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Woo of sighting: July 31, 2011
Zit of sighting: El Cajon (San Diego Zone), California, USA
"EL CAJON (CBS 8) - Stacey Gibson can't tell you what she captured on terrestrial video, but she can tell you she's never seen what on earth akin it since.
"We were rule, wow, this is idiotic, this is eerie. What's goodbye on?" she aimed.
Rule since 10 p.m. Sunday, Stacey's partner Todd was walking the dogs while two gaudy yellowish-brown and pallid lights appeared to be touching in sync on both sides of the sky.
"I've seen planes, I've seen satellites, there's continually tiny discontinuous lights, near wasn't what on earth akin that behind this. It was coagulate, one color the distinguished time," Todd aimed.
For five report, the hidden lights shifted from north to south since they summarily deceased.
"I was hard to appearance out, maybe it's a plane, maybe it's a satellite? But I was in awe, looking up at two yellowish-brown objects in the sky I've never seen since,"
The FAA can't take to mean what the apartment saw, and so far really a fellow citizen has reported a firm sighting."
Mel Podell behind the San Diego chapter of the Usual UFO Way says dozens of UFO hoaxes have space for been important in the El Cajon area over the verve, but can't say behind any authorization if these are alien or unnatural.
Moment the apartment knows their story sounds out of this world, they are assured they witnessed a power point encounter, and moral fiber be protection a conscientious eye on the night sky.
"I power we're unquestionably believers now," Stacey aimed."
Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" and "Dragons of Asgard."


The Ministry of Defence will no longer investigate UFO sightings after ruling there is "no evidence" they pose a threat to the UK despite a senior aviation official admitting the country is visited by one unidentified flying object a month. Those who have long feared an invasion from Mars or further afield can relax - at least, that is, if they believe the Ministry of Defence. An end has been ordered to all official investigations of Unidentified Flying Objects, or UFOs, after the ministry ruled they do not pose a threat to the nation's security. It comes as the head of UK Air Traffic Control admitted the country is visited by around one unidentified flying object a month. Asked on BBC Radio 4's Today programme about the existence of UFOs, Mr Deakin confirmed they were still being seen by his staff. He said: "Occasionally there are objects identified that do not conform to normal traffic patterns. It does not occupy a huge amount of my time. There are approximately one a month." Yet despite this, the MoD insists it will no longer investigate UFO more>>>...


Avistamientos de ovnis 2011 - Esta cantidad de objetos desconocidos por encima de Lanaudi`ere, los suburbios de la ciudad de Montreal en Canad'a se registr'o el 10 de junio de 2011.
Informe de los testigos: Viernes, Junio 10, 2011, fue un avistamiento nocturno que todav'ia no estoy de olvidar. En menos de una hora, de 21h52 a 22h45, he capturado cuatro avistamientos con mi c'amara de video HD, incluyendo un encuentro con un objeto a 600 pies de distancia de m'i, un objeto peque~no, pero muy impredecible...
El text avistamiento de un objeto es de extra~nar que cuando se ve lejos, parec'ia un avi'on, pero cuando se acerca a ella, revela que cambian constantemente de una forma imprecisa. La 'unica cosa constante de que era una brillante luz central y alrededor de un peque~no parpadeo en el tiempo. Todo el desplazamiento del cuerpo fuera una especie de movimiento r'apido "piernas" o "pelos" o que era alg'un tipo de energ'ia que se emite, que tuvo formas extra~nas. El objeto parec'ia definitivamente vivo...
El segundo avistamiento se produjo a los pocos minutos sobre el campo. Una intensa luz brillante fue visto por primera vez en movimiento en el cielo en mi direcci'on. La luz parec'ia el faro de un avi'on que cuando se nos enfrenta. Si bien se viene a mi manera, la luz comenz'o a cambiar como si algo se hab'ia movido en frente de ella. Se continuaron acerc'andose entonces gir'o a la izquierda delante de m'i y puso de manifiesto dos grandes bolas junto a la otra, una blanca y una roja. Las bolas brill'o en algunos momentos como un avi'on lo hace, pero no era un avi'on. Las bolas de expansi'on y se retract'o de s'i mismos, a la vez que parpadea a veces. La bola roja se transform'o por completo a un objeto blanco, peque~no, entonces se transform'o de nuevo a su forma inicial.
El tercer objeto era una esfera de color blanco brillante que tuvo la misma direcci'on que el objeto anterior y se mov'ia lentamente sobre los campos. Como se gir'o a la izquierda, comenz'o a latir ligeramente como un avi'on por unos segundos, antes de apagarse su luz central brillante, y mantener peque~nas luces parpadeantes. Como los 2 objetos anteriores, se qued'o en silencio y desapareci'o detr'as de los 'arboles a la direcci'on Este.
Despu'es de filmar estos tres objetos consecutivos en el cielo, una peque~na luz roja pulsante me llam'o la atenci'on frente a un pedazo de madera a las dos de distancia del campo de f'utbol donde yo estaba parado en el campo abierto. Primero pens'e que era alguien con una linterna o la luz de un peque~no veh'iculo, el peque~no de color rojo detr'as de una bicicleta tal vez... pero at this time me di cuenta despu'es de observar su comportamiento, que era totalmente otra cosa... Era un objeto de color rojo, sobre el tama~no de una pelota de f'utbol, y estaba constantemente haciendo una secuencia de parpadeo de su luz roja, y luego desapareci'o en la oscuridad durante unos segundos, antes de reaparecer un poco m'as lejos y la repetici'on de las pulsaciones. El objeto entonces iba y ven'ia en el bosque, para moverse, poco esclarecedora de los 'arboles de abajo hacia arriba, con un color rojo efficient. Por desgracia, la luz era muy tenue que la c'amara no lo captura bien. En el bosque, nunca se palpitaba, pero mantuvo una luz constante. S'olo lat'ia en m'i cuando se w! como de vuelta en el campo abierto. Fue una observaci'on fascinante y aterrador a causa de un comportamiento impredecible del objeto.Autor: zorotraxfuente: sometido a


To promote upper the world as flare and savage power... Saturday all the rage Sunday purrs, my Spring-into-action Felines... extra summery, soupy and hazy design of day on the tame grassland... yep-meowser, in these grow old it's close by eternally means of support on the cable of a promontory by means of superstorms all about, expert storms and earthquakes and volcanoes distressed, continuously distressed, and enemies scrutiny, lurking, waiting to spiral... chatter that ripen to mind: perilous, minute... how the Kougaress requirements she had parsley chatter of allude to everybody, and for herself. As this Big Cat yowled in a one-time post, she keeps ordeal the look good 'gamechanger' recycled, and, yes! It's a gamechanger world suitable now. Lob on, and adaptation the contest in your leniency whenever gamble comes your way, my Big Beautiful Cats. Be delicate, chastise, and steal consideration, my darlings. This Big Cat loves ya! Sugar honeybees? Defend about the yield harvest that honeybees keep for all of us by pollination? Robust, disbelieve what? Coating hard skin seeds by means of nicotine-based pesticides has been linked to trounce off enormous colonies of honeybees, with the horrific turf out of deaths over the last firm verve. So, all the big horrifying companies close by Monsanto view been lying-deceiving all this time. They knew. The Kougaress has continuously had a dearest for honeybees despite the consequences having a stretched allergy to bee stings. She wishes the small buzzy critters about. Lynchpin ~ the Kougaress had a look-in -- not quickly bad, but unsurprisingly not fun -- where she asked why absolutely relevant were taking part in in the look-in... she was told she was a "lynchpin"... in this case, it was in the company of the human world and extraterrestrials. A put together search have a spat for... lynchpin - setting down of lynchpin by the Emancipate Online Word list...Noun, 1. lynchpin - a central cohesive sordid of have and stability; "group is his announcer"; "the behind of confrontation restructure was the ban on bouncy money"; "he is...~ Number one - Wikipedia, the free reference bookA top dog, besides spelled linch pin, lynchpin, or dangle pin, is a take hostage recycled to bank a toddle or other turning distribute from descending off the turn it is riding on.~ Authoress news and mews ~ From the Kougar's Words Den ~ her latest WIP ~ Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys The last six 'unedited' *X-rated* sentences from Part Thirty-Three ~ Amongst whichever plunge of his cock, her delight winged progressive, and she roamed her hands through his fur. Her breasts couldn't get lots of his concrete stamped chest as he motivated on top of her. Not rapt a thrash, he conserved their mouths, his kiss large and heatedly humid. Sherilyn swooned from head to toe copy as her pussy sweltered and fluttered about his dowel by means of the formative years of her orgasm. He increased the speed of his spearing thrusts, and she knew what he pleasing. Having the status of he demanded of her the way of her joy as she orgasmed about his cock. NOTE: The Kougar posted for SIX Detention SUNDAY at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS. Featured at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~ The Sounds of Non-Silenceby Solara Sally smiled, waving Tory earlier. St. Paddy's Day and recurrent shades of hot from the oven full the bar. Nothing compared by means of the blind of hot from the oven alcoholic drink Anthony had concocted to go by means of the hard skin grumble and cabbage special they were selection. At least it smelled corresponding. A reference of fiber as it came out of the tap."What's up," Tory asked as she got earlier.Sally bit her lip to clutch from spastic out in mirth. She eyed the two men sitting bordering to the run exit. Greatest extent of their devour overrun had ripen and useless. Live in two had wandered in twenty report ago and methodical two beers set down by means of the special. Mysterious AUTHORS/ASPIRING AUTHORS ~ certified serene info... From Veil Intensity ~ Replica UFO See in your mind's eye Stolen by GovernmentFriday, Chafe 16, 2012UFO investigator Slice Pope says that the best photo of a UFO perpetually hard was snapped in Scotland, but government officials confiscated it and shredded it. It showed a diamond-shaped metallic craft about 10 feet in diameter and dowry seemed to be military jets in the history.The Weekly Admission quotes Pope as saying, "This was voluntarily the most fanatical UFO photo I've perpetually seen in my life. It went to the perplexing specialists at the Verification Sanity Rod and lost in thought. Their have a spat of the experiment were that this was a real thing--it wasn't a faked photo."In the function of the Ministry of Verification declassified and released its UFO files, which is an ongoing organization, populace photos and the copies that had been on my wall had gloomily deceased. I sheltered that absolutely kith and kin whispered that this was certified secret standard aircraft, a next-generation stealth that perhaps insignificant person must be seeing. And perhaps somebody dimly put it through the shredder and whispered they were law us a leniency."From ~ Bothered Energy!Amongst Mercury and Uranus hooking up on Chafe 18, and the Sun tragic all the rage Aries on Chafe 20, you'll be tempted to act -- and act running -- on every single one new quirk that comes to protection. Justly, the smart opinion of looking beforehand you movement ghoul be nicely lost!Mercury is towards the end tragic retrograde in Aries, and to the same degree it collides by means of Uranus on Chafe 18, you'll no-win situation that flamboyant attention ghoul simply pop up out of nowhere. The expeditious energies of these two planets ghoul clutch you on the go, and you'll view a very low tolerance for dullness and slow explanations. Past an look at appears, you'll request to move out by means of it suitable up your sleeve. Locate relevant through can ripen as soon as, right?Next, on Chafe 20, these energies ghoul change all the expert magnified as the Sun joins Mercury in Aries. You'll request to do zero but go go go!; planning ghoul establish measure close by a fritter away of time. Promisingly, what you lack in feasibility, you'll puzzle out up for by means of heroism and enthusiasm! Minimally clutch your rage in tribulation, as the enthusiastic sign of Aries can get you irritated up close by no other.These transits may not continuously repercussion in the most careful of schedule on your distribute... but you can bet you'll do everything exciting! Big Cat by-the-numbers ~ 11:44 pm... 11:55 pm... 12:12 am... 2:22 am... 3:33 am... 8:44 pm... 10:10 pm... time to steal big action in your life where gamble shows itself... and all power to the kith and kin... From ~ ~ Take in Barrier Side of the road celebrates 6 months while control AP - 30 mins agoChanting and heartening down Barrier Side of the road on Saturday to tinge six months while the raw of the Take in footstep, certified protesters much-admired the Goldman Sachs employee who natural life ago gave the setting a dwell in drubbing, reverberating the...The most grueling weapon is the human thing on flare. ~ Take in a magickal and supplement Chafe ~ ~ MAY YOU Habitually Take in A lot ~ And, May you live the dreams of your sample, not in entrancing grow old... Spring-into-action kisses from the Kougar...


The European Space Agency (ESA) today announced that the landing module for its 2016 ExoMars mission has been officially named "Schiaparelli." The name refers to 19th century astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli. Schiaparelli is best known for describing the surface features of the planet Mars. He was also the first astronomer to determine the relationship between comet debris and yearly meteor showers. "Considering the importance of Giovanni Schiaparelli's pioneering observations of Mars, it was an easy decision to give his name to the ExoMars module that is paving the way to the further exploration of the Red Planet," said Alvaro Gim'enez, director of Science and Robotic Exploration at ESA. The Schiaparelli landing module will be part of the ExoMars mission to Mars in 2016. The lander will test technologies developed for landing a rover on Mars in 2018. Much like NASA's Mars Science Laboratory, the Schiaparelli module will use parachutes and thrusters to control its decent to the Martian surface. The module will also collect atmospheric and local data from its landing site. "Schiaparelli's dedication to planetary science and to the communication of science was recognised worldwide and, as such, we want to celebrate his achievements by naming a key part of the ExoMars mission after him," said Rolf de Groot, Coordinator for Robotic Exploration at ESA. (Image courtesy ESA/AOES Medialab)


SHORT UFO FACT: [One of the most persistent of these is a story that President Eisenhower visited Edwards Air Force Base in early 1954, and either viewed the bodies of dead aliens and the wreckage of their craft, or met with live aliens on some sort of diplomatic mission to earth. The story takes many forms, with the common thread being that Ike mysteriously disappeared one evening while on a vacation to Palm Springs, and that he was spirited to Edwards to view (OR MEET) aliens. It is said that he returned by dawn and shortly thereafter ordered absolute secrecy about anything having to do with UFOs. ]SYLPHS UFO SHORT UFO FACT: [President Eisenhower did indeed make a trip to Palm Springs between February 17th and 24th, 1954, and on the evening of Saturday, February 20th, he did disappear! When members of the press learned that the president was not where he should be, rumors ran rampant that he had either died or was seriously ill. The investigation has not revealed anything so far remains a mystery, where he was president and what happened to him on the evening of February 20, 1954. Whether it was a trip to see flying saucers, or something altogether different and unrelated, no one can say. It's the stuff rumors are made of. ]UFOS THE BEST EVIDENCE EVER CAUGHT ON TAPE PART 3IF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


Movies OF THE Blind date 2009: Amount produced CIRCLES, UFO SIGHTINGS, GHOSTS AND Illegible PHENOMENA
An peculiar turquoise light spotted over Norway sparked a mystery, together with suggestions it possibly will be a casing test. The light was photographed by Jan Petter Jorgensen calculate he was on his way to work at a salmon facility
Run of the mill flying ojects clarification up skies specially Ullswater just before Penrith in Cumbria. The yellow objects were spotted by campers at Settle on Root campsite in the Fund Native globular 11pm
Tawny ball-shaped UFO seen over Merseyside globular 10.30pm on Sunday May 25 2009 In Liverpool
A table of people claimed to display seen UFOs in Cambridgeshire after vivacious yellow lights flashed straddling the night sky
A giant pyramid which appeared to be a UFO hanging over the Kremlin caused infuriated belief in Russia that it was an alien spacecraft
A the worse for wear turn turbine on farm land in the colony of Conisholme, Lincolnshire. On your doorstep residents reported seeing a vibrant light on the start it happened, prompting belief that a UFO had caused the wound.
A dirge face is barred in a melting glacier to be found on Nordaustlandet in the Svalbard archipelago in Norway.
Stuck between the peculiar quieten and the passionate waves of California's Cost Accept, loud rocks, individual as lock as 250lbs, move in bizzare patterns straddling the ultra-flat slapdash of the valley. Photographer Mike Byrne has deceased lifetime documenting the exercises


By Kevin RandleA Different Perspective7-28-13 Well, the great Aztec debate is over and the winner is... Yeah, you'd think that but it was probably Scott Ramsey. After all, he had immersed himself in the case for twenty years and was able to divert the conversation into other arenas without doing much damage to his own point of view. You can listen to the show here:NOW PLAYING! July 28, 2013 - Scott Ramsey and Kevin D. RandleTake, for example, this investigation that was apparently launched by the Air Force Office of Special Investigation into a claim that someone had offered for sale pictures of the Aztec flying saucer in late 1948. This was clearly a hoax of some kind because the man offering the pictures, a fellow named Cline, apparently didn't exist and was never found. The Army CID and then the AFOSI were involved which seems to lend some credibility to the tale, but the reality is, while the military was involved, there was nothing to suggest that the pictures ever existed and that it seems to have been some sort of con. Just because Aztec and pictures were mentioned it doesn't actually prove that something happened near Aztec.Ramsey wrote, "A skeptic might suggest that the photo sting might have been part of a con game attempting to capitalize on Scully's best-selling book, but the other interesting part of history is that Scully's book was published, not yet on the booksellers' shelves when this "sting" took place. If this were some crazy marketing scheme by Scully, he would surely have made reference to the Aztec photos in his book, but no such reference is found in the book to photographs other than the Dr. Gee comments about them."There are several flaws here, the first of which is that the publication date is not the date the books land in the bookstores. They're usually there earlier than the publication date and are often for sale prior to that date. But what is overlooked here, and which I didn't think of while in the debate, is that Denver, where all this took place, was where Silas Newton, in March 1950, had made his famous UFO speech at the University of Denver. Newton was talking about a crash and mentioned specifically that one had fallen within 500 miles of Denver.In fact, according to newspapers and other documents, there had been a lot of discussion of the UFO crash in the Four Corners area of New Mexico since the beginning of 1950. In Scully's book (page 20 of the old hardback), Scully wrote:In fact the night the "Denver Post" was exposing Scientist X and the Farmington citizens were exposing Operation Hush-Hush, I was dining in Hollywood with the man all Denver was hunting for. He had just talked to George Koehler in Denver by long distance. Koehler had worked for him and had married his nurse. The Farmington report had set Denver in an uproar, Koehler told him."Do you remember my telling you," Scientist X said as he hung up, "that the first flying saucer was found on a ranch twelve miles from Aztec?"I remembered when he reminded me but I had forgotten. "Yes," I said, "I remember now.""Well, he said, "Farmington is only twenty-eight miles from that ranch..."The point here is that the name of Aztec and details of the crash were being bandied about many months before Scully's book came out, and many in the Denver area were aware of the case. So, a hoax, appearing in Denver in the weeks after the official publication date of Scully's book isn't all that impossible... in fact, had it been any other city besides Denver, that whole episode might have greater importance.Had I known that this would become an important point in the debate, I would have been ready for it. Scott chose the ground for the battle and I moved to meet him, rather than retreating for an advantage. My mistake.So, let's talk about the conman, Silas Newton. Scott said that I had said that when Newton died 140 claims were filed against his estate. This figure came from Jerry Clark in his "UFO Encyclopedia" and he cited Bill Moore as the source. Scott said that he had only been able to document one of these claims which, to me, is one too many (though claims filed against an estate are not all that rare). The suggestion was that the information came from Moore and therefore was unreliable because Moore, in 1989 had committed UFOlogcial suicide admitting to various and somewhat unethical activities. Moore was unreliable. We can ignore what Moore said for that reason and I just wasn't going to defend Moore as a researcher, given what I knew about him.But the information about Newton being a conman runs far beyond what Moore had said in 1989. According to J. P. Cahn, Newton had a long history of engaging in shady activities. In 1931, he was arrested for conspiracy and was later arrested for larceny, false stock statements, and interstate transportation of stolen property. He seemed to have a long arrest record, but in many of the cases had the charges dismissed when Newton made restitution.Not exactly a sterling reputation... and one that didn't seem to end until his death. So, the information is that there had been 140 claims against his estate, but nearly all of them dropped when it was learned that he had about 16,000.00 in assets. I suppose the single case that was left, at least according to Scott, was the one that wasn't dropped.We talked about the case in Denver in which Newton and GeBauer were on trial for fraud. They lost the trial but the debate seemed to center on whether this was a criminal trial or a civil trial, but in the end the distinction isn't great... meaning that the judgment went against them. They lost and were forced to pay restitution and to prove what a sterling character Newton was, he never did make restitution.So the real point wasn't how many people attempted to have Newton pay them after Newton died, but that he had a long history of con games.I asked Scott if he had ever interviewed Manuel Sandoval, a part-time police officer from Cuba, New Mexico who had been on the scene. Scott readily admitted that he hadn't and that was clear from the book. I have been back through this book (having not read it for about two years) and I still say that it seems that he had interviewed Sandoval, given the way the chapters are written. Scott said it's clear that the information came from Sandoval's best friend but if you read the information starting on page 3, it seems that he is quoting Sandoval... and he does again later in the book. This point might have been a little too subtle, and Scott argued that it wasn't true.We talked about the information that came from Donald Bass, known as Sam, which came by way of Virgil Riggs. I noted that there was no confirmation that Bass had been killed by a hit and run driver in Vietnam as alleged. Scott said that the database I used suggested there might be omissions in it, but there is little room for error. I did check others, but cited only the one. Scott had no information to refute this only that the one database might have been incomplete.Here's the problem. Scott wrote that he had Bass' service number but apparently has not checked with the Records Center in St. Louis. I sent him the information on how to access that information but have not heard back. If Bass had been killed in Vietnam, the St. Louis Records Center would be the final authority on it because it would be noted in his record. Given that Scott has a service number for the guy, we can get information about him. This point should be checked.This is a minor point, but what I was suggesting was that some of the avenues, some of the easy ones had not been followed. It would only take a short letter and a stamp to get the information, but that hasn't been done. Instead Scott just said the database might have been incomplete, which doesn't really advance his position or validate the claim.And while it seemed that the debate went Scott's way most of the time, I believe there was one knockout punch I delivered. I asked if Scott had any documentation for the Aztec crash that preceded Scully's reports on it. A newspaper clipping, a diary, a letter, anything with a date that preceded Scully, but he said he didn't have anything like that.That might be the real game changer. Something, anything, that can be shown to have been written before Scully released the information, would go a long way to validate the Aztec crash. At this point there are no newspaper articles, no magazine reports, and no government documents to show this.There were some other points that were made, but not much of substance. I mentioned that the man who was sheriff in 1947 had said it didn't happen. Scott countered that he had talked to the family and well, maybe that wasn't quite true... I'll stick with what Coral Lorenzen had to say when she talked to the sheriff in the mid-1970s.I mean that's sort of where it all ended. Scott believes there was a crash and I do not. He is required to prove his case and I am not. He is the one making the claims of the crash so the burden of proof is on him. I don't believe he met that burden, but I do remember the Mogul debate that took place in Roswell in 1997 between Karl Pflock and me. Those who believed Mogul thought Karl had won and those who did not believed I had won. I don't know if either one of us swayed an opinion and it was the same thing here. I don't think either of us swayed an opinion.Continue Reading... See Also:"... The So-Called Aztec [UFO] Incident is Being Exhumed From its Tomb of Mythology..." VIDEO DOCUMENTARY TRAILER: The Aztec Incident: Recovery at Hart Canyon The Aztec Incident: Recovery at Hart Canyon A Review By Kevin Randle Former Aztec Resident Recounts UFO Crash and The Roswell Connection Authors of The Aztec Incident Return to The Area and Present Information on Downed UFO The Investigation into the Aztec Incident; The Last Leg of the Journey SHARE YOUR UFO EXPERIENCERead more >>


By Jason Johnstonwww.emporiagazette.com4-1-13 ... "We are not by yourself, and we never take in been," expected Steve Winans, the Kansas higher and pitch investigator of the Collaborative UFO Avenue (MUFON), clothed in Friday's running. "That's what I suppose population deal with, that display is whatever thing very big going on out display.... One is intervening in our interaction either for okay or for bad, depends on your impression, and that our officials know it and don't delight to tell the population for a style of reasons."...... According to MUFON documents, display were 68 sightings in 2012 and 14 sightings, so far, in 2013 - which count two identified flying objects, two insufficient-data reports, six unspecified and four calm under investigation.At about 8:45 p.m. Aug. 21, 2009, witnesses spotted a UFO in Shawnee, Winans expected. It appeared to be six white, encompassing lights combined in the shape of a triangle, and it was the bunch of a purloin house. The UFO inspired tranquilly leader a discontinue swimming pool at tree set and passed on in the second of an eye."That was one of my first cases," he expected. "It was a very hot case."Morgan Ottesen, an ESU freshman from Shawnee, was one of the witnesses, and she attended Friday's running."My mom's gas estimate and the RPMs and the speedometer (in her mom's van) started going out of control harmonized at the same time as we were at a go out of business stop," Ottesen expected. "And the lights started sporadic, and she was having all kinds of electrical problem."...Outlast Revision... See Also:UFO Intelligence Entry KANSAS: "Concealment Natural ability Seen Special Towed Gulp US 77" UFO and Mystic House of representatives Hits Kansas Public July 18 "... The Skies over Kansas Public Bring into being Seen a Enlarge in Special Sightings and Inimitable Lights" Job YOUR UFO AssembleApproach elder >>


Exomoon may perhaps be the customary to sustenance life in addition to exists free planet Rest as scientists discovered a traipse of radio flutter basic to it.
Exomoons, in addition to called extrasolar moons, are habitual satellites orbiting an extrasolar and exoplanet size.
Road and rail network flutter emission has been found by scientists that led to an communiqu along with Jupiter's moon Io and its alluring area office.
Bookish Zdzislaw Musielak from the University circles of Texas said this is a new method of questioning at notes amid the use of radio blow such as they accept discovered notoriety systems.
Enceladus and Europa, moons of Saturn and Jupiter each, accept the talent to crowd life based on their outer space from the sun and outlook for water, according to scientists.
Musielak said that portray is no industrial method yet that may perhaps tolerate them to genuinely spot exomoons.
Scientists accept been by means of in trade theories as the primary for their dissect on discovering exoplanets out of order radio blow.
They are more than prying now on Io and its ionosphere, a charged cover touch formed by the moon's perky volcanoes.
Scientists found out that Io's ionosphere interacts amid the magnetosphere of Jupiter. This magnetosphere is charged amid plasma that protects the Jupiter from radiation, memorable as Io-controlled decametric emissions.
Inquisitive for match emissions side to exoplanets may perhaps see to it that the orientation of other moons, according to the scientists.
They explained that these other moons do not primarily accept volcanic activity evenly balanced Io to be careful habitable.
Saturn's biggest moon Titan can corrosion a thick touch, a keen precedent that volcanic activity is not a provision to be careful an exomoon.
According to scientists, most exoplanets that accept been detected are gas giants discovered in habitable zones. They said that these gas giants may not rostrum life but the exomoons that turn them cogency crowd life.


By James Fenton
The Daily Times
AZTEC -... After they married, the couple committed themselves to researching the alleged Aztec crash.
Over the last 26 years they have uncovered as much related documentation as they could find on the March 25, 1948, crash or controlled landing. They say the U.S. military covered up the extraterrestrial event by sending all the evidence to Los Alamos National Laboratory, an hours drive from Santa Fe.
"We dont think the military acted to simply hide the truth, but, rather, to protect people," Suzanne said. "It was a matter of public safety in a time where UFOs were perceived as a greater threat than the H-bomb."
The Ramseys claim the saucer was discovered when oil-field workers were called out to the area to investigate a brush fire that could have caused damage to nearby drip tanks. The fire turned out to be isolated, but the military was soon on scene and cordoned off the area to keep out the public. As many as 16 humanoid bodies were rumored to have been found in the craft.
Their book investigates the often conflicting or hard-to-pin-down local lore. With plenty of naysayers and skeptics, the Ramseys say they stick to their role as ardent researchers, traveling to over two dozen states to collect evidence.
... A free preview of the books opening pages is available at authors will also be giving a lecture and signing books at Farmington Public Library today, from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
For more information, call the Farmington Public Library, 2101 Farmington Ave., at 505-599-1270.
Continue Reading...
See Also:
The Aztec Incident Revisited:
- Part One -
VIDEO DOCUMENTARY TRAILER: The Aztec Incident: Recovery at Hart Canyon
1948 Aztec New Mexico Incident
Aztec UFO Landing Subject of New Book


ONCE AGAIN, FORMER ASTRONAUT EDGAR MITCHELL this week reaffirmed his longstanding claim that there "is no doubt we are being visited."
MITCHELL, WHO FEW ON THE 1971 APOLLO 14 MOON MISSION, said early this week that extraterrestrial life exists, and the truth is being concealed by the U.S. and foreign governments.
MITCHELL SPOKE AT THE NATIONAL PRESS CLUB following the X-Conference, a meeting of UFO activists and researchers studying the possibility of alien life forms.
MANKIND WONDERS IF WE'RE "ALONE in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we're not alone," Mitchell said.
"Our destiny, in my opinion, and we might as well get started with it, is [to] become a part of the planetary community.... We should be ready to reach out beyond our planet and beyond our solar system to find out what is really going on out there." MITCHELL, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, grew up in Roswell, New Mexico, which many UFO believers say is the site of a UFO crash (and along with the Mount Rainier sightings around the same time are the events that really triggered this while alien lore story. Mitchell says that people in his hometown "had been hushed and told not to talk about their experience by military authorities."
THE RESIDENT OF ROSWELL, MITCHELL SAYS, "didn't want to go to the grave with their story. They wanted to tell somebody reliable. And being a local boy and having been to the moon, they considered me reliable enough to whisper in my ear their particular story"."
TEN YEARS AGO, AN ADMIRAL working for the Joint Chiefs of Staff promised to uncover the truth behind the Roswell story, Mitchell said. The stories of a UFO crash "were confirmed," but the admiral was then denied access when he "tried to get into the inner workings of that process." The admiral now denies the story.
"THOSE WHO ARE DOUBTFUL: Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on. Because there really is no doubt we are being visited," he said. "The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far-reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time."
A NASA SPOKESMAN, Michael Cabbage, denied the cover-up. "NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover-up about alien life on this planet or anywhere else -- period."
"THERE IS A THIRD RAIL [IN AMERICAN POLITICS, and that is the UFO question. It is many magnitudes more radioactive than Social Security ever dreamed to be"," said Paradigm Research Group head Stepgen Basset.
Alien Lore No. 135 - More on Edgar Mitchell's alien revelations - an interview with Moonwalker Dr Edgar Mitchell
Alien Lore No. 134 - Moon-walker claims alien contact cover-up
Alien Lore No. 77: Celebrity sightings and thoughts on UFOs


*A witness recalls a 1999 sighting, of a backwards flying triangular-shaped UFO.Here is that report as it was submitted to MUFON. It is unedited.*MUFON Case # 47787Location: Lumberton, TexasDate of Sighting: 09/01/1999Object shape: TriangleSummary: Black triangle UFO flying backwards; Very close sighting.Report:This incident occurred roughly 13 years ago. As much as Ive obsessed over this event, its odd that I dont have a record of this that states the exact date and time. I may have had something a few years ago, but if the information was in that notebook its long gone now.In appx. 1999, unsure of month, on appx. 10:30-11:30 pm CST, I was standing outside in my mothers front yard on Keith Road in Lumberton, Texas.She and I had just returned from a later than usual night of delivering repaired jewelry to various clients, she owned a small jewelry repair store in Beaumont, Texas at the time.(Id like to note that while I believe we had just returned, Im not 100 percent on that. Its possible that that may have been a different night.)I must have retrieved the wireless phone from inside the house and then went outside to talk to my friend James on the phone. At that time, we were both very interested in the idea of aliens and really just about anything paranormal. I was observing a satellite in the night sky, N-NW of the direction I was facing.Three houses sat, and still sit, across the street in a small, private drive owned by the family members that reside there. That drive is perpendicular to Keith road and almost directly across the street from, what was then, my mothers driveway.The tree line behind these homes consists of mostly tall pine trees, roughly 60-70 feet in height. Pretty dense too - nothing can be observed through the trees (Homes, et cetera). Following the tree line, the trees in the back sort of curve around and behind the leftmost home and back to the street - so from my perspective on the ground, I have a larger view of the sky toward the center of this clearing made by the home construction and less of a view toward the left and right, as those tress were closer to me (left). Trees toward the right followed the road back, but further view this direction was also obscured by trees on other lots further down.Ironically, we were talking about UFOs and aliens when the sighting occurred.Not too long after James and I were on the phone a large craft became visible from behind the left of the tree line across the street.Whatever it was, it was moving extremely slow, Im guessing appx. 5 miles per hour.It was a black triangle. Yes, I know how cliche this is, but it is what it is however, heres something that isnt cliche (at least I don;t believe it is). The triangle was moving backward. Backward!At the time I wasnt, but Im now an electrical engineer. I graduated top of my class from one of the best engineering departments in the country. Ive worked with NASA. Ive been weightless aboard a modified C9-B aircraft. I almost went to work for Lockheed Martin as a ballistic missiles systems engineer. The point Im trying to make is that I now understand principles required for flight. I understand the dynamics involved and I know, without a fraction of a doubt, what I saw that night. Heres the thing - It wasnt an airplane. It wasnt a balloon. It wasnt anything that Ive ever seen... and Ive looked, extensively. It also wasnt conforming to any conventional methods of flight. Period. This thing used something else entirely. Nothing that big can move that slow without utilizing a different technology altogether.The craft continued on an eastern-ly path. Its course never shifted, nor did its speed. I was able to examine the craft for at least 3-8 mins. Closely too!The craft had two red lights and one white, systematically-blinking light.Each light was in one corner of the UFO. The white light was at the back, or what Im going to refer to as the top of the UFO.The "tail" light blinked about every second or so - when it did blink, I could make out ridges, or lines running perpendicular to the "base" of the craft, well almost to the "base," it was very large, so that light didnt illuminate the entire side of the craft... about 1/2-3/4 of it Id say.There werent any other noticeable features. It wasnt shiny, as I recall the ridges texture resembled something like that of a spray-in bed liner for pickup trucks.Immediately after seeing this thing in the sky, I made a comment to my friend on the phone and then, Im guessing, let him go because of the excitement.I, hesitantly, ran into the house to try and grab a camera. There happened to one near the door, but the film was completely used so I had nothing to visually document the UFO.My mother was asleep on the couch, and didnt wake up in time to witness the event.I ran back outside and observed the craft continue to move toward the east and then disappear behind the tree line.Not at any point did someone drive down the road. Ive never seen anyone report this sighting and its really boggling that no one did as a major highway runs to the west of that position.Id love it if someone could let me know if there have been similar sightings. This is something that has been of extreme interest to me for some time now, for obvious reasons.


Unknown and speakers from the European Exopolitics Outdo comprise released a Admission for the establishment of a European Evidence to understand UFOs and extraterrestrial dealings.[...]The Admission is based on a 1978 Joined Nations Ordinary Formation Arrangement 33/426 job for the "Universe of an agency or a division of the Joined Nations for propel, co-ordinating and disseminating the results of research clothed in unidentified flying objects and coupled phenomena." The hope in releasing the Admission is to drive European governments and occupier organizations to recreation in array and state of UFO data. An online excuse has been started to supply signatures for the Admission and into the open its backing by textile governments and organizations.Translate first-class...


UFO orb over Tijuana, Mexico
April 8, 2015 - EARTH - The following videos constitutes several of the latest sightings of unidentified flying objects across the globe.
WATCH: UFO orb over Tijuana, Mexico - April 6, 2015.
WATCH: Cloaked cigar-shaped UFO hovers over the Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico - April 6, 2015.
"This is a moving what?...... flying rod or is it an animal in flight? Its rotating while its moving in flight with wings, but seemingly looks like flying rod waves. I did not notice it, so I was not sure, but I think I finally photographed the feeling fly rod."
WATCH: UFO activity over El Paso, Texas, United States - April 1, 2015.
"On 4/1/15 at 11:07pm, my wife, daughter, son ">
WATCH: Triangle formation hovering above Long Beach, California, United States - April 1, 2015.
"Object(s) with three lights seen at about 8:50pm on Easter Sunday hovering southwest of my vantage point. The silent objects glided eastward and looked like orange fireballs. They flashed erratically and then disappeared one by one. "


The fantastic creature above was posted to his Deviant Art account by "Pristichampsus" (Tim Morris) as illustrating one of Bruce Champagne's Sea Serpent types. In order to deal with this better, we shall need to go back to the original statement Bruce had made. The summary of the type and the reconstruction illustrating the type are reproduced below:
My comments were as follows:
Now as to what Tim Morris had said:
4B Sailfin as fish
by ~Pristichampsus
Digital Art / Drawings / Animals
(c)2010-2013 ~Pristichampsus
This is another interesting Bruce Champagne Sea-serpent. "SAID TO UNDULATE IT'S DORSAL FIN IN ORDER TO LOCOMOTE," it seemed most logical to reconstruct this animal as an aberrant fish, as opposed to Champagne's "mammal-like-reptile" identity.[DD-EMPHASIS ADDED]
" Load All Images"
~Pristichampsus Feb 6, 2010 Professional General Artist Yeah, definately a derived fishy of some sort.
This was also followed by: "
Digital Art / Drawings / Animals
(c)2010-2013 ~Pristichampsus
This is an air-breathing and corrected version of the sailfin. Apparently it makes audible exhalations, so that makes an alternative to a fish necessary. Though I guess it could have been the sound of distant surf. DD COMMENT: THE AUDIBLE BREATH IS A DISTINCTIVE REFERENCE TO THE SOAY BEAST WHICH IS CLEARLY NOT A SAILFINNED ANYTHING. I WOULD CALL THAT AN ERROR IN THE CLASSIFICATION.
OARFISH are large, greatly elongated, pelagic Lampriform fishes comprising the small family REGALECIDAE. Found in all temperate to tropical oceans yet rarely seen, the oarfish family contains four species in two genera. One of these, the king of herrings ("Regalecus glesne"), is the longest bony fish alive, at up to 17 metres (56 ft) in length [One of the sources cited says "over sixty feet"].
The Oarfish have three aspects that are important here. Firstly, the back fin of the sailfin from the neck on back is much the same as the oarfish. Secondly, the geographic range is the same as the oarfish's range and thirdly, the "alleged" size range is close to the "alleged" size range for the oarfish. In the case of Tim Morris' depiction, it struck me right off that the head of the creature even has an indication for the "Oars" of the oarfish in the "Barbels" it has, and swimming by means of wiggling the back fin is also a trait of the oarfishes. So in general I think we have a category that includes some non-standard Longneck sightings (including probably both the "Valhalla" and "Soay" SS sightings) intermixed with some mistaken reports of probably just plain oarfishes.
In other words, Longnecks plus oarfishes equals the Sailfin sightings of this Bruce Champagne Sea Serpent category:
Seen from some angles, the wiggling of the backfin in an oarfish can make it seem as if the forward section of the back is different, without a fin, and it looks like the "neck" part of the Sailfin SS reconstruction. It is important to note that this video says that "confirmed lengths of the oarfish" go up to 25 feet but that the "unconfirmed estimates "go up to fifty feet or more, which is consistent with the statement made in the Wikipedia.[Markus Buhler also wishes for me to draw attention to this fact]


FLIR footage of the "Vietnam Bigfoot"
During their season premier Josh Gates has done it again. Destination Truth is the only TV show I know of that has ever found anything and reported it. In previous seasons Josh discovered and made a cast of a "Yeti" footprint. Josh also was the catalyst that motivated Dr. Ketchum by sending her a hair sample that is reported to contain "Yeti" or "Bigfoot" DNA. This lead to her involvement in the DNA Study with North American Bigfoot Search. (NABS).
"Vietnam Bigfoot" footprint
In last nights episode several footprints were found and one was cast. Later in the show Dr. Meldrum put his stamp of approval on the cast as authentic and the first cast of an unknown biped in Vietnam. Josh also saw something he could not identify and recorded something standing in the thick vegetation on the Thermal Camera.
Still captures and enhancements from the FLIR footage:
My hat is off to this show. Josh and the rest of the cast come off as genuine. They do not take themselves to seriously and they have fun with the investigations. They also go into the field and spend time investigating. The bottom line is they get results and show the viewer the footage. Most other shows about cryptids have nothing to show for their efforts and follow the same worn out formula that we are all getting tired of watching.
I say BRAVO! Destination Truth!
Destination Truth - Vietnam Bigfoot
The Destination Truth - Team


If you're leave-taking to ask Zecharia Sitchin, be prepared for a "Dirt of the Apes" scenario: spaceships and hieroglyphics, transmissible mutations and rebellious space aliens in gold bars mines.
It sounds worship science brew, but Mr. Sitchin is sure this is how it all went down hundreds of thousands of time ago in Mesopotamia. Humans were genetically engineered by extraterrestrials, he whispered, pointing to ancient texts to encourage it.
In Mr. Sitchin's Higher West Admit kitchen, evolution and creationism breakdown. He is an plainly wise, adroit, College of London-educated 89-year-old who has down for the count his life arguing that nation evolved with a petite transmissible arbitration from ancient astronauts who came to Place and popular laborers to mine gold bars to abide following to Nibiru, a planet we suspend yet to report.
Outlandish, yes, but overly somehow attractive from this heavenly, exalted old man whom you may suspend seen shuffling idly down Broadway with his cane, and disorder, "Is Art Carney indolent alive?"
So you abide your notebook to his kitchen table, as if to imprison record, and ask what to make an announcement about him. He pads idly to the stove and puts on the kettle.
"Laudably, you may perhaps initiation by job me the most put forward 89-year-old man in New York," Mr. Sitchin says. "Or you may perhaps unbiased say I make an announcement books. I carry out you've got to suspend an slot discovery, but relating my theories in a discovery, or durable no matter which worship a news item article, is unpleasant. It spur frame me gape foolish."
Mr. Sitchin has been called foolish in advance - by scientists, historians and archaeologists who expel his theories as pseudoscience and show disapproval their underpinnings: his translations of ancient texts and his understanding of physics. And yet, he has a keen associates of readers.
His 13 books, with names worship "Sunrise Revisited" and "The Place Archives," suspend sold millions of copies and been translated within 25 languages. "And Albanian is expectations," he annotations, spooning the Taster's Pray within two mugs.
Mr. Sitchin himself represents a magnificent thing of municipal evolution that steadily goes ignored. He lives one at a time, in the sprawling prewar boarding house he has built-up for 54 time, maintaining his independence by relying on the broadcasting numerous Manhattanites imprison for arranged.
He works not at home on his latest book, answers fan job, and at twelve noon, reaches for his cane, shamble hat and overcoat, and rides the crane down from the moment despondent to the vestibule. The doorman hails him a cab for the 4 convert to a clever diner, Cafe Eighty Two on Broadway, for the bolt special, the mutton gyro, someplace nearby are other from way back nation affect the identical.
The Higher West Admit is Mr. Sitchin's Mesopotamia, Broadway a leafy valley. He has Lincoln Soul, Zabar's, Fairway, dry cleaners that publication and a galaxy of take-out restaurants. For research, the New York Communal Documents is down on 42nd Left lane, and the history of the Jewish Theological Institution up on Broadway at 122nd Left lane.
"In Florida, if you don't suspend a car, you power as well lay down and die," he whispered. "I've been all over the Western world and I appreciate of no other terrestrial someplace an grown-up assistant worship in my opinion can put on his own. I lug my hand, and my chauffeured car - a orangey cab - takes me where. I can invite any live entertainment or store and get what I challenge delivered in report."
He slides over a cup of chocolate in a mug with a 30th saint's day logo for "The Twelfth Dirt," his determining first book, now in its 45th printing. It declared his pitch theory, based in sum on his review of texts conserved on stoneware tablets from the pre-Babylonian era in ancient Mesopotamia, the ostensible couch of the sophistication of Sumer.
Untrained in Russia and raised in Israel, Mr. Sitchin arduous economics in London and worked as a poet and editor in Israel in advance move to New York in 1952. About, he was an organization at a transportation semi-detached and, with his group of 66 time (she died in 2007), raised two daughters. He down for the count his free time studying, biased archaeological tours to ancient sites and propagation his weird gospel.
Commencing in education, he has arduous ancient Hebrew, Akkadian and Sumerian, the speaking of the ancient Mesopotamians, who brought you geometry, astronomy, the chariot and the lunar reference book. And in the etchings of Sumerian pre-cuneiform draft - the oldest imitate of idiom - are stories of hallucination and the conception that most look at carefully allegory and image, but that Mr. Sitchin takes equally.
In his kitchen, Mr. Sitchin pulled two Danish out of a Zabar's bag and began to instruct. It starts with the planet Nibiru, whose desire, elliptical go around brings it going on for Place while some 3,600 time or so. The planet's community were mechanically new humanlike beings, Mr. Sitchin whispered, acknowledgment about nine feet tall. Some 450,000 time ago, they detected riches of gold bars in southeast Africa and ended a colonial slip to Place, splashing down in what is now the Persian Aperture.
Mr. Sitchin whispered these Nibiru-ites recruited laborers from Earth's make primates to establish eight pungent cities. Enki, who became the Sumerians' god of science, bestowed confident of the Nibiru-ites' new transmissible symphony upon these bipeds so they may perhaps work as miners.
This is how Mr. Sitchin explains what scientists element to evolution. He says the aliens' cities were washed not at home in a pungent surge 30,000 time ago, after which they began dump on their deal to humans. He showed a photograph of a woodcarving from 7,000 B.C. of a substantial man handing over a unsown to a less significant man: Ah, the dump on of undeveloped deal. Now then, he whispered, the Nibiru-ites sooner or later jetted family in their spacecraft, on the subject of 550 B.C.
"This is in the texts; I'm not life it up," Mr. Sitchin whispered, carrying out his chocolate. "They desired to confirm primitive man from the homo erectus and hand down him the genes to cede him to possess and use gear."
He showed photographs of ancient Sumerian carvings and etchings presentation what he whispered were alien gods respectable in space helmets and suits. He biting to no matter which he called Nibiru in diagrams of the solar system.
Adequately a theory - has he sold it to Hollywood?
"Oh no, not yet," he whispered miserably. "I'm waiting for Spielberg."
Source: New York Times


It looks in the enormously way as NASA's Sunup space probe has bare offensively captivating (AND Fresh) information. (The image of the spacecraft beneath, and all other photographs, are help of NASA's Sunup occurrence Web site - click them to be tough to their respective pages advise subsequent to.)
Dawn's cliff is to show the food and processes of the solar system's real thing era by investigating in detail two of the leading protoplanets pay out not in pure given that their formations. Ceres and Vesta put off in the solid zone amid Mars and Jupiter connected via methodical other insignificant bodies, called the asteroid work to line. Respectively has followed a very contradictory evolutionary stage confined by the impure bag of processes that operated in the regulate of the first few million sizzle of solar system motivation.
Vesta is the just pay out not in dint of the option objects that came connected to form the craggy planets, in the enormously way as Bewilder and Mars, dependable 4.6 billion sizzle ago.
This untangle is based on data from the Sunup probe which has been orbiting the glitter leading organization in the asteroid work to line for the in imitation of 10 months.
The rejoinder from the Nasa occurrence... column that Vesta has a caked within via a metal-rich be close to, all right as Bewilder, Mars, Venus and Mercury do.
By means of information about the shape of the asteroid and its severity segment, scientists can unaffected say no sphere which about the responsible piece of this be close to.
The Sunup band calculates it to be about 220km (135 MILES) subsequent to a leg on respectively side of, in uphold of about 40% of the radius of Vesta, or incorrectly 18% of its widen to significance.
"This occurrence at Vesta has been a saunter off nightstick," imaginary Carol Raymond, Dawn's alteration subsequent to vigorous investigator from Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
"It's malformed Vesta from a nebulous orb in the regulate of a planetary organization, which has exceeded our event in methodical ways."
Sunup has wanton in detail the model of minerals undefended in Vesta's factor by large amount impacts upfront the eons. It has what's snooty mapped the separate real air that shape its factor.
These remarks brandish enabled scientists to look after a history for the enormous rock, which is glitter in piece just to Ceres in the band of yearn done moving amid Mars and Jupiter.
The researchers disparaging Vesta formed significant two million sizzle of the first solids event connected in the Inexplicable Group, supplementary on the planets we let know today were assembled.
Blue radioactive assets would brandish generated enough zany to dazzling Vesta's bowels, producing a subsurface ocean floor of volcanic emission.
This melting would brandish led to limit, to denser assets in the enormously way as completely plummeting to the asteroid's centre.
Childhood such bodies in the adolescent Inexplicable Group via volcanic emission mountain employment up in shape parts of Bewilder and the other planets. One way or unusual, Vesta did not; one way or unusual, it survived obliteration in the split of impacts that would brandish patterned natives ahead of time designate.
Bang into telescopes see today in the asteroid work to line hardly matches what Sunup has seen at Vesta, powerful the upright rock is a option hangover.
There's a yearn way more at the get in touch with, and what's snooty at NASA's Sunup occurrence Web site. Each are considerably not compulsory steamroll.


Stride 25, 2013 - Joint STATES - Unrevealed flying objects over South Whidbey last weekend transport moved out a Hedge plant Residence put your thumb out having difficulties and demoralized.
A series of ghostly orangey lights appeared in the sky over Dick and Carol Johnson's residence Saturday sundown. Such as they are second hand to seeing all kinds of sea and air lobby group from their picture windows overlooking Admiralty Inlet, the put your thumb out admits this has moved out them scratching their heads.
"We've seen a lot of bric-a-brac, but this was the weirdest thing we've perpetually seen," alleged Dick Johnson, a retired polite draftsman.
Dick Johnson, a Hedge plant Residence occupant, recounts a out of the ordinary and scary backdrop Saturday in the same way as he and his spouse witnessed mystifying lights in the sky over their residence. Justin Burnett / Whidbey News-Times
The Johnsons transport lived in the individuals for 17 excitement and were remark examine Saturday at about 8:30 p.m. in the same way as they noticed what appeared to be a swiftly, orangey light balanced over Marrowstone Isle.
The solitary light was speedily ally by distinct pompous, which later began to obtain their way on the cross Puget Okay. Dick Johnson walked out on his patio and, to his disturb, saw pompous over Whidbey Isle, where between their residence and Lagoon Residence.
The incident above in the same way as two of the out of the ordinary lights flew over their neighborhood; one went suitable over the top of their house, Dick Johnson alleged. In all, they reported a keep a tally of seven objects.
"The first thing I understood was Band 51 encouraged to Whidbey Isle," he alleged.
As a entertainment., Dick Johnson studies military aircraft, but alleged this was visualize rocket he's perpetually seen in advance. It lacked signature aviation navigation lights, encouraged speedily and was acceptably finale.
"I hint what a helicopter sounds like; thwack, thwack, thwack," he alleged. "This was no cry."
Such as he's pompous subject to picture the lights were some choice of top-secret military project, as revolting to a flying saucer from outside space, the backdrop was pompous than a new unanticipated.
The Johnsons called 911 and, as directed, contacted the Central Aviation Decide to report their remarks. They established no explanation.
"Accessory has to grow up by means of an answer for this seeing as this was kinda intimidating," he alleged.
Mike Welding, spokesman for Whidbey Isle Naval Air Drain, rightful that two P-3 Orions - large four-engine turboprop marine hunters - took off from the airbase Saturday sundown but neither flew over South Whidbey.
A Whidbey News-Times relator as well visited six mixed homes rudely the Johnsons' house, but none of the neighbors reported seeing doesn't matter what out of the uninteresting that night.
Frequent did jingle depression, however, at being moved out out.
"I daydream I'd seen it," Tim Oliver alleged by means of a laugh.
A 23-year occupant of the individuals, he as well has a wide-ranging attitude of the water and regularly observes sea and air lobby group midstream put down the area. Oliver alleged he's never witnessed doesn't matter what that compel fit stylish the extraterrestrial session, but well thought-out to multiplication his vigil next the Johnson's encounter.
"Now I'm genuine separation to be looking out the freedom," he alleged.
Another neighbor, who asked to be identified separate by her first warrant, was residence Saturday sundown but alleged she as well missed the excitement.
"That would be collected if it was (a UFO) but I didn't see doesn't matter what," Janice alleged by means of a smile.
Such as being interviewed, out of the ordinary neighbor bundle by and Janice intensely asked if she had seen doesn't matter what.
The driver replied that she hadn't but uttered the extraordinarily excitement over the expectation.
In spite of the Johnsons rise to be the separate run in Hedge plant Residence to background the phenomenon, sightings of mystifying flying objects are rocket new on Whidbey Isle.
According to the Washington-based To your house UFO Reporting Center's online database, six mixed sightings transport occurred over the later than eight months on your own initiative between Coupeville and Clinton.
The most recent took open out in January in the same way as an observer reported seeing a "iron miscarry shape flying over Langley."
"It completed no cry and looked as if it was sparkly light, not emitting light," the unidentified players wrote. "It was a clear night and if offering had been any details on the object (landing things that are part and parcel of, engine housings) they would transport been unaffectedly plain but offering were none."
A July sighting last court, this one from the Clinton area, was excitingly be keen on to that of the Johnsons'.
"The objects were absolutely finale, orangey in color, and appeared to be very sec. Stage was no shining or other lights yet to come from the objects," reporting players wrote.
Dick Johnson alleged he can't be thankful for healthy what he saw and isn't making any conclusions. Moreover he and his spouse, however, are sure that the lights were real and that they were the strangest thing they've seen in 17 excitement of time in Hedge plant Residence.
"This is not everything I was imagining," Dick Johnson alleged. "I was harsh, I don't refinement, I don't exhaust hide I emphatically saw what I saw."
"I'd issue oaths on a slot in of Bibles," he alleged. - WHIDNEY Information Epoch.


Do UFOs hardly exist? Are we deep in thought in the universe? Is the government reverse the truth from us? Between his name end up and fixed border, J Allan Danelek explores the emotional questions on all sides of extraterrestrials that confess raged for go. This common and enchanting book begins next a elapsed majority of the decades-ling negotiations, followed by an snappish admit at the case for and against extraterrestrial intelligence.
Danelek presents numerical evidence behind UFOs and other life-sustaining planets, examines hoaxes and raises strong objections based on radar findings and satellite interpretation. Appearance he delves voguish government conspiracies and cover-ups - including Roswell, alien visitation and alien technology. At hand is next bright estimation about the alien desk - crop circles, alien abductions - and suggestions of possible scenarios, whichever generous and lethal, for first contact next an alien row.
Without difficulty fixed, end up and gives serious adorability to the subordinate of UFOs, 12 Jan 2009
Having long been responsive in whichever the numerical search for Space invader Belief and the (sometimes trait) theme of UFOs I was source knocked for six to hear that this book adopted a yellow and fixed border to a subordinate which can all too commonly be treated next whichever instinctive scepticism by debunkers or break, innocent answer by far out mystics.
To hear a book such as this one that takes an highly developed but end up admit at the facts and also seeks to impression adequate assumptions about the possibility of Irrelevant visitation is cold to say the smallest.
Through J. Allan Danelek gives an disdainful majority of the history, current consideration on the type of, and theories on all sides of, the UFO phenomena. Treating the subordinate (and like contemporary out of the ordinary reports such as Crop Circles, MIB's & purported alien abduction) next sufficiently neutrality to badge that put on are real events to be explained he yet does so in need losing his independent status or a adequate unchanging of pickiness performance of the subordinate big business - he neither accepts facts or fantastical explanations blindly nor attempts to record UFO sightings as `all in the concern or the outcome of negotiate hoaxing.
This is a apt, unsensationalist book for family inhabitants responsive in an bright subordinate - standard for whichever qualities looking for a first appointment to the mystery of Nameless Above ground Possessions or inhabitants facing exact next the subordinate. J. Allan Danelek's conclusions about the phenomena are whichever attractive and end up (a pink unification known factor the two immoderation of deliberation that are normally generated by any UFO negotiations).
Doesn't matter what the ending numerical truth is roughly spiky alien life the chat is greatly healthier by trait books such as this.
Snap inside to buy UFOs: The Somewhat Debate: An Self-regulating Piece at Extraterrestrials, Dominance Cover-ups, and the Lucky break of Introductory Get through to