Tuesday 14 May 2013

Kinross Revisited

Kinross Revisited
We abide talked about the F-89 that departed over Collection Leading in 1953. The article has been that the aircraft was knotty to stick to a UFO, the blips of each the fighter and the UFO combination, and thus the soundtrack blip finished the range. The fighter was never found...

Then, quite last blind date (2006), a body of people announced that they may abide found the deep in thought jet on the pedestal of the lake and approaching photographs to musical it. If sincere, one UFO mystery had been solved. But thus, Gord Heath wrote to UFO magazine in November 2006 reporting on his investigation. He posted the dreadfully to UFO UpDates in January 2007. Later is his tone.

Shut down Editor, I deduce your article on the intended discovery of the deep in thought F-89 in your November occupational and was completely surprised to item that it contained no raise that this discovery is now generally assumed to be a hoax. Each, render null and void to the hasty record clarification by Dirk Vander Ploeg in the December occupational of UFO magazine, acquaint with seems to be oblivion of the story which can be verified. Several those abide checked wearing this story and it seems that no one has yet been able to prove neat the most poverty information. I am sure that your readers would be probing to notify the findings of the investigation by James Carrion, international conductor of MUFON wearing the claims of Adam Jimenez.I ghost instantly repeat the findings: 1) No one has yet been able to prove the existence of "Strong-tasting Lakes Leap Studio" (GLDC) which Jimenez claimed to be an integrated body of people or LLC in the state of Michigan. 2) No one in the Strong-tasting Lakes shipwreck searching federation or dive federation seems to abide any supportive of Strong-tasting Lakes Leap Studio as an transnational receptively in force in the searches they mentioned on their web site. 3) No one seems to abide any poverty information about Adam Jimenez to operate he is who he claims to be, such as an residence or current phone booth circulation. 4) Equally the GLDC web site was operating, no photographs of person concerned members, boats or sonar gear were customarily posted to the website to document their intended discovery. 5) Definite experts in the fork of side research sonar secure the intended sonar images may be fakes. 6) The initially story quoted in an email that was forwarded to the UFO Updates list, appears to be faked as an Related Bully story from a Haven Huron, Michigan issue. It penury be noted that Adam Jimenez claimed to abide video recordings obtained from an ROV worth of the intended F-89. He claimed that the tail mixture was perceptible in the video and that the sun shelter of the craft was uninterrupted, implying that the strip were flat core. Despite these claims, he never normal any of this evidence in addition to any of the line of the deep in thought pilot, Lt. Genetic material [most reports signify his give the title of was Felix] Moncla. It is insignificant that persisting questions surrounding the odd AWOL abide on the whole been side-stepped in your widen of what seems to be an elaborate hoax. I abide vanished many being researching this incident and my findings are published on the UFOBC website at www.ufobc.ca/kinross. I am sure your readers ghost be completely probing to notify that parts from a military jet aircraft were found in the plant almost the eastern waterside of Collection Leading risk in October 1968. A photograph of the tail chemical addition is available in addition to an Ontario Parochial Police executive and USAF executive on the front part slip of the Sault Lecture Suggest text, accompanying articles about the discovery. It appears that the contour of the mystery jet was never released to the collective and the Canadian government claims they abide no file records of this discovery. Were these parts from the deep in thought F-89?The article in "UFO Weekly" extremely reprints a map which erroneously places the last set of the F-89 in the drop report as being at coordinates 45 degrees 00 minutes north at a collection almost Sturgeon Bay, Michigan. The rectify coordinates are stamped in confident locations such as the Search out and Deliver report ready by the RCAF and in confident telexes. All state the last coordinates were 48 degrees 00 minutes north and 86 degrees 49 minutes west, north of the US Canada periphery over Collection Leading. In failing, I favor to stock to your hard work the photograph which you published in your magazine of Lt. Moncla, contains no description mentioning this photograph was provided to me by his sister, Leonie Shannon and his cousin, Carol Campbell. I don't notify everywhere you obtained the photograph but I notify it has been published confident era on the web like we first posted it in an article stamped in the UFOBC quarterly and now posted on our web slip unvarying to the deep in thought pilot http://www.ufobc.ca/kinross/persons/personsMonclaMain.htm I enjoyed research paper many of the other articles in your November occupational, but I couldn't control in person from responding to your articles referring to the deep in thought F-89. Yours extremely, Gord HeathUFOBC


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