Monday, 22 November 2010

The Air Force Remains Consistent About Roswell After 64 Years

The Air Force Remains Consistent About Roswell After 64 Years

By Dennis Balthaser


I towards the end obtained a uniform of the June 2011, Air Impulsion Monthly, published monthly by the Air Impulsion Likeness in Arlington Virginia. The magazine is alike elsewhere on the Internet at

I was uninformed that such a broadcast existed, still what bent my charm was an article on pages 68-72 written by John T. Correll, who was the editor of the Air Impulsion Monthly for 18 time, and is now a causal editor. The description of his article is USAF and the UFOs. His field sentence states, "The Air Impulsion, to its left behind sorrow, got in on the ground build of the UFO phenomenon." From that first sentence on, the 4-page article is a summarize of what the Air Impulsion has settled in July 1947, in their diverse report of 1994, and their Member Closed report in 1997. As a long for time moot of the 1947 Roswell Bout, am I surprised NO!

Gate stuck-up >>


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