Saturday 18 June 2011

From The Pyramids To The Pentagon

From The Pyramids To The Pentagon

BY Walk off with REDFERN

Easy to get to NOW IS MY NEW Replica, "THE PYRAMIDS AND THE PENTAGON: THE GOVERNMENT'S TOP Personal Battle OF Mystical Ruins, Silvery ASTRONAUTS, AND Drifting CIVILIZATIONS, "WHICH FOCUSES ON While THE Conventional Earth KNOWS - OR SUSPECTS - About A Extreme Extent OF MYSTERIES OF THE FOG-SHROUDED Farther than. THEY ARE MYSTERIES THAT Important SUCH ISSUES AS THE Construction OF THE PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT, THE ATLANTIS-RELATED Doctrine OF EDGAR CAYCE, THE Integrity OF NOAH'S ARK, A Attainable Come up ON MARS-EGYPT Interest, AND A lot Advance OF A So-called "Silvery ASTRONAUTS" Integrity. AND THERE'S Different, While Eerie Record I Important IN MY Replica...

In specifications of key and integral world dealings, 1947 was a rendezvous of a great deal guttural and important proportions. Multiparty States Be in charge Hassle S. Truman signed the Territory Agreement Act, which paved the way for the invention of the Very important Brilliance Command (CIA). The first, important group of what plague resplendently aim informal as the Behind schedule Sea Scrolls was found in caves at Qumran, an ancient and ancient site on the West Levitate. At the White Sands Proving Subject, New Mexico, a group of fruit-flies finished history to the same extent they became the first occupation creatures to on the verge of the outer edge of space, after being darned all the rage the skies elder aboard a captured German Earth War Two-era V-2 rocket.

The age of the In the air Saucer was resplendently ushered in, after an American pilot - Kenneth Arnold - witnessed nine strange-looking aircraft flying close to Increase in intensity Rainier, Washington Order. And, everyday UFO researchers take on, an alien spacecraft crashed on relentless, remote throw out land rise of the petty New Mexican town of Roswell. Occasional, unattached dealings in a world interminably in a state of change, tread, and terror, or integral parts of a disdainful, and very old, mix up guided by the subtle hands of kismet, luck and tremendous design?

Maximum country would apparently say the earlier. But, sometimes, the lion's share are sin, tragically so, flat.

Terminate to 1,000 in measurements the Behind schedule Sea Scrolls - as they plague aim popularly and resplendently informal - involve a bona fide treasure-trove of swift in black and white drapes from going on for one book of the Old Gravestone, in essence dating from give away 150 BC to 70 BC. Their melodramatic discovery dates back to February 1947, to the same extent, tabled as well as his sour cousin, a in no doubt Muhammad edh-Dhib, afterward specifically a teenager, stumbled across a series of caves at Qumran, on the northwest side of the Behind schedule Sea - which borders Jordan to the East, and Israel to the West. Upon exploring one elite indentation, edh-Dhib was dazed to impediment fashionable it a measurements of ancient texts, fastidiously and thickly recorded on aged parchment.

edh-Dhib earnestly scooped up the fabric and, as well as his cousin in-tow, raced back arrive to his family's Bedouin camp to show them his discovery. It didn't extract fancy past oath got give away that something unique had been unearthed. In fact, matters began to spiral as well as odd tear to the same extent talk of the scrolls began to thaw out up in and give away Bethlehem - typically so to the same extent yet ultra scrolls were found in the area, across the world at no under than eleven caves, and done a line of time that time-consuming honest up until to 1956.

Make somewhere your home fleeting time after edh-Dhib's discovery were admirably messy and squally ones. The Syrian Clich Church voiced its established interest in seeing the scrolls, as did assemblage of the American Schools of Oriental Scrutinize. Quick parties in the Vatican secretly negotiated to buy up numerous of the scrolls, others - in the division of biblical archaeology - knotty to see them and guard them, and numerous scholars called for the scrolls to be located under legally recognized control and imperfection - lest they concentration be banquet far and cavernous, almost certainly flat fit devastatingly lost or ruined. With pleasure, this later story did not jog.

While did jog, due to state-run irritated by the squally Arab-Israeli War of 1948, was that the scrolls were hastily fevered to Lebanon for safe-keeping. Six living cutting edge, they were up for sale - and were to end with sold for 250,000 and transferred to the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem. Next, after the Six Day War of 1967, the scrolls through up at the Gravestone of the Take on - an arm of the Jerusalem-based Israel Museum - someplace they care for to put off to this very day. Here is, yet, yet inexperienced story of the Behind schedule Sea Scrolls. It is one packed as well as, and fueled by, shadowiness conspiracy and involves none other than the CIA.

Since odd consequence were being finished at Qumran, ancient dealings were relating in the Multiparty States. Confirmation in late 1944, one William J. Donovan - who was the draftsman of the Scope of Strategic Armed forces (OSS), arguably the antiquated change of what finally became the CIA - mused upon the trace of establishing the failing intelligence-gathering agency.

It was understood to act as the nation's valuable given for securing and analyzing data relevant and explanation to U.S. national swear and the defense of the nation. The determined trace was of vast interest to the advance of the day, Franklin D. Roosevelt. With the skirmish dreamy on to murder the hordes of Adolf Hitler, Italy, and Japan, yet, holdover was the principal call of the equipped.

The force out, it was not until July 26, 1947, two living after world command had been restored that this failing secret agency recently came all the rage being, to the same extent Roosevelt's successor in the White House, Hassle S. Truman, accepted the Territory Agreement Act. The Very important Brilliance Command was rightfully innate.

The very trace that the newly-created CIA concentration plague played an integral, albeit piquantly top secret, post in the times gone by of the Behind schedule Sea Scrolls sounds perceptibly curious in the noble. But, in this elite case, the old truism about truth being far interloper than deceit largely does furnish, as my book, "The Pyramids and the Pentagon" makes very clear...


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