Monday 27 May 2013

50 Upcoming Predictions And More

50 Upcoming Predictions And More
NOVEMBER 30, 2005

Hello All. For the record, I wanted to delineate a list of predictions that I sense ituitively will happen in the very near future. I have compiled them from my studies and personal revelations, and dreams. They are listed here:

1. Economic Collapse and Depression

2. Massive U.S. Strikes (beginning to fulfill) 12/05 New York Transit Strike

3. National Rise in Unemployment (beginning to fulfill)

4. More jobs overseas (beginning to fulfill)

5. Small Business Failures

6. Housing Decline

7. Food and Gas Rationing (beginning to fulfill)

8. Appearance of New Fault Lines

9. Increased Volcanic Activity (beginning to fulfill)

10. Tilting of Earth's Axis (fulfilled)

11. Flooding of Great Lakes

12. Missippi River will join Great Lakes

13. Coastal Regions Inundated (beginning to fulfill)

14. Massive Sink Holes (beginning to fulfill) Sinkhole Crashes Carnival Ride in Pasadena

15. Excessively High Winds (beginning to fulfill) 1/26/06 200 MPH Winds at Grandfather Mountain

16. Increased Tornadoes (beginning to fulfill)

17. Increased Hurricanes (beginning to fulfill)

18. Summer Thunderstorms with Hail (beginning to fulfill)

19. Ferocious Blizzards (beginning to fulfill)

20. Green Hue in the Sky

21. Blue Hue or Star in the Sky

22. Increased Transport Accidents (beginning to fulfill)

23. Increased Amusement Ride Accidents Carnival Accident in Miami

24. Returning of Diseases - Bubonic Plague? (beginning to fulfill)

25. Utah Research Laboratory (Bio-Lab) Leak (possibly fulfilled) 1/26/06 Nuclear Plant Leak

26. Reinstatement of the Draft

27. No Separation of Church and State

28. Rise in Religious Persecution by Religious Right (beginning to fulfill)

29. Increase in UFO Sightings (beginning to fulfill)

30. Open Alien Contact

31. Christians Begin to Question Creation Doctrine (beginning to fulfill)

32. Nuclear Power Plant Leaks

33. Limited Nuclear Exchange/War

34. Riots - Anti-War Movements (beginning to fulfill)

35. Supreme Court Passes Immoral Laws (beginning to fulfill)

36. Discovery of Magnetic Polarity Reversal or Pole Flip

37. Incoming Comet or Meteor Strike

38. Invasion of U.S. by China/Russia/Japan among other Nations

39. West and East Coast U.S. Tsunamis

40. Assassination Attempt on President Bush

41. Mandatory Microchip Implanting

42. Martial Law in U.S. Nationwide

43. Secret Information on Mars Revealed (There's air and water up there)

44. Arab Uprisings in the U.S. & Race Wars

45. Food Rationing and Cannibalism in Western Countries

46. Sun and Moon move out of Orbit

47. Open Military and Law Enforcement Use of UFOs

48. Total Implementation of Worldwide Fascism/Complete Loss of Civil Rights

49. Open Persecution and Death of Fundamental Christians in the West

50. Devastating California Quake

"UPDATE 2010

I created the above list in 2005 and since then many of these predictions have been fulfilled. However since that time, I have had a number of lucid visions and revelations that I would like to add to this list. The above list has in no way been altered and has been available online and published in print since the time it was written.

51. The discovery that our earth has a twin sun or second sun.

52. The discovery that our atmosphere is bombarded with cosmic radiation as we move toward the center of our galaxy and the milky way.

53. The discovery that this cosmic radiation has the potential to expand our conscious awareness and human potential allowing us to access a greater percentage of our brain.

54. The revelation that there is a massive red fiery NEO (near earth object) on a near collision course with earth.

55. The revelation that these NEOs, including our twin sun are the true cause of global warming on the earth as well as all other solar bodies in our solar system.

56. The earth will continue to experience EXTREME CLIMATE CHANGE due to these NEOs.

57. Entire populations of the earth will become displaced, including large portions of Europe and South East Asia.

58. Extraterrestrial races will manifest on earth and take advantage of these global cataclysms, enforcing global governance, the New World Order and the end of human sovereignty.

59. Extraterrestrial races will help world governments to enforce martial law and human depopulation programs including a fake rapture to save humanity from climate change.

60. A global earthquake will take place registering at least 11 points on the Richter scale.

61. Many human beings will be evacuated or lifted off the earth in large UFO crafts and held hostage and tortured by extraterrestrial demonic beings working in allegiance with world governments in exchange for advanced technologies in hopes to escape from earth.

62. Extreme havoc occurs in our solar system from NEOs causing the earth to tilt on its axis and the poles to flip.

63. Christ returns as a MEGA GAMMA RAY BLAST that completely obliterates everything material in 3D reality, causing the rapture to take place and exalting those prepared souls who vibrate on an agape love/faith frequency to be elevated to the higher realms and continue their conscious existence. Everything below the love frequency is obliterated.Subscribe to ProphecyWatcher by Email



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