group to Show Violet Index on Dec. 12, 1952. (See 1952 UFO Chronology) The CIA hardheaded along with Battelle and tried to halt the Robertson Divide for loads of months but got overruled by the AF which insisted on an abstention convening of the VDT.
The Robertson Divide first met coolly on January 14, 1953 under the pour of Howard Percy Robertson. He was a physicist, a CIA employee and higher of the Shield Aspect Weapons Systems Survey Stage set (WSEG).
Extra VDT members were respected scientists and military employees who had worked on other classified military projects or studies. Ruppelt's relevant give that Robertson and Alvarez were basic pro-UFO and their pro-UFO comments can in reality be found in the Durant Letter. By the end of the Divide dud, set up by the AF along with forge IFO cases masqueraded as UFO Unknowns, they turned not persuaded too.
H. P. Robertson, cosmologist physicist, Divide Chairman
Luis W. Alvarez, physicist (and taking into consideration, a Nobel Respect smash into), College of California, Berkeley
Samuel A. Goudsmit, Brookhaven Address Laboratories physicist
Thornton L. Page, astrophysicist, substitute higher of the Operations Report Accounting, Johns Hopkins College.
Lloyd V. Berkner*, physicist, Carnegie House
Subordinate Divide MEMBERS
Frederick C. Durant, III, CIA OSI missile technological, an Subordinate Join of the Divide not a annoying aficionada or signer; acted as Divide Secretary spoils the report and relevant.
J. Allen Hynek, astronomer at Ohio Affirm, Subordinate Join of the Divide, not a annoying aficionada or signer.
*(Sparks: Berkner came so late that he was in induce a non-entity and Ruppelt possibly will not get a fix on whether he was pro or anti-UFO. Durant tried to calm down up for Berkner's lack by peppering his hunger background along with Berkner's comments so that his views were enhanced represented.)
Pompous Meetings: The Divide had four truthful duration of government meetings.
The first day, they viewed two green roll pictures of UFO's: the 1950 Montana UFO Discharge and 1952 Utah UFO Discharge (the subsequent hard-working by Sapphire Pin Trifling Officer Delbert C. Newhouse, who had chock-full suffer along with tentacle camera work). Two Sapphire photographic analysts, Lt. Robert S. Neasham and Sapphire resident Annoy W. Woo, all of NavPIC (Maritime Photographic Restatement Center), next reported their conclusions: the two films depicted objects that were not any recognizable aircraft, flora and fauna or freezing phenomena. Air Rule Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt next began a resume of Air Rule hard work in relation to UFO studies, which had to be done the contiguous dawning.
(Note: Brad Sparks was the virtuously studious regularly to market research Woo, who died in 1976. Woo had accomplice the CIA, in its splendidly secret Logical Armed Dissemination of the Concealed Alter operator on spy cameras, loads of months after the Robertson Divide. Woo was still angry decades taking into consideration at how the Divide scientists ill-treated him and he praised Hynek for "sticking up" for him.)
The spark day, Ruppelt done his execution. Hynek next discussed the Battelle study, and the VDT discussed along with Air Rule employees the evils intuitive in monitoring UFO sightings. In the afternoon, AF Lt Col Frederic C. E. Oder, on impel to CIA OSI, gave a prepare on the 1950-1 Show Shine unsteadily, similar to he had been in a management measurement in the AF Cambridge Report Lab.
(Sparks: Oder misleadingly asserted that nil had regularly been photographed by Show Shine unsteadily revive for "two frames" as rumor has it vetting "nil distinguishable" [Durant Letter p. 16]. In fact loads of phototheodolite tracking camera films had been hard-working of UFO's, on April 27, May 24, and Aug. 31, 1950, and in the first incident a triangulation was obtained of 4 UFO's about 30 feet in boundary flying at 150,000 feet. The existence of these Snow-white Sands UFO films was precisely covert from the CIA. Anyway Col Oder's impel to the CIA his obligation remained along with the AF as did Ruppelt and Fournet, not one of whom breathed a gossip about the existence of these AF Show Shine unsteadily tracking films proving the existence of UFO's along with scientifically measurable data. On Insist 29, 1992, I in reality got a trip to confront the eminent Dr. Oder, the black-projects spy satellite higher for the AF and Lockheed for visit living. Oder unbroken the twaddle about Show Shine unsteadily opinion nil. I retorted that that was preset not perfect, that in April 1950 two theodolite stations had triangulated a UFO at 150,000 feet. Oder seemed a bit hard-working aback, paused a blink as if to stop on a answer next admitted that UFO's possibly will be particular baffling phenomenon.)
The third day, Dr. Hynek existing his pro-UFO mechanical paper delivered at the Visual Regulation of America on Oct 11, 1952 (taking into consideration published in the Press release of the OSA). Dewey J. Fournet kid to the VDT on the engagement he had not here coordinating UFO contact for the Pentagon. Fournet supported the extraterrestrial postulation as the best explanation for particular perplexing UFO reports based on his study of intelligently-guided motions in 17 cases he had certain (this was the study endorsed and sent up the succession of call together to AF Choice of Sensation, Maj. Gen. John Samford, at about this time, in Jan. 1953).
(Sparks: The 15 months of Fournet cited incorrectly in the Durant Letter were not his 11 months as UFO Show Inspect, from Feb. 1952 to Jan. 1953, but Fournet's great time in AF Sensation.)
For the lay of the third day, the VDT discussed their conclusions, and Robertson hardheaded to play a preliminary report. Berkner finally showed up for the first time, in the afternoon of this 3rd day, similar to the Divide was neighboring over.
The fourth and stay fresh day, the VDT rewrote and finalized their report.
The Robertson Panel's everyday comments in the Durant background greater than that "most" UFO sightings possibly will be unreservedly identified along with characteristic aircraft, balloons, sharp, or freezing phenomena, and that the left behind UFO reports possibly will, in all expect, be just as explained along with report on study. (p. 6 of Durant Letter).
In addition to, the Divide not compulsory the Air Rule hardship sunrise a "debunking" persuade to underrate "shared credulity" and discredit UFO reports. The VDT not compulsory a shared infrastructure procedure, by way of psychiatrists, astronomers and slack celebrities to much underrate shared allure in UFO's. It was also optional that the mass media be cast-off for the debunking, along with influential media giants class Walt Disney Venture.
Their government identification acknowledged "That the national defense agencies apply for abstention steps to covering the Nameless Flying Facts of the special assert they repress been solution and the charisma of mystery they repress regrettably acquired."
As well optional that the government keep watch over resident groups studying or researching UFO's "equally of their potentially high-level dictate on mass thinking... the outward infantile behavior and feasible use of such groups for subversive purposes hardship be unfriendly in mind."
It is commonly alleged today that the Robertson Panel's conclusions and recommendations had a high-level dictate on stiff Associated States system in relation to UFO's for visit decades. (Sparks: The Robertson Divide had vigor dictate and was not vertical recognizable to personality for living, shell the few in the AF and CIA paying attention. No one has regularly found any information or directives debunking UFO's that cites the Robertson Divide, and the Divide itself had no firmness or wave to stream such information, nor did the CIA. It was the AIR Rule that had facing conventional the stiff system of debunking of UFO's, for psychological raid reasons, maintain on July 28, 1952, hunger beside devices for the Robertson Divide regularly came into existence (in Dec 1952). In the past being tricked by the AF into thinking that the unbroken UFO trouble was easily one of derisory promise IFO reports, the CIA and Robertson Divide hardheaded along with AF debunking operations and not compulsory brain wave how to calm down them vertical best quality weakening.)
The Robertson Panel's study was classified for over 20 living. In 1954, however, Ruppelt made the first shared advocate of the VDT in his Legitimate article, next in his 1956 book he offered an spread-out resume of its actions. Ruppelt did not, however, become aware of the VDT members' names, nor the government agencies represented. (Sparks: Out cold AF initiation to advance its hard work to derail Congressional hearings on UFO's sought by NICAP, the 2-page Robertson Divide report was partially declassified in 1958 in a 1-page clean publish that covert the CIA's measurement. Last-minute the scenes the AF long-winded the classified Fairy-tale and a retyped publish of the Durant Letter to Congressional committees in order to get them to assist the UFO venture and not possession shared hearings. )
Dissipation Comfy ROBERTSON Divide MEETINGS
Dec. 12, 1952 CIA/OSI exceptional Dr. Chadwell, Dr. H. P. Robertson and Fred Durant visit Show Violet Index and Battelle's Dr. Howard Cross
Dec. 30, 1952 Robertson and Thornton Page close by at CIA for UFO briefings (approx. date)
Jan. 28, 1953 Sure Divide Members (apparently Robertson, Page and in all probability Berkner) close by neglectfully along with CIA/OSI in a "rump example" to postmortem the UFO Divide actions, measure the new agency NSA honest conventional along with repair of OSI substitute exceptional Ralph Clark (dissimilar to UFO's)
July-Aug 1953 Show Violet Index acting exceptional Lt. Robert M. Olsson sends particular certain new UFO cases to Robertson Divide members as a followup measure to see if any adapt in conclusions was acceptable (no adapt resulted)
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