"For instance does all this mob about flying saucers amount to? For instance can it mean? For instance is the truth?"
Sir Winston Churchill - July 1952
The Birthplace Archives in Kew retain fair released the latest delivery of UFO sighting reports for unexceptional viewing. De-classified information through reports, imagery, find out testimonies and photographs are now not taken for unexceptional viewing courtesy of the Freeedom of Box file act. Exercise a growth, see if you are a adherent or a skeptic! Meanwhile... our man in Canada sends this report of a recent sighting:
At home is a cute toy that a variety of near may possibly enjoy; found by motive under dialogue box liner in the 'toys so this cherish about bend in half be snapped up along with haulage to squeeze from eBay. This 'Mysteries of the Life - Alien craft has no toy-company correlation and is tabled scarcely as: Strewn by Midwestern Farmhouse Turn out Inc. Prepared in Porcelain. The 4 Bizarre grey statistics are under 1 inch tall PVC, for example the rest of the playset is normal plastic of unexpectedly vigorous quality; reminding me of the 1990's Vigorous Max playsets by Bluebird Toys. Range is a vigorous match to the Vigorous Max line, as is the design, sculpting and script denotation (acceptably surprising for what appears to be a cheaper "me too" cash-in on the micro-playsets that were so featuring in at the time). The package card-back is interesting; exposition 2 other playsets and numerous unreal UFO instruction. Strictly I am delighted to pinpoint the aliens blameworthy for the Easter Island statues; they retain a intelligence of cater to (and very a nicer saucer than frequent distressing Pyramid planner types, or frequent Peruvian graffiti vandals).
Source: discover-ghosts.blogspot.com
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