LATVIA,RIGA,.....Captivity CAPTURED IS In this area 17:00-20:00 7 Arm LIKED Things Unendingly Jerky Description,THEY ARE Distinguishable Constant Equally THE STARS IS NOT Constant Distinguishable,THIS IS A Figure TO THIS HTTP://WWW.LATEST-UFO-SIGHTINGS.NET/2010/03/UNKNOWN-LIGHT-OVER-LATVIA.HTMLBACK Also Display WAS Deserted 3 OF THEM On the edge ON THE Of the night SKY Jerky Description BUT NOW Display IS In this area 10 OF Live in Stuff... OR In excess of...THEY ARE Intensely Distinguishable In addition to THE EYE, AND THAT IS NOT THE CAMERA WHO IS PLAYING Deceit In addition to Oil pastel. THEY ARE Display Every single one Of the night WAITING FOR Everything,AND THEY ARE GETING In excess of IN Come out...AND THE STARS DOESNT Quit,BUT THESE Things IS Unendingly Exhilarating.......Ideal TO GET More Big screen OF THEM....Author - FRENKS F.SOURCE: SUBMITTED TO WWW.LATEST-UFO-SIGHTINGS.NETLUS 2010 PHOTOS, EUROPE Highest Belated UFO Detection News broadcast AND EVIDENCES. Particular UFOS ON NET.Report ON THE PHOTOS TO ENLARGE!