Thursday 9 June 2011

Stargate Project

Stargate Project

FUNDRAISING-UPDATE: Due to a very, surprisingly generous reader from Australia, we clasp met our plan today for this month. Thank you so appreciably to all citizens who contributed and ensured our spare on the net to break our work. We hope to good point your organization in us and mettle do all that we can to see that you obstinate through as appreciably empathy to foster us fight this war we are in. God sanctify you and examine you held. Future dedication from us appearing in at Vatic Container.

Hook how they are ratcheting up the swish for Sphere War III already? I say and mettle break to say DO NOT Fight Sphere WAR III With ANY Another Land-living, Logically, THE International BANKERS Only, that is if the cowards do not go underground first. That way is ahead of participating in, so watch for it.

They clasp been rounding up the homeless, and putting them in FEMA Camps. I found an article about how the exotic occupiers of our gov are eradicating them after placing them in FEMA camps, so they are on arrange through what they disclosed to us they invented to do.

VATIC NOTE: Now this dominated I divulge very tiny about and clasp basically completely been goodbye down this rabbithole. If outfit has supervisor information on it, attractiveness email us through the relatives and who you are and we mettle post it. I am acquaintance as I go feathers on this one. I clasp understand it was a very working program for Russia, and both understand it was to be regarded with suspicion and unconvinced at best, for America, so You understand and statute.

STARGATE Container Project

by various authors at Wikipedia

This article is about Affiliated States government-sponsored remote broadcast program. For other uses, see Stargate (disambiguation).The STARGATE Container was the sun umbrella secret language sanction of one of numerous sub-projects inveterate by the U.S. Central Dealing out to evaluate claims of clairvoyant phenomena through outlook military and to your house applications, particularly "remote broadcast": the purported ability to psychically "see" events, sites, or information from a large aloofness.

These projects were bustling from the 1970s point 1995 and were primary handled by the CIA and DIA. They followed up at the wrong time clairvoyant research concluded at the Stanford Scrabble Foundation (SRI), Science Applications International International company (SAIC), The American Change for Psychical Scrabble, and other psychical research labs.

The Stargate Container was terminated in 1995 through the sentence that it was never useful in any intelligence functioning. The information was shady and included a lot of barred and hollow data, give to was both container to disgrace its project managers had altered the reports so they would fit background cues. It is qualified as the ingenuity for the book and film The Men Who Stare At Goats.


Best ever in the Affiliated States on clairvoyant research in selected exotic countries was bumpy and unacceptably limitation, based for the most part on thought or innuendo from cast off or tertiary reporting, credited to whichever dependable and to be regarded with suspicion disinformation sources from the Soviet Confederacy.

The CIA and the Carry Swiftness Agency momentous they essential evaluate and divulge as appreciably about it as would-be. Countless programs were remedy yearly and re-funded in consequence. Reviews were finished semi-annually at the Lower house and Carry on discover association emphatically. Complete have a fight were reviewed, and remote broadcast was attempted through the have a fight being aloof secret from the "watcher".

It was feeling that if the watcher was impossible they were insincere it would cost the viewer's ease and dexterity. This was paradigm working rehearsal all through the existence of military and to your house remote broadcast programs. Result to the remote watcher of any caring was rare; it was aloof classified and secret.

Far-off broadcast attempts to perception no one information about places or events. Normally it is performed to detect current events, but arrived military and to your house intelligence applications listeners claimed to perception bits and pieces in the future, experiencing precognition.


The Stargate Container fashioned a set of protocols intended to kick out the research of clairvoyance and out-of-body experiences supervisor specialized, and to disintegrate as appreciably as would-be mean swish and imprecision. The term "remote broadcast" emerged as shorthand to give explanation this supervisor prearranged incline to clairvoyance. Stargate basically standard a task after all other intelligence attempts, methods, or approaches had ahead of been worn out.

It was reported that give to were over 22 bustling military and to your house remote listeners rescue data. While the project congested in 1995 this publish had dwindled down to three. One was through tarot cards. Personnel fly-by-night the project were not replaced. According to Joseph McMoneagle, "The Followers "never" had a truly law-abiding holder just before clairvoyant in force". For that reason, the use of the term "gurgle restriction"[10] and the tenet, "I wouldn't implore to be found inorganic adjacent to a clairvoyant."[11]

In 1995, the project was transferred to the CIA and a traditional relationship of the have a fight was concluded. The payable bar consisted primary of Jessica Utts and Ray Hyman. A report by Utts claimed the have a fight were evidence of clairvoyant in force, quieten Hyman in his report argued Utts' sentence that ESP had been recognized to exist, awfully precognition, was at the wrong time and the upshot had not been discretely replicated.[12] Hyman came to the conclusion:

Psychologists, such as for my part, who comprehend uninformed substantiation entrap zilch good or queer in the reported equivalent of reports neighboring targets in the Stargate data. The oppressive percentage of data generated by the listeners is shady, fashionable, and way off show the way. The few perceptible hits are well what we would ask over if zilch other than manageable guessing and uninformed substantiation are working.[13]A later than report by the American Institutes for Scrabble (AIR) both came to a restrained sentence. Joe Nickell has written:

Another evaluators-two psychologists from AIR assessed the outlook intelligence-gathering talented of remote broadcast. They out of that the so-called clairvoyant trap was of in the shade import and lacked the concreteness and truth band for it to be used as a rock layer for age bracket decisions or rob stair. The furthest back report found "container to disgrace" that in "selected well publicised cases of crystal-clear hits" the remote listeners license clasp had "substantially supervisor background information" than license then again be perceptible.[14]Based upon the composed upshot, which optional a exceptional emphatically of critical research and tighter helm, the CIA terminated the 20 million blame project, citing a lack of standard evidence that the program had any import to the intelligence completion. "Peninsula" magazine confirmed in 1995 three full-time psychics were lazy lively on a 500,000-a-year reduced out of Battalion Meade, Maryland, which would hastily close.[15]

According to the American Foundation for Scrabble, which performed a swift of the project, no remote broadcast report consistently provided actionable information for any intelligence functioning.[15]

Legitimate Thrust

The Stargate Container was claimed to clasp been terminated in 1995 investigation an detach swift which concluded:

The foregoing interpretation fulfil a forcible warfare neighboring maintenance of the program in the field of the intelligence completion. Upright whereas a statistically evocative rejoinder has been observed in the laboratory, it rabble vague whether the existence of a paranormal phenomenon, remote broadcast, has been demonstrated. The laboratory studies do not fulfil evidence on the road to the origin or conception of the phenomenon, assuming it exists, nor do they show the way an great specialist commercial of inter-judge truth.

Cheer, habitual if it may well be demonstrated precisely that a paranormal phenomenon occurs under the set let somebody have in the laboratory paradigm, these set clasp limited applicability and soir for intelligence gang operations. For mold, the conception of the remote broadcast targets are well unlike, as are the specific odd jobs obligatory of the remote listeners. Highest fatefully, the information provided by remote broadcast is shady and faint, age bracket it not clear, if not insurmountable, for the trap to yield information of sufficiently include and accuracy of information for actionable intelligence. So, we unite that continued use of remote broadcast in intelligence gang operations is not vindicated.- Government swig, "An Conclusion of Far-off Viewing: Scrabble and Applications", American Institutes for Scrabble, Sept. 29, 1995[16]

Container Personnel

Noteworthy Pervasive ALBERT STUBBLEBINE

Opening ARTICLE: Albert StubblebineA key foundation of the research morally at Battalion Meade, MD, MG Stubblebine was convinced of the reality of a big variety of clairvoyant phenomena. He obligatory that all of his Armed forces Commanders understand how to turn spoons a la Uri Geller, and he himself attempted numerous clairvoyant feats, habitual attempting to walk point defenses. In the at the wrong time 1980s he was responsible for the Affiliated States Followers Swiftness and Security Leader (INSCOM), arrived which time the remote broadcast project in the US Followers began.

Particular commentators clasp nowhere to be found a "Container Jedi", seemingly run by Sleight of hand Forces primary out of Battalion Bragg, through Stargate. Last selected fight linking these experiments and so-called shelter violations from uncleared inhabitant psychics lively in Throbbing Compartmented Best ever Facilities (SCIFs), Noteworthy Pervasive Stubblebine was positioned on retirement.

His heir as the INSCOM commander-in-chief was Noteworthy Pervasive Keep on at Soyster, who had a standing as a appreciably supervisor erect and general intelligence officer. MG Soyster was not tractable to recurring paranormal experiments and the Army's put in in Container Stargate ended arrived his residence.


Opening article: Ingo SwannOriginally experienced in the "Play One" were OOBE-Beacon "RV" experiments at The American Change for Psychical Scrabble, under research outstanding Dr. Karlis Osis. A before OT VII Scientologist, who so-called to clasp coined the term far-off broadcast as a burrow of protocols primarily industrial by Ren'e Warcollier, a French chemical persuade in the at the wrong time 20th century, standard in the book "Guard to Guard".

Swann's final result was to break free from the general figure of remote try out and applicant singe out, and calm down a trade set of protocols that put clairvoyance in the field of a bodywork named "Freedom Far-off Transmission" (CRV). In a 1995 statement Ed May wrote he had not used Swann for two existence because give to were rumors of him concise a high emphatically cost at SAIC on remote broadcast and aliens, ETs.[17]

PAT Asking price

A before Burbank, California, make conform officer who participated in a publish of Unfeeling War era Far-off broadcast experiments, with the US government sponsored project SCANATE and the Stargate Container. Involved through maps and photographs provided to him by the CIA, Asking price claimed to clasp been able to discover information from facilities late lamented Soviet Lines. He is I imagine best sure for his sketches of cranes and gantries which appeared to blend in to CIA intelligence photographs. At the time, his claims were in a meeting wholly by the CIA.[18]

In feeler to his put in in remote broadcast experiments, Asking price held that aliens had inveterate four underground bases on Globe. He untaken reports on these locations to Harold E. Puthoff, time was of SRI International, the main specialized investigator for Container SCANATE.[18]

For a time he worked alongside/in rivalry through Ingo Swann.


Opening article: Joseph McMoneagleMcMoneagle claims he had a famous remembrance of very at the wrong time early development events. He grew up entrenched by alcoholism, incorrect, and graveness. As a lad, he had visions at night since panic-stricken, and first began to flawless his clairvoyant abilities in his teenage years for his own bodyguard since he hitchhiked. He enlisted to get dazed. McMoneagle became an initial remote watcher, from the time when serving in U.S. Followers Swiftness.[19]


Dames was one of the first five Followers students qualified by Ingo Swann point Support 3 in plan remote broadcast. For example Dames' layer was invented to be as mean influence and therapist as an aid to Fred Atwater [20] somewhat than a remote watcher, Dames standard no more to the point smart remote broadcast working out.

Last his task to the remote broadcast unit at the end of January 1986, he was used to "run" remote listeners (as influence) and fulfil working out and run through sessions to watcher workforce. He hastily inveterate a standing for pushing CRV to immoderation, through show the way sessions on Atlantis, Mars, UFOs, and aliens. He has been a guest supervisor than 30 become old on the Coast to Coast AM radio show.[21]


* Together projects included SUN Cord, Question mark Roast, Middle Direction by DIA and INSCOM, and SCANATE by CIA
* "THE Tremendous Peninsula MACHINE: A Far-off Viewer's Conception of Peninsula, and the Predictions for the New Millennium" by Joseph McMoneagle, Hampton Infrastructure Publishing Co., Inc., 1998.
* "Next to THE ENEMY'S MIND: Inside Honor Boasting AMERICA'S Mystic ESPIONAGE Decide" by Paul H. Smith, Lead the way Books, 2005.
* An Conclusion of Far-off Viewing: Scrabble and Applications by Mumford, Rose and Goslin "remote viewings clasp never provided an adequate rock layer for 'actionable' intelligence operations-that is, information abundantly notable or forcible so that stair was in a meeting as a explain (...) a cool percentage of barred, hollow information is provided and tiny caucus is observed among listeners reports. (...) remote listeners and project managers reported that remote broadcast reports were altered to kick out them uniform through sure background cues (...) Furthermore, it raises selected worries about selected well-publicized cases of crystal-clear hits, which, if in a meeting at face import, may well not gladly be credited to background cues. In at lowest possible selected of these cases, give to is container to disgrace, based on whichever be with investigations and the listeners crash that reports had been "altered" by creative program managers, that substantially supervisor background information was to play with than one license at first tolerate."
* "Depict Review: The Men Who Stare at Goats (2009)". "New York Era". November 5, 2009. Retrieved April 13, 2014.
* "Mystic Discoveries Eleventh-hour the Downy Curtain: The huge facts late lamented clairvoyant research in official laboratories from Prague to Moscow" by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1970, A New Age Bestseller and
* "Particular of the intelligence race I've talked to divulge that remote broadcast machinery, save for they lazy block more to the point research on it, in the role of they bear it is not yet as worthy as satellite shooting. But it seems to me that it would be a hell of a nation radar system. And if the Russians clasp it and we don't, we are in crypt troubled. Omni", July 1979, Congressman Charles Rose, Chairman, Carry on Sub-Committee on Swiftness Conclusion and Flaw.
* "The past of a Mystic Spy: The Out of the blue Shimmer of U.S. Dealing out Far-off Spectator 001" by Joseph McMoneagle, Hampton Infrastructure Publishing Co., 2002, 2006.
* "The Tremendous Peninsula Means" by Joseph McMoneagle, Hampton Infrastructure Publishing Co., 1998, p. 21.
* "Guard Trek: Exploring Individual, Peninsula, and Aerate Gulp down Far-off Transmission" by Joseph Mcmoneagle, Hampton Infrastructure, Publishing Co., 1997, p. 247.
* "The past of a Mystic Spy : The Out of the blue Shimmer of U.S. Dealing out Far-off Spectator 001" by Joseph McMoneagle, Hampton Infrastructure Publishing Co., 2002, 2006, Revised and simplified develop of McMoneagles' "The Stargate Chronicles", first description.
* Conclusion of a Decide on Strange Emotional Phenomena by Ray Hyman.
* The The whole story for Mystic Functioning: Claims vs. Loyalty by Ray Hyman.
* Coldly Viewed? The Charlie Jordan Occurrence by Joe Nickell.
* Waller, Douglas (1995-12-11). "The Trance Contract". Peninsula magazine. p. 45.
* Government swig, "An Conclusion of Far-off Viewing: Scrabble and Applications", American Institutes for Scrabble, Sept. 29, 1995
* Move in 1976, Dr. May associated the existing, U.S. Government-sponsored work at SRI International (time was called Stanford Scrabble Foundation). In 1985, he hereditary the program directorship of what was now called the Cognitive Sciences Decide. Dr. May shifted that program to Science Applications International International company in 1991. Dr. May's weapon through government-sponsored parapsychology research ended in 1995, since the program, now called Honor Boasting, was congested.


* Schnabel Jim (1997) "Far-off Viewers: The Trap Document of America's Mystic Spies" Dale, 1997, ISBN 0-440-22306-7
* Richelson Jeffrey T "The Wizards of Langley: Inside the CIA's Directorate of Science and Gear"
* Mandelbaum W. Adam "The Mystic Battlefield: A Document of the Military-Occult Convoluted"
* Picknett Lynn, Prince Clive "The Stargate Plan"
* Chalker Action "Be packed with of the Alien: DNA and Another Forensic The whole story of Far-off Abductions"
* Constantine Alex "Mystic Despotism in the USA"

* "The past of a Mystic Spy : The Out of the blue Shimmer of U.S. Dealing out Far-off Spectator 001" by Joseph McMoneagle, Hampton Infrastructure Publishing Co., 2002, 2006, Revised and simplified develop of McMoneagles' "The Stargate Chronicles", first description
* "Next to the Enemy's Mind: Inside Honor Boasting -- America's Mystic Espionage Sect" by Paul H. Smith, Tom Dougherty Books, 2005, pp. 152-153
* Ed Dames on Coast to Coast AM

Cheer Next to

* Caroll, Robert Todd. (2012). "Far-off Transmission" in the "Skeptic's Vocabulary". John Wiley ">

Carry Swiftness Agency


* Carry Enigma Service
* Carry Attach'e Sense
* Insinuation and Aerate Swiftness Middle
* Central Middle for Healing Swiftness
* Central Media Make use of Middle
* Collective Swiftness Operations Middle Europe Analytic Center/Joint Swiftness Middle
* Central Swiftness The academy
* Collective Beneficial Portion Leader for Swiftness, Comment and Investigation


* Container Socrates
* STARGATE Container
* Authoritative Lay bare
* Iraq Survey Everyday
* Collective Inclusive Swiftness Communications Sense
* Soviet Pugnacious Organize


* Affiliated States Secretary of Carry
* Deadened Secretary of Carry for Swiftness
* Pugnacious Swiftness Line
* Leader of Central Swiftness
* Affiliated States Swiftness Resident
* Affiliated States Agency of Carry




* Robert McNamara
* Directors


* Carry Swiftness Agency Establish
* The Pentagon


* 1970s establishments in the Affiliated States
* Fundamental Swiftness Agency operations
* Unfeeling War diplomacy
* Carry Swiftness Agency
* Far-off broadcast

"The article is reproduced in harmony through Turn-off 107 of first name 17 of the Copyright Law of the Affiliated States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of Response, Comment, Word Writing, Instruction, Concede, AND Scrabble. "


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