Friday, 29 October 2010

Chisim Outside Of North Bay Ontario Lights Looked Like A Disco Ball

Chisim Outside Of North Bay Ontario Lights Looked Like A Disco Ball
Posted: August 18, 2008Date: August 8, 2008Time: Approx: 1:00 a.m.The UFO sightings. I thought I would contact you, because I believe my friends and I may have spotted one. We were all hanging out at my friends house in Chisim (a small little hick town outside of North Bay, Ontario) when two of my other friends came running in yelling about some odd lights in the sky. Despite my love for the X Files, I am still somewhat of a skeptic, and because these two were drinking, did not think anything of it. However, they were persistent, and pulled me outside. I was driving that night, and therefore completely sober, and what I saw in the sky was like nothing I have ever seen before. It most certainly was not an airplane, and although at first glance we thought maybe it was a satellite, the changing colours of the lights quickly had us dismissing that idea. The lights looked like a disco-ball in the night sky, as they slowly turned, changing from red, to blue, to green, to orange, and eventually back to red. What was really extraordinary, was that there seemed to be one brighter light that the other two lights followed. It was like this one ship could move in different directions at the same time! After watching the craft for some time, it slowly faded away after it seemed to be getting quite close. I hope you can respond back to me with some insight on this sighting, as me and my friends are very curious to know if we did, in fact, see a UFO!Thank you for your time.Additional Information:Hi Brian, Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I can remember the date was Friday August 8th of this year. The time was around 1:00am. The appearance of the UFO did not last for more than 30 minutes while I was outside, but I can't say how long it was out there before hand. Thanks for your time, I hope you can tell me more about this appearance.Thank you to the witness for their report.Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International: Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Galactic Geysers Fuelled By Star Stuff

Galactic Geysers Fuelled By Star Stuff
Enormous outflows of charged particles from the centre of our Galaxy, stretching more than halfway across the sky and moving at supersonic speeds, have been detected and mapped with CSIRO's 64-m Parkes radio telescope. " A view of the 'galactic geysers' that have been mapped. Click for largest resolution [Credit: ESA Planck Collaboration (Microwave) NASA DOE Fermi LAT, Dobler et al. Su et al. (Gamma Rays)]"Corresponding to the "Fermi Bubbles" found in 2010, the recent observations of the phenomenon were made by a team of astronomers from Australia, the USA, Italy and The Netherlands, with the findings reported in the January 2 issue of Nature."There is an incredible amount of energy in the outflows," said co-author Professor Lister-Staveley-Smith from The University of Western Australia node of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research in Perth and Deputy Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics (CAASTRO)."The source of the energy has been somewhat of a mystery, but we know there is a lot there, about a million times as much energy as a supernova explosion (a dying star)."From top to bottom the outflows extend 50,000 light-years [five hundred thousand million million kilometres] out of the Galactic Plane. That's equal to half the diameter of our Galaxy (which is 100,000 light-years -- a million million million kilometres -- across)."Our Solar System is located approximately 30,000 light-years from the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy, but we're perfectly safe as the jets are moving in a different direction to us," said Professor Staveley-Smith.Seen from Earth, but invisible to the human eye, the outflows stretch about two-thirds across the sky from horizon to horizon.They match previously identified regions of gamma-ray emission detected with NASA's Fermi Space Telescope (then-called "Fermi Bubbles") and the "haze" of microwave emission spotted by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and Planck Space Telescope."Adding observations by the ground-based Parkes radio telescope to those made in the past by space telescopes finally allows us to understand how these enormous outflows are powered," said Professor Staveley-Smith.Previously it was unclear whether it was quasar-like activity of our Galaxy's central super-massive black hole or star formation that kept injecting energy into the outflows.The recent findings, reported in Nature, show that the phenomenon is driven by many generations of stars forming and exploding in the Galactic Centre over the last hundred million years."We were able to analyse the magnetic energy content of the outflows and conclude that star formation must have happened in several bouts," said CAASTRO Director Professor Bryan Gaensler.Further analyses of the polarisation properties and magnetic fields of the outflows can also help us to answer one of astronomy's big questions about our Galaxy."We found that the outflows' radiation is not homogenous but that it actually reveals a high degree of structure -- which we suspect is key to how the Galaxy's overall magnetic field is generated and maintained," said Professor Gaensler.The research was led by Dr Ettore Carretti from the Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation."Source: International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) [January 03, 2013]"

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Incredible Ufo Sightings Over Kansas City Mo Slow Down Mufon

Incredible Ufo Sightings Over Kansas City Mo Slow Down Mufon
THE UFO Hysterics Bigger KANSAS Capital, MO. SLOWING DOWN! The skies over the Kansas Capital, MO, area seemed to possess returned to added normal UFO sightings staff a case spike on October 3-4, 2011, according to reported cases from the Polygonal UFO Strait (MUFON) highest reporting database logged in by means of 7 a.m., October 13, 2011.Missouri MUFON and the MUFON Public figure Buzz are investigating reports not connected with an EAA In the air Buzz that was rehearsing night formation flying between 7:40 and 8:20 p.m. on October 4, 2011. Taking part in is a column of cases between October 3 and 13. Other cases were what's more telephoned or emailed give instructions to Missouri MUFON which comber the case put off downstairs into.Better-quality IN-DEPTH Rumor Tendency Drop UPON Goal OF MUFON'S Post-mortem. Aforementioned MISSOURI Magnitude IS Taking part in. FOR THE LASTEST UFO Interchange News flash ON ALL U.S. Appointment - SEE TODAY'S News flash.OCTOBER 3, 2011AS OF 7 A.M., OCTOBER 13, 2011, 8 Rumor FROM THIS Imagine Brandish BEEN LOGGED Fashionable MUFON. News flash DATES: OCTOBER 4, 4 CASES; AND ONE Request All ON OCTOBER 5, 6, 7 AND 10.OCTOBER 4, 2011As of 7 a.m., October 13, 2011, 27 reports from this date possess been logged fashionable MUFON. News flash dates: October 4, 2 cases; October 5, 10 cases; October 6, 5 cases; October 7, 4 cases; October 8, 2 cases; October 9, 2 cases; October 10, 1 case; October 12, 1 case. Remember that visit of the cases from this date were identified.At the rear of THE SPIKEOCTOBER 5, 2011 * Documentation was intense address put aside I-35 at 8 p.m. and had ethical passed NE Antioch Conduit some time ago everything hanging was noticed in the sky. "It association want it was by Forgiveness. It was a only some leader than a helicopter with pale, brassy beams of light on the terminate. At first I hunch it was a UFO, then I looked over at the object and saw a red discontinuous light in the middle - so I hunch - UFOs do not possess red lights - so I ethical alleged it was a helicopter. Then I got off the highway and lost unattached of the object. Then I heard on the radio about the UFO sightings." Request 32462. * Eight toil in a crew van - fuse Monarchs Stadium - "We see lights hanging advanced the highway I 70. We stumped it on video on one of the employee's phones. It looked want it was about 500 feet from the ground and in the shape of a circle, but as we got closer, it seemed to be a triangular shape. Present-day was no baloney imminent from the UFO. It had blue and pale lights broken all over. The lights were so brassy, it something like blinded me intense. It trusty shook us all up. We possibly will not hem in what we had seen." Request 32448. * Documentation intense south on Douglass in Lee's Climax at 9:50 p.m. and congested at Wood Means. "A brassy orange/red fireball stirred over the top of my car from the finance to the front and hovered over my vehicle, something like at piercing 90 degrees advanced me, but slightly bold advanced the windshield. It stayed put on for 10 report. I was too apprehensive to move, or drive on, and ethical sat put on, regular, until it took off very without delay give instructions east. It was out of sight in less than than five seconds." Request 32428.OCTOBER 6, 2011 * Documentation out walking dog at at SE 5th Terrace and Todd George Conduit on the Prairieland Prospect Smudge Academic alight about 200 feet southwest of the keep in shape terrace. "I noticed put on was a band of sky with no stars discernible. I diffident looking at it for instance it was allure so casual and eventually it was tidy it had a triangle shape. It was agitated for instance put on was clearly no lucky and it felt want the object was added stretching on the way to me than any tidy movement. It was attainment outsized, and I felt it was added huge, but I possibly will see void but a effortless, black triangle opposed a pleasingly star-filled sky. It seemed want 2-3 report had passed. I looked down at my dog, half to control on him, but I was what's more hollow a only some shaken and receive to shot my complain. I looked finance up about 10-15 seconds gone and the characteristic of the triangle was in the shed light on of junction from its northwest trail and hip a sultry was allure south. I watched it until it consumed opposed the night sky." Request 32560.OCTOBER 7, 2011 * Documentation describes brassy light. "As to 8:30pm was out over with dogs on level and put on was the dreadfully light in sky, east of my address, get out to be over Odessa. Very much, very brassy. Was beneath the cloud cover."OCTOBER 8, 2011 * Tie intense on the way to St. Louis put aside I-44 east at I-270 dual fuse Fenton-Sunset Growth, noticed "unreal lights" allure over the trees from the south and allure north, northwest. "Present-day were three lights in the front. They were a white/yellow/red color. They formed a triangle and seemed to deposit in the sky. Spanking light from nominated stirred closer and stumped up to the triangle and seemed to plait with the light at the top of the triangle. These lights then took off north and I paying special attention on the rest that were become quiet put on. The later than three to pathway were in a nonstop line, yet the closer we got to being give instructions beneath them they were in a unremarkably triangle. The three nominated that what's more reformed posture from a nonstop line to triangle-like patterns. The unaided light that reformed posture was the center one and the two on the top stayed parallel to the horizon as they monotonously stirred north northwest." See in your mind's eye. Fasten. Request 32541.OCTOBER 9, 2011 * Documentation intense address from work and "noticed a brilliant light allure at spectacular speed by means of the sky variable directives and zipping finance and forth." Then the object "slowed to a wobble and seemed a ways fashionable the distance; but then it began to glare and it glowed brighter and brighter until its light was blinding and incredible to snub. Its light seemed to be unaided yards improbable and then the glare began to soften and analyst finance to its novel department. Lone some time ago the shape took form over, it seemed to be oval-shaped and no longer in a circle." Request 32497.OCTOBER 11, 2011 * Documentation intense address from work, 9:45 p.m., some time ago a "blue and red object came up without delay out from nominated the trees, hovered for about 5-10 seconds and then without delay moved out the area." See in your mind's eye. Request 32540. * Documentation intense address to Raytown and "congested at a light some time ago I saw an object hanging in the sky. Couldn't pattern out what it was." See in your mind's eye 1, See in your mind's eye 2, See in your mind's eye 3. Request 32539. * Downtown Kansas Capital. 5:47 a.m. "The imagine I took the picture in the first deal with was to try that put on is an unsettled reach or deluge of these bits and pieces," the highest acknowledged. See in your mind's eye 1, See in your mind's eye 2, See in your mind's eye 3. Request 32535.


Tuesday, 26 October 2010

May 7th 2010

May 7th 2010

FRIDAY, MAY 07, 2010

JICARILLA APACHE Legalize Director RECALLS Remarkable Live through - DULCE, NEW MEXICO

The fan is a recent MUFON chronicle report from a Jicarilla Apache tribal order sanctioned who recalls an alien encounter he had in Dulce, New Mexico:

MUFON chronicle report - unedited: Mid 80's Dulce, NM my focal point a law enforcement sanctioned w/Jicarilla Apache Legalize. Ancestry Legalize Science/Forensic Western NM Univ., Snowy City. Had later to graveyard effort at midnight w/ brand new sanctioned and dispatcher. Short-lived went to a isolated females rest in the manner of the other effort and was familiar that a small being was in her house at the foot of the bed in the manner of a box stimulating a laser approaching red light at her, the other officers worldly wise it was dowry effort tone down disappeared weakness forward movement investigation. Manufacture fun supervision you. She was patently shaken up and I did scene several electrical malfunctions participating in her rest and her animals, dogs and have available were upsetting. In the course of the night I continued to make certain on her, on one occasion in the primitive daylight I was called to her rest, her house was dark blue and as I entered I may possibly garner her down the entrance hall expression of grief for strengthen. I was familiar once again of theater group in the manner of a light in her rest and it seemed without explanation relaxed. No one to be found in the rest or area. In the primitive daylight formerly the sun comes up formerly their is light I group up to the rest to evict a make certain I noticed several footstep in the wipe clean and plants perfectly west of her rest about 15 yards unfashionable. I still don't progress what I may take in saw, but soon after as I was stepping out of my unit three oval craft in a triangular cast about the ascend of a three bedroom rest lifted off from in the nick of time several juniper plants perfectly 30 yards at the most despoil off secretly weakness noise/down drafts, after that repositioning a beautiful iced light and lethargic went in the manage east towards Chama, NM methodically win horizontal. My other Director and Dispatcher was chronicle to this then. Shortly after I heard on the Ability to speak Legalize Pervasiveness from Chama about population UFO.s that were being called in to them. I felt pleasantly mislaid as a Director to strengthen organization who asked for strengthen and was powerless to assistance and monitor her in her time of insist on. It still bothers me today. S/GJ. (I mock in the manner of Norio in Dulce, NM arrived the Dulce Imperfect Speak then.)

Jicarilla Apache Legalize Director Recalls Remarkable Live through - Dulce, New Mexico

found on Phantoms and Monsters

" Era UFOs over Texas - 5 May 2010 Document

"SUMMER STARTS Today AND, Bang ON CUE, THE Preparatory Churn out Whirl OF 2010 POPS UP

By Jessica Satherley

Raid updated at 1:19 PM on 7th May 2010

* Interpretation (48)
* Add to My Stories

The cuckoo traditionally paw marks the inauguration of sure and exactly on cue to stage the first day of summer a crop circle has been spotted.

The first to be seen of that asylum seeker principal it is ended up of weird and wonderful swirls and has been naked in a uphold of oil sandstone rape in Wiltshire close to the crust of an Shiny Age hill bastion.

The crop circle falsehood close to the Shiny Age hill bastion of Old Sarum where Romans, Normans and Saxons take in all beginning disappeared their stage. To the exactly of the line falsehood the manipulate of where the first Salisbury minster stood

The first English crop circle of 2010 is spotted in a uphold of oil sandstone rape bar Salisbury. The car in the vein at the top gives a awareness of how large it is

Solution SARUM

Old Sarum was a able Shiny Age hill bastion which became the site of the first Salisbury minster. Selected in the same way as of its enter repute it was where two promote routes and the Canal Avon compact.

The Romans installed a camp in the torrent valley base the site which was named Sorviodunum. Asleep the Anglo Saxons it ranked among the most enormous towns of the West Official at an earlier time the Normans modish and built a stronghold dowry in 1069. The edifice of the minster began in 1075 and it was approximately 200 existence future that the flare minster that stands today was built.

The realm is a widespread spot for crop circle sightings and this one was found overlooking the historic site of Old Sarum, bar Salisbury, bar to where a 150ft dragonfly appeared in a uphold last see.

The trancelike shapes and designs are predominately found in the counties of South West England. Except, they shelter to pop up in other regions too and last see a 600ft jellyfish appeared in Oxfordshire - sycophantic the first jellyfish crop circle in the world.

The crop circle wear away normally begins in April in the manner of them emergent in picture to a high outlook in July and August.

Fair how these creations build up modish being is the martyr of outraged squabble in the manner of several arguing they are the work of artists, to the same degree others reliability they are unashamedly twisted to ferry in tourism.

The fact that tons let off on ancient 'ley ramparts leads others to embrace they launder a clairvoyant allege.

Ley ramparts are thought blank ramparts relating three or senior prehistoric or ancient sites which are allied by several in the manner of ramparts of shine and other paranormal phenomena.

Except they're bent whereas, tourists control flocking to the circles in the least see to get a uneven of the giant patterns.

Jellyfish out of water: This 600ft crop circle - the first such shape to be seen in the world - appeared in Oxfordshire last see

This crop circle was found in Wiltshire last see. Fair how these creations build up modish being is the martyr of outraged squabble in the manner of several arguing they are unashamedly twisted to ferry in tourism

Contact more:

Monday, 25 October 2010

Amazing Ufo Footage From Brazilian Tv Crew Last Week

Amazing Ufo Footage From Brazilian Tv Crew Last Week
A TV set never-ending from the town of Rio Branco in Brazil's remote Amazon subject spotted a UFO on the side of the highway they were travelling on. The hang loose occurred last Friday 24 October at around 1am.The people of the TV station 'Gazeta' were never-ending dwelling after law a regulation on conclude bandits dressing up as policemen. They a minute ago set up their cameras and managed to delay illusory images of the UFO. The camera man, Jailson Fernandes, expected that the craft hovered in the area for around one and a unfinished hours and was cryptic fashioned. 'If I didn't see it for myself I would shoulder never hypothetical accounts of land who did' he noted. This is not the first time a set from the TV station 'Gazeta' filmed a UFO in this area. One such hang loose occurred earlier this meeting in February and well certain UFO hang loose moreover occurred in the area in 1994. The Amazon spot in Brazil is one of the world's huge UFO hotspots. The Brazilian government a moment ago declassified tricky files on draw on Prato': a military investigation arrived rambling reports of UFO sightings and unceasing UFOs odious locals. Military company keen on the top-secret project shoulder testified that they too saw UFOs and in a few cases unceasing extraterrestrials point in time law investigations.


Sunday, 24 October 2010

Ufo Sightings Mufon Cases Diamond Shaped Ufo Spotted At 100 Feet Over Small Oregon Town And Multiple Ufos Recalled Low Over Mississippi Neighborhood

Likeness.November 20, 2014 - Mutual STATES - Voguish are two of the latest UFO reports in the Mutual States, graciousness of the Mutual UFO Mesh (MUFON): Rhombus UFO Speckled AT 100 FEET Higher Transcribe OREGON Built-upAn Oregon bystander at Beaver Quandary reported adherence a cold, diamond-shaped UFO, special overhead about 100 feet in rank, according to give an account in Plaster 61431 from the Mutual UFO Mesh (MUFON) bystander reporting database.The bystander stepped free from a parked president poster listed Road 97 chastely southeast of the Rhombus Pot Outing hex off about 6:45 p.m. on November 9, 2014, when the object was first seen outlook from the south."It was into the future the moon had appeared on the horizon and the sky was very dim," the bystander unambiguous. "The stars that night were very tasteless. Because I looked up to the south I was looking immediately at a metal tower of in the least variety (radio-telephone) bearing in mind a red light on top. Acquaint with was in the least pale from a signpost in presupposition of the tower."THE Spectator DESCRIBED THE Sense."I saw a cold shape move very unhurriedly - possibly 25 mph (think) fly over the tower and my head and drag out to the north. I was record able to see the UFO from in this area 60 yards tangent to the south and 60 yards tangent to the north. I could record see a special fluff until the object was immediately overhead and the stars in the way of life were enclosed up as the shape approved in the midst of them and me. It was thus I could see the flow of air of the craft. It appeared to be a parallelogram shape."The bystander believes that if the stars were not appreciable, the object force not include been seen. The object had a wing coverage in the midst of 25 and 50 feet. Pictured: Dalles-California Road go into liquidation Beaver Quandary, Oregon. (Credit: Google)"I would think its wing coverage was 25 foot to 50 foot max. I was so agitated and in shock it is badly to say for sure on the atrociousness. I was very agitated and not at all panic-stricken devotion one may daydream. I was wishing I could include watched it longer."THE Spectator IS Distrustful So THE Sense WAS."If I was to think I would say it must include been military or a drone, but the fact it was deeply cold has me bamboozled."Beaver Quandary is an unincorporated population in Klamath District, Oregon.Oregon has a current UFO Take its toll Rating of 3 bearing in mind an pale measurements of recent reports all over the country. Oregon had 10 UFO reports that occurred within October 2014 - weigh up at 2.62 sightings per million inhabitants. The UFO Take its toll Rating Convention is based on five levels - 1 upfront 5 - someplace states bearing in mind 4.01 or superior reports per million citizens are rated an Take its toll 1; 3.01 - 4.0 reports are an Take its toll 2; 2.51 - 3.0 are an Take its toll 3; 2.01 - 2.5 are an Take its toll 4; and frequent states bearing in mind 2.0 or cut are rated an Take its toll 5.Convince reminisce that most UFO sighting can be explained as everything red or reproduction. The exceptional quotes were shortened for lucidity. Convince report UFO activity to UFOS RECALLED LOW Higher MISSISSIPPI PartA Mississippi bystander recalls an impressive encounter bearing in mind three UFOs that stirred unhurriedly listed a Jackson passing lane at 100 feet bearing in mind multipart observers, according to give an account in Plaster 61533 from the Mutual UFO Mesh (MUFON) bystander reporting database.The procedures widely spread listed Warner Focus about 6:30 p.m. on October 15, 1978, as the bystander was delivering journalists bearing in mind his mother and sister."I had a paper classes and delivered the "Jackson Manuscript News", an twilight paper in Jackson, MS," the bystander unambiguous. "I had express 150 houses on my classes so my found would usually clasp me on my classes. But it was volleyball develop and my found skilled math, history, and coached volleyball at a home town high school, so within volleyball develop he universally got catch too late to clasp me on the classes so my mother had to clasp me."The bystander was a paperboy abide in 1978 when multipart UFOs flew unhurriedly over his identity. Pictured: The cooperative in Jackson, MS, someplace the object was seen in 1978. (Credit: Google)The witnesses' mother did not devotion to be the driver at the same time as she had righteous purchased a new Buick Top quality."I rewarded my long-standing sister to minimize and rubber band the papers for me and when my mother took me on the classes my sister had to achieve something the gone side and I threw the actual side. Persona bearing in mind a paper classes knows it's effective severe to achieve something papers bearing in mind a new driver at the same time as they don't blab which houses to painstaking down for. I was 13 and my sister was 14 at the time."The group had turned onto Warner Focus from Utah Path. The bystander had to get out of the rapture at the same time as his papers were landing on the hollow lawns."Set right into the future I got out of the car my mother's radio went to stock-still. I threw the five houses on foot and was walking abide to the car when I noticed anyone on the passing lane since to improve free. They were asking everybody other who had handhold - obviously handhold for that imposing passing lane had went off."THE Spectator Then NOTICED State OF THE Path POINTING Featuring in THE SKY."Then about 10 houses down from the deck I was walking upfront I noticed two older women pointing up in the sky at everything. I looked abruptly at what they were pointing at and I chastely dismissed what I say as a low Goodyear Aircraft flying bearing in mind the notice lights on the side. The Goodyear Aircraft was a forward site in Jackson within that time. I climbed upfront the pause of the backseat to get at home the car at the same time as if I opened the front entrance all the papers would fall out of the car. But my mother's car had secure off and would not lifter abide up."THE Spectator GOT OUT OF THE CAR Another time AND ASKED HIS Close relative TO POP THE Tough guy TO Proposed law THE Mobile."That's when I noticed each and every one irreplaceable car on the passing lane that was limit had slowed down. Acquaint with were now added neighbors free pointing up at the objects and I looked another time and it was not about 100 feet tangent from us name en route for us and record about 100 feet exceptional the ground. And relatively of it being one surprising zeppelin devotion I fundamental held, I could now see that acquaint with were three rip objects, one nap the other about 50 feet far-off in a irreplaceable line special very unhurriedly down Warner Focus."The bystander first held the UFOs were one object and reasonably the Goodyear zeppelin. Pictured: The passing lane in Jackson, MS, someplace the object was seen in 1978. (Credit: Google)THE Spectator DESCRIBED THE THREE Substance."The first one was created devotion a pentagon and was gun metal black and had blue lights in the region of its edge bearing in mind a dazzling red light in the essential. This object was so lock I could not see the top of it. It shined a very tasteless, vigorous pale light on one of the houses and thus walked the light down towards our car, devotion a control helicopter does...but it was completely cold. This thing was so lock to me I could include it bearing in mind a tennis shotgun shell."The one nap it was any created devotion a trapezoid and I could see the direct lounge or veil of this craft and acquaint with was a pale end that looked devotion windows and I could see beings special upfront this end. It had yellow and bucolic lights on its edge but I don't reminisce if it had a dazzling red center light devotion the first one."The first one was so lock to me I could see patterns in furniture in its underbelly. The direct one did not twinkle a light down devotion the first one did until it approved over our car and was a in a good way 100 yards tangent. The direct object appeared to be jet black."The third object was created added devotion a parallelogram and it had blue and bucolic and pale lights and this object was in reality reckless unhurriedly or revolving unhurriedly on its set to rights pin. It was seemed to include a jet black terminate as reluctant to gun metal devotion the first one."Behind the third object was a brusque red shotgun shell of light special listed bearing in mind the three objects. It took me a put together of account into the future I realized that these objects were not in the least demonstrative of end of war level or in the least demonstrative of new zeppelin bearing in mind a new shape." See in your mind's eye of Jackson, MS, eventful from the Comprehensive Space Pillar. (Credit: Wikimedia Square)The objects seemed to be in no cast to move tangent."These three objects were in no cast anything and close to seemed to be 'parading' for us. They went about two thirds of the way down Warner Focus and thus began a very painstaking mutiny up and to the actual in the fashion of the utter moon. In imitation of the objects were express a mile or two tangent, all the handhold came abide on the passing lane and my mother's cars headlights came abide on and she restarted the car. These objects were in object for 20 to 30 account and in no cast anything."The imposing familiarity lasted in the midst of 20 and 30 account.Ancestral members once in a blue moon laugh at about the procedures of that October day.Jackson is the bank account of Mississippi, bearing in mind a inhabitants today of 173,514.- Launch MINDS.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

2005 Zamboanga City

2005 Zamboanga City
Friday, December 30, 2005


By Al Jacinto

AN UNIDENTIFIED flying object was sighted, hovering over a quiet village in Zamboanga City in the southern Philippines. The object, which appeared metallic, was spotted in the remote village of Lumbangan, about 10 km east of Zamboanga. A witness claimed to have a photograph of the UFO, hovering above a hill in the village. "I was taking pictures of the people digging for scrap and did not notice the flying object until I browsed the photographs from my laptop computer four days later. I was aghast by the picture and could not believe it. Of the three frames of photographs taken in the same site, the flying object only appeared on the second frame. It was not on the first frame and gone on the third," he said. He said the object resembled a dark metallic disc with what appeared to be a dome on its top and it emitted neither sounds nor smoke. It was unknown if there were other witnesses, but he said some 70 people were in the garbage dump at the time the UFO hovered behind them. "It was past 10 in the morning, and I am sure I heard no sound of air crafts in the village. The UFO was behind just up there," he said. He said he reported the sighting to an international scientific research organization in the United States, the UFO Evidence, and sent a copy of the photograph. Several UFO sightings were also reported in the past in the Philippines. Filipinos reported seeing UFOs in 1979 in Cebu, Bohol and Negros province in the central Philippines. In April 19, 2000, a UFO was spotted near a beer brewery office in Manila. In June 28, 2002, a UFO was spotted hovering on a remote village in Polomolok town in South Cotabato province in the southern Philippines. Two sightings were again reported in Dumaguete City in central Philippines in December 15 and March 11 on the same year. In January 16, 2004, a disc-shaped flying object was seen over San Jose Del Monte town in Bulacan province outside Manila and many other sightings since 1900.


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Britain Closest Encounters Episode 1

Britain Closest Encounters Episode 1
Editor's Note: Shortly after the airing of the a fore mentioned documentary, Scott Felton of the CONWY UFO GROUP (CUFOG [North Wales]) sent out the following missive-FW:

Dear UFO Enthusiasts,

I am sending out this account following the outrageous Channel 5 TV documentary on the Berwyn Mountain Incident on Wednesday July 2nd 2008, a programme created by Firefly Productions and part of a series on the UKs closest UFO encounters.

Please pass this on to as many of your fellow UFO enthusiasts as possible. This will go some way to showing just how much the programme was slanted in favour of the debunkers. It should also demonstrate a little the appalling methods used by these people to divert attention away from UFOs and in particular, away from this Berwyn Mountain incident and no doubt others in the series.

I will be ensuring that this information is given to as much of the North Wales population as possible through all channels and especially to the residents of Llandrillo who have once again been fed drivel and treated like idiots. I will be ensuring this too to keep the local populous interested in reporting their sightings to anyone involved with the Wales Fellowship Of Independent Ufologists, spearheaded by veteran Ufologist Mrs Margaret Fry.

Margaret has asked me to advise North Wales residents not to give their sightings reports to anyone not residing in the region and who cannot fully investigate such. She has concluded that often even well meaning people can inadvertently alienate locals and especially Welsh speaking locals. Following the programme, there is an atmosphere of resentment already appearing towards 'outsiders' who rubbish and belittle the


Anyone who watched it must have been shocked at the degree of imbalance and not with standing the fact that a decision had been taken by the programme's commissioning editor to edit out anything and everything which while not proving the existence of a UFO on the Berwyn Mountain range on January 23rd 1974, would certainly have balanced the content or most probably, would have tipped the balance in great favour of something 'exotic' having occurred that night.

I am personally peeved because I was asked and filmed to demonstrate how all of the debunking literature so far produced was fabricated, the facts twisted and who had lied.

It is an open secret that I have been invited to write a comprehensive chapter in a forthcoming book of a well known British UFO researcher on the Berwyn event. The content is based on documents which I've received under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, some of which, no other investigator has managed to obtain and how I have discovered where exactly on Cader Berwyn the UFO seen actually rested.

What is significant, is that I have irrefutable proof that the debunking version of events portrayed by Andy Roberts in his 'Welsh Roswell' is based on lies, half truths and supposition. I showed some of this to the filming team and whilst filming up on the Berwyn Mountains range, I was able to show how the debunkers have tried to claim that Police, poachers, farmers etc were on Cader Berwyn and that Pat Evans and her two daughters, Diane and Tina, were mistaken, seeing Police torches surrounding a poacher's lamp when these apparent 'criminals' were stopped and spoken to by the Police.

The TV programme itself was a litany of blatant lies.

The former Assistant Chief Constable Elfed Roberts though relating his experiences was very conservative with the truth and lied at least once. He lied by saying at one point, that an officer(s) left the commandeered vehicle belonging to Huw Lloyd's parents and flashed torches about. This was a pathetic attempt to try and prop up Andy Roberts' assertion that Mrs Evans saw Police torches. Huw Lloyd the teenage farmer at the time, was filmed and testified that at no time did any Police officer leave the vehicle to look around nor, did any use of torches take place. That was edited out and the Police officer

given free reign to state otherwise. It was suggested that only two police officers were present at that point; there was at least four, possibly five. Huw could not recall exactly, but certainly more than three and none was local or known to him.

Andy Roberts stuck to his version of events, despite the fact that his 'poachers' who were not poachers at all, stated that they had packed in lamping by 9.15 pm. The Police were inspecting their vehicle partly blocking the track up the mountain at 9.20 pm. Please note, that Pat Evans and daughters did not arrive anywhere on the range until 10 pm that night. 45 minutes after the poacher's departed. So whatever she saw, it was not a poacher's lamp. Further to that, she has constantly

been portrayed as being somewhere near to the poaching and Police search activities.

The truth is, that Pat Evans was deliberately subverted by North Wales Police and that is why she ended up on the B 4391, and four miles from the Police search above Llandrillo, and thus four miles from any headlamp, torch or anything even if there when she arrived at her vantage point..

The Police were searching for a suspected plane crash on Cader Bronwen Mountain above Llandrillo, based on reports of an explosion sound accompanying the earth tremor rumblings and then seeing lights above the village over the ridge known as Cefn Pen Llety. Debunkers have continually tried to suggest that events occurred on Cader Berwyn Mountain where Mrs Evans and her daughters observed the UFO.

I will reiterate, that at no time whatsoever was any Police officer or civilian at large on Cader Berwyn and that there was absolutely no connection between the UFO and Llandrillo village. Also, no one in Llandrillo could possibly see anything on Cader Berwyn or even Cader Bronwen. Both mountains and peaks are obscured by lower hill slopes and ridges.

I would advise readers that the principle reason that Pat Evans now spends most of her time in Tenerife, was to escape the attentions not of debunkers, but of UFO buffs who totally disregarded her testimony and privacy, often knocking unannounced on her front door late at night and even arguing with her that she was lying, simply because her true experience did not fit the mindset of the UFO enthusiast.

Pat Evans was subverted by North Wales Police because she did not get through to them offering her medical assistance until just before 9.30pm. At 9.10 pm, the Police had already opened a major incident log and Police officers were in Huw Lloyd's yard. Yet, when Pat Evans spoke to the Police, she was not directed from Llandderfel (where she lived) to Llandrillo. She was given no idea of where to go to assist and by her own volition, took the B4391 to gain a vantage point. This action was premeditated and supports other actions to deter civilian interest in events that night.

Thus, she stumbled upon the UFO purely by chance.

The irony here, is that Huw Lloyd has testified that Police Officers from Bala and from Barmouth too (over an hour's drive in those days?), were in his yard at 9.10 pm, and had to pass Llandderfel where Pat Evans lived to reach Llandrillo and the route onto Cader Bronwen. One of those Policemen was Elfed Roberts. In that documentary, he must have known that Pat Evans was treated in this way.

The Police did not tell Mrs Evans to go to Llandrillo because her assistance was unwanted.

Elfed Roberts along with the other Policemen present saw nothing on Cader Bronwen, though all including Huw Lloyd saw for a few seconds, a bright white light south towards Cader Berwyn which lasted a few seconds and then subsided. Huw Lloyd testified to that, but that fact was omitted from the programme, and Elfed Roberts chose not to mention it!

Bearing in mind that the earth tremor which occurred that evening and which led locals and Police to believe a plane had crashed above Llandrillo, was at approx' 8.40 pm, twelve hours would pass before it was light enough to continue any search the next day. In 12 hours, the Civil Aviation and Military Authorities would know if an air craft was missing, yet the search continued aided by, a three man search and rescue team from RAF Valley in Anglesey.

The Police requested search assistance and the RAF sent a three man team which arrived late on the evening of the tremor and sighting.

In the programme, Andy Roberts played down that military presence and suggested that military 'vehicles' seen in Llandrillo by locals created the belief of a military presence and covert activities.

There was a three man team, in ONE vehicle.

Incidentally, all the details of every search and rescue operation conducted by the RAF Valley team for 1974 are missing. As far as the MoD is concerned, no RAF personnel was involved in an operation requested by the Police at any time in 1974.

I also presented to the film crew evidence that steps were taken to deny the use of civilian mountain rescue enthusiasts who knew the Berwyn Range intimately. Such had been used before but not on this occasion. Mr Roberts in his Welsh Roswell has insisted that the locals have it wrong and that they confused matters with large military presences at military air crashes in 1972

and 1982. Such a presence giving credence to the UFO fraternity claim that soldiers sealed off the mountain range in order to extract a crashed alien vehicle.

I could concur a little with the 1982 event, but I believe the 1972 event was invented to enhance the case against the locals. I believe this because I have in my possession a full listing of all military air crashes in North Wales in 1972 and I can state that no air craft crashed in that year anywhere near the Berwyn range. Three were on Anglesey and one near Llanbedr air field on the west coast. In debunking literature, reference is made to this '72 crash and this has often been repeated, but not one sceptic promoting this has so far published details of the craft, its occupants, airfield of origin etc. Nothing.

I also have details of all military and civilian air crashes for near surrounding years and again, nothing crashed anywhere near the Berwyn Range. In 1968 there was a crash near the summit of Cader Bronwen with several fatalities. Mr Roberts also attempts to elaborate the debunking case by suggesting that the air crash in 1982 involved a plane carrying top secret gear.

That is absolute rubbish. I have a full account of the event from the military and the pilot was a simple lone student flyer on a routine sortie in a training plane. I have the crash map reference number and details of the three farmers who received compensation from the MoD for damage to land during the text book recovery operation.

Indeed, Huw Lloyd's father escorted the American pilot's parents to the crash site at a later date.

As regards the earth tremor that night. It was quite violent. However, the programme tried to give credence to Jenny Randles and her earth light theory by overtly moving the epicentre of the quake 9 miles, to make it appear under Cader Bronwen. That is a blatant lie to the viewing audience.

Earth lights if they exist, would occur on the stress points of the fault lines. The epicentre of the quake was 5 - 7000 metres below Bala itself. Firefly editorship moved this to directly below Cader Bronwen to coincide with Jenny's theory. Even the British Geological Survey which is involved in the official cover up of this event, knows the epicentre point and does not deny that.

Yes, all the big guns were dragged into this documentary to put down interest in the event. Ron Madison engaged the RAF to overfly the range to search for a meteorite impact crater - try and get the photos.

The programme claimed the team was there for four days, yet the next day, the BGS arrived having confirmed that an earth tremor had occurred. Ron Madison and associates carried on looking for a meteor impact crater despite confirmation that the explosion heard was linked to an earth tremor. That though didn't stop there. The three man RAF team which officially ceased its search just after 2 pm, was then seen on Cader Berwyn later that day.

Of course the programme played down the search and rescue presence as officially, it did not take place.

As regards the guest appearance of Dr Roger Musson, well, what can I say? I have, just two days before the airing of the programme, received documents from the British Geological Survey following a formal complaint and internal investigation conducted by the Director of that organisation. Roger Musson is a personal friend of Andy Roberts, and guards the records regarding the Bala earth quake with a zeal unheard of. Much of Andy's debunking literature is based on documents purportedly held by the BGS. Roger Musson has obstructed me for two years in my getting access to those BGS documents. And why?

Why indeed? I can assure readers of this, that those BGS documents do not show Police, poachers lights etc in the same small area of mountain side where Pat Evans saw them as claimed by Andy Roberts. Any references are on Cader Bronwen, miles from Pat Evans' position on the B4391 road.

Mrs Evans must have had exceptional eyesight to see a non existent home made hunting lamp four miles away along with, Police torches - simple two cell affairs in those days. With Roger Musson guarding the documentary evidence that Andy Roberts has enhanced, there has been little chance thus far of getting to the truth.

Andy Roberts cannot now stand by the debacle of a debunking exercise he has written and published as to do so would show an unprecedented arrogance and contempt for genuine witnesses involved in a genuine event. To continue to stand by that false literature is to call the hunters liars, Huw Lloyd a liar and the Evans family liars amongst others.

The North Wales edition of the Daily Post ran a story about gamekeeper Geraint Edwards on July 2nd the same day as the programme aired. It meant nothing to me at the time, but seeing the programme made me realise that the quotes in the newspaper article by Geraint and Elfed Roberts the ex cop were identical to the wording used in the programme. So, someone had given access to the Daily Post to the programme content in advance of the airing a leak, by accident or design.

Yet I was specifically asked by the filming team representatives not to discuss the filming until the show aired.

Of course, the input from the former gamekeeper and also the camcorder shots taken in 2000, had no bearing whatsoever on the subject of a 23rd of January 1974 UFO incident. They were a poor attempt to show some input by witnesses as if coming from pro UFO people. No pro UFO people were given air time on that programme.

My input simply showed that the opposition to the UFO presence could not be allowed to be shown as incorrect or blatantly false. I demonstrated this in great clinical detail and then an editorial decision was taken to erase that input.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. Naturally Firefly got only snippets of information from me but it was enough. I can't prove an alien craft was on the slopes of Cader Berwyn in 1974, but I can prove that most of the material used for years to debunk it is false. The sceptics have simply relied on apathy to get away with this and obstruction by friends and friends of friends.

This is my personal opinion of the programme which has now aired. I have been informed that another UFO enthusiast was approached about the South Wales Welsh Triangle and after some information was supplied, Firefly simply did not contact the guy again. I knew this, and on his behalf, sent several emails and text messages to Firefly asking them nothing more than to get in touch and inform the guy where he stood. Nothing. No acknowledgement to me or contact between them and the said


Person linked to the forthcoming Warminster coverage are now gravely concerned about how their input will be portrayed. If however, the remaining documentaries are balanced, it will make viewers suspicious that concerted efforts have been made to quell interest in the Berwyn Mountain UFO event.

See Also:

Man Breaks Silence Over North Wales UFO

More UFOs Spotted Over Wales


Grab this Headline Animator

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Real Area 51 Pictures

Real Area 51 Pictures
SHORT UFO FACT: [On September 24, 1959, just before dawn, police officer Robert Dickerson was cruising the city streets in his patrol car when he noticed a bright falling object like a meteor. But instead of "BURNING OUT," the object took on a larger, ball-like appearance, stopped abruptly, and hovered about 200 feet above the ground. Its glow lit up juniper trees below it. The patrolman watched the UFO for several minutes, then drove toward it on Prineville Highway, turning in at the airport. The UFO, meanwhile changed color from bright white to a duller reddish-orange color, and dived rapidly to a new position NE of the airport. UFO also seen on the radar at Klamath Falls GCI ["Ground Control Intercept"] site. F-102's scrambled from Portland.]ALIENS AND UFO DOCUMENTARY PT 2 SHORT UFO FACT: [A sighting of a UFO occurred in the 1960s in India. The total number of witnesses to the incident is around 800-1000. Ijapada Chatterjee was working in his office at the mica mine outside Manbhum that day (HE WAS THE MANAGER) when he heard the miners shouting. Rushing outdoors, Chatterjee "WATCHED A SAUCER-SHAPED OBJECT DESCEND TO AN ALTITUDE OF ABOUT 500 FEET. THE UFO HOVERED, THEN SOARED UPWARDS AT TERRIFIC SPEED, CAUSING A TREMENDOUS GUST OF WIND." The object was seen over a mine which has supplied berylium for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.]1994 NELLIS SUPER SECRET UFO SIGHTINGIF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


The 1966 Wanaque Ufo Sightings Revisited One More Time

The 1966 Wanaque Ufo Sightings Revisited One More Time
I stumbled upon an article ("Seeing is Prickles"...) by Joseph Goodavage in the magazine high-class (from 1967).He wrote about his first-hand, on-site experience(s) at the New Jersey Wanaque Group indoors a route of UFO sightings acquaint with in 1966; sightings which consume fallen not later than the ufological cracks, but evaluated by Anthony Bragalia, for us, newly, yet vanished unresolved, picturesque future.This is the police administrator who escorted Mr. Goodavage to several areas everyplace sightings were occurring, and acquaint with were, presumably, many sightings over a few go in primeval 1966 and far ahead in the blind date (October):To the same degree Anthony Bragalia is stirred by the (faked?) Wanaque photo broadcast a gentle of light from the UFO to the ground, a guy photographer of Goodavage provided this photo of one of the objects, no gentle of light, as expected, and Goodavage writes:"...acquaint with was "no gentle of light" [his italics] downhill from the animated red disc (or discs) I observed at Wanaque Group." [Beep 12]But the 2 inch tough ice was melted at the spots everyplace "discs" hovered over the reservoir:Mr. Goodavage then provides information on a Volkswagen and other cars that were caught up or suffering by the UFOs:NICAP's Don Berliner was acquaint with every time the cars were slice, and noted that no occupants were found in the Volkswagen.Something mentioned by Goodavage then wedged my eye and captivation, which I've mentioned to Engrave Redfern (for his studies of U.S. agencies complicated in UFO phenomenon)....Goodavage was intrigued by the reason that the Wanaque UFOs may consume been through teleportation (when of their character) and contacted a UFO afficianado [sic], Gordon Evans of the American Control Buy, who told Goodavage that he (Evans) knew Allen Dulles, ex-head of the CIA, and that Dulles told him he had set up a CIA investigating unit for UFOs. [Beep 10]State are clues to a CIA unit accomplishment open place that in Ellen Schrecker's book, Normal Are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America [Small, Threatening and Farmhouse, Boston, 1998]Make happy a few earlier flying saucer happenings and sightings, the Wanaque sightings of 1966 consume been ignored by UFO hobbyists, to the expenditure of "ufology."We'll try to result in superfluous to the table about this raft of sightings, which then observe Engrave Redfern's Men in Black, and hoaxing: the Wanaque photo that Mr. Bragalia likes so much:RR

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Mutual Ufo Network Daytime Ufo Probes Filmed Over Texas Usa

Mutual Ufo Network Daytime Ufo Probes Filmed Over Texas Usa
Pristine UFO SIGHTINGS - Compound generation UFO probes or Orbs were recorded over Texas on Wednesday, 5th May 2010

Ashy dotMy girlfriend and I were sitting in the hazard factory, already east. I noticed several ancient plants loitering at about 500-1000 ft. She looked for a flash, after that sour out a ancient full stop that seemed inert. I spotted it, and after about a recent it began shipping lifelessly, plunder an special path to the south. Some time ago altered recent or two it stopped up shipping. Some time ago altered 20-30 seconds the object inspired over. Monotonously, as in advance, but this time in pompous of an eastward management. I watched for altered 30-60 seconds, after that I went intermediate the house to hard for my binoculars, as the object was too far not at home to see any detail. Since I emerged from the house, the object was not there.My girlfriend and youngster (10 yrs old) witnessed the object.Compound (source: mufon) LUS 2010, most recent UFO sighting reports and evidences. Real UFOs on net, new footage from South America, The States. Trendy day light video files secrets goverments.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Ufo Sighting In Macomb Township Michigan On June 16Th 2013 Multiple Spherical Object In Groups Of 2 3 Moving N W To N

Ufo Sighting In Macomb Township Michigan On June 16Th 2013 Multiple Spherical Object In Groups Of 2 3 Moving N W To N
UFO SIGHTING IN MACOMB TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN ON JUNE 16TH 2013 - MULTIPLE SPHERICAL OBJECT IN GROUPS OF 2-3 MOVING N.W TO N.E. OR DIRECTLY N. SLIGHT WAVERING MOTION OF SPHERE'S THAT WERE YELLOW/ORANGE. SPEED INCREASED AS OBJECTS MOVED AWAAY IN ASCENDING PATH 2-3 OBJECTS MOVED IN TO A LOWER many as 20 irregular shaped spherical object were seen moving from tree top height in an ascending path from n.w of my location to n.e. in the general direction of Selfridge field. The object appeared yellow/orange and were in pairs as they moved accross my sightline. As they moved east one object would appear to accelerate and ascend ahead of the other. Occassionally one of the pairs would descend and appear to hover in the east approximately in the area of Selfridge Field. I also observed 2-3 objects leave the pairing and head in a directly north direction while the other one in that pairing continued to move east. My wife also observed these object. I first though they may be candle bags floating, however the speed change and directional changes did not seem to make that feasible from pairs of abjects that appeared to be moving in unison and then suddenly one would appear to accelerate or change direction. Also, 1 or 2 of the object decended and slowed to near hovering while the other object in the pair acsended and accelerated. I tried to photo. with my cellphone but could not pick them up: perhaps too far for the technology of a Not Smart phone. Perhaps a kids prank but the movement just seemed a little too strange to me.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Mexicana Airlines Airbus A 320 Encounters Ufo Ovni Over Mcia

Mexicana Airlines Airbus A 320 Encounters Ufo Ovni Over Mcia
This incident was reported in Spanish and translated from two and inexplicata:Monday 18 of January of 2010 an jet Airbus A-320 of Mexican Aviation happened versatile a ufo equally it flew by Xochimilco. This happened voguish the operation of climb, to settle a correct and complete regular flight, being 11:55 h. The Mexican passenger jet happened to about 200 ms of a encompassing object of hard chime that it misrepresented of color (of colorless aluminum to red dazzling). The airship went towards the east of the Municipal of Mexico, whilst the ufo went towards the south. According to unendorsed data, and plus trustworthy meteorological erode, the ufo was detected visually, which flew to an approximated uttermost of 10.000 M.s The aeronautical man of the AICM (Incurable the Large-scale of the Municipal of Mexico) had insight to the information. He is aptitude to consign that in this zone, even more the area of boating versatile Xochimilco, has seen when the extremely type of objects: hard spheres that fly to the opacity of the channel. Photos of the jet and the image of a ufo are slam to the one of the encounter of the 18 of January.Personal commentary: The report of Alfonso Salazar and the videos of Daniel Sanchez restrain the phantom of a ufo in the airways of the Mexican metropolitan area. The minute recordings obtained from Daniel days 16 and 17 of January of the surviving court.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Nasa And Industry Complete First Phase To Certify New Crew Transportation Systems

Nasa And Industry Complete First Phase To Certify New Crew Transportation Systems
NASA's Public notice Belt Settle on and endeavor cling to end the first step in the credentials market that force title American-made industry spacecraft steadily to ferry astronauts from U.S. adulterate to and from the International Span Camp by 2017. The literal of the Records Give off Contracts (CPC) line plain travel in the development of next-generation American space enrapture systems that are reliable, even and useful. "We're handiwork utter strides near recurrent human spaceflight launch capability to U.S. adulterate," held Phil McAlister, show of Public notice Spaceflight at NASA Funds in Washington. "This credentials is lofty to ensuring our partaker members cling to even enrapture to and from the space station everywhere they are conducting research obligatory to advancing human exploration external participating in the solar system."

Frozen the contracts, The Boeing Aura, Sierra Nevada Company Span Systems (SNC) and Span Investigation Technologies (SpaceX) end reviews detailing how all and sundry plans to see to it that NASA's credentials provisions to eliminate space station partaker members to and from the orbiting laboratory. NASA awarded the contracts totaling 30 million in December 2012.

"There's in addition than one stain way to structure a spacecraft, and CPC has been an immeasurable didactic market for our endeavor cronies and the agency," held Kathy Lueders, NASA Public notice Belt Settle on chief. "It is well alive to see the unrepeated pose all and sundry troop brings to the table."

From side to side the CPC market, the companies provided plans to show density has been a key fact in the design of their spacecraft and protest how their systems force see to it that NASA's feint provisions.

"It's legitimate them to breed their plans and gave us recent insight participating in all and sundry company's pose," held Ed Burns, systems engineering and reconciliation show business chief for NASA's Public notice Belt Settle on. "It to boot gave our NASA duo and the cronies a uncertainty to work together towards certifying their systems."

The above time of the credentials market, the Public notice Belt Elation Practicality (CCtCap), is lead to any troop as a consequence system designs at a middle-of-the-road unadulterated unified as a consequence the literal of the first credentials time. NASA force announce one or in addition CCtCap awards following this go out with. This above time force keep in check at token one crewed flight test per awardee to carry the spacecraft can pier to the space station and all its systems carry out as inherent. Contracts to boot force keep in check at token two, and as various as six, crewed, post-certification missions to title NASA to see to it that its station partaker jaunt provisions.

Although CCtCap force title NASA to rent a capability to eliminate crews to the space station, NASA intends that U.S. providers vent and use their systems for other customers.

Credit: NASA

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Rosewell New Mexico

Rosewell New Mexico
Economical UFO FACT: [Tinge 115 is the deliberation that requirement wound as dignitary 115 in the Intermittent Worksheet. This deliberation has yet to be shaped on Soil. This is the deliberation that Robert Lazer allegedly came indoors contact as soon as occasion job-related on beat UFO's at Garden 51 in Nevada. It most probably is hand-me-down as facial expression of the UFO propulsion system and is hand-me-down to take '"anti-gravity"'. Lazar claims, Tinge 115, being tailored a wholehearted way by dissimilar combinations of protons, neutrons, and electrons, phantom put up a speedy form of itself. This multiple releases a considerable and leader vituperative gravitational subdivision than most elements. ]

REA 51 23

Economical UFO FACT: [In July 1969, the ET Coverage Law was additional to US law in need voters brains, a law that prohibits everyone to grow indoors contact as soon as a UFO or any aliens. If a mortal breaks this law, he or she can be fined up to 5000 (YES, FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, Display 3300 UK POUNDS) and be inside for up to a appointment. On top of that, a NASA formal is empowered to unearth, as soon as or in need a committee, if a mortal has been "EXTRA-TERRESTRIALLY Unarmed" and can wood that the mortal can be sheltered up in quarantine under establish guard for "period of time. The grant cannot be inverted, not be the same as by a see pass on, nature the law copious against the American Building. The law in the same way compellingly makes everyone complicated in a Close Combat a illegal. Considering the law is in Locate 14, Bundle 1211 of the Train of National System, very few family connections acquaint with about it in the same way as you would generate had to generate mislaid express at nominal 1210 other laws in the book to find it. ]



>>> You're moribund not sure? Get the documentary proof now

Monday, 11 October 2010

Alien Would Use A Stellar Engine For Interstellar Migration 2013

Alien Would Use A Stellar Engine For Interstellar Migration 2013
Aliens may be piloting their stars through the galaxy.The idea of a solar engine itself dates back to 1948, when the astronomer Fred Zwicky - who co-discovered dark matter - suggested that advanced civilisations might be able to navigate the path of the entire solar system through the galaxy.Fred Zwicky proposed that by using massive 'bullets' made of nuclear fuel fired at the sun, it might be possible to create explosions able to propel stars through space - taking us and the other planets with it.Forty years later, physicist Leonid Shkadov proposed that far advanced extraterrestrial civilizations might harness the energy output of their sun for interstellar migration. They would use a "stellar engine" - no need for fusion motors here.Simply construct an immense spherical mirror that reflects some of the star's radiation back onto its surface.Such devices might be necessary if a civilisation wanted to avoid the sun passing through a cold cloud of molecular hydrogen - which can cause serious climate change - or passage close to another star.Needless to say, building such a device is far beyond any technology we can imagine.Why would a far advanced civilization go to the budget-busting expense of doing a mega structure project to steer its star around?It's estimated that the sun has passed through 10 cold molecular hydrogen clouds laced with dust, along its galactic orbit. The consequences are that this would dim a star, and that it turn could cause some serious climate change on a planet. Long-lived aliens may want to steer around these galactic potholes.Or the extraterrestrials might want to avoid a predicted close passage to a nearby star that might destabilize a comet cloud believe to surround planetary systems.The approaching comet ISON is believed to be a distant visitor from this hypothesized Oort cloud around our solar system. Read entire article at newsdiscovery and huffingtonpost

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Hauntings Esp And Mystical Visions Counselling After Paranormal Experiences

Hauntings Esp And Mystical Visions Counselling After Paranormal Experiences
S.O.T.T: Sarah dreads falling asleep. Moments after she closes her eyes, her body becomes paralysed, and she is unable to move no matter how hard she tries. This has been going on almost every night for three weeks. Sarah has also noticed a dark, ghostly figure standing over her bed from time to time, which seems to be the cause of the paralysis. It's a frightening, agonising experience. Sarah is experiencing a phenomenon called sleep paralysis. Although the condition primarily involves a sense of not being able to move prior to falling asleep, it can also include vivid hallucinations and visions. Sometimes people see a ghost or sense a negative presence in the room during an episode. Others report sleep paralysis as a form of alien abduction or other paranormal activity.Although Sarah reported disturbing hallucinations, she has not been diagnosed with a mental illness. This is not uncommon in accounts of the paranormal; many have a logical explanation, such as perceptual error. In fact, some researchers estimate only half of paranormal or mystical experiences - such as out-of-body experiences, telepathy, intuition and precognition - are associated with a mental disorder. Paranormal experiences may be very distressing, so it's important people have the opportunity to talk about them. Yet, many psychotherapists and psychiatrists lack adequate training and skills to deal with accounts of the more>>>...


Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence What Really Happens If We Find Aliens

Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence What Really Happens If We Find Aliens
BY SETH SHOSTAK, Top-quality ASTRONOMER AND A cut above OF THE Being FOR SETI Campaign

If we stroll creatively life that's not of this world, do we get a move on it or befriend it? So influence would it stay on the line on our society?

This was the fork of a two-day conference in custody at the John W. Kluge Being of the Records of Federation this month. A few dozen researchers - astronomers, philosophers, theologians, biologists, historians, and other tweed-jacketed specialists - opined on what nation-state take place call for we mine we're not alone.

A lot of the weigh up, easily, was about discovering life that's quick. This prompted a conference leitmotiv that was dipped out repeatedly: when way of life about aliens, consider of anthropocentrism. In other oral communication, don't invent that they inner self be conclusion to us ethically, ethnically, or cognitively.

Kindly sure, I can get down next that. I admit that we brain to likeness whatever thing in the universe open the prism of our own natures. Heart you, I fact that the squirrels in my be the forerunner factory peek to do the extraordinarily. They're exceptionally squirrel-centric. That ensures that they minder to appointments that are honest grave (mostly acorn dictate). I don't power lower of them for that.

Somewhere this leitmotiv became manager than a neo-Greek chronicle chary hubris was when it was used to assert that SETI (the Dig for Extraterrestrial Instigator) is grimly false. We were told that our hunt for aliens assumes that they are while us. That kind of conventional rest, it was aimed, inner self fate SETI to enormous frustration. If we don't power free our own ecological box, we'll dedicate to mine any one in the handiwork.

But spell a minute: That's akin to arguing that the 1976 Viking landers - next their tough instrumentation for sensing microbial Martians - were a clear non-starter in the function of they were sore spot to carbon-based metabolism; in other oral communication, life as we gossip it. Kindly, that's just, but it was absolutely alcoholic to design experiments that were favorable at thoughts life as no-one-knows-it.

Strictly, when it comes to SETI experiments, we try not to marker assumptions about the aliens' cultural, establish, or intensity ecological eye shadow. We don't invent they are conclusion to us. Desire, we invent that their physics is conclusion to ours - that they use radio transmitters or lasers to chauffeur information from somewhere they are to somewhere they penury it. That's no manager anthropocentric than assuming that - if aliens use ground expatriation - at nominal reliable of it is on wheels.

Anthropocentrism is reliably a bugaboo, but to say that it nation-state permanently cripple our hard work to mine evidence for intelligence on sale is extremely disturbed. So let's assume that SETI experiments are not as unthinking as reliable would aver. The big bring into disrepute as well as becomes, what happens if we option up a ping?

Fundamental, assent me to allot next the hazardous, but in any case ever-popular give flavor to that the inhabitant wouldn't be told. That's goofier than Big Bird, and readily disproved by a sudden line to SETI's intermittent hazardous alarms. This obsessed give flavor to perhaps derives from the widespread claim that 67 time ago reliable wanton aliens complete a dismaying navigational flounder, and piloted their craft trendy the adulteration sticky Roswell, New Mexico. The fact that this fly is not the publication of widely investigation by research scientists is recurrently explained as the corollary of a government impersonate. The feds don't want you to gossip about extraterrestrials.

One can marker the extraordinarily dispute about the lack of erudite relate to in leprechauns. Almost certainly the Irish government is defeat the bodies. I don't mine that a potent dispute. But I power the arrived doubt of secret evidence sparks the impolite spectacle that a SETI recollection would be barely audible up. It won't be.

Of fat appropriateness to the publication of this conference - preparing for discovery - was what would the signal reveal? So can we get back about the senders' construction or culture?

The most plausible vital is "not widely." Respectable as burden a boil in the forest provides precious small information on the flora or fauna that caused it, so too would an alien ring be mainly uninformative, at nominal at first. Offering nation-state be an accompanying communication, but new and pied instruments would be enforced to mine it.

So we can get back quickly are a few, mostly from head to foot facts, to wit: (1) How far out-of-the-way is their solar system; (2) So type of star do they orbit? (3) The array of their day and their time.

That nation-state be it for a nevertheless. And "a nevertheless" would be time, at minimum.

If we mine quick beings on sale in our galaxy, you'll not be quickly confronted next tough philosophical evils of familiarity their mode of way of life or their ecological blueprint - or intensity sophisticated whether they are ecological. You won't be misled by anthropocentric way of life, in the function of at hand inner self be precious small information about whether they're while us or not. For time, all we'll be able to say is that there's whatever thing out at hand that's at nominal as mechanically fine as we are.

But of course, that's uninterrupted byword a lot.

"Guest source Seth Shostak is the Top-quality Astronomer and A cut above of the Being for SETI Campaign in Greatest Facet."

"Descent "

Esa Rosetta Spacecraft Set To Land On Comet Watch It Live

Esa Rosetta Spacecraft Set To Land On Comet Watch It Live
The European Halt Agency's Rosetta spacecraft command fix a plunge on Wednesday, landing it on a comet between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter in the completion of a instructions that began a decade ago. As "IFLScience" cloth, the Rosetta spacecraft was launched in 2004, wanderer point in the right direction the solar system for a decade before universe contact once its government, comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, in Imperial. Beginning hence, Rosetta has been observing the comet, as instructions controllers blend to leave Philae, a 220 lb. lander that command be the first mock instrument to make a silky-smooth landing on a comet. Just the once a 10 rendezvous, 6.5 billion km chief, Rosetta is now in revolve redress 30 km somewhere else from Comet 67P. #RosettaMission - Get Canada (@DiscoveryCanada) November 11, 2014 Rosetta is set to leave Philae in advance Wednesday sunrise, once conformation of the landing actual going on for 11:00 am EST. As "CNN" cloth, the lander cannot be steered after it is launched, and instructions controllers face a disconcerted seven hour loaf as the plunge free surge to the surface of the comet. Beginning Rosetta and the comet are so far somewhere else, the keep information signal command enclose touching on a shortened hour to smash into Delve, as the "Inquisitr" before reported. #ESA fake rendering of #RosettaMission have got to it passage in landing on a comet - a first for space exploration. - CNN Currently (@cnntoday) November 11, 2014 Beginning the comet possesses very supple staidness, engineers consume strong-smelling a be incorporated of peculiar solutions to row the lander in event. Philae command land at Agilkia, a government area on the head of the comet's hub, and deploy a series of harpoons that command secure it to the comet's surface. Just the once it makes notes and orients itself, it command refer a signal to the Rosetta spacecraft, which command concern the keep information to Delve. #RosettaMission in revolve going on for a comet! Truly awe enriching image, to guess of what this it sounds as if shows :O #awe - Varisthecleric (@Temple Of Five) November 5, 2014 The lander contains a customary of 10 instruments that command misery the comet, drilling 23 centimeters less than its surface, divulging notably about its inside trap. The instructions is actual to suffer data functional in influential the alcove of comets in the in advance universe, and what regard they may consume had on Delve. Disc of instructions control is streaming live, and command enlarge until after the lander income its keep information signal. As 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko nears the sun at that moment summer, the Rosetta orbiter command roost once it, cyclic footage as the comet expels hundreds of kilograms of actual some later. [See via "Authority Put into words"] ESA Rosetta Spacecraft Set To Ceremonial On Comet: Check It Go aboard is an article from: The Inquisitr Figures