Friday, 13 December 2013

The First Crop Circle Of The 2010 Season Is Here Now

The First Crop Circle Of The 2010 Season Is Here Now
The first crop circle of the 2010 Erode has into... First noticed by Matt "Mocker" Holloway in a area north of Old Sarum, Hampshire/Wiltshire as he was constant land-living from work last evening. He says, "... I noticed the formation at 5:20 pm as I was travelling land-living on the bus. I returned to Old Sarum to conduct one pictures at about 8:45 pm. I went down to the dynasty to ask pass to go inwards the area but I was not entitled to get hold of the Continue overseer."

These are one of the haughty ground images of the formation mutual on Find.TV.Summit wherever Matt badger Holloway is a Giant Moderator.

From what can be seen, it positively looks covet a intelligent one ;)...

Herewith the first crop circle of 2010. It is in oil remove seeds from rape and measures approx: 180 foot diameter. It is a circle containing six arcs intercepted by a little circle bordered by a tubby circle. A lozenge shape dishonesty plane the sixth arc subsequently seven circles lying in an arc under. It dishonesty under the ancient Embankment Battalion Old Sarum in Hampshire. Miserably due to the fact that it dishonesty in Boscombe Martial Air space it is also suitably under the helicopter low flight development zone, the images were diligent from 2000 feet and also the crop is not yet in full grow so the label is rough.

Lucy Pringle

Old Sarum also happens to be on a Ley Pose curt give directions Stonehenge...

Adequate interestingly... This load of inexplicable light was captured on the night of the 2/3rd of May 2010, using nightvision goggles. File East Field - Wiltshire... :)

Namaste Secretive Ones / ...

Associated Articles :

* The Stop Go round Erode of 2009 : A Capture Rig
* Ratu Bagus : Vitality Orbs Angels Devas !
* Stop Circles & Cymatics : Stable Music
* Star Thoughts : A Stop Go round Documentary
* Chasing Sunrise : Stop Circles of 2009 Movie
* Stop Circles : Aliens, Extraterrestrials, Orbs, Balls Of Unmarked...
* Butterfly Stop Go round Empire Synchronicity
* Stop Circles : Crossovers From Marginal Amount


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