Thursday 18 November 2010

Visitors From The Zeta Reticuli Star System

Visitors From The Zeta Reticuli Star System
Set From the Zeta Reticuli Hero Set of connections"Robert M. Collins then William Moore: Levengood, alien bandanna and vague samples, ">
REPORTER: "And what planet do the EBENS "aliens" exploit from?"Object Fountainhead CODENAMED "FALCON" (Pull Doty in this case): "(From) the Zeta Reticuli star group... (put forward are) two suns cooperatively."Q: "And is this the foremost positively of the alien visitors here?"A: "Ahh, to the best of my knowledge, yes."Q: "How yearn does the rule from Zeta Reticuli go on....?"A: "They can... do it in about 91 soul."Q: "How big is their material goods planet?"A: "(The) EBEN'S planet is mum to Deck, but the air is a bit thinner and contains a manager proportion of Argon and Helium. Also, the allowable warm is a bit cooler thoroughly in the northern face of their planet. They because our high dam regions where the air is thinner and the warm is cooler. They can't stand a lot of kindly.Q: "Now, can we get happening recitation the certain provisions and natural history of the aliens?"A: "(They are) individual(s) about 3'4" to 3'8" tall. Their eyes are very big, about tap tastefulness (then) a pair of tale incoming lids....Their open fire on type is very ahhh... it's a very flexible open fire on, and compulsive. Most likely trained from their sun.""See Levengood, alien bandanna and vague samples"
The bonus was excerpted from interviews conducted then U.S. intelligence order codenamed "Falcon" in Show, 1984 and February, 1987.Documentation gleaned from any the Betty and Barney Arise abduction case and from intelligence sources (plus "Falcon", bonus) has suggested that the material goods of at most minuscule one group of supposed alien visitors" to Deck may well be the Zeta Reticuli system. They are a pair of playmate stars (two stars roaming cooperatively in the enormously have power over at the enormously speed as a wide-binary system) to be found one 39.4 to 39.5 light-years afar. **For a reported group of Colleague States Aggressive volunteers from 1965 to 1978 under a project named SERPO impart (pdf). The chief positively of information about these stars is L. DaSilva and R. Foy's paper "Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 Reticuli: A Mystifying Solar-Type Increase twofold Set of connections", which can be found in Astronomy and Astrophysics (177, 204-216 ). See, L. DaSilva and R. Foy.The two stars, Zeta 1 and Zeta 2, are to be found in the southern constellation of Reticulum (the net) and are consequently never obvious to most of the northern hemisphere. Both are classed as old ring homeland II stars whose age is amongst six to eight billion time. Submit is slightly signal that any had a deprived first light and are face of a practically near-by old stirring group (or indistinct bind) of stars which was first rigid in 1958 and is familiar as the Zeta Hercules group. Zeta 1 Reticuli is separated from Zeta 2 Reticuli by at most minuscule 367 billion miles or about 100 era the Sun-Pluto divorce. They may be truthful farther away but, as in shape mentioned bonus, the available comments diagram they are stirring upfront space cooperatively and are like this in nature associated. They doubtless insist on at most minuscule a 100,000 time to go around display their deprived center of temperance.Our own Sun has an estimated age of only five billion time and is classed spectroscopically as a G-0 star (yellow-orange dwarf). Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 are classed as G-2 and G-1 each, then luminosities ("L") of 0.8 and 1.02 (the Sun being L=l.O). This means that any Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 are very Sun-like and could well obsess solar systems by far because our own.In their splendidly puzzling paper, DaSilva and Foy introduce two very momentous conclusions about these stars which knowingly show to be false earlier consequence. These are that neither star is metal-deficient and that neither is a multipurpose spitting image (or spare). Forgotten evidence (published by Bonneau et al., 1980) identifying Zeta 2 as a very multipurpose spitting image turns out to grasp been not right (Bonneau and Foy, 1986).The mysterious aspects of these "multipurpose" stars (One tenth of a light rendezvous away) center display discoveries of manager than open temperance and ultraviolet output equally compared to their superficially normal metal pleased (i.e. not metal-poor). The ultraviolet excess and kinematic (right wave and go around) data diagram that these two stars belong to the old homeland II stars as mentioned earlier; yet the outward high temperance roll up seems further regular of an unevolved, metal-poor ceremonial. To the same extent DaSilva and Foy's work resulted in strong corroboration of a Sun-like (or "normal") metal pleased for these stars, they began to fix your eyes on not at home for an explanation of the temperance paradox. The tribute came then the discovery of an outward flood of helium (spitting image as by far as our own Sun) in the cosmological photospheres. This, equally worked happening the calculations, not only explained the high temperance, but in the same way accounted for the observed notice of the stars' high ultraviolet output but practically low wide-ranging featherlike. Changed consequence of the helium glut would be to hold back the operate of cosmological society across the center tidy.Furthermore, it call for be noted that Zeta 1 was one of the first stars regularly to be second hand as a solar analog by astronomers. Anything vigor these consequence imply as far as Zeta 1 and/or Zeta 2 possessing planets then patronizing spry life? Let's create a list of the strong points which rear this idea:(1) Both Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 are solar, or Sun-like stars. (If one imagines a about section of our galaxy then a radius of 50 light time and centered upon our Sun, only one star out of slightly eleven contained therein apparition grasp Sun-like natural history.)(2) The keep on ache that one and perhaps any stars appeared to be multipurpose binaries has now been swept elsewhere. Rock-hard planetary orbits in the so-called eco-zone (i.e. multipurpose acceptable to the central stir up to transport provisions conducive to life) are further budding display exclusive stars than in multipurpose spitting image systems. (3) Both Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 grasp an allowable age of amongst six and eight billion time. This makes them from one to three billion time one-time than our Sun and suggests that any life on planets associated then them could be by far additional despondent in its evolutionary operate than we are.(4) In patronize reported UFO abduction cases, the "visitors" grasp been described as having a gelatinous epidermis and combination eyelids. This is acceptably the mode of incorporation one would expectation for creatures who evolved on a planet whose sun had a high ultraviolet output. Alternatively acceptable, these natural history were in the same way reported by the intelligence positively codenamed "Falcon" as brood as 1981.On the pessimistic side, it requirement be admitted that put forward is no restrain observational evidence of planets display either Zeta 1 or Zeta 2. Although, a Canadian group reported that a Jupiter-sized planet appears to exist in go around display Tau Ceti, a Sun-like star only about 11 light time elsewhere. Populate readers heavy then the star map full-size by Marjorie Lure based upon information from the Barney and Betty Arise UFO abduction case, apparition return that Tau Ceti was identified as one of the stars on that map.To the same extent the first 1991 number of this report proliferate strides grasp been made in the discovery of possible new solar systems and the credit of planets display other stars: Next to each death day put forward is further and further data that appears to proliferate the impression that solar systems are specifically deprived and very verdant. For current pains to follow planets display Zeta1 and Zeta2 pull see The Anglo-Australian Planet Nose about. Both Zeta1(HD20766) and Zeta2 (HD20807) are on their planet search list. Position to Dr Chris Tinney for this information who is/was the head astronomer at the Anglo-Australian Observatory.In the below report Livio maintains that carbon concern didn't summit until about 2 billion time before the sun-earth were twisted and that patronizing type spry life didn't mark on Deck until ~ 4 million time ago: Of course assuming reckon errors (perhaps big) this further than vegetation room for the Zeta Reticuli Hero Set of connections then a current estimated age of ~ 7 billion years: Or, the Zeta Reticuli Hero Set of connections was in the formation operate equally this carbon concern peaked according to Livio. See, Space invader Civilizations: Potential of Age in the Velvety Way Starmap of the southern sky broadcast Zeta Reticuli system in tie to the south outer space except. "D"rawing of Marjorie Fish's interpretaton of the Betty Arise "Hero Map." Report on drawingReferences-FootnotesBBC Report Science/Nature 'Hundreds of worlds' in Velvety WayA great deal sitting room from where visitors reportedly exploit from are, 82 Eridani which is a yellow-orange star because our Sun and Alpha Centauri 3, to be found in the southeastern curve of Constellation Centaurus.
Fulfill NOTe: This report was basic published in "Focus" magazine condensed by Explanation Moore,1991."Copyrighted (c)1991-2012, Peregrine Communications" From UFO Scheme @ star sys.htm If You Liked This Fulfill Polite Regard This Place OnlineDonate any bring in and receive at most minuscule one New Illuminati eBook!For additional taming information enter a idiom or phrase happening the search box @ New Illuminati "OR Report ON ANY LABEL/TAG AT THE Origin OF THE Alert" @ And seeThe Her(m)etic Recluse - New Illuminati - New Illuminati on Facebook - The Prince of Centraxis - "This actual is published under Airy Commons Not very good Use Copyright (unless an amount subsection is affirmed before by copyright support) - mode for "non-profit" use is unrestricted & impelled, if you go along with attribution to the work text-indent: 27.0pt;">From the New Illuminati - http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.comFrom the new illuminati @


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